Why does this man inspire such disgust in me? I haven’t read any of his work, and all I really know is thesis/antithesis/synthesis and his view of the society over the individual, but I am simply repulsed by this man and everything about him. Kant seems like a based guy who just couldn’t get his groundbreaking ideas across as well as others could, Hegel just seems like a cunt. There are plenty of Hegelians who seem decent enough, I just really hate Hegel
Why does this man inspire such disgust in me? I haven’t read any of his work...
>I hate Hegel
>I haven't read Hegel
To be fair that's everybody who claims to hate specific philosophers
you're in for it now laddie
brace yourself chapbloke
>society over the individual
>"simply repulsed" by the above, yet
>Kant seems like a based guy who just couldn’t get his groundbreaking ideas across as well as others could
>thesis/antithesis/synthesis and his view of the society over the individual
Shut the fuck up. I’m not even defending Hegel and I don’t care about him but you answered your own question you insufferable retard. You hate him because you haven’t read him, and I’m not promising you’ll auddenly like him if you read him, but the fact that you have the audacity and cluelessness to have this kind of train of thought is fucking embarrassing for anyone that has ever used language or had a thought.
>Why does this man inspire such disgust in me? I haven’t read any of his work,
quintessentially Yea Forums post
Is Hegel worth reading? I hear from some that its technical word salad, and others that its really important.
I like Plato, Aristotle, and foundations of math & logic. Red pill me on Hegel.
>all I really know is thesis/antithesis/synthesis
Nothing is worth reading
I say read Frederick C. Beiser titled German Idealism first. Then see if you're still interested in Hegel. It's time consuming af but nonetheless very rewarding.
Honest answer. I read the phenomenology and thought most of it was complicated in an unnecessary way such that Hegel seemed to be convoluting and obfuscating with rhetoric things he didn't have much comprehension of. Some passages were quite interesting don't get me wrong. Then i just happened to be finishing of a Schopenhaur essay, on the freedom of the will, and he absolutely excoriates Hegel in it. I think his "system" largely amounts to a mystification of th banal, the teleology of the superficial, the universalisation of the mundane and the spritualisation of the status quo. I'll read more but i sense he was seriously just a romantic charlatan who new that he could use sophistry be influential. He does have actually deeply interesting ideas. Hes just made them harder to understand deliberately to create this character for himself as obscure and deep. Its fair to say that i could use Hegels notions and schemas to express my own worldview, that there are similarities etc. This arises because his ideas are so general and so encompassing and yet do manage to relate back to a particularity of sorts. Trying to be as honest as possible, there was something dissatisfying about read in and i think it comes from the sense that the text was just a tool to win people over with a sense of profundity. I thought less than half the sections really seemed to add anything to his points and most that did could have been expressed in ten or twenty pages instead of fifty or sixty. What would lit say i should read next by Hegel and when?
>reading psychoanalysis for fun
not hegel you moron
>Hegelians on suicide watch en masse when someone mentions Aufhebung
The rational is real, and the real is rational, right friends :^)
Marx should never called have himself an hegelian. The damage to hegel is irreversible.
Hegel. Mysticism shrouded in rationalist phraseology. No thanks.
I've read plato, kierkegaard, lacan, jung, the most famous analytics, hume and schopenhauer and i dont like them
that's kant
The dialectical triad was first used by Fichte. You utter moron.
The grace of intelligence comes in thought, not print, but I swear I can... feel your mind, user...
>Red pill me on
why do zoomers think "Red pill me" means "Describe something to me"
Yeah red pill is mindrape, like "traumatically burn away my illusions and engage me with reality for the sake of the truth" not "explain Hegel concisely."
is redpilling an alt-right rape fantasy?
that's a blackpill, redpill is literally teach me the talking points of this position I want to adopt
The red pill is actually HRT
Ask the creators
More like 'tell me thoughts of his which are relevant in critiquing contemporary society'.
>all I know is Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis
Let me guess, you sided with Caesar...
Hi n1x, how is it going?
>dude everyone is partially right about things
what a hack
thesis/antithesis/synthesis isn't even Hegel, he argued against it specifically for being too much of a simplification.
Trannies are the recent victims of the long line of Hegel's thought and it is not even his fault.