I am battling same sex attraction. I'm searching for any literature (and discussion of it) that might help me in my struggle to resist the temptation of the flesh and my heart (e.g. ex-gay books or books that provide advice or comfort to those wrestling with this sin). I've already read a few books on the topic:
>The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics
>Same-Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life
>Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality
>Be Not Deceived: The Sacred and Sexual Struggles of Gay and Ex-Gay Christian Men
>Pertinent portions of the Bible
I'm currently working my way through Libido Dominandi. I realize this is a niche subject, but I need any sort of knowledge that will allow me to effectively combat this sin.
I am battling same sex attraction...
Just jerk off to gay porn until it's no longer particularly libidinous, all fetishism and sexual fixation is caused getting obsessive over it and stoking the flames with the resulting strong psychoemotional associations
Tqke the pledge user
I've been doing that for years now, it hasn't helped. And my romantic attraction to other males is still there.
Maybe I'm a reprobate?
Just read burroughs. I recommend starting with the soft machine.
Embrace the fact that men are the only beings capable of possessing beauty and fuck dudes
user, why?
>If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and will save your soul, if — and mark well what I say — if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins.
—Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
Because the Bible (before you say muh Leviticus/Old Testament, it's in the New Testament too) is clear; homosexual practice is wrong and grounds to be excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven (this isn't even touching the reprobate doctrine). It displeases God.
You must realize that many of the laws of the ancient Israelites were specific to their time period and that modern Christianity is no longer bound by them (dietary laws, circumcision, etc.). You must then reconcile homosexuality with chastity and find a same-sex partner willing to wait until marriage for intimate relations.
As Gagnon makes clear in The Bible and Homosexual Practice, homosexual practice is different from dietary laws and circumcision because it isn't ceremonial law, it's moral law, which Christians are very much still bound to. Thus it's unacceptable for a Christian to be together even monogamously, even completely celibately, with another man.
I am a bisexual male but i chose to identify as straight as a protest against cultural marxism
Is it sodomy if a ftm transexual has sex with a mtf transexual within the bounds of christian marriage and for the puposes of reproduction?
What does cultural marxism mean? retard here.
I don't know, date a dude then.
>voluntarily spending your life with a female
t. bisexual choosing to be a faggot but would fuck girls occasionally
If you live in the west nobody cares irl, what's the problem then?
Are you straight up homosexual or bisexual?
>If you live in the west nobody cares irl
And it's not about that anyway.
shame and attachment loss by nicolosi
Imagine being this much of a repressed cuck
>this entire fucking thread
Jesus Christ, /pol/ has taken over this board completely
Lgbtsjw cultural marxists have taken over every other website and institution in the western world so i think its fair we heteros keep Yea Forums
Better than eternal separation from God, and eternal hellfire.
I should add that I was never abused and I had a normal relationship with my parents. Would this book still be helpful?
>I should add that I was never abused and I had a normal relationship with my parents. Would this book still be helpful?
i suppose yes. even if it centres around family dynamics, it seems to explore the psychology of same-sex attraction deeper than that.
There is no such thing as God or eternal hellfire. Now stop being a faggot and suck them dicks, queer
I'll have to give it a shot then, thanks. Are any of Nicolosi's other writings worth checking out?
god made him want to suck dicks so it is his holy duty to suck dicks
absolutely heretical.
It's literally in your genes. I'm afraid you can't fight it, and attempting to do so will only give you sadness and misery.
>I'll have to give it a shot then, thanks.
you're welcome. i certainly reccomend it.
>Are any of Nicolosi's other writings worth checking out?
i'm not sure about that as "shame and attachment loss" happens to be his only book i've read.
>It's literally in your genes.
Nurture+nature though
Most often it is porn usage and corporate leftist propaganda that compells one to engage in such activities
Why did you post for the sole purpose of demonstrating your seething?
This fucking faggot again
Stop posting this pasta and go suck a dick. If you’re gay you’re gay there isn’t shit you can do about it
It's not pasta. I've made a thread on this topic one other time, several months ago.
>and go suck a dick.
I did, strictly to ascertain whether or not I was gay. Loved it but it's wrong and I need to refrain from sinful behavior like that.
Nurture can't make you gay, unless by that you mean hormone injections.
