Can we separate the man from his work?

Is it possible to separate, for example, Kant's racist believes from his philosophy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up

Of course. Fuck off philosophy tube and stop being a rad-lib and become an actual radical.

There's literally nothing wrong with being racist.

I can't watch Olly because of the unbearable cringe.

No, his body should be exhumed and put on trial for being racist. also this

>ahegao shirt
>deadpool hat
>that fucking onions facial hair

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Shut the fuck up you pepperoni nipples idiot

I'll watch Contra, Cuckphilosophy and even Peter Coffin if I am bored, but Olly and his punchable stupid fucking face I will never watch

Not being rude to him, but is PhilosophyTube trans? Or gay? Or is the feminine stuff merely an aesthetic he likes?

>t.scared hwitey who wont be spared in the race war

He sure wants to fuck Contra's dick like that Hbomberguy or I wouldn't explain them picking on TheGoldenOne so often.
Pathetic second rate drama actor wannabe, transitioning would make him even more of a silly looking goon.

TheGoldenOne and Contra have unbearable sexual tension, though. They're only enemies by their politics, but on a personal level there's something intense there.

He's mimicking a creator with talent so as to posture in a way that earns him the most "virtue"

Contra really only picked on his politic, the other two are jealous little soiiboys

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yeah philosophytube is bottom of the barrel shit

holy shit everything about this photo

He and that fat numbskull of shaun, born unsafferable cunt

Cuck philosophy is legitimately good. The rest are gaudy trash

>that picture
Why do Americans do this

Olly is a pseud. This is now a Kant respect thread
-Descartes/Hume/Plato/Aristotle bow to Kant
-In contact with the noumenal world
-Possesses robot-like abilities
-Controls Köngisberg with an iron but fair fist in accord with the categorical imperative
-Owns huge deposits of flowers for aesthetic studies
-Direct descendant of the Logos
-Will perform the first walk on Mars
-Owns 99% of all pacific islands
-First superintelligence will in all likelihood be following the categorical imperative
-said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Lemuria
-Bibblical scriptures tell of a saint who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented philosophical progress with him
-Own universalized maxims all around te world
-You likely have the Categorical imperative binding inside your chest right now
-He learned fluent binary in under a week
-The first and only hyperphysican
-Nation states entrust their moral systems on his philosophy
-He is about 8 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the kingdom of ends and pereptual peace. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We postulate as a basis for morality that he is not anti-anthropocentric.

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i met an ivy league philosophy phd who was really, really mad that some racist guy from prussia who never even ~traveled~ had such a big impact on philosophy.

Anyone who watches the glitter tranny pseud needs to face the deathsquad

My hatred of this decaying milky bar faggot knows no bounds

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Sam Hyde has gone too far this time.

I kinda struggle with Peirce here. Mainly that he has some unsavory racism and proto fascist sentiment, but at the same time hinted at what I believe to be the only geniunely radical centerist politics ever purposed. Radical inquiry, evolutionary love, his proto ecological ideas about community based progress. I simply disregard the unsavory bits as an unfortunate by product of living in a society. This of course has nothing positively to do with his actual philosophy but are mere practical applications. Peirce in fact favored conventional wisdom to political theory, pointing out that ethical decisions are ultimately informed by sentiment and systematized political theories are an irrelevant distraction come time for choices to be made.
Philosophy tube is a staple in my "skeptic community cringe comp" playlist.


too white

read primary sources
stop watching ternary youtube regurgitations

I respect Cuck, I watch contra sometimes as a guilty pleasure. Ollie is insufferably smug and contributes nothing of value to the conversation.

because Contra was a chad

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This :3

I tried to watch that contrapoint video on Jordan peterson couldn't get through it... keeps calling him daddy... sits in the shower doing creepy close-up shots on his effigy... in between sentences..
Gimmicky in-your-face drag queen crap... this is why people hate trannies....


