What was going through his mind, Yea Forums?

What was going through his mind, Yea Forums?
Also Moldbug general.

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perhaps he is looking at an immense vista covered with human feces

What is the context of this picture? what a fucking dork.

Has Moldbug written anything at all since 2014? He had the comfiest blog ever

>maybe if I look badass the black people will stop intimidating me

Post the fallout edit
Also , this
my NRx, accelerationist binge was maybe the comfiest time of my life. Sadly it ended when I tried reading their books and found out it was pure garbo. Their blogs still get my dick hard though. Jacobite is hit or miss with cool shit, but these fuckers still haven't published their magazine or replied to my email. Paid for Nick Lands Brazzer subscription.
Favourite acc blog post: zerohplovecraft.wordpress.com/2018/05/11/the-gig-economy-2/
Too try hard at the end, but p. believable in the beginning, especially with the shitty wordpress format.

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Yea Forums is truly a fine board

>paid for Land's Brazzer subscription

mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr les anglos!!!!! la dégaine!!!!!!!!!

>excuse me analytical philosophy is better than co----
loooool regarde toi sac à patate! le style dans les négatifs, c'est du négationisme à ce niveau là! autiste! autiste! autiste! ahahahahahah

>hoho je parle francais sur un site anglais pcq je suis un grenouille pleind STYLE MEC
gas yourself and give your daughters to ahmed


These have basically nothing in common, they only get lumped together because they both hate modern late capitalism and modern woke culture. Accelerationists want to hasten the total collapse of the modern world so that Marx's dream will be realized, and neoreactionaries want to break the back of democracy and capitalism and replace it with a newly formed hierarchical system. The former are all commies while many of the latter are throne-and-altar monarchists, you can't just throw them into a single group.

et ouai mec je flingue toute l'anglosphère avec mon style, clairement. je suis à la fois italien et français, à la fois arrière petit fils d'un grand tailleur italien, et d'une couturière des débuts de chanel de l'autre coté. déso mek y'a pas de rivalité

le débat foucault/chomsky? tu noteras qu'ils ont envoyé le seul anglo capable d'enfiler un costume sans avoir l'air d'un clown. c'est fait exprès, c'est ça la diplomatie MEK. ils savaient qu'un autre se serait prit les pieds dans son pates d'eph de l'époque meq. Passe le salam à Ahmed, mecque.

unironically based
fuck frogs

That's a tough choice.....I guess my question is: what's the criteria for this new monarchism? If I don't fit the bill, I'll take collapse=Marxism for one, please.

au passage c'est une board française, obviously for deux reasons:
la first one c'est qu'on a le monopole de la littérature
la second one c'est que il Yea Forums means he reads, right? you're done for angloïd

those cuffs on his jacket are god awful he needs to fold them

c'est un juif dabord chomskom et le style n'a rien a faire avec l'ETAT ABSOLU de l'europe

>maybe if i spam racial antagonism enough it will increase class consciousness


Well, obviously, if you want a certain amount of legitimacy to your new Age of Kings, the kings have to legally and rightfully derive their authority from some higher source. Fortunately, God is real, and also fortunately, the Pope is still around, as are the Patriarchs of the Eastern Church. So we have the means to crown new kings and emperors and grant them legitimacy. It doesn't matter that most of the great houses of the world are extinct; we can create new great houses.

I keep wishing that Putin would allow Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to crown him Emperor of All the Russians. I know it will never happen, but I wish it would. He already has de facto absolute power, it should be de jure as well.

Attached: gettyimages-962601986-612x612.jpg (612x408, 32K)

>Paid for Nick Lands Brazzer subscription.
...is this 3rd degree cuckoldry?

Jesus look at the fit on that jacket! Look, if you're going to commit to a leather jacket (and it is a commitment) you have to go all in, you have to do it right. The fit has to be spot on if you aren't really fat. Since he's merely shlubby he would have to do better.
The jacket is way too big for him. It's sagging off his shoulders, loose around the chest while tight around his gut. Then there's the real problem: the arms.
Is this guy married? If he is he's married to a tranny. No woman would let their man walk out with sleeves that fit that obtusely. Look at his left arm dangling (awkwardly.) See how far the jacket dangles past his wrist. It overreaches so far that it looks like he has to unbutton or unzip the sleeves just so he can use his hands. It's as if he's a child wearing his dad's jacket.
Don't get me started on the faux-distress on the sleeves. No.
No, no, no.
And a shitty white button down underneath?
Nah, dude. No!
The jeans are ok, but he manages to fuck up again with that belt! Look at the whole of the pic, even though it's color corrected he's going: white shirt, black/blueish/silver jacket, blue jeans. Ok. But the belt is BROWN with a copper-colored buckle. Why, dude? No!
Don't get me started on the glasses and the hairstyle.

He's looking at India?

Cool and Jew doesn't go together.

Maybe he's just messing around. Don't be so autistic.

he's watching homeless people get turned into biofuel