Other gay people have spent their whole lives attempting to "cure" themselves and failed. You don't have any special or unique qualities that they didn't. Stop hating yourself. Life's too short to waste in misery. It's not your fault if people hate you. You're not being humble or forebearing when you blame yourself for every interpersonal failure; you're just being unfair to yourself. It's okay if not everyone in the world likes you.
I'm not a christian not a faggot, but I know about you queers.
You probably were born with a female mind in a a male body due to chimerism or low prenatal testosterone.
You have a very feminine way to talk for example.
Join a monastery I would say, or look up if the use of psychedelic drugs is allowed in the bible.
Honestly I think the only way to curw faggotry is with science, and would be easy if we lived in the early 60s. I guess your kind is fucked for a few more decades at the bare minimum
>op talks about salvation of his soul
>you reduce everything to other people approval
you're gayer than him
Salvation of the soul is little else than that
Childhood is beeing afraid of unfamiliar feelings and denying them. Adulthood is accepting it doesn't really matter and you are what you are.
I wholly understand people that deny themselves in fear of prosecution and ostracism though. Also did you try to stop posting anime images?
why bother? let's go out for dinner, user.
There are genetic and environmental components. science.sciencemag.org
Who said I hate myself?
People have attempted to cure their homosexuality and succeeded (see: ex-gays). Even those who don't succeed--and I never said I wished to convert. I merely wish to successfully avoid homosexual thoughts and lust and avoid acting on them. It's possible to remain a celibate same sex attracted, non practicing homosexual.
Oh yeah, and if nothing else get off Yea Forums. This site is full of broken, twisted people who want nothing else but to make you suffer.
seriously, let's go out. i don't even want sex. i just want to have a male partner to share my celibacy and memes with.
>it's moral law, which Christians are very much still bound to
Only inasfar as loving our neighbours as ourselves and loving God. Everything else is toilet paper.
Do this one OP, it'd be hilarious.
You sound very sheltered. The world is big enough that there are people who will accept you for who you are; you just have to put yourself out there and find them (or let them find you). It sucks that your childhood environment was hostile to you, but you don't need to let it define you anymore. The whole world is not like that. Move forward and find new social environments instead of carving yourself to an evil standard.
>implying I'm datable
That's not at all Biblical.
God and His Word is the farthest from an evil standard there is.
I also don't want to hurt my parents, who have sacrificed so much for me--being gay would crush them, and they're already stressed. But my primary reason is religious.
If anything in this cultural marxism dystopia there is nothing more rebellious than to willfully choose NOT to be gay in defiance of all the propaganda that wants to convince you to give in.
>That's not at all Biblical.
They're the two highest commandments which supersede all others. It's not "Old Testament" Biblical, which often isn't good enough for you stupid Prots who really want to LARP as Jews from over a millennium ago.
>which supersede all others
What's your Biblical basis for this?
Yes those things are important but there's far more that needs to be kept in mind than just that.
>What's your Biblical basis for this?
Every single Gospel. Go read the New Testament you nutjob.
How fucking degenerate do you have to be that you entice someone to live out their homosexuality who actively seeks to resist it? What worth do you think lies in such a life? There is no hope for an active homosexual to father children and continue his lineage, the sole purpose of recreation. It is only natural to abstain from homosexual acts or to attempt to 'cure' it. In any case homosexuality is a black hole that sucks in any effort and energy you could expend in the world towards nothing but hedonism. It's better to do nothing at all than submit to it.
I've read the Bible from cover to cover. The New Testament also forbids homosexual practice.
If they'd disown you over a little thing like that, it doesn't sound like they ever had much love for you in the first place.
>In any case homosexuality is a black hole that sucks in any effort and energy you could expend in the world towards nothing but hedonism. It's better to do nothing at all than submit to it.
>guy who ran the biggest gay conversion camp in America just came out as gay
>closet cases still think that if they think hard enough they'll stop thinking about man-ass
>There is no hope for an active homosexual to father children and continue his lineage
If you have a sibling who has kids it's not really a big deal. Also if you really care that much you can be a sperm donor or find a surrogate mother.
They won't disown me, but they'll be hurt.
Uh huh.
And loving one another is the one thing that defines being Christian p much.
>Uh huh.
Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:9-11
>And loving one another is the one thing that defines being Christian p much.
True, but there's a difference between eros and agape--I recognize you were talking about the platonic relationship between parent and child, but I'm going to preempt you before you go full #lovewins and say that erotic love isn't condoned outside of a limited set of circumstances, which don't include homosexuality.
