Reading 100 books in a year

Is this a meme or the path to true enlightenment?

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if each book is 200 pages it's possible

Depends on the books?
Also you need to be able to think about and process them. I'd say better go for 10 really good ones in depth than skimming through 100

I forgot to say, whenever I've heard this, it has been from people who read business books and that crap

yes, you should consume your enthusiasms quickly

it's just a personal goal. i'm going for 60.

Depends on what you read, and what you get from them.

pewdiepie reads like 800/year

Most people read for entertainment, not exegesis.


he's a total manchild though

>Understanding 10 books in a year

you're not?

It's hard to say if it'll lead to enlightenment. We only research to uncover something, but it only opens up more doors to questioning. For some research is helpful, but for others it'll cause neurosis. What matters is if you're reading to heal yourself or reading to hurt yourself. A lot of anons read to hurt, and question why life's getting darker.

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Anyone else read a book several books several time before moving on?

Please don't post pictures of my waifu on this board. Thank you.

How does he read 72 books a year and still talk like a fucking retard?

I'm not referring to his accent, I mean he's incredibly inarticulate for someone who reads over a book a week on average.

From my experience, I have come to the conclusion that books don't cure retardation

Pewdiepie is proof that reading and understanding are two different things.
*Insert quote from British philosopher dude whose name I can't remember atm about how he has only read like 10 books but he understands them thoroughly.*

yes, this. me too.

because reading books doesn't make you smart
does he talk like a retard though, when he's not trying to be funny i mean?

Non multa, sed multum.

he is pretty grown up beside his internet persona, he is leading a company and is pretty responsible.

100 pages a day, 365 days, should be easy to read 100 books, if the average page count is 365

english is his second language

Is Assange related?

Wouldn't you be pretty proficient in a language by the time you'd read 72 books in it?

he looks like pewdiepie's dad

By the standard of discourse on this board, I'd say no

I truly doubt that the majority of Yea Forums posters have read 72 books. I haven't.

who said he read them in english

if your average length is 250/300 pages, then yes it is possible. If you listen to audiobooks you can usually do two books in a week, which is the rate you need to go at.

I set myself a target of 70 books this year, and am ahead of schedule.

Also, reading 100 books is not the path to enlightenment. Reading helps, yes, but it is purely the means to an end.
You need to read the right books, then temper them with your own thoughts and experiences.
I wish you luck user

In the past 10 years I think I've read three or four books.

Reading x number of books as a goal is misguided. It's more important that you properly curate the books you want to read, deciding when to drop them when they aren't worth finishing, and reading carefully and critically.

I only set my goodreads challenge to 100-150 because I read comic books. I typically read about 20-30 novels plus several short plays or poetry collections in a year.

no it's most important you like what you read (& read what you like). you should love a book well before there is time enough for the literary dissecting table

Fall to them as you find your stomach serves you.
No profit grows where is no pleasure ta'en.
In brief, sir, study what you most affect.

That's implicit in
>deciding when to drop them when they aren't worth finishing

It all depends on how you decide something is worth it. You also need to account for books that aren't so immediate or take a little more work to get into, while balancing that with self-knowledge about your own tastes.

He’s more articulate than President Obongo.

onbongo wasn't fluent in english, ie his native language was ebonics, aka the language of the chimp people

Give proof that he’s inarticulate. His English (not even his native language) is faultless, he uses a wide vocabulary and demonstrates creative language use in his diss-tracks against T-series. He wouldn’t even be able to enjoy all those books unless he was articulate.

i knew pewds posted on Yea Forums

I hate you /pol/ dweebs but I'll admit this post made me laugh quite a lot
good one zoomer


He talks like a retard because he pretends to be a retard, he tries to be funny for entertainment
In the videos where he comments news he articulates himself well and makes a lot of good points

Anyone else read 100 books at the same time? It takes me about a year to finish them, I only read about 50 pages a day.

Also I think he just started his reading thing a year ago.

You should actually read 365 books a day, fucker.

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There is no such thing as a path to True enlightment, user.

set a goal of reading 75 in a year, so far only 4 books behind, but I have reread several books to catch up. Long books be fucking me up.

Most people are idiots

He also lives in a welfare state and has no job

>*notices bulge*
Oh look it's a package that says you have to fuck off back to Rēddit

>Yea Forums - Literature

Reading 100 books per year means reading books superficially.

You base your idea of "job" on a veterotestamental operaisti concept of job. He makes more money in a year than you will in a hundred so You're in no place to criticize him.
Also, he lives in a wellfare state which means he pays rent and medicines for 100 ingrate proles like You at the very least.

It's not the quantity that matter though it does expose you to more ideas quicker.