Lit memes thread

lit memes thread

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what does it say, I can't read Thai

It’s in French

damn, should have been able to tell with all the aî's and é's

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wrong file how do i delete post

click the box next to Anonymous, click box File Only in bottom right, click Delete next to it

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Yea it’s ok we all make mistakes

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Wittgenstein would be proud

holy fuck

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Is this what happened to Nee-chan?

Another failed attempt by this ghostwritten imaginary author to guide humanity. It contains
1) Low intellect and erroneous scientific content: according to this book, the earth is flat, not spherical, and the mountains are counterweights, the sky is "lifted without pillars", congealed blood is an embryonic stage, semen is stored between the spine and ribcage, etc..
2) Outlandish claims made with no regard to reason, and no supporting evidence
3) Blatant plagiarism from [pre-Islamic] poetry
4) Merciless and incites a spirit of violence in dealing with others
5) Text is mercurial and can be interpreted any which way you want
6) Mohammad or "Allah" is playing a strange game in this book in verses related to his family, companions and on who should wield political power
7) Abrogation of the verses has turned this "divine revelation" into a teenager's diary
8) Author makes basic arithmetic mistakes on the subject of inheritance
9) Contains linguistic and rhetorical shortcomings

The best I could do.. Sorry for the bad english


Based and redpilled

Attached: unaboomer.png (120x150, 24K)

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holy fuck the autism

Attached: buddhism.jpg (788x720, 728K)

>born white vs born black
that user doesn't even realize the reason why his family hates him, holy shit

>that I always keep in my bag
fake and gay


thanks, Thai/French friend :)

not all of them are memes retard
i'd say that 10% of them could be considered memes

haha if I was being sarcastic I would have been making that exact point
too bad sarcasm is always just "DURRRR I was only pretending to be retarded" and doesn't actually exist

>baby shaken/crushed by uncle

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Hmm. Explanation...

allright, 25%, but that doesnt change a thing

what the fuck is this post

how can i a screencap this bad survive since 2014?

how do you think

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You need to go back.

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I've seen this image about a hundred times and I still don't understand it. how is NRX just white nationalist bronies? how are there bronies that don't reference memes irl? I'm so confused


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>distinguishing basedboys and bugmen

Attached: bas penguin classic.jpg (780x1193, 208K)

According to that picture all soi boys are bugmen, retard

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but according to it, not all bugmen are basedboys, which really doesn't make sense

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hnnnnggg. This is better then any maymays.

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Nihilist gamers are not necessarily soi boys but they are, in my view, quite obviously bug men. All onions boys are bugmen but not all bugmen are onions boys. For insects of modernity take on all kinds of different forms

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>actually having nuanced distinctions between kinds of nu-males
nearly as cringe as vaporwave subgenres


That's not even a rule anymore retard

you responded to the last post twice retard


Attached: hmm.jpg (250x174, 5K)

t.clinical psychologist

After reading some theological works, I actually find this pretty funny.

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If only he talked about this in his meme video.

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People who reply to all posts like this should be gassed even before the kikes

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based dumper

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then take this one for the road

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I'm gonna call it, lads. These captchas are brutal

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always makes me laugh

Kek. Some things never change.

>makes the biggest joke paper ever
>manages to get a 61
That’s a D at my college. How did he pull this off?

>the unnecessary low-res dr dre image
I fucking lost it reading this

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>super enlightened

Attached: important.png (506x465, 445K)

I know there are more of these. Can someone post them?

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Hey I was OP of that thread, I'm pretty much famous

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too obvious. should have put up nietzsche, camus, orwell etc. instead


most people don't hate their family members over scientific facts such as brain volume statistics

>whihte eyes only
why are bigots such bad spellers

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Rhizomes are parts on plants where nitrogen fixation happens, I think.

Oh you

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Yea Forums is better in that image

They're the root's microscopic biome

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Metaphysically-motivated anti-natalists btfo

this isn't very good

Why do all the cool things happen after I leave threads?

Fucking lost.

Always a pleasure to have /sci/ drop by


This made me lol

hot damn

This, everything /fit/ or /fitlit/ likes is midwit trash

why does he have a piece of bread for a necktie

/fit/ is less pretentious, you mean

was it autism?

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this is so fake

>We FORCED a BOT to watch X, then FORCED it to write Y!

These piss me off. You plugged a corpus into Botnik and then used the predictive text keyboard to make something deliberately humorous.

Attached: ultimate trolley problem.png (680x714, 594K)

thanks for your servass

dear god


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holy shit

>this is the type of person who calls you a pleb

top kek

i made that thread faggot stop trying to take the one semi contribution i've made to this board

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resonates with me on a deeper level than I'd like to admit

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The Samizdat has been found sir.

