How do you put pure evil into a book?
I don't know but libtards and zionists manage it year after year.
Pure evil character, world, place, idea? Which is it
I’m serious. But I’m not talking about Hillary’s Biography.
Ask Céline, Bataille, Bernanos, Baudelaire or Krashnazorkai.
I’m talking about all of those except idea.
Think of a reason why people would resort to such evil. (loss of faith, jealousy, massive defeat, material/supernatural possession, fear)
It’s easy to think up the most horrendous things people can do or think but without a cause, relatable or not, it won’t be convincing
Read Maldoror
Ask Hitler.
Let people believe they are reading the Word of God.
I coated my diary with my own blood
So be French
create situations where people do terrible things while convincing themselves that what they do is beneficial to others
>How do you put pure evil into a book?
Write a biography of the Kim family, a more evil dynasty never lived. Not even the Julio-Claudians, the Borgias, Clintons, Bushes or Trumps can come close to matching their fuckery.
read sea of fertility
>Be white
>Write a book
Why does everybody hate North Korea? Could it be that they have no banks? Maybe you're the real evil one here.
>mass murder, tyranny, famines, assassinating folks who escape their shit regime, threatening nuclear war at the drop of a hat, and so on
>Listen dude, this government propaganda I saw on the news says that they are evil, so that means they are.
>everything's a conspiracy
Yes indeed, the internet was a mistake.
Modern news organization cannot even afford to keep foreign correspondents posted in friendly countries, let alone send people into hostile ones that don't want them there. Where do you think the news you get about North Korea comes from, buddy? It's not from reporters, but from government intelligence agencies. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not -- I have no way to know and neither do you. But if you think that sort of information is something you should trust uncritically, then you are naive and a fool.
The Judge from Blood Meridian is pretty evil
You're one of those "Unless I seen it with my own eyes it prolly ain't true" types of folks aren't you?
I know better than to trust sources that I know will lie to me.
>wants to know evil
Obviously you'll have to become French.
Ask what was going through Nick Land's mind when he wrote "The Thirst for Annihilation"
There is no such thing as a book of evil. God's light shines through all text. The miracle of human sentience in a world we are capable of perceiving is his singular miracle. Written words are the climax of this miracle, and no corrupt human action that ensues from the absorption of that miracle negates the original gift of God. Writing is the transmission of the holy human mind. Action is the transmission of the corrupt human will.
Ok out of curiosity who do you trust to relay information to you concerning the state of the world?
I would try to get perspectives from inhabitants of said country that were not political actors and compare that to multiple news sources and come to my own conclusion. I don't care though, so I never do that. I think worrying about "the state of the world" is silly.
Bible got the right idea. It's not just about making people suffer, it's about making them believe they deserve it.
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