Will the universe ever see a race as powerful and intelligent as the Greeks again?
The Greeks
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First you need a people group to homogenize, go back to broadly oppressing women, exalting imperialism, and valuing intellectual pursuits. America does none of these so we fucked.
Socrates was pretty feminist, boyo.
so was homer
who the FUCK is bottom right
Most of those people barely lived in the same geographical location let alone share a coherent set of values or cultural norms required to be called one "type" of people. If anything this group ought to be labelled "the mediterrenians". Heraclitus for example lived in Asia minor, Thales was from Ionia and was culturally Phoenician, Paraminedes was from what is now modern italy. We dont even have a fucking clue what homer was (well, most scholars agree he was from an island off the coast of the Mediterranean)
icy calm
LMAO underrated
>go back to broadly oppressing women, exalting imperialism
>America does none of these
Have you been living under a rock?
The Boston brahmins were better.
Yes America in 2019 does all of these....
Dutch/Flemish or Norwegians
Absolutely low IQ post
>Dutch/Flemish or Norwegians
Jesus wept.
Heraclitus too. I'm pretty sure many philosophers of Ancient Greece we're feminists.
Ascend with the Africans, colonizers.
Damn, didn't anticipate that FP.
More like the Normans.
To a Spartan, every Athenian is a feminist
They're all as human as we are now. We are all products of our time and place. I'm not a hard determinist, but they could not have done any of it without the ancient world before them, their collapse, and their particular geographic placement.
HAHA. I should have said Ionian
To the Spartans *everyone else* is a feminist. w/e
>To a Spartan, every Athenian is a feminist
stop watching 300 and read about them they were cucks of the highest order always worrying about muh helot uprising
I know. Little joke.
civilizations are social constructs, who knew
Spartan women had more rights than probably anyone else in the world at the time. They owned all the property while the men were slaves to the state.
Western civ. I don't think the same applies to African or feminist civilisation. Otherwise, wouldn't they also have to be decolonized?
Timaeus 90e-91a
>According to the probable account, all those creatures generated as men who proved themselves cowardly and spent their lives in wrong-doing were transformed, at their second incarnation, into women.
You both know fucking nothing.
Alright. You are pretty based. I’ll admit that.
Same culture.
a... albert einstein?