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Books #137
Poetry critique
Is it possible for an idiot to be an intellectual?
Most accurate chart
So I'm 18 and diagnosed with depression for a few months and recently ive finally opened up been talking to my dad...
Write what's on your mind
Why doesn't Yea Forums have a board for discussing visual arts? Post your favourites, Yea Forums. Mine is pic related
Just learned about antinatalism. Are these people serious? How can you be such an ingrate and a coward...
"Nietzsche cannot be understood, he can only be misunderstood." – me
Pourquoi français est une belle langue à l'écriture, mais dégoûtant à l'oral?
What Bill Gates is reading now...
Why does Kant believe analytic statements are a priori...
Why is a picture of the sky on almost every cover of Infinite Jest?
Read a lot of perennalists
So, how big is your libr- ah i mean collection Yea Forums?
No matter how much philosophy or fiction I consume, I'm still me
Will stoicism cure my social anxiety?
The 26% who can't help but 24/7 rely on "inner speech" to think is stupid, right?
Are people who have sex with transgender people of the opposite gender, but with the same sex...
Your thoughts on futurist manifesto?
Yea Forums‘s favorite characters
Why is reality so inferior to fiction ?
Books that capture the feeling of paranoia?
Name one literary man who didn't think women were subhuman
Is this book legit?
I'm afraid bros
Are any science fiction/fantasy books worth it...
Do Visual Novels count as books?
I am a rather handsome 21 years old young man that just arrived in Paris
Why do femcels love Jane Austen so much? She isn't very good imo
Master Debaters
Work in an office
Nabokov on Faulkner
What's your opinion on the body of work of Mira Gonzalez?
Itt post Yea Forums things you’ve done
Why did the Italian Fascists make such good art? Pound, the futurists, etc. pic related
Start with the Greeks?
How many pages have you read today, frens?
Ya hanging in there, Yea Forums?
Jewish Yea Forums
If you can't read a page every 10 seconds, or at least a book a week, should you just not even bother reading...
I have a crush on Butterfly
How do I become one?
What do you see Yea Forums
Weekly online discussion board for class
So you said you like reading user? What’s your favorite book?
I want to experiment a little and try out how fucking a trap feels...
Who are some based anti-Fascist writers?
What books will help me understand Gen Z(oomer) girls?
Ok Shankara fucking slaps
Alright Yea Forums. My birthday is coming up and as your gift to me I'm going to read only one book for a whole year...
Do you prefer reading e-books or Physical copies? why?
Best Bible translation for a first time reader?
Is it true that the present is superior to the past, and that things are more or less getting better with time?
This just arrived at my house
In itself of itself now to be here, it cannot only not exist in a togetherness of movements, for on the contrary...
Haven't read Ulysses and Finnegans Wake yet
How do I fix my low self-esteem?
Anatomy of Melancholy Editions
Who is the modern day Christopher Hitchens?
What is your favourite Greek play?
You are given $3000 to spend solely on literature. how do you spend it?
Come now user, answer one of my questions: what are you doing on Yea Forums?
Is this redpilled?
Does this accurately group the type of people who use Yea Forums ?
Actual arguments against hedonism
My mind was infested with Judeo-Christian mindset since I was little and it took me almost 20 years to get rid of this...
What are some good books about relatable women feels...
Does Yea Forums have revolutionary potential...
Is he a silly madman or a genius? Both? Neither?
What should I read to understand modern geopolitics?
Do you read books in silence?
What is some good, realistic spy fiction?
Les Miserables
Why is Franzen so damn stupid?
Pagan Theology
People referring to themselves as "consumers" and shouting about "consumer rights"
Is it worth reading?
Books on chads becoming feminine? Mishima maybe?
What's the appeal of Shakespeare...
Just picked this up. What am I in for? What biases should I be aware of that Rosen might possess in his writings? Thanks
Is he right, Marxist frens?
How haven’t the people who do 9-5 jobs for 40 years killed themselves...
Why do you write?
Canonical writers you dislike
Incels are Übermensch
Why is modern poetry such shit?
Is he right Yea Forums?
When you read the Greeks and then realize that you should've learned Ancient Greek to read them...
Well that was depressing. What the fuck can we even do then? Is the decline of everything inevitable?
Story Lore v2
What books will raise your testosterone levels?
Which books should I read to develop my feminine qualities?
/IronPill/ Reading list
How was one nation able to create so much great literature?
