How does Yea Forums feel about reading in public/in restaurants/on the train...

How does Yea Forums feel about reading in public/in restaurants/on the train? I am 21 years old and I often feel really apprehensive when I go to a restaurant alone but I sometimes bring a book or magazine to read. Is it weird/attention whoring?

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I like to read Phenomenology of Spirit out loud in crowded bars on Friday nights

Ahhhh 21. To be that age again. I've been dining in restaurants alone since 21 (I am 47 years old now). At 21 I was the intelligent, well dressed, mysterious guy that would always go to the same restaurant at 5pm on a Monday and order a scotch and the same meal (steak medium well and mashed potatoes). I would always bring a copy of War and Peace with me. Got to know my waitress, she would always smile at me and we flirted a bit. I asked her out but unbeknownst to me she had a boyfriend. Alas I tried and we became friends anyway. My point is, don't let losers tell you how to live your life. Go into that restaurant wearing a sharp outfit, bring your favorite book and order your favorite meal. Crack open that book on the train! Read while you walk! You only have 1 life and spend almost a third of it sleeping so make the most of it haha!


Nobody cares outside of Yea Forums and if they do, they shouldn't.

on the train?
no - excellent use of time.
a restaurant - really its totally fine and acceptable, but you always end up feeling like the most lonesome no friend loner in the universe, even tho no one fucking cares

People who dine alone are losers. I've been waiting tables at the same restaurant for 11 years and we always shit talk every guy who dines alone in the kitchen.

Restaurant isn't your personal lounging space. You go there to order food, eat it, pay for it, and fuck off. I work in a business restaurant and there's always a couple of faggots who think it's okay to get there during peak hours, order a fucking coffee and jerk off on their notebooks for 3 hours.

Prose aside, this is one of the most based things I've read on this board yet.

You must be a fucking loser if you feel the need to shit talk about people who are comfortable being alone
>imagine being this shallow

Don't waste your time or energy caring about the opinions of strangers. If you're reading books as some kind of performance, stop doing that because that's fucking stupid. If you're reading for reading itself, you can obviously do that anytime or anywhere as long as you're not inconveniencing others. Wondering whether you're coming off as weird makes you come off as weird and can turn your life into a miserable nightmare. Normal people have better things on their mind than to judge others about their habits. Those who make judging others their sport are idiots who are best ignored, because why on earth would you play into their game?

I almost always carry a book in my jacket but depending on whether I expect that people will see me reading I make the conscious effort to not seem more pretentious than absolutely necessary. Small books for one (which usually is already necessitated by the pocket size limitation) I avoid 'famous smart authors', say Nietzsche or Goethe. To generally avoid attention preferably no neon covers. Yes, I am autistic.

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The vast majority of people don't care what others are reading in public. The only book I've purposely not read in public was Mein Kampf, and even then most people wouldn't give a shit.

Just read whenever you feel like it and stop being so insecure. I assure you, only the fact that read makes you somewhat better than the coarse and miserable mass that surrounds you.

OP, and other public readers, I'd like to let you know that I personally very much care about the books you bring out in public. I will surreptitiously, yet noticably peek at you as you read, and will give you very judgemental, dismissive, and slightly concerned looks if you read novels I don't approve of.
good day

I've been a server for years ranging from deplorable bars to upscale Italian joints. When someone dines alone I literally do not care but they generally tend to be nicer people than the average.

>People who dine alone are losers
>I've been waiting tables at the same restaurant for 11 years

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I usually bring my pocket notebook and favorite pen with me when I go out to eat alone. I like to sit in the corner and absorb the frantic human energy of the place and jot down a few words over a drink.

I do a lot of thingd alone by choice, if I'm with the lads we just cook and play instruments for each other and go on adventures

Based grandpa

The only thing wrong about it is the procession of drooling imbeciles who interrupt you.
Time was, before spyscreens, people would bring a little "pocket" paperback around in a sack-like instrument attached to their clothing and open at one end. And read them.

"I've been waiting tables at the same restaurant for 11 years"

exposed yourself faggot. lmao

thank you for this.


Read on bus everyday, ain’t give a frick

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The only way for me to understand thus spoke Zarathustra is to read it out loud. Nobody complains about it on my daily commute. Go for it OP!

Reading in public is only one step above masturbating in public. Don't be disgusting.

Now this is epic


Cringe af, but the worst crime here is ordering a steak medium well.


based posts

>People who dine alone are losers.
>I've been waiting tables at the same restaurant for 11 years
lamoing IRL @ ur lyfe