No people (e.g. me and butterfly and 99% of Yea Forums) hate trannies because they can’t deal with the gender God assigned them. Actually religious belief or no, this is most likely the rationale. I mean seriously, is it THAT hard to be a guy or a woman? You don’t even really have to assume too many roles really, or any role.

In this way I think that’s why society is a bit fucked. Was talking about this with a friend last week. Why worry about assuming a certain role? Women are sometimes masculine and men are sometimes feminine. It doesn’t mean anyone is gay or the other gender. Men have estrogen within them, for example.


What does Coffin say or do that's worth anything? I can't see his work as any less worthless than Philotube.

stop looking for literal whos with opinions to get mad over

I don't know if you're legit doing a character or you're serious.
Anyhow... imagine if trannies acted like normal people but they dressed like women - I wouldn't have a problem with that, could just be another kink... but they act so hypersexual and weird in a way that only a man could act... then demand everyone acknowledge they are real women... it makes me sick to my stomach

Stop giving attention to pseuds, and they will go away

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Olly is probably less insightful than others from meme-left youtube, but his videos are unironically more entertaining and subtle.

No you fucking retard, I’m serious. I have a cute cat face that I put after the ends of my posts.

But I’m a straight male. This proving my point.

Butterfly is another woman who doesn’t like trans people. I don’t even think I’d be okay with what you’re describing.

Do people who read philosophy actually watch this shit on YouTube? What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't let these reddit meme channels be part of your subjective experience.

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Kant was a good man.
All of his opinions are correct. If you disagree, it should be curtains for you.

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Okay, but what exactly is the relation between the noumenal and phenomenal worlds? I'm still a bit hazy on that.


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Right, but wrong picture, friend.

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Jesus fucking Christ just sum up the video for me in 3 sentences or less. I'm not wasting my time on some basedboys buffoonery.

>Is rap just black guys j3rk1ng off?
>Is politics just jewish guys j3rk1ng off?
>Is murder and terrorism just muslim guys j3rk1ng off?
You know, how strange you never see these types of videos
Makes you really cogitate these almondic categories

>hurr durr man from the 14th century is racist against jews and blacks
>the fruits of out call out
>pull his books off the shelves
>cancel his book signing tour

>cancel his book signing tour
Damn, I was looking forward to that one.

welt and umwelt.

yes I do. Mainly as recon to help me plan my ascent to power.

No, Heidegger is fucking based.

yeah sure it's kant's fault poc can't assimilate into fake butstuff liberalism, the ideology that has subjugated the most poc to brutal culture-destroying capitalism and done the most damage to the planet of any catastrophe since the ice age or some meteor strike
not like poc have literal encoded discrimination policies that help them and the backing of the most powerful social institutions in the west and still can't get their shit together, they're probably equal so we can just make appeals to authority when we talk about race now right? haha wow it sure is thrilling speaking truth to power

I used to browse Yea Forums when I was younger, but I never thought I'd live to see the day that kind of shit would be plastered all over people's T-shirts.

Kant was just having a "heated gaming moment" when he said those things

I can't watch this guy or Contra because I'm literally disgusted by them. Not for ideological reasons but by their appearance and props.

Yeah the ahegao shirt is a bit much.

I can guarantee no women appreciate that, and I can guarantee even more no men do :3

Fuck Kant
Fuck white people

Does he make an argument as to why Kant was wrong or does he just wave his hands around and make faces?

I don't know why men still think the goatee is a flattering style. Just pick beard or mustache

There is literally nothing immoral with racism. It may make you do immoral things sometimes but it can also make you do moral things
Weird how people who are inwardly ugly often deliberately make it outwardly apparent

I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Every time I see a thumbnail I feel disgust and anger thinking about the type of person to spend hours dressing up in costumes and making lame jokes just to make a middlebrow (at best) philosophy video on YouTube. Something is broken in these people, at a fundamental level.