>If you have a sibling who has kids it's not really a big deal. Also if you really care that much you can be a sperm donor or find a surrogate mother.
I'm saying active homosexuals have no chance of it. Of course if you act counter to your homosexuality you can impregnate a woman.
>Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:9-11
Everyone knows Paul's full of shit and was a mistake. Even he himself admits it.
Those coping mental gymnastics. Paul's writings are divinely inspired and should be taken as seriously as the rest of the Bible.
Seething faggots trying to convert op.
Op, I would still put you in concentration camps or at the very least use you as a labrat to find a cure for faggotry, but you are braver than 99% of "men", including heteros, so I will give you an advice: look up meditation. It is conciliable with prayer. You can learn to eliminate every thought by will that way. I am not christian and I used to treat drug addiction
You're not like this because you're doing it on purpose. If God made you a certain way but then blames his own creations for how he himself chose to make them, then God is evil and the just thing to do is to refuse to worship it.
Moreover, you're clearly very knowledgeable about the Bible and very pious - much moreso than most Christians - and yet you're still gay. Isn't that just further proof of the ineffectuality and meaninglessness of the Bible? If you still don't feel comfortable going atheist, at least learn about other world and historical religions to broaden your perspective - is this not the literature board?
t. privileged straight boy
The Bible says that God doesn't *create* people gay; they become gay after the person rejects God so many times he gives them up, and being gay is a symptom of that. (Romans 1:26-32)
I'm always open to learning more. But the Word is the truth, and that's what it says about homosexuality.
>You're not like this because you're doing it on purpose. If God made you a certain way but then blames his own creations for how he himself chose to make them, then God is evil and the just thing to do is to refuse to worship it.
Let's say you once feel very angry against someone and think you would kill them, but then you realize it's wrong and don't do it.
What he "desires" it's completely different from what he "wants to do". I am not even a christian but that's literally elementary school tier theology
>Moreover, you're clearly very knowledgeable about the Bible and very pious - much moreso than most Christians - and yet you're still gay. Isn't that just further proof of the ineffectuality and meaninglessness of the Bible? If you still don't feel comfortable going atheist, at least learn about other world and historical religions to broaden your perspective - is this not the literature board
Non sequitur, also very arrogant coming from you. You're assuming OP has no knowledge if history or other religion.
He has reads many books and speaks in a cultured matter, he probably knows more about everything than you ever will
in honesty, there is no such thing as ex-gay
just be gay and try not to be a weirdo
go get yourself a femboy bf to cuddle user
I wish i would be gay. It would be much easier to explain my mysoginy and complete lack of interest in relationships and sex. However im straight.
Your own feelings and experiences are more truthful than the machinations of ancient megalomaniacs.
I am a moderately attractive autist who cant into human relationships, how hard is it to go cruising for gay sex?
What a retarded false equivalency. If anything it's religion that's committing unjust murder against gay people.
I'm not religious but why it is unjust? God decides what's right and wrong, not you
Also I would kill gay people too if I was in charge as Stalin, Hitler and every wise leader did, it's very rational
How awfully convenient that "God's will" perfectly overlaps with your most selfish, shameless, and most vulgar desires.
I don't want hookups
I told you I'm not religious lol I'm atheist as it gets
God also says to not desire other people's women, I find it stupid but if I was a christian I would have to do it, because that's God's will
You talk like a faggot btw
If you're not religious, then clearly God does not decide right and wrong.
But it is in the old testament
Leviticus 19:18
Lmao did they bully you as a kid or something?
How can you not understand something so simple and logic?
>there's people in this day and age living his sexuality as some goat herders wrote more than 2000 (TWO THOUSAND) fucking years ago
The Quran
that's nothing, people perform a religious ritual of genital mutilation on their kids just because some ancient desert tribe did it, and they don't even belong to the tribe!
Stop being a repressed piece of shit, you fucking homo.
>dude just be a hedonist lmao
Hi Tony.
Cultural Marxism is a term used by cuckservatives. It doesn't mean anything really, and is mostly used by people who have no clue of Marx's work.
A better term than cultural Marxism would be cultural leftism.
Leviticus has a preface that specifies that it is instructions for the rabbinical class
Enjoying romance and sexual relations with another human being is not hedonism. You shouldn't care about drivel written millennia ago.
