Is there a reason to learn Afrikaans instead of Dutch? Outside of the former being easier

Is there a reason to learn Afrikaans instead of Dutch? Outside of the former being easier.

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You can pick up qt3.14 afri/k/aans girls

Are you black?

The Dutch are actually going extinct faster than the Afrikaaners, so you'll get more use out of it. Oriana will still be Boer long after the Netherlands has been fully colonized by 60 IQ shitbloods from Asia Minor.

is coetzee readable?

Is there a reason to learn Dutch instead of German? Outside of the former being easier.


>Is there a reason to learn Afrikaans...?
No, no there is not. Why would you learn a language that will literally bring you no practical use unless you'd want to move to south Africa.

If you learned Dutch you could learn Afrikaans really quickly anyway.

Not really. Over 90% of the Dutch population speaks English at a level near fluency, and most of the educated class speaks German as well. Personally, I love Dutch, it's a fun language to learn, but depending on where you live and to whom you speak people are either thrilled to help you practice or will refuse to speak it with you at all. German, on the other hand, opens lots of doors in various professions within STEM fields, and is great for lovers of literature and philosophy: the German literary tradition is one of the best, after the Anglo-Americans and the Russians, and German philosophers are tied for superiority with the French. Also, (again depending on where you live in Germany,) people speaking English is. not. a. given. If you live in the former DDR (sans East Berlin,) good fucking luck finding people who can read at above a fifth-grade level, much less speak a foreign language. If you live in Berlin, English is trendy and people will want to speak it with you just to show how cool they are. If you live in Munich, people are stuck-up and will want to show off their English to show how well-educated they are.

TL;DR - The two languages share a ton of similarities, Dutch is much easier and is closer to English, but has no practical use outside of Belgium and the Netherlands (and you will rarely need it in the Netherlands, even if you do live there.) German opens doors and is a much more practical language, especially if you intend on living there someday (which I highly recommend.) My somewhat harsh words for Berliners and Münchners aside, those two cities (and Munich especially) are some of the world’s best. (Just whatever you do, don’t move to Leipzig, and avoid Dresden like the fucking plague.)

For the race war

Fuck off were full. Netherlands has the fastest growing Nationalist party in Europe.

Orania is small town. It's not a place that could muster up the for e needed to defend itself if the government really wanted to wipe it off the map. It literally only exists so that the government can claim to treat everyone equally when they obviously don't.

kanker fvder

Als je niet fvd stemt ben je een globalistische landverader verdienend van den dood.

lol Orania is one town with a population of 892 people.

i didnt need to know afrikans to do that

>verdienend van den dood
nog ff bijstuderen, larper


No, it's like learning Ebonics instead of English. No useful purpose whatsoever.

Globohomo kartel

lees eens wat vaderlandse literatuur, 't zou je goed doen

That's such a stupid comparison.

As an actual South African, I love Afrikaans. However, don't know how relevant it is for an international person.

Blacks are literally taking land from white farmers unlawfully, for all that I care all of Africa can sink into the ocean.
Learn Dutch instead, it's like German but less retarded.

>Fuck off were full. Netherlands has the fastest growing Nationalist party in Europe
Has the FvD secured its place over the PVV ? I think he'll mess up somehow even though I love the guy and his right hand man (Hiddema is from my town and my uncle actually hired him as a lawyer a couple of times).
I usually voted PVV since FvD isn't right wing enough for me personally but as the PVV is in decline it is tempting to switch.
If something like DENK takes control over this country I'll starts the goddamn crusades myself.

Hi, Afrikaner here.

Everyone interested in Dutch should learn Afrikaans instead because it sounds less gay than Dutch. If you learn Dutch you'll sound gay. Don't be gay. Be manly. Have a braai, not some weed. Have a shotgun, not clogs.

Turn your life around. Embrace the proud heritage of getting called racist for merely existing by the majority while you're a minority.

At least you won't sound gay like the Dutch.

>my uncle actually hired him as a lawyer a couple of times
You're a very clear demonstration of atavism being a thing.

Je bent zo ongelovelijk dom dat je het stelsel waarin wij leven niet begrijpt, er bestaan hier in Nederland exclusief coalitieregeringen.

like Willem Frederik Hermans, I as a dutchie adore and like Afrikaans

Neger ga aub mijn land uit en ga terug naar het hol waar je uit bent gekropen.