The 1/3 of the video is making fun of Kant. The rest of it was "yes, but still valuable, blah and so".

Cuck Philosophy seems to be uniquely tolerable to the right wing temperament where the rest of them aren't.
His content itself is also a hell of a lot better in my opinion, production values notwithstanding, the praise for leftietube is really out of proportion.

The fucking absolute WASTE

Liberal whites somehow managed to assume both ends of disgust spectrum. They're viscerally repulsive because they appear weak, placid, self-loathing, and yet they're also repulsive because their holier-than-thou attitude makes them appear smug, arrogant, and ironically intolerant. They appear almost caricature-like in their incongruent artifice, they're living, breathing humans who managed to tread inside the uncanny valley.

The way contra conducts his channel is actually a pretty good analogy for depression.

How so?

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He has a silicone girlfriend and can kick himself in the nuts.

I mean in the same sense that people describe depression as being trapped inside your own head, the channel itself is a funhouse mirror world where every character is contra and those characters are always in conflict and making expressing their self loathing.

man that hits close to home

I wonder, how smart would Kant look with his lips wrapped around my cock?

Yaboi Nick looking like he's got mad liver failure.


When the literal transsexual is the least basedfaced person in the group.

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I hate hbomber because we have nearly identical faces. He's the reminder of how effiminate and pathetic I look.

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the reason why you and 99% of Yea Forums hate anything is because you're autistic. shhhh--huhhhhh

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Masculinity and femininity are fantasies. You may well put worse things into your body than female hormones, just in smaller doses. A guy in Japan cut off his genitals, cooked them, and people paid money to eat them. What exactly do you intend to accomplish with your hatred?


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>Masculinity and femininity are fantasies
truth is, this poster may very well be serious lmao

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Males and females != masculinity and femininity. Having a dick is not a fantasy. That you ought to act in a certain way that somehow accords with your genitals, is.

>at a conservative American beach and the best I could do is make people uncomfortable with this thong

holy shit lmao


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Having a dick is also a fantasy though. Both 'having' and 'dick' are fantasies.

That's not how it works dipshit.

I dont think Im as high test as contra

Language is a tool. What's your point?


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My point is that you can very well declare everything invalid because it's a fantasy. All mental constructs are fantasies.

Then why are you getting upset about people cutting their dicks off?

It's not me though - I'm just a social construct. It's the sublime imperceptible substance that makes up the being that is upset about people cutting their dicks off.

gnon is angry at bepis choppers

That makes even less sense. Why would an immateriality care about something like that?

i dunno

Alright anons, what's wrong with his argument?

he looks like fucking sam hyde now

He's mostly right and raises some fruitful points. But the people here would rather spend 100 posts making fun of it, because they're too lazy to actually engage with it but still need to convince themselves that he's wrong so they don't have to confront the fact that the virgin aristocrat that they idealize wasn't some superhuman genius

he never explained why it is immoral to be racist

yeah and also racism isn't even real, it's just a fantasy lmao

Human beings are given the dignity that they are able to assert and defend through violence.

Denying certain agents full human status, and doing so while passively benefiting from structures that keep them on top, is an act of immense cowardice.

“Kant” sounds like “Cunt”, but also “Can’t”, depending on pronunciation. This was used as a joke in Subarashiki Hibi (the greatest visual novel of all time) when Ootonashi Ayana says “Kant was a man who can’t”, implying that he wrote because he was sexually impotent (as in he can’t “get it up” (achieve penile erection through sexual stimuli)). This is an important moment in the history of philosophical critique in the medium of visual novels, because it reveals a deeper truth—G*rman philosophers are sexually impotent

>Human beings are given the dignity

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Let's see how he looks without a half a pound of foundation on

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Kind of off topic. But seriously fuck transactivists. They are a cult that preys on vulnerable people. Thank God I was out of school before this shit started, I would have definitely been one of their victims