>just forsake your morals and do what feels good
>not hedonism
That's not morality. That's a prejudice from an outdated savage religion.
Pussy is good within the confines of marriage. It's impossible for two men to marry each other by the Biblical definition--marriage is a man and a woman.
Let go of the stupid shit the paedo in the fancy building told you.
as a devout christian and a conservative, liberalism is to me a savage pagan religion. They worship false idols, supplant the cross with the rainbow, the eucharist with sodomy, the bible with twitter and the new york times,saints with hollywood celebrities, moderation with hedonist excess, virtues with vices and satan with president trump
This is a fag thread. OP is literally asking how to stop sucking dick. This is fucking retarded jesus christ. Why is anyone taking this shit seriously? Fags are to be ignored or ridiculed.
It's a romantic obligation to be as gay as possible. Think of it like buying milk, or juice, or something from the store. If someone were to tell you orange juice were their favorite drink, but then that they were allergic to all others, you would see this selecion of theirs less as a selection and more as a mere physical predicament. Or, if they were only allergic to half, a little bit less, gradiently so up until you suppose they were allergic to nothing and had complete freedom in proclaiming their favorite. Now go back down and pretend we're talking about spouses. Even from an entirely monogamous, save-yourself-for-marriage type of perspective, you intuitively don't want your decision to be merely a matter of falling into the rut your physical limitations made for you. You want to proclaim that your favorite is the favorite of all things and not merely what your could tolerate. Foster your faggotry. Better now than to learn 70 years into marriage later that there were men you could've had better relationships with had you not been monosexual. Not only for your own sake, but your theoretical spouse's, whoever they may end up being.
>is the favorite of all things
your favorite of all things*
Your logic is flawed because buying orange juice is different from sodomy, which is morally wrong, whereas buying orange juice isn't.
Secondly, your only options aren't to "be a faggot" and to "marry a woman and repress." Celibacy is the only Biblically acceptable option for people suffering from same sex attraction.
Same here friend, I hope you'll be alright.
If your Christian just be chaste, I don't think you're sinning if you keep trying. Every one bear his own cross user, if you keep carrying it God will reward you.
>Your logic is flawed because buying orange juice is different from sodomy
Can we make this a banner?
Even nothing is an option. If you choose nothing, it should be above all else, and not merely above half the options that otherwise could have been available. Your logic is flawed because you believe in sodomy.
Both of you are mean motherfuckers, this is not respectful of his struggle in any way.
I still get horny to the point where I can't sleep properly
I can't even masturbate to get release, because that's a sin too
And my doctor won't chemically castrate me
So I just have to keep reading
are you saying god makes mistakes user?
How is gay-lust different from straight-lust? Both are equally bad, and methods to overcome it are also the same.
I guess I'm more lucky than you because I'm bisexual. But I already slept with men, and I regret it now.
Do physical excercise it will help you, stay focused on something, have a good sleep schedule.
Don't castrate yourself user, you don't have to really. The drug must give some pretty nasty side effects.
If you want we could support each other and report our progress, might not be the best idea tho...
just don't be a faggot lol
disavow all sexuality. If your hand causes you to sin cut it off. If your sexuality causes you to sin (and it is explicitly a sin) then cut it off, or at least yourself from it. I'm not saying castration, although that would be fullproof, but just repress it and get the fuck on with your life jesus man. You read five fucking books on this shit? You could have read five books of Plato or Aristotle or any of the greats, and you squandered your limited fucking time on this husk of a fucking planet reading these fucking self-help books that are jbp tier? Fool.
My doctor won't let me castrate myself.
Repressing it, as I've been doing, prevents me from sleeping properly.
So don't repress it, but just say "no homo" when you do it. That makes it not homosexual, because in your heart you are not doing it for homosexual reasons.
You're a useful idiot for Capitalists, and you deserve to have your children be made into gay Leftist trannies for your role in letting them take over.
Man what the fuck is wrong with homosexuals. Just don't fap bro.
>I also don't want to hurt my parents
Then you are not a Christian. You damn poser.
either castrate yourself or fuck a dude.
I've heard good things about pic related. Praying for you, user.
I'll save you some money, it says to just fuck dudes in truck stops and not tell anyone or flaunt it.
