How many languages can you read, Yea Forums?
> English
> French
> Tamil
I'm currently working on german and mandarin chinese.
/languages/ bragging thread
based tamil
The more languages you speak, the less efficient the brain. English is the most information dense. If you were born an English speaker, then learning any additional languages serves only to hurt it.
>norwegian (get danish and swedish for free lmao)
>some dutch
norwegian (get danish and swedish for free lmao)
Romanian (native)
Bits and pieces of several others thanks to my Romance background
actually, esperanto is the most information dense language. it was literally designed to be more information dense than, say, russian.
That you say "Mandarin Chinese" shows that you don't know how to read it.
Esperanto isn't. In point of fact, it's shit tier. It was created to be an easy language with simple syntax for easy adoption and learning among people of diverse backgrounds. Data-density wasn't even a concept then, brainlet. The argument could even be made that it's one of the least information dense languages.
Hahaha damn
*teleports behind you*
which did you learn first? i only started english at ten and sadly now i read mostly english.
Portuguese (Native)
German is next
I'm working on it. Goddamn it, dad, i'm workin' on it! lay offa me!
No, for real, I started a course at my town's language centre last week. I can read five of those quaint little characters they use.
>I have a tool shed full of hammers
and your dumb as a bag of them
Pondicherry bro?
English, and a few spanish words.
The constructed language reminded me of a video on another language
And then there's Nabokov...
You can have an inefficient brain and still be able to write well, brainlet.
>Spanish (get Portuguese for free and Italian at a discount)
Trying my best at German
I wouldn't consider it "inefficient" if it allows you to write like a fucking god.
>The more languages you speak, the less efficient the brain. English is the most information dense. If you were born an English speaker, then learning any additional languages serves only to hurt it.
God, are you a fucking stupid idiot. Definitely, English is the most information dense. That's why it's so fucking easy to learn. A real cheap piss copy of an actual germanic language.
I love you boo, say something more! Entice me with your sweet voice.
Only Butterfly is allowed to speak to me that way.
>The argument could even be made that it's one of the least information dense languages.
Literally false. Esperanto is medium level when it comes to information density.
Then I don't feel bad about being a languagelet
There's Chad's like you on this board and then there's twinks like me. We sure are diverse.
English, German, Norwegian and Swedish
Here's to all my fellow scandinavian people who get three languages for free and have a headstart in any other germanic language
Spanish (native)
And can defend myself in German. Been a long time since I used it tho
portuguese natively, english, italian almost fluent, can unserstand some simple texts in french and can understand a sentence or two in a simple german text.
Afrer finishing with italian will go full force with french then german
>quite well
Look at this pseud
altrum hominem video qui latine fari scit
Ancient Greek
We’re so lucky that we can speak languages that only 20 million people can speak and that’s IT and we have headstart to German but who cares.
I’m sceptical of people who learn languages from a dying civilisation
How long did it take you to learn how to read akkadian and what resources did you use?
>and we have headstart to German but who cares.
fucking snowfags, you do know German is greater in every way than your neanderthal tier orc tongues, right?
>Surprisingly, however, we found that bilinguals had less insight into their performance than their monolingual peers.
German is for nazis how can it be superior
Because it isn't for virgin Jews, who have a lot of money but are still virgins because they are Jewish.
Yea Forums tabloi euskalduna da
German, English and, with occasionally checking a dictionary, Latin
will have to work on my spanish soon
I am also learning akkadian at the moment.
A couple weeks with an English-Akkadian dictionary
Wish I could read French, might start working on it sometime soon.
Nazis are dead. Meanwhile Jamal is pretty much alive and ravaging your country.
Italian (native)
Starting on German and Portugese soonish.
I Have relatives in Brasil, pretty rich. Wanna hook up with some good middle to upper class brazilian grill and have a gargantuan number of mediterranean-latino-German kids.
Germany is in my ancestros but atm nobody in my family speaks it so I want to study it
Also I can sorta read Latin from high school But I forgot a lot and I'm slow as fuck.