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What you consider denying full human status could be reconsidered as denying white status, with the common status still shared (but not with animals) as human status. To not do as you describe then becomes clear as an attack on favoritism. A race is between a family and species, yet in those other two things favoritism is essential. How do you reconcile this inconsistency?
To shame others from benefiting in their circumstances to me seems like the jealously of a barbarian, enviously wanting to drag others down to the lowest level, even lower than themselves. Even success at others expense can be valid up to a point, what are you owed?

this soft-bodied jawless wretch needs to be taught a physical lesson in humility

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Olly literally said you shouldn't read Heidegger because he was a nazi.

and he probably thinks he's an intellectual

Absolutely plebian

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Wait Peter Coffin as in the guy who faked having a hot Japanese girl friend and was humiliated for it online all those years ago?

>dont talk to me or my pederastee ever again

Yes, that Peter Coffin. He claims that was an elaborate catfishing attempt, back before it was popular. I don't know which story is funnier: that much effort being put into catfishing a d-list e-celebrity or an e-celeb making up a girlfriend.

Return unto reddit

>being waycis is bad cause you think less of other peepo, all peepo r gud ! >:|
>btw Kant was waycis, therefore his opinions matter less
>I'm logical :)

why should you? shouldn't you take kant's genius as a hint that maybe all of the brain volume statistics, intellectual performance statistics, crime statistics, and history in general aren't merely coincidental and that there are significant differences between races that are reinforced scientifically?

the way many people view genetics today as somehow everyone is equal and natural selection magically doesn't apply only to cognitive abilities in humans even though it applies to everything else in humans and all species of animals is going to be as laughed at in the future as creationists coping with the discovery of natural selection in the first place.

not even a consideration in ethnically segregated society.

How do liberals reconcile the belief in evolution with the belief in equality? Shit never made sense to me. We know for the fact that even a slightest change in habitat, like 1 degree of average temperature, can cause massive changes in the development of species, yet somehow humans who developed all across the globe magically possess the exact same potential?

bait but ill go for it.

YES. our universities are raising a generation of emotionally soft people who can't handle people having beliefs different from them. "freedom of speech" is turning into "freedom of speech approved by the mob" in public discourse. it's hilarious how jordan peterson and others are cashing in on cliffs notes of their PhD work.

Is this just a copypasta now or do you post it in every one of this guy's threads?

Is that Houellebecq in the back?

I can't stand this guy's voice or the way he pronounces things and glances at the camera.

Hi Sargon.

>Deviation between races in statistics can not be explained by class, history of conflict, or immediate environmental pressures.
Let's design and execute a thought experiment. A community of Franks (or any other racial subgroup you think is most superior) is dropped off in a depopulated equivalent of the Americas. Nigerians (or any other subgroup deemed most inferior) are dropped off in a depopulated equivalent of the Old World. Both groups start with only neolithic era knowledge. Let civilization play out. Prove the Franks will come out on top in the Information Age. Realize that the Americas had no animals suitable for domestication, and recognize that defeat was in the cards from the beginning. Prove that any IQ tests drafted or statistics collected by the dominant Nigerians will be biased in ways different than they are in the real world.

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It's *breathes in* MEAANNNNNNN!!!!

Who's that and in which video?

People are products of their time and time is product of its people. Time after Kant definitely became a product of his own in philosophy in general, but one should not forget that there were areas where he was interested more than others and put much more thought into. I am sure race was not that much of an interest for him, therefore he didn't develop any views of his own and accepted what the society offered him; these racist views were a product of his time.
Of course, we can in no way ignore the fact that he was a racist, but we also should not overemphasize this by saying that his philosophy was blatantly racist.

How is being a racist mean, again?

Everyone is equal.

You don't dispute that.

That leads to fascism.

>A product of his time

Biggest meme in human thought. A man of Kant's intellect is almost certainly never a mere product of his time when it comes to his ideas. Kant's ''racism'' was justified by reasons.