I have a question of a similar ilk. I have no problem securing women, and do have a relatively high bodycount, but in recent times I find that the actual act of sex no longer interests me. I enjoy the validation of a girl asking me to come back to hers, but the actual act which I’m supposed to enjoy I find no joy in. If anything I find it a chore. I’m not sure what this means. It’s not that I don’t find women attractive, I just don’t seem to find them attractive enough. I don’t know if this means that I have very high standards, or I have repressed homosexuality. I haven’t properly confronted it. This isn’t literature-related, but I wanted to know if any other anons felt this.
>castration as a serious consideration
Why not just go for a full lobotomy?
>Do physical excercise it will help you
I already have and did.
If I go to the gym I'll just get hard looking at /fit/ guys, and have to stop mid set to wait for it to go down.
>have a good sleep schedule
I try, but I literally can't sleep properly some nights because I have no sexual outlet.
That's ennui dude.
Don't let these people discourage you, user. Stay on the right path!
>Why yes, I accept myself as who I am. How did you know?
I've already accepted I'm same sex attracted.
That doesn't mean it should be approved or acted on, much in the same way an alcoholic may accept he has a predisposition to drinking--he shouldn't give in.
An alcoholic can drink a little. Have gay sex in moderation then, maybe a little cottaging every now and then just to get it out your system.
How do I cure ennui when it’s specifically directed at women? I’m not bored of anything else in life, I just can’t fuck.
Sodomy in any amount is sinful.
i once had this problem, just kissed a guy and it was the most disgusting thing i ever did, i regret that.
my advice:
Stop watching porn.
Stop jerking off
eat healty and watch some good women ass whenever you can, search for nude woman paints and watch the beauty of it.
remind yourself that men are friends or potential enemies, nothing more nothing less.
And of course, stay focus on your hobby/job, dont let the monkey inside of your head distract you from what it actually matters.
is it still gay if your only homo thoughts are of dominating and humiliating weaker men?
So sodomy is hitting the bottle then? Maybe stick to irrumatio, there's nothing gay about two straight guys fucking each other's thighs, same for brojobs. A lot of "gay" sex does not involve penetrating the anus, many gay men don't bother with it.
How many seething faggots are shilling in this thread?
You were prison gay, which is completely different from what I'm experiencing. I cuddled with a guy, sucked his dick and rimmed him and relished every bit of the experiences. I did so because I needed closure on whether or not I was actually attracted to the same sex, which...I am.
There's a difference between my position and someone who's fried their brain from too much jerking off. I masturbate once or twice a month when I can't -not- for the sake of my well being (i.e. when if I don't my rest is in jeopardy). I've also done nofap for more than a year.
I'm genuinely same sex attracted and need literature to help me.
Boy no amount of literature is going to help you. Your homosexual urges stem from a deeply conditioned source and all that literature can do AT BEST is help to direct your thought towards other ends. If you want to find some peace you need to find not peace from homosexuality, but sexuality in general. Swallow some sort of spiritual practice pill that leads to the cessation of craving, such as Buddhism, but really any is fine as long as it is not just mere denial and avoidance. It won't be easy still, but it's the only solution.
You're not attracted to the same-sex because of some incurable disease, you're attracted to the same-sex because you choose to be.
Just pray, stop being gay, and have sex with women, you fucking ponce.
No, it's the peak of masculinity
>I am battling same sex attraction
This but the Jesus Prayer
Sodomy is anal sex
Despite denying its accuracy, you anons never fail to prove that "If there is no God, everything is permissible." After all, if there is no God, why restrain yourself from life's pleasure? You might as well spend your few years on this earth in decadence.
If there is a god, everything is permissible in his name.
There are Christian communities that accept LGBTQ+. There are even several openly gay Catholics like Andrew Sullivan. Atheism is not the only option.
NT is just Paul ramblings
fuck whoever you like
OP your whole thread is misguided on many levels. You are clearly a fag and seem to accept that. Your well-read Christian position tells you that faggotry will send you to hell. You can read more books affirming this position, but you will not find anything to turn you straight. Either be celibate, attempt to be celibate and fail and doom yourself to hellfire according to your own position, or reconcile your gay nature with your religion and stop hating yourself. If you want to try the first two you may have more luck with addiction literature as a means of resisting temptation. From that perspective, your innate faggotry is akin to the addict's addiction, which many believe is also innate.
Subjective truth is not the same as objective truth.