If god exists then he can be a big boy and accept the fact he chose to create me...
*dies an agonising death for your sins and offers you eternal life*
What’s new Yea Forums?
Is hell real? Eternal hellfire seems pretty harsh for 80 or so years of sinning on earth
Boo hoo hoo I'm afraid of death and the void :^(
How do you reconcile the existence of evil with an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God?
What are your favorite wild literary theories...
Test your Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Portuguese Yea Forums
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Do you drink coffee, the most Yea Forums beverage, while reading and writing? How do you prepare your coffee?
"We Are the Nerds"
Professor watches south park, rick and morty, and anime
Why are analytic philosophers so autistic?
Yea Forums musicians
Only women read YA
A religious question to those who follow Christ regarding the gays
Which edition of The Cloud of Unknowing is the best?
Why hasn't Tolkien been surpassed yet? Fantasy is still, like 80 years later...
Best book of the Bible? Pic related
What went wrong?
Doesn't utiltarianism imply cuckoldry...
Bro it be like that, do it not be?
Augustine's View of Hell
Took my first class today. Intro to American literature
Who was more based ? Plato or the sophists ?
I am at college, majoring in philosophy for the sake of learning philosophy...
What's your favorite blackpill quote?
ITT: books that would be terrible movies
Critique Thread
Beta gets rejected and friendzoned by oneitis...
"There must be some way out of here", said the joker to the thief
Question for all the Christians here: (Don't worry...
Are there any good books about the inevitability of change?
Funniest book you've ever read?
Unironically,what are some books about love between effeminate males?
Yea Forumslove
Write whats on your mind
Guys I literally figured IT the fuck out
Is this book still a good resource despite the fact that the writer was slamming out prostitutes while claiming to be...
What would be a good way to describe three concepts merging together to create one thing that sort of represents the...
What is the true Yea Forums lifestyle?
What books does she like?
Woman appreciation thread
What is the most mind expanding book that you’ve ever read?
The Republic
Books about being selfsufficient
I was reading Harry Potter at the age of 8. I scored in the top 30% IQ wise...
Opinion on this?
So far, the only perfect philosophers to have ever lived were Jesus Christ and Socrates...
Itt, to feel smart, we post pics of authors and the word "midwit"
Can someone settle this and put me at ease
Post pepe pls
What are some good sonder books? Nonfiction or fiction
ITT: True stories from the workplace
You are smart
Who are the wisest people that ever lived?
Should I major in English, History, or Philosophy?
Whoever reads me in Germany today has first de-Germanized himself thoroughly, as I have done: my formula is known...
With a new introduction
Literature with this aesthetic?
In 2003...
Is it okay to approach people who are reading in the park and ask them what they’re reading?
Which philosopher first articulated the fact that every human being perceives reality differently?
What is art in a literary sense? Have there been authors or writers that have satisfying definitions of art?
I'm 21 years old and I've never kissed a woman
Who else black Yea Forums here? do you have any black friends? what do you like to read...
Well user, I've just been reading through Guénon and different eastern schools of thought. What about you...
Yea Forums's demographic survey
I just discovered that I read at 153 wpm. How can I improve it? I don't accept being so slow
This is going to get me banned lol
You are not smart
Inserts himself into his own fictional universe as an avatar of a giant cosmic turtle
The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich
Good morning gentlemen, I hate women
8ch's /christian/
Yea Forums cannot even solve basic calculus
Why do midwits love this novel so much?
"The woman took one of her full white breasts in her own hands. The officer held out the dark, deep-colored teacup...
Why does he trigger people so badly?
Do I REALLY have to start with the Greeks?
Shakespeare is so boring
ITT: We write a story, one sentence at a time. I'll start
What literature explains why bullying should be discouraged and not encouraged to weed out the inherently...
Who was the best and why?
Fear of death is the motivation for every decision you make in life
Have multiple wagie friends who are in the top 10% of earners in the UK
What's some essential coomercore?
Why is it always losers who want to make radical changes to society...
I want to read this so bad. It is killing me
What a fucking brainlet
Japanese lit
I feel like being a monk might be my thing, but how would I discern further if this is really for me though?
Here we shall merely allude to the material conditions under which factory labour is performed...
Clap* Clap* Clap*
When did you grow out of him?
Rate my poem Yea Forums
Is this the most Yea Forums tv show?
Giorgio Agamben
"Paris was a place where everyone where everyone seemed to be reading - one visitor spotted a coachman thumbing through...