Also Kant was a great writer, despite what anyone says.

>Everyone is equal.
Do you honestly believe this? Just walk down a poor neighborhood.

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You know who else was an evil racist? Probably every goddamned scientist all the way until 1970s. Shall we ban physics and engineering? Funny how the numale in the video is perfectly fine passing judgements on the availability of the ideas, as long as they do not affect his capacity to purchase a new iPhone, or live and make shitty jewtube videos in a peaceful nation protected by advanced weaponry and nuclear bombs, which, I'm sure, were all developed by nice, tolerant people.

Everyone is equal.

You don't dispute that.

That leads to fascism.

I considered it for a while and boy I'm glad I did not fall for it.


Most people cannot take care of themselves properly let alone a country.

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Wait really? Can anyone expand on this?

He also once kicked himself in the balls on live tv in front of Steve Harvey. Really:

Why? A cripple and an able man will never be equal, as the dumb and smart man will never be equal. You dont have to punish the unequal though, its more good luck holding back the unequals resentment

How did Peter Coffin get a big tittied girlfriend despite all the embarrassing shit he's done?

Good news is that equality can be attacked technologically - for example through social credit systems like the one in China.

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Wouldn't mind inseminating her.

The irony is that this s o y boy follows the categorical imperative by pointing out all the racist bad stuff naughty people say, proving Kant right in the end lmao.

Its not an understatement that western civilization more or less follows Kant's philosophy as an ideal, it was just Kant who first spelled it out and made it coherent philosophically.

Holy fucking shit. I just read about the things the guy did. Too good to be true. Literally had me in tears.

>do-unto-others-as-you-would-have-done-unto-you is Kant's idea

The most pathetic rhing I read in a while.
The left has no pride whatsoever.


hate hate hate hate hate

there's nothing I hate worse than these disgustingly pretentious youtube faggots and their grossly fucking stupid midwit fans and hangers on


kill them fucking all PLEASE

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Just check out their videos, man. It's quite clearly visible, at least for me. Plus the GoldenOne has been shirtless at gay parades and so on, so he's definitely not entirely "closed off" to the LGBTQ side of life even if him and his followers pretend to be.

/pol/ was right again. You will learn one day.

Categorical imperative has differences. Every action should be a valid law; barring one from such behavior as exclusive homosexuality.

I used to get real upset at people like Kant or Hume for being racist, and denigrating their work by extension. I consider myself completely wrong for having done so now. A person is a person, and their work is their work. These not should not be connected, except where one has clearly infiltrated the other (ex. Tarantino and his foot fetish). But I still feel sad, asking myself "why must people be racist in the first place?". I wish such a behavior were not found in reality at all. But regardless, it no longer affects my perception of someone's professional contributions in their field, nor would I agree with anyone who, like my old self, allowed it.

allowed it to*

>Everyone is equal.
>You don't dispute that.
>That leads to fascism.
You are really dumb and beyond help. Neither facists or leftists believe in that.

I like it when authors are racist. It makes me feel like I know them better, they seem more human. It's relatable and charming, even if I don't agree or view it as outdated. Even if they're racist towards people like me I sorta like it, it's quality banter

What did Kant say that was racist exactly?

My problem with Ollie is that he takes a great deal of time to say something fairly simple and does it while all the while being insufferably smug. He could be far more convincing if he put aside his moral posturing and attempted to reach out to the people he disagrees with. Instead he is more concerned with pandering to his audience. I find Cuck to be far less off putting because he deals more in ideas and less in moral outrage. Even if Ollie's emotions are genuine, and they must be up to an extent, his decision to play them up is a deliberate act to redeem his skin color and gender. Either he is too weak minded to reign in the smugness, or he is aware of what it does and retains it to make himself look better while sabotaging the ostensible goals of his channel.

