Why is Franzen so damn stupid?
Why is Franzen so damn stupid?
He's American
>Grug no like forest fire
>Grug no like hurricane
>Grug ignore weather
What exactly are you taking issue with?
Are you one of those people that still thinks Exxon, BP etc. are all looking out for your best interests?
Why aren't children read fables anymore to inoculate against this Yea Forums?
Non-sequiter shitlib talking points from huffpo. Go back to facebook with the other soccer moms.
>huffpo said there wuz climate change
>there4 there is no climate change
>praize god
"Public intellectuals" are so cringe, they are like Hollywood celebrities. Imagine you have a Youtube channel where you review plastic knickknacks and for some reason you get on some talk show hosted by a dyke and become trendy for a few days in the gay pop culture memesphere, and your pathetic pseudofame snowballs, and suddenly you start walking around town with your head held higher and your back straighter, wearing nicer clothes, smiling more and acting more confident, because now your unconscious peasant hindbrain knows you're SOMEONE IMPORTANT! And someone walks up to you and goes "Uh, uh, Mr. Retard! Mr. Retard, sir! What's your opinion on TOAST? HEALTHY? OR UNHEALTHY?" and your first reaction isn't to go "What the fuck do I know about toast nigger?" it's to scratch your chin thoughtfully and go "Hmm.. Ah yes.. Toast.. Well, as an extremely famous, important person, I'll tell you what I think. I think.. Toast.. is fine."
That's a celebrity. Imagine being such a pathetic Jew's dog as Jonathan "Who?" Franzen, and some Jew journo comes and goes Uhhh Mr Franzen! Mr Franzen what do you think about CLIMATE CHANGE as a third-rate hack author from a bygone cultural moment around 2001! Mr. Franzen sir we need you to explain what to do about the clouds! and your first response isn't to go "Please, My name is just Jonathan. Why are you asking me this? Is this because of those books I wrote twenty years ago? I'm trying to buy groceries and I have to go spend time with my kids or my friend." but instead to go Ah yes.. I'm being CALLED BACK INTO ACTION.. as JONATHAN FRANZNER, THE AUTHOR....
There should be a litmus test for public intellectuals and people in the public eye in general, where you go up to them and ask them something that subtly blows smoke up their ass and implies they're important by default just for existing because they were in a TV show nobody fucking cares about from 7 years ago, and if they try to affect or perform some kind of gay little instagram "I'm so unique and important" persona instead of just being confused why you're asking them something that lies outside their expertise, you immediately vaporize them
We should have put boomers out on ice-floes a long time ago.
What's your address? I'm going to come over to your house and murder you
Not the person you replied to, but his remark does follow from the openingspost. The "big companies" won't change their policy if it is not profitable. And, if nothing changes, we might as well prepare.
great post
I feel like there’s just one poster making all these types of posts
This. I mean really, what do people think they'll gain from opposing this? Its like every other form of optimism, just a philosophical sensory deprivation chamber for the craven to ensconce themselves in.
Look how threatened you are.
Yes, the army of scientists aren’t lying when they tell you the climate is going to kill us all off if we don’t change this. Put a bullet in your empty head.
Oh look. Its OP >based
who are you quoting
>the army of scientists aren’t lying when they tell you the climate is going to kill us all off if we don’t change this.
I agree, but my post has nothing to do with that. I would still like to come over to your house and murder you. So, what's your address, babe?
I am at your moms house at the moment.
>but my post has nothing to do with that.
You’re going to have to improve your communication skills. What do you mean?
My post has nothing to do with climate change. I just want your address so I can shove an ice pick in your skull. Is that so much to ask?
Are you me?
>Are you me?
If you’re the OP, no, it does have to do with climate change. Not fix it. What did you mean for it to mean?
If you’re the OP, no, it does not have to do with climate change. Not fix it. What did you mean for it to mean?
Change what? Clean tech is mostly a meme, either we all lower our standards oe we continue and die.
Are you fucking retarded? Is this early onset dementia? I don't care about the OP topic. I just want to murder you. Now give me thine address, you impertinent hussy.
So the issues are with Franzen’s wanting fixes that aren’t in line with uncle Ted?
Is that it?
At your moms house.
Is she hot?
Not really, I'm a social worker trying to find help for her mentally instable and attention starved son. She is very worried.
You’re not into women, remember? :3
based medieval optics text reading :3 poster