In your opinion what are the best translations of Classic Russian novels? I read the Pevear...
Is Rap the most Yea Forums genre of music?
Hi Yea Forums
Can a book cure depression?
I'm an editor and proofreader with 5 years of experience
ITT: things that are like crack for midwits, I’ll start
Post your bookshelves
Are there any philosophers that can save me from becoming a wage slave like the average man...
What makes someone a midwit?
*recommends Harry Poter and The Handmaid's Tale to you*
His ideas were so absurd that it's difficult to believe, but he was right about everything
This is the bookshelf of an adult
What books discuss the issue of anxiety stemming from the hyperawareness of the futile march against time and the...
Lore to a film script
Are there any books that would help me abandon lust...
Who is the opposite of Max Stirner Ideological wise?
Books with misleading titles
Hey guys, please help a girl out. I am very happy, and I don’t know what to do. I am content...
Author literally claims women are superior to men
Did he complete the system of german idealism?
Atlas shrugged is bad! Ann Rynd just hates poor people
Mfw reading any other board after reading Yea Forums
Do you follow the voice of our generation, Dasha Groyper?
What’s with women and YA?
Can you be a Hegelian idealist without ending up as a fascist? And is Gentile worth reading?
Tfw to intelligent for literature
Is Yea Forums basically post-WW2 Paris, where the greatest literary minds met?
French seems pretty easy to puzzle out the meaning of for me...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
The literature of the Incel Movement
Can any other esoteric system even compare?
What am I in for?
Praying before a game makes no sense. Do prayers believe God loves them more?
Be me
I graduated uni earlier this year and just confirmed my worst fear
LOL look he thinks he's a knight xD
Am I the only one who finds it strange that Homer wrote about the Trojan War 5 centuries after it happened...
I-it wasn't real communism!
Redpill me on nick land, wer ist er und was war sein Einfluss auf die Philosophie?
What are some essential books on mathematics?
ITT: 1 Star reviews of classics
Rots his brain with hentai all day
Why are Scandinavians so good at writing literature?
Recommend me books that will help me btfo monogamous cucks
Plan on being a leech as long as possible and killing myself before I enter the workforce because I would rather be...
Comparatively little is known about Celtic paganism because the evidence for it is fragmentary...
Best literature about sex?
Daily Reminder
What's the best reading order to obtain the most rewarding experience out of Dostoevsky?
Procreation good
The complete works of Plato and Aristotle are thousands of pages, and that's not even all of Greek philosophy...
Why is this country so devoid of any literary tradition...
What's the consensus on him here?
How bad of an idea is it to try to summon one of these things on Halloween? Anyone got any experience?
Can you refute antinatalism?
Mum found my anti-natalist writings
Is everything we do and create (belief systems, children, religion...
Is LSD the most Yea Forums drug?
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Gimme books on losing weight and bodybuilding
Philosophy is not only useless, it’s harmful
Tfw reading fiction has turned me into a hopeless romantic
Why yes, I do want to revert humanity into an ocean of genderless slime, of why do you ask?
He's not /phil lit/ + /phys sci/
Nietzsche singlehandedly dismantles Christian morality
What does Yea Forums think of the Oxford World Classics version of the Illiad?
Which philosophers practised what they preached?
If video games are an art form, are they derived from an Apollonian or Dionysian aesthetic?
Do women have souls?
Guys, I’m the smartest person on this board
Guys, I think I may unironically be the Übermensch Nietzsche was talking about
What are some /doomer/core books for women?
Only America, Britain, and Japan make good sci fi, why do you think that is?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on George Elliot? I've read Mill on the Floss and Middlemarch...
What is Yea Forums's consensus on this board?
The Prince
Which version of the bible should I read and why?
Why are Christians against porn...
Liveblog by Megan Boyle
What are some good books about people with disabilities?
Do any of you actually write?
Books that express this feel?
Margaret Atwood has recently argued that the Appendix on the Principles of Newspeak at the end of 1984 implies that...
Chart Thread
Hey Yea Forums i recently bought this
What are you currently reading
What are the essential anti-normie books? I hate how they can't debate properly, how egoical they are...
Ok I'll admit, he was spot-on in that the death of religion was decisive for the rise of nihilism...
Any books about being pathologically neutral?
We're all going to die
I have converted 4 girls and counting to Christianity by dating them with the express purpose of either slut shaming...