>(not shocking)

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the worst part is that I'm on his side here, it's über autistic but he's actually right


It's true though.

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Hahahahaha I hope this isn’t real

Heard throughout our super polity
Legends of girls’ carnal frivolity
Spreading themselves everywhere like they’re mops
Seekers of pussy butchery for their vaginal chops
Capitalism’s feminism gets blame’s full brunt
Yet ladies stymie their bedding with nary a grunt
“Experimentation! Self love!” such girls will claim
Requesting innocence from any and all blame
Then to her next pumping of priapistic cream
All drilling and adoration, the girls life’s a dream
No matter the cervical or fallopian mire
She’ll permit only strange cocks, “Please, its dire!”
The gorings torque her flower to the maw of snapper
So most men instead choose her less beefed braaper
Her eggs grew forelorn of all worldly hope
Seeking amity with herpetic warps to cope
And how did her flower’s beef jut out and sprout
Spooking from her cunninliguists the shrillest shout
“Eat my beef, faggot, and taste my Nuva-ring”
Say the harlots that hasten to a pussy eating fling
But stay secret about their innard’s pooling spunk
Self righteously dripping on that pussy-licking punk
Along with remnants tucked into her labial wrinkles
Those bestial semenal Africanized sprinkles
Terraforming her cunt until fertility was murky
Ghostly howls sneak from her vajay-jay-jerky
Sisters in sluttiness teach esoteric stretches
While milky Khazars whisper useful kvetches
Training their beef to endure all phallic wrought
Kegeling and queefing until pussy guts are taut
Training for the future devoid of coital blunder
Modern women embody warm holed plunder
And so it has been since soiled romps in the bog
To those acrobatic interracial sex circuses of Prague
We thank our progenitor, dirtiest Gaia
And await the phallic forests of Yonia

You like Deathgrips user?, I quite enjoy them too

Do I have some bad news for you

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I want this, but ironically

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Why are Yea Forums memes always so long? If I wanted to read that much I'd pick up a book. Get to the damn point.

I haven't heard of them but I'm listening to them now, thanks user.

Haha, that's absolutely terrible and definitely added to my shopping list.


Mein Kampf - Das Kapital
Is this the power of true centrism?

Attached: dBztvLh.png (2324x1024, 342K)

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Now THIS is based

he did

Artemis Fowl is based

Obviously the right side. Because of the orphans. Damn the orphans.

Yea Forums is a leftist board

I thought the orphans survive no matter what? the bomber is going to be killed no matter which operator survived

Oh hmm, you are correct. in my defense, I'm holding a twitchy infant crushing a butterfly. The only solution is multitrack drifting.

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Yeah that's fake

The sun was in his eyes and Mersault did nothing wrong, except allowing the world to dictate his actions for him and attempting to deny the existence his own will
He still didn't deserve a fucking death sentence

I kekked

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Why is Deleuze getting shilled so hard?

Noice, apparently he also did Dostojewski comics

i'm new to lit, who are these guys supposed to be?

Left is leave and right is never come back.

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You're being mean

thanks fren

>if you were at the theatre next to me I would get up and leave faggot
based dad

Lmao absolutely based

>Misunderstanding the categorical imperative this hard

just a little section

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>those last two lines
made my morning

Ok retard lol.

>someone actually saved and reposted my posts
cheers mate, didn't realize I was famous

Attached: s90kx.jpg (604x402, 36K)

Rolling, hopefully for a fairly easy one

bring me some cheer, faggot

Three rhyming couplets.

A tattered miracle of stone
Passed-by by those who called it home

The steeple stooping, roof decayed
Its hearth no more with flowers laid

A stranger stops, and stares with awe
At that great place that breathes no more

keep on rollan

ok kinkshamer lol

keep on rollin



>Selected Tweets

Attached: download.jpg (600x603, 46K)

>Yea Forums is a leftist board

Attached: 1532994714810.jpg (499x496, 58K)

>Yea Forums is a right board

Attached: 1555192424272.png (281x272, 130K)

he's not wrong ;)

Stack threads tell a different story.

Haha based and memepilled

>one fun sentence
The colored dots on the screen in front of him and the lights in their fixtures all blinked much too quickly for him to notice any difference between them and that of the sun.
"better stay in, lot cooler in here" he thought, lightly.

Two sentences I guess.

It was descriptive, not prescriptive. Yea Forums is the left most of politically aware boards on 4viaduct. (Though I haven't been on every board, maybe I missed one. )

>anal stage

Attached: bdc.png (226x274, 82K)







I heard Notre Dame is burning JUST as I saw it too. Nice.