What should I learn after those?
look at This fuvking NPC. I'm sure he's got aphantasia and no internal dialogue either.
>What should I learn after those?
Respect towards women
English, Classical Greek, Latin, French, Dutch.
The studies prove bilinguals have less introspection:
>Surprisingly, however, we found that bilinguals had less insight into their performance than their monolingual peers.
Latin is easy to get back into. Honestly, just invest in an up-to-date dictionary and you should be able to figure out/rediscover syntax and structure.
>i just mold my opinions on studies instead of trying for myself and i'll die ignorant defending a retarded opinion because an irrelevant study arrived at this irrelevant conclusion
No they dont. It's just brainlet studies coming to idiotic unsupported conclusions as usual. Paid and supporters by brainlets that can't cope with having to learn morevthan one language. It is well know that knowing more than one languages opens up new avenida of thought, lets you think about a problem on different perspective and makes You more introspective, not less.
Which is pretty fucking logical desu when you realize that it encourages checking your thought processes out to figure out of they fit each of your languages.
You probably are the kind of people that when someone says to "imagine a red star" can't See a fucking red star and has to repeat "RED STAR RED STAR RED STAR" in his head continuously thinking That's how you do it.
I sorta remember the grammar and synthax It's just been a while Since last time i translated anything, Thank you all the same.
lol, Never.
not many speak that.
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are pretty much inclusive,
English and Italian
extremely based. consider performing a lobotomy to get rid of all that nasty english, then you'll become the based pict you were meant to be
Japanese (conversational)
Still studying, always studying.
learn Hindi, asshole or never set foot in Delhi
And then there's Conrad
Also i heard Good things about "Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata", What's the consensus about it on Yea Forums?
Based. What do you think of nino haratischwili? Should i give her a try?
Learning French
Wanted to do Japanese as well after but won't bother because Japanese lit is quite shit
I'd rather learn punjabi. I've heard punjabis are the ones who respect vedas the most. And tamils the ones who always repeat that british propaganda of the vedas being a means to oppress the lower caste
All brazilian girls have been blacked. Trust me, you don't want them.
American Sign Language
More Tolkien Elvish than I care to admit
I know spoilers don't work here
Well, rip my clit and call me a tranny, spoilers do work and I got dubs.
Funny how life works sometimes.
I also forgot to mention that I know some French. Only some, though.
Any advices in how to start with german?
> goes to delhi
> comes back with seven different kinds of cancer caused by air pollution
no thanks lol
punjab has a sikh majority you retard, they literally rejected the main vedic tenets in favour of a more equal system
but no, sikhs are based warrior saints, so if you want to learn punjabi go ahead
Korean conversational
Russian basic,bit of conversation, read/write Cyrillic
Japanese Hiragana Katakana and some Kanji,
How does one pronounce a German "r"? That other post got me confused.
Don't the guru granth sahab admits the Vedas are the Truth?
>tfw raw eromanga
because fuck scanlators
>tfw 1700 and still can barely read shit
also simplified is cancer, enjoy not being able to read classical.
>A real cheap piss copy of an actual germanic language.
false. english is a mongrel language of german, french, old english, and various loanwords from greek, latin, and others. it barely qualifies as an actual language, it's just an abomination of fragments of several others patched together with bubble gum and duct tape.
just English but I can also read music well enough to mentally follow Boulez scores so there's that
-Quite well:
Portuguese (Native).
- N2 tier:
- Basic Tier:
It's sort of complicated.
> One may read all the books of the Vedas, the Bible, the Simritees and the Shaastras, but they will not bring liberation. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 747)
> The Vedas and the Scriptures are only make-believe, O Siblings of Destiny; they do not relieve the anxiety of the heart. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 727)
> Except the Word of the Guru, all other word is false. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 917)
there's a lot more where that comes from, too. however, Guru Nanak was definitely influenced by the vedas to the point where his words reference them explicitly.
Sikhism is a combo between Islam and Hinduism
I wonder if you learning many languages ever developed a professional skill, high end one...