Anyone read this? Heard its good. Not used to reading much, would like to start and I like history
Literotica - Erotic literature
Everything you know is wrong because knowledge is processed information and you process the information through the...
Fuck Science
If a grown up adult, or a philosopher, uses antidepressants to cope with his daily existence...
Reminder that music is inherently anti-intellectual and anyone who listens to it regularly is thwarting their literary...
Have IQ 168
What's Yea Forums's opinion of Neuromancer and the other books related from Gibson...
TFW we (burgers) will finally have a Yea Forums President by 2020
Had sex last night because a girl was impressed by my knowledge of Harry Potter
Post a picture and get a book recommendation
What's the point of reading fiction? what do you get out it?
Can we have a discussion about Titus Groan? I just finished reading this rather charming work...
Place beauty foremost in your life
What's wrong with accepting life as it is and living your life like a npc?
Ask me to tell you why this book sucks
I saw some faggot with a bandana/hair combo like that of DFW today. I hope it wasn't one of you guys
Is there any real reason to read Charles Dickens...
Drop an album, get a book recommendation
Wanted to learn french
3x3 thread. post your favorite writers and intellectuals
Is he right?
*Retroactively, retrocausally and concurrently refutes himself thousands of times throughout his entire life*
Books about homosexuality
What is the right-wing equivalent of Harry Potter?
Lit female dog names
How expensive was your last book bought what was it?
Be me
Based trickster archetype
How old are you?
Let's have statistics
Ok, lets have serious discusion:
Meanwhile, on female Yea Forums
Uhhh nihilism and pessimism is just a cope and a copout so you don't have to try hard at life and can make excuses for...
You guys are not real. Prove me wrong
Any famous authors who are/were cumbrains?
I just spent the last few days writing up 4k words and it was all shit
Nursing or Creative Writing degree?
Isn't the fact that access to the gospel was not even nearly universalized enough proof that God doesn't particularly...
Bought this expecting to have a broad overview of the current geopolitical climate
Hard work fallacy
Tfw just bought this book
Gentlemen, I love literature
Why do you think Anti-intellectualism is so prevalent?
It's impossible to have faith if you weren't raised that way
Economics is the only social science that makes any sense to me
Just finished "The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the sea" by Mishima, what does Yea Forums think of it?
Is it true that the Foundation series is atheist propaganda?
Don Key-oh-tee
Solves philosophy before it existed
Give me books that explore the cannibalistic nature of the left
Have women contributed a single original idea to philosophy?
The Goodreads Game
Guénon ended philosophy
What are 20 must read foundational books...
Best books by this publisher?
Infinite Jest is the single worst attempt at a novel ever published
Post your top 3 philosophers and r8/h8
What would Freud or Lacan say about the unprecedented increase in the attraction to simulacra of Asian women by Western...
Hey user you should read pic related its really good!
Is morality relative?
Is nondualism just a cope?
Stop making excuses and do acid
Free will exists
Why is everyone on Yea Forums so fucking dumb...
Whitehead was based
What novel helped you find real enlightenment or at least put you on the correct path?
What books would help me understand the insane death cult that is the catholic church and religion as a whole?
What does Yea Forums think about these books...
New to Philosophy
Should I study philosophy at university or is it really career suicide?
Are there any genuinely funny books written by pious Christians...
There are anons on my literature board that unirionically voted for Drumpf in 2016
I'm embracing my inner Jew
Are there any film theory books that aren't post modern continental semiotics garbage?
Have you read the meme pentalogy?
What are some books about mental illness?
Talk to philosophy professor in equivalent to 101 class
Was he full of shit?
But user, how could you possibly prefer The Idiot to Crime and Punishment?
Why do the religious think that because they are threatened with eternal torment and enticed by eternal bliss their...
How is possible to depict love in literature in a time where love doesn't exist anymore...
I got our new meme tetralogy what am I in for?
Julius Evola
What does Yea Forums think of my poem?
Retroactively debunks Socialism
When the sun hits your eye
Terrible writer
ITT: contemporary femininity
What is art?
Is psychoanalysis true or is it all just a scam? Reading excerpts from people like Freud, Lacan, Erikson etc...
What did Whitehead mean by this?
Ideologues are the biggest brainlets. Big brains don't subscribe to any particular school of thought...
Anybody into Hinduism?
Do we ever find out what is justice?
Begin with the greeks
Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?
Does weed better your writing?
