Who else is ready for this
Serotonin by Houellebecq
I don't care about this racist fuck
do you have it as epub/mobi/pdf? Care to share? Thanks.
This English version clearly isn't out yet or OP wouldn't have asked "who else is ready" you fucking moron.
makes sense. Sorry I just woke up and it's not even 7 here.
Is Houellebecq actually an interesting writer or is he only talked about for being slightly politically incorrect
Curious, but won't rush out to buy it. Maybe in a year or two once the hardbacks hit used bookstores.
He's good, but most of his novels are variations on a theme. If nothing else, read The Elementary Particles. It's him at his best, both politically and stylistically. After that, only go back for more if you want (extremely) similar writing.
Anyone here read The Possibility of an Island? When does it get good? I'm like 50 pages in.
pretty a-based actually
french user who already read it said it was a disappointment
It's going to have to take more than one opinion. Depends on what they were expecting.
cringe mudslime
good taste
the frogs dont like anything. pleasing a frog is like pleasing a new york elite woman. it's fucking impossible.
>It's going to have to take more than one opinion
Why? Yea Forums agrees about everything.
not really. there's always contrarianfags who dislike /ourguy/ like this total nigger:
I have it in PDF. I've had it for a bunch of months already.
I'm french and this is indeed the truth.
We bitch openly about the slightest inconvenience, even in restaurants you often hear entire family criticizing the decoration. The rare praises they give feel more like judgment than genuine enjoyment.
Is it like this in your country ? I'm curious.
there's always some annoying cunts like in every country I guess but there's lots of ignorance around here as well.
The cover is very pretty. I might buy it for that reason alone.
It's nothing revolutionary if you read his other books but what makes it good because of his sharp observations and ennui that most people can relate to. Comfy in a doomer kind of way, imo better than Soumission but definitely more edgy.
Whatever is like the short version of elementary particles. I think that one is a good start
cover reminds me of the Cèline horse one
I've read it in French as well. It's okay but this board will forget it after a few months. It's not a great book like Whatever/Particles, and neither is it based on a strong gimmick like Submission. Maybe the edgy scenes will make it at least a bit relevant.
And history doesn't care about You.
Not him, but technically speaking, history doesn't care about anyone.
What's his best work? The Elementary Particles literally made me cry and I liked Platform a lot. Whatever was... see the title I guess.
>racist fuck
And that's a good thing.
The possibility of an island is what you should read next
I'm reading it right now as a matter of fact. When does it get good though?
Never. I read Submission first, then The Elementary Particles. Liked them both. Tried Island afterwards. Total shit. Pitch it over your shoulder and move on.
What's so bad about that? I remember he was ranting about Hexly's Island in some other book, and it was pretty interesting.
The beginning is all right, but once it's actually supposed to start it gets pretty stale
Simple as this: knowing nothing of Michel at the time, and being drawn in simply by the attractive bookspine, I downed Submission like a glass of water because it was an easy, breezy, enjoyable read that also engaged some present day topics I found interesting. Ditto for The Elementary Particles. When it came to his other books, I did not find the writing to move along as smoothly, nor did I find the content presented all that enjoyable, even if most of it seems to be a variation on the same idea. That all said, I'm looking forward to get my hands on Serotonin. For me he provides the same teenage pleasure I had when flying through pages of Bukowski. Whether or not he's an "important writer" isn't something I care about. I simply found Submission and Elementary entertaining. Everything else I've sampled hasn't quite felt as good as those two.
Based cover
the summary on amazon makes it sound horrible, like houllebecq just phoned in a clone of the elementary particles but didn't even add in a different dynamic like he did with submission. it could just be advertising finally catching up to houllebecq as the "anti-politically correct" author? as this is his first novel published after 2016 happened
it actually sounds kind of comfy
can you upload it please?
who's on the cover?
extremely excited. I’ve read everything by him and I’m a committed fanboy. Whoever said Island was bad is a FUCKING DUMB NIGGER AND I KNOW THAT FOR SURE BC I GOT A FUCKING 2400 on my SAT and basically KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!!!!!
weird post, but i agree, island was fantastic
just trying to get the truth across to some hardheaded ppl
English translation hasn't been published yet
What the fuck do you mean "Are you ready"? It's already released, dumbfuck.
Think he means the English translation, my filtered friend.
I'm pretty hype goodreads.com
History certainly cares for the greeks, romans, anglos, and germans. Arguably in that order too.
Bulgarian here.
i liked the Vendee references, as the 2nd most important character was a counter-revolutionary type.