Contra on the other hand will often deliberately refrain from playing the trans outrage card so she can reach out to those who disagree with her and might find it off putting. She has every right to be angry yet she controls herself so as to better serve her cause. I disagree with her and often find her to be a bit glib. However, I can tolerate Contra because she has a self control and presence of mind that Ollie completely lacks. Also it doesn't help that Ollie has such an insufferable face.


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Thats not a hill I'm willing to die on. So long as they let me raise my kids in peace I'll call them whatever they want.

>The race of the American cannot be educated. It has no motivating force, for it lacks affect and passion. They are not in love, thus they are not afraid. They hardly speak, do not caress each other, care about nothing and are lazy.
I doubt Kant got this opinion by meeting a significant amount of Native Americans in Prussia. Any that he saw in person would be speaking Spanish or English as a Second Language, and would be touring Europe as part of a colonial show-and-tell entourage. This would be hardly conducive to revealing how much love or education they can experience.

If in peace means teaching them traditional understanding of the gender roles, then you'll have no choice but to fight. Or to surrender completely.

>You must fight culture wars at full steam, to the death.
This is why /pol/ is maligned on most of the other boards.

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It's not really a choice, you don't get to opt out and enjoy life undisturbed. Coexistence always was and always will be a meme. Our planet shall never be a host to more than one sentient species without them trying to extinguish each other, just ask neanderthals. Same goes for culture, for religious beliefs, for power balance, economic and political systems etc. These things must engage in constant struggle with opposing forces or be destroyed.

Congratulations on further proving 's point about refraining from the outrage card. You're playing yourself with these posts.

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Shut up Justin

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Late capitalism is fucking disgusting

You silly goose,that made me smirk.

>455k per month
how many of these are billionaire (((philanthropists}}} alts
what a joke lmao

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>Making a strawman out of a character that was already a strawman
>Taking meme estimates at face value
Yeah, I suppose (((they))) who own the economy and have sway over political institutions would want to abolish the system they've subverted. There is absolutely no way (((they))) could just dump a lump sum of money into influencers without it being visible to the public.

>want to abolish the system they've subverted
>tranny youtoober "philosophers"
>abolish the system

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get the fuck out of here

I think it's more that Kant's ethical system played into his prescriptions for minorities and trying to just pretend his race writing didn't exist both insults and lies to students in the present and misrepresents Kant's philosophy for the sake of acceptability.

Cuck philosophy just seems like a Marxist apologetics channel to me. Some of his stuff is good, but then he creates videos where it's obvious he doesn't know what's he's talking, or he's just trying to defend dogma with scholastic tier arguments. Two videos come to mind where he does this: first one being his "Peterstein doesn't understand marxism" where he tries to argue that Marx never wanted absolute equality among society, then the Second where he tries to make Nietzsche some kind of leftist hero by saying Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals advocated the leftist vision of morality instead of the right, which is closer to evolutionary biology. Honestly, if you want to understand these philosophers you have to do the work and actually read their stuff.

Jesus Christ they make that much? fucking hell

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>look at comments for conservative or traditional liberalism video
>intelligent discussion based around the actual ideas in the video

>look at comments for lefty meme ecelebs
>"omg u so sexy haha my gayness is off the radar"

anyone else notice this?

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Now go back to Yea Forums and don't come back.

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It's actually worse than that. Most of his videos are just authenticity gatekeeping and post-structuralist parlor tricks with pop-culture.

Yes actually. Creepy dynamic going on here, where the channels insist on presenting themselves as degenerate to make a point and the audience eggs them on. Some strange cross between a joke gone too far and prostitution. It's intellectual prostitution too, with patrons directing the channels success and direction.

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ALL of academic philosophy is gatekeeping bs. Why do we still care about them? PhilTube is unironically right to call out Kant, but for the wrong reasons.

Cuck Philosophy is the only good lefty YouTuber for me. I don't know what it is about him, maybe it's the lack of cheap butthurt baiting and prancing around like a lala homo man.

t. extreme right-winger

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Pick your battles.