Be me
Is Zizek right? Can only communism stop climate change?
Who is your literary hero?
Book Reviews
If you cannot explain Deleuze's metaphysics in 3 sentences or less, you don't belong on Yea Forums
Me after reading "The Coiled Serpent" by C,J, Van Vliet
Itt the saddes book you've ever read
How many emotions could you turn off before someone would no longer be considered human?
What's the best sci-fi book you have read?
Just finished Crisis of the modern world
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
What books do you read to forget about the person you are madly in love with and can’t stop thinking about no matter...
What are some books which really challenge European/Western/white modes of thought and assumptions...
I just wish he was still alive and saw that people are still talking about IJ so that he would write about 2019 and SJW...
Jane Eyre: Oxford vs Penguin
Best Female writer
Literature on the pros and cons of avoiding love in life?
Let's hear your best pen name
"If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause...
Fact: if your beloved "western civilization" isn't capable of surviving by itself, it isn't even worth saving
Will you still like him after he receives the Nobel Prize?
Why are people bad at writing? Or to be more objective, why are so many people so much worse at writing than speaking?
Why are books written by blacks always about racism?
Do writers make money?
Judith 10:19
Who is your favorite female philosopher?
Could I go to Hell because I can't understand the Christian God, thus making it harder for me to want to believe?
ITT: Books everyone should read
Adverb placement
What books would you recommend to someone who;
Shakespeare is the best writer in spanish
Author adds superfluous continent just to fill up space on the map
Write what's on your mind: Mouth of Madness edition
Is he a fraud
History's Greatest Debate
That pretentious guy in my English class is going on about Kurt Vonnegut again
Kindles are good because I can read without people knowing his shit my taste is
Just read Watchmen for the first time. Are there anymore Yea Forums comics?
Why are you not taking DMT right now to experience union with the divine? Have you read Terrence McKenna?
When did /r/atheism start coming here? i want them to leave
St. John's College
Why are white philosophers so shit?
What is "is"?
Books about female angst
Underground man
It's almost time for spooky season, what are you reading to get festive...
Hey Yea Forums...
Is it possible for professional programmers to become good writers?
Mfw I realized this morning that according to the Bible it is entirely okay to eat dogs
First day english lit class
Should I overcome my inherent misogyny and read the women of Alt-Lit?
Dear Buddhists, I have my doubts about the doctrine of rebirth. As I understand it...
Is Harvard a good place to study philosophy
Book has a happy ending
Why bother reading the classics? The most successful men walking the earth only read pop science and philosophy
The Fault In Our Stars is overrated garbage hyped up by retarded teenagers and manchildren
Can Moldbug resolve the Sprenglerian question with his "Formalism" alternative
What’s your operating philosophy
Faustian German folk-magic is real
Self improvement books for neets?
Books that historically explains why white countries emerged as the way they are while non white countries (most of...
Yea Forums confessions
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
If God is all mighty, why doesn't he just gets done with hell and the devil...
How to we deal with he problematic aspects of historic texts, eg in B.G...
Where do women learn their delusional expectations from life?
Open newspaper
"The wise in all ages have always said the same things; and the fools, who at times form the immense majority...
We discuss Anthropocentrism
So, after all your whining and bickering, what’s actually scientifically incorrect with marxism?
How did this board turn into an alt-right/incel reading club?
What's the use of philosophy if this guy who has probably read 5 books in his entire life could kill any philosopher...
What's the purpose of reading books for "enlightenment" if these people live a happier...
What is the best film adaptation of a book anons?
Seattle Bookstore Staff Picks
Hahaha fucking this
Take the equivalent of a philosophy 101 course
What's the purpose of praying...
Critique thread time. Remember to comment on the people who posted previously after you post yours
Have you ever fallen in love with a woman after reading her prose?
What is core-coomer literature? Any charts?
Where do you autists hang out?
What do girls like this read?
Simone Weilborrow
Okay Yea Forums
Boston Yea Forums Meetup Group
Ask guy his favorite novel
Non-dualists/monists rise up!
What position does Yea Forums read in?
What is a good book to help me understand the mind of a neurotypical?
Excuse me, is that a copy of Technological Slavery?
What is it about DFW that makes low testosterone men who consume bean-based drinks so mad...
Why is modern philosophy so eurocentric? Surely the other races have come up with some interesting material...
For my college English essay on media, I have chosen Yea Forums. I would like some quotes from anons...
