Is reading a waste of time?

Is reading a waste of time?

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Everything is a waste of time

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But I’ll say this, we all die, and we take nothing tangible to the grave, therefore everything may perhaps be meaningless, life is perhaps one huge meaningless delayed series of unimportant events until we die, every interaction, work, hobby et cetera, now, leave OP

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Meaningless from the perspective of the universe. From the perspective of the self, your life has absolute meaning while the universe only has meaning insofar as it affects you.

nothing is a waste of time if you enjoy it

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Fiction definitely is

Brilliantly put

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Why so, what if individual A thought fiction was enjoyable to read, provided insightful information, and aided to teach which I think that’s what all exceptional fiction books have in common.

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You don't need faggy stories to enjoy yourself. Get laid or get friends. Get married or make fun. Go on vacation. All more fun. There's so much to read about in the world, why waste it reading on something made up

I agree you needeth not read fiction, each to his own, it’s good to have a balance, of course non fiction is very important, of course, someone weak minded and insecure will read what you said and drop his fiction book and that is fine, it’s good to speak up anyway, and if anyone does that he shouldn’t be reading in the first place, each to his own, just do what you want

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I think it is a waste of time if it’s all you do. The fulfillment and happiness that can be netted by doing active and exciting things is tremendous in comparison to books. Simply because it is that much more “human” of an activity. In those moments you are vulnerable, your experiences are as real and visceral as they can ever get. And thus your emotional responses are just as strong as a result.

However, everybody needs down time. We can’t always be making experiences and hanging around people. And in those times, its pretty easy to presume that reading is “better” than watching TV, playing video games, etc.

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spending dozens of hours reading your so-called "favorite" authors without acknowledging or even realizing that you're not actually reading them because you only read translated versions of their works is a massive waste of time.

Yes in the sense that is mostly non productive in strictly economic terms

bretty gud

i had many days when i read for 8-10 hours. Unironically the best days of my life. I felt so comfy and relaxed it was almost surreal.

just be urself dude

I used to spend my time playing video games, nothing will feel like a bigger waste of time than those years.

reading for fun is not a waste of time, fun is always a good use of time

reading as some sort of "utility" is an absolute waste of time unless you're reading a manual or a self help book on how to not be a utilitycuck

historically and even modernly being literate is something to be grateful for. do with it whatever you want.

Yes, but it wouldn't be worth doing otherwise.

Of course not. Being a woman, that's a waste of time.

Reading his books certainly is

Also meaningless from any rational thinking person's perspective.

Reading fiction and any other form of entertainment that emphasizes the lower emotions do nothing but inhibit the intellectual and personal potential of man.

yes, which is why I don't read