The bible teaches what is objectively true. It is your subjective decision whether you accept it or not, but the truth will never change.
Being gay may not be something some people can change (as in "praying the gay away"), but those are just feelings that someone will have. It's when they act on those feelings and have gay sex is where the line has been crossed. Paul often talked about struggling with temptations and turning away from sin. Well, if you have gay feelings for someone, then the temptation is for you to have sex with that person, but the bible teaches to disregard these temptations.
Jesus Christ himself talked about this, in Matthew 5:30: "And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."
Obviously not literally, but Jesus was saying to remove whatever in your life is leading you away from God and causing you to sin.
bro if you are gay just accept it, read some yukio mishima and seek the beauty on it.
I can't provide any help but I wanted to thank you for doing this user. It gives me hope in humanity.
Physiological changes in the brain, environment, culture and life experiences all impact this. Look up neurogenesis diet on top of whatever virtues you’re currently striving for.
Also quit porn if you haven’t. It’s physiological damaging via overstimulation of dopamine receptors, alters your oxytocin production.
t. skipped the apostlic epistles.
The law of Israel is not bounding, but it doesn't mean open licence. Revelling in dysfunctional and/or disgusting things is not indifferent, and (literal) faggot Op's problem falls into both.
>The bible teaches what is objectively true.
Like bats being birds, or slavery being okay
Give in fag
You didn't read them either. Paul explicitly mentions homosexuals repenting from their sin and becoming brothers in Christ. Calling a fellow Christian a faggot and acting like hes too far gone is unchristian.
It's litteraly a fetish, user. The most celebrated fetish and the most elevated to a lifestyle. Simply start force feeding faggots some castor oil and see How quickly they become ex gay and start craving pussy.
Everything is to be answered for.
God supposedly btfo jews because they used his name for being, well, jews among the goyim.
>lol no user, I don't know You.
>roftl should have thought about It earlier, I don't know You. Go and gnash your teeth now.
>Demon: roftl are you ready for the white hot steel dildo faggot?
>Demon & Jesus: roftl.
hehehe, soon.
>mentions homosexuals repenting from their sin and becoming brothers in Christ.
When you are done with your strawman, you may realize I never denied anyone can be saved. But they have to act for it, and in your very example they do.
Also being offended at the big bad words, you're more of a faggot than op.
>Like bats being birds,
I'm SORRY people didn't have a taxonomic vocabulary as developed as you'd have liked In 500 BC
>or slavery being okay
No, it talks about the correct way to treat your slaves; since slavery was the normal societal assumption at the time.
It was Christians, and Christians alone, who actually fought slavery across history; Because the conclusion that It's wrong is still inescapable from both Bible and Tradition.
But We all know You're an atheist brainlet and You won't give a fuck about any of this, so see:
>yet another Atheists try to teach Christians how to be Christian filler episode.
Cultural Marxism is a thing and refers to people like Gramsci who calls it this way.
Of course the term degenerated into a vague meaning involving trannies and the like, but that's the fate of all politically charged vocabulary.
>I'm not like the other Christians dude. I'm like, edgy, and stuf?????
Stop larping and find Christ. OP has clearly repented for his sins and is a brother in Christ. Hatefully berating him shows you aren't a true Christian but an unsaved larper.
I know that masterson and johnson the sex researchers claimed to have effective conversion therapy. Their research is generally solid, so it may have been true. I'd research that. Unlike typical fundie christian gay conversion, it was not ideologically driven. However as they discovered this during the sexual revolution the idea was completely taboo and they discontinued it because the bad press was starting to reduce their funding.
You mean cultural hegemony which is central to his ideas, give me a single citation for where he uses the phrase "cultural Marxism".
>Their research is generally solid
t. Never Read Their Research (spoiler:it's shit)
maybe freud? he thought everyone was bi
Please people, your brain is more malleable than society thinks! Neuroplasticity is real.
OP I’m praying to Jesus for you getting closer to Him
Is it as shit as climate change research articles? I highly doubt it.
Fuck yourself
>I am battling same sex attraction.
Imagine being so pathetic so that you deny yourself happiness in an attempt to please people's ideologies. You deserve the misery you're seeking.