Kinda understand the basics of, but can't really speak:
Spent four hours learning till I dropped them:
Ancient Greek
Spent 30 minutes or so trying to learn a few words & stuff:
Spent 10 minutes looking at a few pages in a book on one:
Know 1 phrase in:
Indonesian (Selamat pagi)
The apex of Japanese writing are visual novels like Grisaiaの果実 and 沙耶の唄, not printed novels.
This is what I'd call a misopolyglot.
if that's the best it has to offer then it's shit
I'm an American studying Spanish.
>implying anyone would actually want to go to delhi
actually lol'd out loud
>*laughs in romance language*
you wot m8
You're like a little baby, watch this
Mountain negro
That study is literally just spics vs white americans Obviously the spics will do poorer they have lower IQs, has nothing to do with being bilingual
Hispanic whites are basically the white descendants of conquistadors so that’s wrong they have the same IQ but anyway IQ is pseudoscience.
Arabic (formal and spoken)
... what?
Catalan (Native)
Spanish (Native)
English (C2)
German (C1)
Living in Germany right now, so my German is improving a lot, but I'm losing English fluency since I don't use it in my day to day. Italian will be next in line, which shouldn't be too hard with two romance languages already under my belt.
And now I'm studying japanese 'cause I'm a filthy weeb
TFW only know 3(6) languages if Swedish and Norwegian count
^ この日本のオタクはあなたのお尻を犯さ
Omae wa mou shindeiru
I know this language.
Compensate and smoke hasjish
this is how science is done, brainlet. put down your useless humanities textbooks and learn how real men acquire knowledge.
Is this the based Breton nationalist I'm speaking to?
Learning ancient Greek and Latin
t. languagelet trying to defend his retardation
Why not learn latin or ancient greek instead?
The studies prove him right.
English as my first language
Swedish (And therefore Norwegian and Danish to an extent)
Can read Arabic and learning to speak it
Old English
New languages can open you up to new ideas but you should focus on one language and if that language isn’t your first you’re fucked.
Murrican cope.
How hard is it to learn how to read arabic and is are old arabic texts impossible to read with a understanding of modern arabic?
Start by trying to write names. Start simple with names like Bob, David, Marcus. Then go to bigger names like Ibrahim. Then you might as well start learning accents and inflections. Duolingo has a nice Arabic script course, but only for learning the script
swedish english, learning french and japanese. italian later on
confirmed that you can hardly read or speak a single one of those fucking languages lol
My German is good enough to read literature, and my Italian is almost there. But I rarely have the patience to tackle a full novel in a foreign language.
Latin is a work in progress and far more daunting.
Nip. It's a weird feeling not being able to naturally reproduce the same sentences you have no problem comprehending. Remember to practice your output.
What Kind of literature? Can you read Nietzsche? Imo you're fully fluent once you can read him without misinterpreting everything he's saying.
t.native german
It's pretty good but you might want to grab a college companion with it to cover some of the grammar points you're magically supposed to understand through induction
That's really interesting! Are you an Anthropology student who studies the tribes in California? How did you come to learn a language that obscure?
>Indonesian (Selamat pagi)
Haha you watched Nichijou too
Is German or Japanese better for finding a qt foreign gf?
the apex of japanese visual novel is 装甲悪鬼村正, if you can't read it then you're a miserable dekinai and should commit suicide
didn't mean to greentext "headstart"*
Neither. German girls are whores and Japanese girls are dried up.
I see. What's the best alternative then?
Spanish (native)
English (fluent)
French (fluent)
Latin (intermediate)
Occitan (beginner)
Italian (intermediate)
Japanese (beginner)
Greek, German, Catalan one day
Take the 2D pill or take the 1D pill.
I read a bunch of early 20th century authors when I was taking German lit in college (Kafka, Musil, and Walter Benjamin). The last serious German work I read on my own for fun was actually Nietzsche (Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert). I have to read slowly and have a dictionary to hand, but I can manage.
yet most english-speaking individuals struggle to form a proper sentence, because of the overuse of a few words
Norwegian (get Danish and Swedish for free lmao)
Dabble in Greek and Russian
Indonesian girls m8