ITT: Famous quotes and their creators
I need to write an essay about any author I want, but cannot be a white male or European. Any suggestions?
I am a Trumpian Petersonian Shapiroian Guenonian Far Right Traditionalist. What books should I read?
Yea Forums's thought on Historical Fiction
From the moment in which the superimpositions are removed the truthknower enters
One copy of ’Reign of quantity and sign of the time’ by René Guénon please
Show me your books
Begginer philosophy chart/guide
Where to start with Marx?
This book is a monster desu. What do you frens think of it?
You may have one (and only one)
The Lit Quarterly - Last Thread of Fall 2019
Infinite Jest
Is Transsexual Pride Paradoxal
Why does every country's literature address universal themes EXCEPT American literature...
I am battling same sex attraction...
You are born into this world a blank slate...
Tfw you've been tricked into reading Pynchon works
Is a union of egoists literally just a group of friends?
Lit memes/humor thread
Books on why there is something rather than nothing?
New Tao Lin Novel
What books would you put here?
Autism in Heels
Opinions on Kantgoblin?
Is guenon actually worth reading?
ITT: People who btfo'd Parmenides and Shankara using pure logic
Since transexuality is profoundly degrading for the individual choosing its path
So , I met a Yea Forums girl
*on his deathbed* "I f-finally admit that Parmenides and Guenon were right...
The title of this literally sounds like me. Is this an incel doomer novel?
We often say the Devil is on the losing side of the cosmic battle...
Books about women?
What are some unsolved philosophical problems?
Queer literature
Where do i get started with metaphysics and epistemology?
How do I see the sun?
Is there a single intelligent individual in existence who doesn't despise interacting with people?
Looking back after finishing it, House of Leaves felt anticlimactic...
You dare come to this realm and challenge ME? So be it. Let us see what happens to your arrogance as I destroy you
Critique this please
I'm unironically looking for a book which will cure my autism and help me to make a friend...
Think book is good
ITT: Writing that you found very relatable
Tfw I found out that the novel I've been writing for the past 8 years, which I thought had an exceptional premise...
Let's have a Dune thread my dudes
What books will teach me how to get pussy?
Is this a good book or just racist garbage?
Any philosophers that successfully have refuted Kant’s epistemology?
Saddam Hussein, the late President of Iraq, wrote four novels and a number of poems...
So only 32% of the Tanakh is contained in the Christian Scriptures
What the fuck is this shit?
ITT: alt lit memers of 2010, where are they now
What's your process for writing?
What do you guys do for living
Among Poe’s bad writing habits is his attempt to provide authority for the tale he is about to tell by citing factual...
You aren't smart
Guys, I need your help. I know most of you are retards that don't read but you're still smarter than most people...
532 pages into it, when the FUCK does it get good? I fucking swear this is the LAST 1000+ page book I fucking read
What are you guys reading tonight?
Why is this man completely ignored by academia despite being right about everything?
ITT: Literary brainlets
Redpill me on ego death
ITT: Lines that broke you
Why do so many on this board have a superiority complex?
English bible
What can I even read to follow this masterpiece up? I am left wanting
The original incel
On jews/leftists
“one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star”
Kicked out of my Logic course for making my teacher look like an idiot
Barnes and Nobles Story
48... what a specific number
Every time I pass by a woman on the street I think "I could rape you and strangle you to death right here on this spot...
Any good books on Transhumanism, Mind uploading, AI and technological singularity?
You have ten minutes to write a poem more appealing to women than this one. I’m waiting
“permanence can be snatched only out of flux; and the passing moment can find its adequate intensity only by its...
Define it
Uni textbook is school and semester specific
Did you know that most orientalists were glowniggers? Pic related. Edward Granville Browne...
Mfw even the most enlightened and educated mind is just one blow away from becoming a drooling vegetable
What do i read to unlearn my misogyny and toxic masculinity?
How dark is this and how deep is gonna fuck me up...
Which one of you is this?
Every time I write something, it feels cheap, pretentious and dishonest; it makes me feel dirty...
Who are has actually read and understood this? is it just schizo gibberish?
What is with women on youtube who read nothing but YA novels
Are NEETs the aristocrats of the modern world...
Best dialogue writers of all time?
Are there any writers who actively hate God; like they believe in him and hate him as well...
Who is the cutest girl in literature? I mean as a character, not real life authors
What are the best books about individualism?
