What is the comfiest work of literature you have ever read?

What is the comfiest work of literature you have ever read?

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Anything by Saki

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My diary desu cus it revealed that I will find death soon and there's nothing to worry about

oddly enough, solzhenitsyn's the gulag archipelago

The Leopard is very comfy

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Raymond Chandler

Basically any of his works

>I will find death soon and there's nothing to worry about
details pls user im worried ab you

troubles by farrell

Aubrey-Maturin series.

Robinson Crusoe was comfy until it wasn't.

I don't wanna make this thread about me but basically after rereading my diary I've found that it's obvious I'm either going to kill myself or put myself in a position where I will be killed. I've always been anxious and depressed, suicidal since a young child my inability to connect ever with anyone even my parents compounds this.
Some people are just dealt a shitty hand and end up killing themselves. I just happen to be one of those people. I'm likely going to end up homeless this summer which means I can't keep going to college. I have no car or anything so I'm just going to bum around, see how far I can get, and find my end somewhere out there. I don't really need to be here anymore.
Count your blessings and be grateful. It can always get worse and it probably will.

Ender's Game when I was a child. I haven't found any books comfy recently.

>I don't wanna make this thread about me

You very clearly do

Charlotte's Web

This isn't comfy

if you're set on killing yourself just take out a shit ton of loans and get an apartment and keep going to college. you'll die before you have to pay back loans

No I don't. I was asked, which was nice and I responded. You don't have to pay me any attention.

Bridge of Birds

If you end up homeless in/around Southern California, let us know user. There are plenty of us who would buy you a meal if needed.


You made it about you from the start to get asked that question. Get treated for BPD so you stop blaming other people for you bleeding all over the place uninvited.

my condolences fren, I sincerely hope you make it

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Dubliners has been pretty comfy and sad so far

Woe is you...

At times, this. :3

I find logic and propositional mathematics to be particularly comfy. Nothing like being curled up reading Aristotle reductio ad absurdum a necessary syllogism. Or reading Alhacen or some mathematician’s QED.

Finally, someone else on here recommends this. Yes, Bridge of Birds

The sequels are both very good fun too, but that first has something special. You can tell he poured his whole heart into it

Jacobs Room by Virginia Woolf was very comfy

Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun. Comfiest novel I’ve ever read. Makes me want to go off to the woods and build a log cabin.

The Magic Mountain is top-tier comfy



I just read Pan, my first Hamsun and it was comfy as hell. Waiting on Mysteries to arrive in the mail. Very excited

Hamsun is wonderful. He wrote a stunning obituary for Hitler too for all my /pol/ fags out there

Isn't that a children's book?

seconded, also The Hobbit

Great choice. I remember my mom reading that to me as a kid and we'd laugh together when something funny happened. One of my fondest memories as a child.

Judas by Amos Oz

The Waves
my man

Nightside of the Long Sun. Silk frying tomatoes was comfy as hell.

I feel for this hard and hope you find happiness

Hamsun is an abject human. Good writer.

This. Death is one of the comfiest aspects of the life if you have no beliefs or simply don't care about afterlife at all. You can't prove him wrong.

Winnie-the-Pooh and House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne

The White Guard, by Mikhail Boulgakov.

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white fang

Another children’s book, and in Swedish, but for me it’s Ronja the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren.

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Momo’s another good candidate

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weird answer but "E Unibus Pluram" DFW's essay on television and irony in pop culture. it's a well written critique but it also feels like revisiting that fuzzy analogue world where late-nite TV was your closest link to the universe

Agreed. Probably one of the most overlooked books in any genre, a real fuckin masterpiece.

Seconding this as well. Wish it went on forever.

"Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak. Nothing in this world is more comfortable than envisioning potential of restitution of noble order amidst desolation, and hard work of preparation in solitude.

zorba the greek

Book for retards.


Have you read it?

Yes, it's comfy.

It's just that it seems that you have to be somewhat retarded, either socially or mentally or both, to identify with the main character. It's basically a fantasy of finding a normal friend who is not retarded, and how fun it would be to stop playing with train models if you actually knew what you could do in the world.

The Sword in the Stone

Why do I have to "identify with the main character"?

Because the main character is the narrator. It's a literary device to make you identify with them.

I don't read that way. I don't have to identify with anyone to enjoy a story.

Right, but by making the main character the narrator the author shows that he intended it for retards. Hence "book for retards".

What the fuck. You're a weird individual.

At least I exist. You're literally in my imagination lol

I feel like I'm in a thread for retards

My favorite childhood books ^^
Mom used to read Ronja.
Sweet sweet memories.

Seconding this

haha yeah just like a fairy tale

Just sort yourself out you dumb cringy attention whore virgin you act like a 14 yr old teenage girl
Be true about yourself

Tolkien and Barks/Rosa duck comic books

if on a winters night a traveler

very much so, was just coming here to post that.

The Hobbit on the schoolbus home into the countryside, reading by the orange glow of early evening filtering through the windows and the familiar noise of the wheels

dead souls by gogol


yikes what a fuckin N E R D

Dickens is maximum comfy

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please don't use the n word in front of me ever again

most hemingway short stories, especially the ones set in nature

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. I don't know why I found it so comfy given its nature but god damn I liked reading it curled up under my blanket with a tall cup of tea and some quiet doomer music playing in the background1

The Three Day Blow and Big Two Hearted River were very comfy.
Also the fishing trip part of The Sun Also Rises - fish all day in the warm sun, go back to the inn up in the mountains where it’s still cold at night and have vegetable soup and wine and read in bed

nobody wants you in this thread fuck off and kill yourself


wish he completed the one where the guy and his little sister run off into the woods

Tolstoy’s short stories

Out of curiosity, what are you studying?
And well if you really want to finish college without money, maybe think about going to europe. I studied in Germany and I could easily survive with a student job. It's just the US that has a stupid system...

>uncomfy and selfish
Do you want user to live like a BPD girl so you can feel sympathetic? There are entire boards to encourage that if that is what you like to do.


What's the over-under on this being a tranny?

about a 0% chance desu

Norwegian Wood

you can beat this user. you can beat anything. believe in your ability and the ability of any human to overcome any obstacle. it's there if you can summon it from deep within yourself. first you have to believe it can be there.