Also, living breathing white children > larping for Western kulture

They're a bunch of fetishists who feel the need to expand and corrupt. Fuck them, they can't off themselves fast enough.

>decreased gender dysphoria is a presentation of gender dysphoria

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And that's bad?

anyone else remember when he used to make 'song parodies' and voice annoying orange characters looool
dont think theres much more u need to know about him after that

imagine doing this as a fully grown adult

>just glad it's [fireflies] a sound and not a smell
literally what in god damn did he mean by this

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If anything in the youtube comments appears intelligent to you, you might be retarded

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

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I wouldn't call it intellectual but i get what you mean.
Watch a contra livestream and it's a bunch of trannies sitting around painting their nails and talking about themselves.
Watch a right wing livestream and it's a group of dudes talking like they're sitting around a table in a war room planning out a military conflict.
How humiliating that we are losing to these clowns.

I'm confused. This thread has been up for over a day now. Are threads about youtubers allowed or not? Does this mean I can make Molyneux threads?

Yea Forums is the most reddit board on this site and this thread is just more proof as if we needed any more

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Mods are tranny-loving, commie redditer faggots.

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Social credit is just a conformity index.

he's the guy who faked having a gf, I think that's all you need to know

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Not saying that I value what he makes a lot, it sometimes interests me and sometimes not, but you're a complete retard.

> OP asks a pretty cliché but legitimate question that could require a mesured response and possibly some debates
> happens to link that question to a youtuber Yea Forums hates
> the thread is instantly hyper-active, way more than most of Yea Forums, but then it's mostly off-topic shit and there's barely a good response to the pretty simple question that was asked at first
This is amazing.

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There's been plenty of responses, maybe read the thread. The general consensus is simple - banning ideas is retarded because it helps no one except the ruling class. If you find the ideas of a guy who lived centuries ago offensive, don't fucking read him. Or try that thing call not being a sensitive faggot.

Racism was the default state in Kant's times
Judging past authors with today's worldview is idiotic and doesn't accomplish anything

Is "equality" a thing in itself? If not then lynch niggers.

Youtube is supposedly the next forward step in dissecting philosophy, and this board presents some tardo delusional basedboy and a fuckin tranny who literally threw good genetics out the fucking window. this world really is nothing but pain

>legitimate question
its a dumb fucking question, if you are right your character doesnt matter. Trying to be overly correct by questioning the character of influential people that lived over 100 years ago is retarded. Good luck reading someone pre 1900 that was pro gay mairage and ammounted to anything.

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This guy is such a sandy-cunted faggot lmao. At least Contra has some fucking balls- wait, maybe that's an insensitive phrase to use. At least Contra has some fucking spirit to her. This cunt is just so lukewarm, though I'll grant that occasionally he does manage to strike upon some humour.

No, everything a person is and creates intertwines holistically. If you try to cherry pick something you are trying to understand it outside the context that lead to the result, making the interpretation inherently incorrect. You can only derive value by digesting whatever it is they did into something else, which just makes them a footnote.

It's just that lit doesn't discuss about conservative philosophy tubers and there's plenty of them out there.

i dont expect to have a conservative or even a totally aligned youtuber to be mentioned in any way, i just feel genuinely disgusted with seeing them, they are unpleasant to watch and even listen to for more than 2 minutes. this philosphy tube guy and contrapoints the same as that

pretty much this

art and truth transcends

shut up

wow, i get the whole fucking libtard game now
just call someone a bad name so you can dismiss them because you're too stupid to understand them
it's like you've never read critique of judgement, OP

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>Youtube is supposedly the next forward step in dissecting philosophy
The thing is, this isn't true. The written word is still the medium in which any serious philosophy is done. Youtube videos are entertainment, "philosophy tubers" are pseud magnets.

What a faggy thing to say. Just so you know, I will never defend your right to say something I don't agree with, because I don't care.