If I were you I would get renewed vigor from seeing these delirious and angry faggots screeching, it's honestly quite sad that they feel so challenged to need to stir shit. I don't know of any books specific to gayness, I've luckily never had the struggle, but Boethius has always been my personal inspiration to challenge and shun sin and vice. I think any intellectually stimulating literature is good to reduce lust, it might even be better to avoid specific books addressing gayness in order to shift your thoughts. Good luck user.
Rim for Jesus!
Pathetic subhuman.
I'll pray for you OP.
Remember to pray daily.
>If you have a sibling who has kids it's not really a big deal.
Great, instead of being the "cool wine aunt" you can be the "creepy faggot uncle."
Counter argument: But OP is clearly sad.
Is he?
Yes Mr Autismo.
And? What you are referring to is not happiness. It is lust, the orgasm, the temporary fulfillment of carnality. True happiness cannot be obtained on the path of degeneracy and godlessness.
Are you LITERALLY mentally disabled?
Serious question: how long have you had same sex attraction, OP?
I'm very interested in this subject, but it's very politicized, on both sides, so it's hard to sift the truth from people's personal agendas. As far as I understand it, there's no actual evidence for a "gay gene", but the commonly accepted view is that gay people are "born that way". From an evolutionary perspective, a "gay gene" doesn't make a lot of sense, but at the same time, as a heterosexual, I feel very much that my preference for women is hardwired, and it's hard to imagine any circumstances changing this. But then again, what about ancient Greece/Rome/etc.? Why do otherwise heterosexual prison inmates have same sex relationships, or guys in the navy or boarding school, and so on? The whole thing's very mysterious.
That's why baptism and confession get rid of your sins though. You can go around fucking anus after anus, get it out of your system, and then get dunked in some water and it's all good.
I Think the suffering caused by overcoming oneself is never "sad".
Confession doesn't do anything if you don't legitimately repent of your sins. It's not a magic spell.
so if it doesn't do anything, what does it do?
If being gay makes him sad, why do you think adding even more faggotry will make anything better?
Read the Republic.
What does that change? OP can fuck around like young King Solomon, then repent and be pious like old King Solomon. Even if he doesn't repent, just go get baptised and you're a-ok.
How do you know he is not already baptized? Anyway, this type of suggestion you are making is common among people who hate God (like you) and have no intention of returning to him. If you loved God you would not encourage others to sin, or flaunt transgressing in this way, mocking the sacraments as a means for your own sinfulness. We do not know the day that we will die, and it may be that you die before you've had your fill of your lusts and "repented" (as if one who would engage in this behavior possesses real contrition). In which case the only thing awaiting you will be Hell, as you deserve.
You are not a Christian my dude. You have to allow people to transgress, we are all sinners but we can all find redemption through Christ no matter what, and we can show love and compassion for one another. It is not the case that some random people are going to hell because they perform actions that you personally cannot stomache and therefore cannot forgive. That is a failing in you, and for the sake of your immortal soul I beg you to reflect and bring the Holy Spirit into yourself so you can stop being a fake Christian.
You didn't understand a word I said. You are literally telling someone to engage in mortal sins and to sever their relationship with God. Fuck off.
A christian calling someone a pathetic subhuman, that's funny. Kill yourself, you'll make someone happy once in your lifetime.
The only fake Christian in this thread is you.
P.S. I'm not the guy you're replying to.
No, you are choosing to commit great evil by denying the ability of one to repent a sin, claiming they will be damned regardless. Out demon!
The only fake Christian in this thread is you.
P.S. I'm not the guy you're replying to.
Uh oh, we gots a bots spamming shit
What I said is that if you are engaging in the scheme of "I'll go sin as much as I want and then I'll just repent later heehee" then you do not love Christ and have no desire to repent. If you loved God you would desire to follow him.
>"I'll go sin as much as I want and then I'll just repent later heehee" then you do not love Christ and have no desire to repent. If you loved God you would desire to follow him.
That still does not bar true repentance. Knock it off.
I can tell what you are doing, you know? I'd tell you to cease your mockery of God but I know that you don't believe in him to begin with. Not responding again.
Here's a question for christians: how could anyone "repent sincerely" from an action he cannot prove evil using sound, logical arguments ?
You're probably stuck in an armenianist frame of reference that has led to you being paranoid of setting a foot wrong in case you were always predestined to do so. I.e. you're a massive faggot. Even predestined salvation doesn't stop former sodomites getting through the pearly gates either.
Do you not have emotions or something?