Rate my love letter, chums. I’m too much of a pussy to give it to her irl, so I will just post it in this thread
God I miss the days when you could show up to a stranger's farm and he'd say "what's your name, son...
Are there any good romance books for guys?
Has any philosopher debunked the objective freedom that is suicide...
Can cute anime girls be successfully synthesized with Catholicism without introducing heresy...
Now that the dust has settled... was he wrong?
Why do people shit on harry potter so much?
Am I just stupid, or is a large portion of this rather hard to comprehend?
O-kay... What point was this book trying to make?
I'm looking for the best translation of the opening lines of the Dao De Jing. See these comments:...
ITT: We discuss what books from the last 20 years have a chance at being added into the Western canon some day
Gospel of John is the best gospel
Learning Philosophy
“Enclosed within his artificial creation...
Bleeding Edge is a historical novel
Read Dostoievsky
What makes Don DeLillo the greatest American writer of all time?
Applying Nihilism on spiders
2000 was almost 20 years ago
Best German universities for studying philosophy?
At what point did you realise that this board is inherently anti-intellectual and utterly worthless
Why would anyone read fiction when the entirety of cinema is available to explore?
Why are men so bad at writing science fiction?
What do I do if my health is completely failing and im poor and my house is killing me (poor shit parents trapped here...
I have a fear of socialisation
He's right you know
Rate my book collection Yea Forums
Thoughts on this book? Never got around reading Taleb, is this a good starting point?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What are your thoughts on based Yanis Varoufakis and his books?
The Booker prize shortlist has been announced. What do you think Yea Forums? (fuck's sake)
Reminder for you that have not yet joined our Discord server:
Stop using big words
The "girl" for me
Imagine thinking you're stronger than a baron
Torah vs Good News
Would he have still hated Christianity if he were introduced to true Christiany (Orthodox)?
Is he right?
Any writers similar to him? He's the only writer I can really stand...
Hitler's writings
*debunks philosophy*
I'm a United States citizen and one of my best friends is an illegal immigrant from Mexico. We work together...
What are some books that I could use to help cure my own depression?
Post your writing setup lads
Trace your philisophical journey
What is the true nature of women?
Be me
Anyone got books on how to read people?
Tell me your opinions on the following writers. Are they based of cringe?
What does Yea Forumss average weekday look like?
Two of my friends recommended this book. Saw it at the book store today. Has anyone here read it? Is it helpful?
He's posting on Yea Forums and hasn't read
What's some good fascist Yea Forumserature? So far for German stuff I've got Hitler, Rosenberg...
Humbert Humbert did nothing wrong
Gentlemen, remember the cavernous depths of the self: your skin has not always been your limit...
Saw a qt girl reading this at the library. I couldn’t make a move on her. Missed my chance at a qt lit gf
Ayn Rand
Whats your honest opinions about this book?
You have 3 words to permanently change my worldview. go!
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Ok bros, ive got a confession. Ive been lurking /pol/ and Yea Forums for about 7+ years now actively...
Did I fall for the meme if this is my favorite book?
Post books designed to make you cringe. i want peak Reddit shit
Is it Yea Forums?
Has anyone on this board actually read all of these shitty high school–core books?
If this faggot was so smart, why did he kill himself?
Does Yea Forums support the censorship of Harry Potter?
A minute's silence for that book you were going to write, but you left after the third page
William Faulkner
What's your honest thoughts on this book?
For these reasons...
This is the average Harvard students stack
Write what's on your mind
Wittgenstein annoys me intensely. He is a complete example of the saying...
”Life is a series of distractions from the reality of death” what books explore this feel?
Proposal for new Yea Forums starter kit
I approached three people just a few minutes apart and asked them politely if they enjoyed finding the books here...
ITT books women can't understand
ITT what you're currently reading, and what you'll be reading next
I recognise that reference!
I'm working on a shortlist of the most important living continental philosophers. Anyone I've missed in this list...
What’s the essential Catholic core?
ITT we write a letter to Pynchon one word at a time
Who here /fitlit/ masterrace
A Takedown of Woowoo Metaphyscs
Who are your favorite Jewish authors? Favorite Jewish literature? For me it's Kafka and The Bible
ITT: meme philosophers
Are there any good critique of work?
James Joyce's Ulysses
"Toxic" has somehow been attributed the zoomer definition of "He was like saying mean shit and stuff and he's not nice...
I tried to tell my mother that feelings such as anger and sadness are affections dictated by circumstances and how they...