Wow, is the Anglo-Saxon book market really that slow or isn't he such a fucking big thing as he is in Europe? I mean, you can get a German translation of his newest book almost on the same day the original is released in France.
Island was one of his worst books - he basically just recycled the topics he used in his first three novels without adding any new or interesting thoughts. A transitional novel to make some money while he was searching for new ideas.
Unfortunately, Serotonin is pretty much the same, although you might recognize he matured and his language and thoughts seem to change a little bit and are softer, less radical than they used to be - but I'm not sure that's a good thing. Partly, the plot even seems to be a little bit far-fetched and constructed (especially when it comes what the protagonist is planning to do with the son of one of his ex-gfs).
Obviously, none of you has ever read a single sentence written by him.
the book is honestly not very good and I agree. He comes across as a tool
>Obviously, none of you has ever read a single sentence written by him.
I have actually, even his poems in French, which many faggots here don't even know that exist.
Im german and apparently we've had this book already a year before you anglo fucks. Its ok, a fun read but it's very poor prosaically and honestly offers very little in substance. Let me greentext
>be me, ~45 year old boomer
>be depressed ;_;
>talk about my dick and sex a lot
>have had various relationships, but never pursued my only true love and am angery now >:(
>parents died when i was 26, because they loved each other and killed themselves after daddies cancer diagnosis
>my jap cunt is a slut and made porn and I wanted to kill her but I didnt because I am even to useless for that
>i literally ran away from my life
>got hooked on anti depressants
>experience the slow destruction of my life and of the world due to capitalism
>witness several crimes and dont do shit about it (dont report a pedo)
>die like the faggot that I am in my little funeral apartment
The only fun comes from the in depth descriptions (of which there are very few) and the little observations he makes. Its kinda shallow
is lorin stein still the translator lol?
imagine putting your face in her ass after a long hike when it's all sweaty
>In Serotonin, power and powerlessness—emotional, sexual, political, economic—are big motifs. “Is he a visionary or a cynic?” Le Figaro wrote in a front-page editorial that praised the novel and called Houellebecq’s books “the symptoms of the innumerable ills that are eating away at us.” A radio program on France Culture dedicated to Serotonin asked if Houellebecq was “an anti-modern writer or a modern guru?” In Le Monde, Bruno Viard, a literature professor, wrote that Houellebecq might be categorized as a reactionary, but was in fact more ambiguous. “Houellebecq is fundamentally anti-liberal—unlike the left, which is anti-liberal in economics but liberal in morality, and the right, which is the opposite. So he’s unclassifiable,” Viard wrote.
>Other French critics have commented on Houellebecq’s evolution from the darling of left-wing magazines like Les Inrockuptibles to that of far-right ones like Valeurs Actuelles. But Houellebecq has captured something in his trajectory from the alt-weekly to the alt-right. It’s not so much that his views have changed, but that the political landscape around him has changed in ways that reflect his outlook. Maybe he is a visionary after all. And his is a grim vision indeed.
Sounds good to me.
I just read Submission and I can't believe this was even allowed for sale in ZOGermany, totally shocked it sold well
>muslims will take over everything
I dont know why people dont realise that Islam is imploding on itself. The religiom can not cope with the modern times and people are more or less becoming less muslim by the day, even if theyre nominally islamic. Nobody is at any danger and Houllebuecq is an old geezer afraid of everything and reactionary like a Yea Forums poster.
If your idea of the average muslim family is based on radical islamists in the backwaters of afghanistan and iraq, then yeah, they are a problem, but most people arent like that at all, and a lot of them do in fact feel trapped by Islam, which is a religion that very much ties a family to itself. But in the end, religions can not win the fight against human desires and money, its a futile fight. Christianity wasnt abandoned, it abandoned itself when it became about money and power and greed and was beaten at its own game by smarter players. Every religion that wants to wield power like that will and must crumble to the sheer power of capitalism.
I'd believe you if "moderate" Muslims didn't keep supporting extremists
I don't get the appeal of Houellebecq. He seems like a third-rate, degenerate, sex-crazed version of Cioran.
are you trying to sell him to me? because it's working lol
Don't bother unless you like this sort of debauchery. Everything else has long been outlined by Cioran in a far superior fashion.
if i weren't so lazy, i would make a soijack doomer with the caption
>he's just like me!
so i could post it in these threads.
It can also be enjoyed as fiction
you dont know anything about muslims, so why would that suddenly be true? Because /pol/ keeps spamming this one infographic?