> kill half the jews and half the bourgeoisie
So kill all the Jews?

>its the board where at least a few of the political posters don't want to gas the jews
wow what a feat. You know its just two guys making those deleuze threads right? Hell it might just be one.

I bet this is what people who think that graduate level mathematics is just very long multiplications think graduate level philosophy is like

Fuck of, you're clearly so new you can't remember /fitlit/. Compared to every other board including /lgbt/, Yea Forums is the most left wing (and by far the most anti-/pol/, because all the Conservatives hate them too).

Does anyone have the one with Doesto and Tolstoy?


Npc is Daniel Dennett, the other guy is David Chalmers.


this wins

>Yea Forums is a leftist board


Yea Forums is a board

Attached: 1552019014466.jpg (1024x1024, 87K)

Yea Forums is rightful Nazbol clay

SOCRATES: Those, Protarchus, are the common and acknowledged paradoxes about the one and many, which I may say that everybody has by this time agreed to dismiss as childish and obvious and detrimental to the true course of thought

If by that you mean social nationalist.

Attached: Greater_Syria_with_Syrian_Social_Nationalist_Party_Flag.svg.png (1024x682, 48K)


jesus christ why is this so accurate
these were my high school obsessions in a nutshell

>duplicate file exists
Based and redpilled
he didnt mentioned that one exactly due to +18ish content

bread roll

My haiku on writing

your words suck big dick
But mine are fucking awesome
you should kill yourself

I'm not sure. He's definitely "in" right now, and not just on Yea Forums. The Yea Forums connection may be largely Deleuze's influence on Nick Land and right wing accelerationism.

But what's interesting is there WAS a concerted and observable period of meme war in which Deleuze was being spammed often without any pretence toward context all over the board. It became funny, and I recall one night, recognizing the meme in play I took part in posting useless trash threads of Deleuze although I hadn't actually at the time read him, just to help fill up the catalog with his pictures. And shortly after that I did out of curiosity pick him up and read him, and found more and more of Yea Forums had seemingly done the same. In a way I took part in the very act of social programming that went to work on me.

Deleuze has arrived, or we have summoned him.

Damn boi! The Lich has come from the future past!

It's worrying that a somewhat obvious shilling campaign could get even a fraction of Yea Forums to check out a particular author. A less than scrupulous group could try and cultivate the board's regulars into a particular world view by periodically rotating what author is represented in memes.

Why does it matter if your worldviews are already malleable? Your worldview has no effect on the world.

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Attached: Kant.jpg (1289x424, 65K)

Fucking beautiful

Attached: Comfy_guy.jpg (600x579, 42K)

God I hate adult female feet


Made me laugh.

Not funny.

Should be named "The society"

lmao this one is great



why dont you have a seat, user

i tried

Attached: plato.png (592x960, 775K)

This but not with the irony that would be implied by one who disregards Nazbol in her struggle against the atlanians but with the irony that is implicit in Nazbol herself due to her genesis in the aftermath of the Liberal betrayal of Eurasian society after the willing and foolish dissolution of the USSR.

Attached: The 4th political theory Dugin.png (500x775, 835K)

Honestly that kind of ruins the joke

I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I see it's a comedy

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>Your worldview has no effect on the world.
Imagine believing that anons don't discuss things with normalfags, and that they are an island to themselves. Wholly indoctrinating an audience is a solid way of reinforcing coercion elsewhere.



It's been five years since I first saw this image, I still shiver whenever I see the hair stuck to the fleshlight.

I was in that fucking thread. Good times.

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I can tell this is worthless from the incorrectly used meme arrows

wow, good job, pretty soon you'll be able to tell that it's a joke from the incorrectly used meme arrows

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big kek

I wish to fuck kids, do not tread upon what I find sexually appealing.

Love these

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>pedo is a kink
nope, it's a mental illness, try again

100% fake


>published 1989-1990

Vorefags are so prone to this kind of 'dun kinkshame me' outbursts, it's why they are outcasts amidst outcasts, they can't handle anything, they have to hide and escape into the safest place they can find.

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is anyone going to stream the peterson zizek debate?

Other way around. It’s because people are really really repulsed by it that they get so defensive.


This is the one that always gets me lately, somehow

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>And that mystery knoweth why the matter of the world hath arisen and why it [the world] will be utterly destroyed.

this is amazing

>i'm not stupid



I can't decide if this is true or not.

I like the ulYsES cover but they tried doing the same with the covers for his other books and clearly couldn't reproduce the magic, and that annoyed me.

Attached: books.jpg (931x953, 283K)

this is the epitome of cringe. I can't even begin to imagine the embarrassment everyone there experienced


This is actually great wtf