Hobbies that go well with the literary life
Why no one talks about this genius ? He was a living black pill
I'm what Theodore Kaczynski would call a over-socialized individual. Point is...
Why read anything after him?
Ernst Jünger wants peace and a united Europe?
Let's say someone finds the concept and the reality of having a job worse than being homeless and eating out of bins
Guys I'm about to read this book, what's some essential material to prepare me for this?
What do I say to this lit thot?
What are some criticisms of Stoicism and Cynicism? Why should one not follow these paths?
I'm a Capitalist Conservative
Post your top five favorite books
How could a man who's this intelligent have such shallow and cliché philosophical ideas?
The Starter Kit
IQ of 123
Let's think about it logically
What's one of the biggest "elephants in the room" that no one talks about regarding modern philosophy and literature...
Decide to read The Count of Monte Cristo
Where do writers congregate, Yea Forums? There are no symposiums or anything of the sort in my town...
Did the Stoics believe in something like natural law? In Aurelius I read the advice to act according to nature...
/languages/ bragging thread
Have you ever met an author whom you admire?
Write what's on your mind
Can I get all books on pros or cons of a globalized society. All of it's philosophers and critics...
Applied the psychiatry you use for schizos on sane people
Going through existential crisis, how do I escape this mind black hole? I just want to be normal
Yea Forums core
What happened to him?
Books on reloading?
Serotonin by Houellebecq
/Materialism General/
Yea Forums characters you relate to
Just finished Gravitys Rainbow. What the fuck was the point? I really cant figure out why this book was written. Please...
Okay, well that is all very well and good, but how is someone born outside the cast system...
Name my poem
Tfw 2666 is only popular with Anglos because Oprah shilled it as having the stature of Harry Potter
Liberalism is shit
What do you think of it?
Frankfurt School of Thought
What comes after postmodernism? a fractured art landscape...
Which books do I need to read to understand him?
Is this good /manipulation/ core?
Are there right wing postmodernists
Who's the greatest hack alive today?
The German language
If God is indifferent then why should We care?
Post-Finnegans Life
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
Why are Latin writers so obsessed with the imagery of gardens?
The blind are justified in saying light does not exist, because the blind are not acquainted with light
The more classic literature and philosophy I read, the stupider I feel...
So what’s the concensus on this? Or should roll with something else from the ‘genre’?
Books on why hook up culture harms women?
Post a serial killer, get a book recommendation
"Metaphysician" pulls unfalsifiable system out of his ass...
What ever happened to burgerpunk?
Thoughts on Ernest Hemingway? I have to read a bunch of his short stories for a modern lit class I'm taking...
If the Buddha found enlightenment without studying the dharma, why do we study the dharma?
This lad sure knows human nature well
Penguin vs Oxford for classical texts?
We're in a Kali Yuga bro everything is declining and shit
What the fuck was his problem?
What is his problem
Where do I start with him?
Is alphabet soup literature?
ITT: Yea Forums in 2319
Literary cringe thread, what's cringe that writers do all the fucking time?
Tfw I can only write with nicotine
Is there anything sadder than a book signing where nobody wants your book or autograph?
Just picked these up at a sale
Are we condemned in the West in worshiping them forever?
Where do I start learning about china?
Write what's on (you)r mind
Why did Guenon pick Advaita Vedanta as the school that best expressed the perennial truth...
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Some Austrian economists are much better than others. It's easy to see who are politically motivated and who are not
Widely read vs well-read
What is the best edition of the Complete Works of Shakespeare?
What is it about this man that inspires such seething hatred among a certain subset of Yea Forums posters...
What else should I read to understand women?
Prepare for fedora tipping Yea Forums, because I'm completely serious
Books on ascetism?
Do I have a future as a blogger?
What the fuck was his point?
Yeah george orwell is pretty much my favorite author, 1984 is a classic for a reason
Did Spengler answer all philosophical questions?
Top 5 books of the Old Testament
American Literature
What am I supposed to do all day?
Is Gnosticism the most logical explanation for our universe?
Name one philosopher
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What are contemporary ways to "ride the tiger"?
ITT: book excerpts that women and low testosterone men will never understand
Degenerate books
Fascism bad
According to Evola the war against degeneracy (materialism, feminism, humanism...
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/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
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Finally finished Elden ring…
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Why are games so god damn frustrating?
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One Piece
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ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
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What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
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