What are contemporary ways to "ride the tiger"?
What are contemporary ways to "ride the tiger"?
Self-improvement. Rising above the filth like the lotus.
Become a cute tranny
gay sex + meth
take the clown-pill
Seek God. Seek the truth. Pray. Prayer is more important than your career or politics.
Become a Christian.
Do not worry about tomorrow, do not stress over politics and injustices. Let the masses consume themselves to death. The world goes through cycles, let it go. Work on your own spiritual development, do good as opportunities appear to you, embrace righteous love not hate or resentiment. Be firm, strict and disciplined. Become friends with God. Have a family. What is true and good is always true and good.
>Prayer is more important than your career or politics
The truth of the Gospel is eternal and unchanged of current affairs. Only by seeking God can our hearts find any true rest.
i dont know the dudes on the right seem kinda cool....
Consume art and seek knowledge, through it one can grow their soul and refine the ability to act without searching. Cultivate the divine within oneself. Guenon was correct in saying that we should move away from division of life into multiplicity. Life can be endlessly sub-divided and analysed into distraction, until the point where one is miserable. One should learn to embrace the unity of the Brahma and the Atman, achieved through seeking knowledge of oneself and the world around oneself (which are, ultimately, whole).
Why is Kadyrov reading a Bible?
The pursuit of the impossible.
Based and clown-pilled, this is a decent cope for modern society
This is the most healthy answer for rising above the modern world if you lack the resources to distance yourself outright
This is becoming part of the degeneracy
>using the same cope that was used by peasants for centuries to pretend they aren’t getting cucked out of a better life
A holocaust will result in an even harder swing to the left.
Keep thinking that
>capitalists invite boatloads of unskilled labour into your country and convince you it's for your own good
>they don't work, they cost a lot of money, and they establish their own culture that works against all the social and civic progress you've made since the middle ages
The only reason this is happening is because someone wants it to.
Or, uh, it could be that Pakistan and several other Muslim countries are in the Commonwealth and so can immigrate freely to the UK.
>>using the same cope that was used by peasants for centuries to pretend they aren’t getting cucked out of a better life
There are worse things than poverty, like gulags, killing fields, artificial famines, torture and state sponsored nihilism, atheism and idolatry.
I understand the importance of careers, economics and politics, but people overvalue them these days and make their lives revolve around these things that should only be thought of as secondary and basically comical/clown things.
Christians have done three of the things you mentioned.
Can the English immigrate freely to African nations and set up farms and make the countries productive and hire people? Or is that bad?
That doesn't make Islamificiation of the UK a good thing though, Muhammed.
Th shitty thing is that they do work. We little people do not want more work being done because it means we matter less
Pretty sure they can to Commonwealth African countries, Mr. Shapiro
If it happens it is a direct legacy of the British Empire. :)
How to stop Islamification: encourage immigration from non-Islamic countries.
What a bright idea Brexit's been, no more European immigration.
We need state enforced atheism so fucking bad it's unreal
Not relevant, fuck off
I don’t see how that statement relates to my post
I agree that a holocaust would swing society even further left, the last holocaust significantly contributed to it
Based and redpilled
The Islamic terrorists and rape gangs in the uk are not coming from the EU, the immigration of Muslims to the uk predates the EU by decades.
Leaving the EU is not going to fix those problems, not will it fix the increasingly draconian uk government and police force, they make things worse regardless of what the EU does.
Not that the EU is necessarily good but the worst problems currently faced by the uk are not related to the EU
You solely focus on you and your own goals. Everyone else cannot be saved and the best you could do is act as a paragon of your own virtues
Climb as high as you can
russians and asians tried that, always eats itself.
The EU adds to the problem of immigration, of course countries can cuck themselves, but the EU definitely creates incentives and punishments for those that are anti-migration.
This kills the sunday schoolcuck
>not mad about immigration
Everything wrong with the world detected
No one has less illusions about the human capacity for evil than Christianity
Evil Christian does not prove Christianity wrong, more like the contrary
Christians do evil in spite of their beliefs as they fall away from God's will.
Marxist-atheists do evil because of their beliefs and nihilism.
tell that to the catholic church
Why do I see people talking about prayer and christianity in Evola-related threads? In Revolt he seems to look down on Christianity as an inferior and (often but not always) anti-traditional religion.