ITT: Post a negative review of a book from Goodreads (edit out any identifying information)
Other anons have to guess what book it is.
The Goodreads Game
the count of monte carlo?
could be a million books
not contributing because i’m phoneposting, get fucked OP
Infinite Jest
>[classic novel] is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and problematic
The Handmaid’s Tale?
Loud and Close by the less intelligent Safran Foer brother?
I remember that fucking piece of shit review, it was on some Philipp K Dick novel. Was it „Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep“?
Yeah, that's right. I screenshotted her profile too.
Has to be Bleeding Edge
this person is a convincing argument for white genocide
I love Pynchon, but it’s hard not to agree that Bleeding Edge (and Against the Day) are a little bloated.
top kek
pretty funny desu
>edit out any identifying information
Not him, but on the bright side two books won the award that year so it could be either Chimera by Barth or Augustus by Williams. I'm going to go with Chimera since it's the less straightforward of the two.
this review contains an actual quote from the book tho
sorry for the phonepost
I think ATD is in the top three
Do you guys really read goodreads reviews? I just assume that 99% of people writing there are just pseuds
Flowers for Algernon maybe? But I can't see anyone calling that one of the greatest of the 20th century.
sound and the fury?
Mein Kampf
Eat Pray Love?
He got the year wrong, so it doesn't count.
JBP 12 Rules
giggling because there's no way for someone to tell him that the rapist is the main character and appears in every book in the series
here's more because i'm feeling cute
One of the book's biggest themes is the atrocities people are capable of but we're scared of the r*pe word
Close, it was As I Lay Dying
>nobel laureate daniel keyes
I found the book (did not guess it). Is it good?
>JBP 12 Rules
Has to be
Uncultured swine
I don’t know but I really want to know
do women think being vulgar is endearing?
I want to know how it got into her "to read" books to begin with
>search for 1 star reviews about Guenon
>they mention Trump
>search for 1 star reviews about Evola
>they mention Trump
>search for 1 star reviews about Spengler
>they mention Trump
No, think 17th century
The Legacy Of Totalitarianism In A Tundra
Hobbes indeed, though I am still a little puzzled at why she should be so mad at him, I would have loved for her to expand on that.
>edit out any identifying information
well at least they get some credibility back for shitting on The Stand, a a truly wretched book
must be my diary desu
Legacy of Totalitarianism on the tundra, right?