It also happens with the right. People call other people with whose arguments they don't want to engage with "marxists", "communists" and so on, as if that justifies ignoring what they have to say in any way.

>>The race of the American cannot be educated. It has no motivating force, for it lacks affect and passion. They are not in love, thus they are not afraid. They hardly speak, do not caress each other, care about nothing and are lazy.
So present day America?

I like

do people really like those cringy costumes and skits

Yes. The numbers say so.

if anyone is actually interested in this question, charles mills wrote a very good paper on this exact topic. It's called "Kant and Race, Redux" and is a response after his essay called "Kant's Untermenschen".

"The response one normally gets from mainstream Kantians and Kant scholars to raising these questions, when not overtly hostile, is a
kind of puzzlement that you—presumably smart enough to have gotten a Ph.D. from somewhere—cannot see for yourself what the obvious
rejoinder is: “OK, maybe Kant was a racist, which is certainly disappointing and something to be deplored, but that doesn’t affect his theories.” You are suspected of putting forward, or at least implying, a clearly bad argument, such as “Kant was a racist; therefore nothing he said is of philosophical value,” or “Kant was a racist; therefore the Categorical Imperative is false,” or “Kant was a racist; therefore his
vision of a global community of reciprocally respecting persons is an unattractive one,” or something similar.

But the actual argument is, of course, quite different. It is, to begin with, an inquiry into the history of philosophy, centering on whether
the views we are attributing to Kant about the presumptive scope of the Categorical Imperative or the presumptive population of the community entitled to equal planetary respect are indeed the correct ones. If the theoretical partitioning by which his moral and political theory is firewalled off from his racial views may be question-begging, as I and others are arguing, then it means that the orthodox narrative of what Kant thought is profoundly mistaken. And if a revisionist story is called for, then the door is opened for the (surely not self-evidently absurd) hypothetical questions: If Kant’s racial views shaped Kant’s philosophical theories, then what are those theories actually saying—as against what for generations they have been taken to be saying—and how might they need correction and rethinking in a racialized world? Can “Kantianism” be salvaged in the light of its racial underpinnings, and if so, what moves would need to be made to develop a revisionist
Kantianism, one not merely untainted by race but sensitive to the past racist exclusions that Kant’s and other Enlightenment philosophers’ racist theories have justified?"

AUTHENTICITY gatekeeping is bad, yes. It threatens the very notion of authenticity.

>call yourself philosophyfag
>slam our guy kantbot because racism
>apparently have never heard of moral relativism
>see line one
This reply is a sage. I do not mean to bump an eceleb thread.

Not kantbot, though he's patrician too.


this still relies on the axiom "racism is always bad :("

>maybe Kant was a racist, which is certainly disappointing and something to be deplored
Nice strawman, faggot.

Kant must be denounced as the liberal that he is, literally provided the intellectual foundation for the degeneracy with all his natterings about muh progress and muh global community. we should get leftists to denounce as many of their past holy cows as fast as possible, Marx said quite his share of problematic stuff didn't he? anyways modern leftists owe way more to tumblr and livejournal than to any historical philosopher, their ideology is fundamentally managerial and hostile to history or thinking beyond moral denunciations. thats why the right has an advantage, as we are able to use the entire history of thought and the entire rhetorical toolbox

marxists and communists haven't been relevant since 1991 at the very latest. they are always trying to insert themselves into conversations about modern politics ''but what about muh workers science of materialism''. I have read and understand Marxism and the major strains of the marxist tradition, I also understand why it is no longer relevant even for the broad majority of the left, which has realised correctly all politics is identity politics, we don't live in a world of 19th century proles in overalls and top hatted capitalists, we live in a globalised world of mass migration, technology, culture wars, social engineering. so please fuck off, people are ignoring you because you are not worth paying attention to. its that easy. the real ruling class is the managerial elite of progressives and blue haired queers. that is the enemy

Not sure why you posted this, this quote is only going to get meme replies.