Anyone read this? Heard its good. Not used to reading much, would like to start and I like history

Anyone read this? Heard its good. Not used to reading much, would like to start and I like history.

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but if you're seriously interested in WWII, rise and fall is the best and most comprehensive book on nazi germany ever written

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don't forget the holocaust never happened

it's long as fuck, just so you know. if you don't read a lot yet, you probably won't finish it.

Appreciate all replies, Think ill get it even if it takes me forever to read

I tried but only made it about 30 pages.
I can’t stand books with giant pages.
I would much rather read two 1,000 page volumes with 500 words per page than one 1,000 page book with 1,000 words per page

the fiftieth anniversary edition has pretty good pagination imo.

50 year-old pop-history book, from only the journalist's view of things. Biased as shit aswell, he constantly call the nazis thugs etc, but since everyone hates nazis, they prefer to ignore bias and old ideas when it validates their own.

did you actually read it? personally, i didn't finish it, but he seemed to be pretty fair to them

Doesn’t he make a lot of off the cuff statements like “Nazis r gay lol”
Yes, the Nazis were very bad but I don’t like Having my history tainted by someone else’s opinions

just kidding I'm gay

>History tainted by someone else's opinion
Lmao, you have a severe misunderstanding of what histioragraphy is
How about you stfu and find and read your own source material, try to get even 0.5% of one chapter of that book and then come back to me you dilettante faggot. Don't talk about history because we all know you're a bullshitter who hasn't studied anything beyond 11th grade state sponsored textbooks, Wikipedia, and image boards

uh no it isn't

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go shoot up a church lol

Cringe public "intellectual" who tries to prove that drumpf is hitler

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It's shit good goy propaganda intentionally written to defame Hitler and serve the postwar Jewish narrative.


it's a massively outdated book based on a fraction of the sources we have now. i've only ever skimmed it but that was enough to notice massive problems like how he presents it as fact that goering had the reichstag burned by commands sent in by secret tunnels, something nobody seriously believes anymore. it could still be a fun read but if you care about accuracy then read evans or the kershaw bio of hitler or something.

>this doctor diagnosed me with cancer but i saw him trash talking based trump on twitter so i'm refusing the treatment

>le absurd strawman

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>something nobody seriously believes anymore
people do and it's goerings own fault

that's not a strawman, that's your literal position: that criticizing trump negates your expertise in an unrelated field.

don't impersonate me wench

i meant that historians don't really argue that anymore. i'm sure it lives on as a meme.

>unrelated field
>trump is literally hitler
>writes about hitler
Totally unrelated.

>implying drumps is qualified to be president


well, he beat the Most Qualified Candidate In History™

yes, his ability to navigate the archives of the third reich is unaffected by his using the vocabulary of his field to express unrelated opinions about modern politics. if he was a doctor and called trump cancer it would also not affect his ability to diagnose actual cancers.

Trump didn't even exist when he wrote the trilogy