Julius Evola

Just read this and it might just be the cringiest book I've ever read. How do people take Evola seriously?

Attached: pagan.png (298x396, 55K)

Evola considered that to be his worst book so...

I think your post is the cringiest thing I've ever read. Evola is BASED and REDPILLED, okay?

Compared to someone like Giovanni Gentile (a truly based philosopher) Evola's books are just pagan power fantasies.

This desu.

How is Gentile truly based?

He basically expands Hegelianism the way it should be expanded and not like the butchered way like Marx did.

Because he is le epick racist fuck minorities xDDDDDDD !!!!!

Gentile isn't actually racist unlike Evola though.

>Italian fascism
Reddit's that way

Attached: Bottomless.jpg (645x729, 57K)

Fascism in general is racist as fuck lmao

Evola is the worst of the popular reactionary writers. I don't like right-wing politics but even if you do you should be able to see how bad and devoid of content his writing is.


Italian fascism was no more racist than most contemporary countries and Gentile almost never mentions it

This is a board for people who read, why are you here?

In comparison Spengler, even though he influenced Evola, but is much much better.

No matrer how cringy and OTT schizophrenic fascist occult beliefs get they will never be as cringy and stupid as the beliefs of the average leftist on twitter/facebook/reddit. Tribalism precedes reason, leftists just go around being hysterical and adopting deliberately retarded beliefs in order to spite us so why shouldnt we do the same?

This book in particular alienates many of "us". For example it bashes and bashes Christianity in favour of some sort of neopagan crap.

wasn't Jesus Christ the original SJW? Isn't the pope like a major cuck now?

>oh my god evola is so bad he is fascist and racist!!!!!!

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Yes, tribalism and a destitute universalist religion don't mix very well. Big shocker.

Based af desu

>This book in particular alienates many of "us". For example it bashes and bashes Christianity
White race is doomed because of your jew cuck religion.

evola is fucking shit

How many right wingers in the West aren't Christians? How does that help the right at all then?

Yeah Spengler is world-class, so is Junger. Land is good, Moldbug sucks ass lmao

>implying there’s anything wrong with racism
>implying there are non racists
The left committed suicide this decade by hating white people, it’s time to reality check

Yeah the 1% pagan population is really gonna save the white race

Yeah bro those Israel worshipping conservaboomers are gonna save us all!

Yeah that's fine, have it your way, white race is doomed by your ignorance. Christians are solely responsible for Hispanic and African-Americans existing.

like it or not, Christianity IS the white world's culture

Christianity like its orthodox Marxist and classical liberal offspring is an expression of jewish interestsa means to deceive the goyim against their natural tribal interests with nauseous humanist and universalist patter

You can ditch Christianity without picking up some other shitty religion.

>like it or not, Orphistic mystery cults IS the white world's culture

Yep, that sure is a conundrum.

literally Christians have been banishing and pursuing the jews for centuries. The most tolerant place for Jews for centuries has been Islamic Spain.

We must extirp slave morality and magian semitic parasitism to realise the true faustian essence of the west

ur retarded

Christianity is the only thing even remotely Orphic left in the world. The ancient Greeks are dead bro

The White World's culture is universalist egalitarian humanism.

Yeah if you've read Spengler though you know it's not happening

Christians persecute jews for the wrong reason, because they are not jewish enough, because they reject universalism and cling to tribalism. How can you share a church with low iq subhumans?

Hispanics are fine they are just useful idiots

This is the most Reddit sentence I’ve read on Yea Forums in a year

SJW leftism is the telos of imperialist capitalist western civilisation, the alt right are the real anticolonialists and the true antiimperialists

SJW leftism is just peak late capitalism

What do you think of David Myatt/O9As reading of Spengler? Weaponising the acausal by deliberately embracing what the enemy most fears in order to provoke them?

Funny how every topic is being derailed by pepe far-right edgelords who probably don't even read. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be Jews or Americans, which is practically the same thing at this time. Go back to /pol/.

>thread about right-wing book and author
>"lol y are there rightwingers in this thread aah"
Chapocels are mentally handicapped

Have you even read Evola, dumb faggot? His fundamental focus was on tradition and not this pepe 'race war now' shit over oversimplified diagrams.

Evola is for children and low IQ individuals. Guénon is grown men.

Like white christians, many white marxists are just white nationalists who havent realised it yet

Stop derailing this thread with your homoerotic obsessions. Evola's focus isn't even on Whiteness. Go back to /pol/.

The enemy believes "whiteness" is very real and it believes eveything associated with "whiteness" is worthy of total destruction. You have no choice but to play the game

Jesus christ you're retarded and dont belong here

You really don't know what the hell you're talking about.

This topic isn't about that, you OCD faggot. Not every single topic that is tangentially right-wing needs to be tied back to your over-simplified understanding of modern geopolitics. Evola's focus wasn't on such topics. He was mainly focused on tradition and mysticism. Go back to /pol/. You are lowering the standard of discourse here.

Before the rise of Nazi Germany, each important international conference of fascists failed to uphold racism and anti-semitism as core tenets of their ideology. This was the case well into the 1930s. It wasn’t until the Nazis had achieved hegemony that the rest of the fascist world fell in line, and it’s not like they had much choice if they wanted to survive.

yeah and let me guess, trump and bolsonaro are both fascists, right?

No just retarded

sounds like you made your mind up before you read it

Racism is niehter good or bad, its just a scientific fact. Niggers are undesireable. White are generally more desireable. End of story. Kill youself.

this leftist ideology amounts to an arbitrary distinction between those tribes that are allowed to pursue their collective self interest and those that aren't

Nearly all of them

we both know that's not true

hmm I'm thinking of adopting a retarded belief in order to piss off the left, got any suggestions?

Jigger News

Ever since I discovered Guénon, Evola is a retard in comparison.

Attached: ol horsehead.jpg (199x296, 9K)

even most leftists(barring a few orthodox marx autists and classical liberals who are probably disingenuous jews anyways) admit that there are fundamental and irreconciliable ontological differences between races.