>I am a Christian but I don't trust God to tell me what is right and wrong
Yes, but I couldn't repent sincerely from an action I couldn't prove evil. Otherwise, that's pure ideology at work. Now I return you the question, you want to forbid all manner of gay sex, including those driven by love, just because your ideology tells you to, thus justifying the abuse those people receive. Do you not have emotions ?
So your God makes you believe things you can't justify ? Interesting.
>I couldn't repent sincerely from an action I couldn't prove evil. Otherwise, that's pure ideology at work.
This is absolutely not true and is a bad argument. Repentance is only about feeling guilt at the heart of it.
Why would I need to provide logical justification for everything that I believe? No one in the world does such a thing.
>including those driven by love
No such thing.
If that guilt is truly genuine, one should be able to explain why what he did was evil.
If those beliefs entail making some people go through a ton of suffering, I'd say that's the least someone could expect from you.
Prove logically that suffering is bad.
A slogan based on an assumption that you know enough isn't an argument.
Suffering is bad because it f****** hurts, as everyone can admit. If suffering isn't bad, why don't you go through a "torture stage" ? That's what I thought.
You are confusing constructive effort which can be unpleasant with suffering. Suffering can only destroy. And you are an imbecile.
Human bodies are imbued by God with telos, such that they have a legitimate end and are not empty matter. The telos of the human sexuality is the reunification of the man and woman through the covenant of marriage and the life-creating act of copulation within marriage, which is a prefiguration, or type, of the reunification of man and God in the marriage of Christ and his Church. Actions which are contrary to this telos are sinful as they are a willful distortion and abuse of God's creation.
So is undergoing physical therapy for an injury bad? It hurts and you suffer.
You're simply using semantics to make suffering more specific. There's no reason to conceive of suffering as something that can "only destroy." That is not what the word means.
>imbued by God with telos
I would like for you to demonstrate that claim christcuck.
Sometimes we've just got to go on a journey, we can go out amongst the prostitutes and tax collectors or into the desert or anywhere we need to go. Then we can be in a better position to build a relationship with God. OP seems like an incomplete person.
Are you Muslim or in an intolerant area? Cause you could always arrange a MOC.
>if I use greek words that'll make me sound wise
>Human bodies are imbued by God with telos, such that they have a legitimate end and are not empty matter
So you think God can create things with no legitimate end ?
>The telos of the human sexuality is the reunification of the man and woman through the covenant of marriage and the life-creating act of copulation within marriage, which is a prefiguration, or type, of the reunification of man and God in the marriage of Christ and his Church. Actions which are contrary to this telos are sinful as they are a willful distortion and abuse of God's creation.
So for your view to at least be consistent, you have to bite the bullet and admit sex is solely for procreation, not pleasure. If that's a life you're okay with, at least you're consistent, even if I find that flat-earth level retardation.
And you are just saying "Bad-thing good, see there no bad-thing".
Remind me why painkillers exist ? Because suffering is bad.
nu anun suforong gud. be buck muss cruss fingur wit hummer!
I gave you a rational explanation for why Christians believe that homosexuality is sinful. Is that not what you wanted? Or are you going to move the goalposts now?
>So you think God can create things with no legitimate end ?
Did I say such a thing?
>So for your view to at least be consistent, you have to bite the bullet and admit sex is solely for procreation, not pleasure.
Is food only for eating? That does not justify gluttony. God has created things for our use which are good and may be enjoyed within their proper bounds. But yes, the primary purpose of sex is procreation and sex that is not "open" to procreation is sinful.
>Did I say such a thing?
That seemed implied when you opposed human bodies with "empty matter". My mistake.
>God has created things for our use which are good and may be enjoyed within their proper bounds. But yes, the primary purpose of sex is procreation and sex that is not "open" to procreation is sinful.
Notice how you can't actually justify that belief through the Bible itself, because God was pretty okay with David and Solomon having many wives and concubines. I don't think they were for procreation user.
That doesn't satisfactorily explain for what purpose or how it is going to throw the world out of order, Boethius. So some dude pozzes some niggers neghole. OH NOES the world is going to end!
>rational explanation
You confuse ideological and rational. And I didn't ask why you believe it's sinful, I asked why you believe it's evil. Subtle difference.
>That seemed implied when you opposed human bodies with "empty matter". My mistake.
I was simply stating that in opposition to a materialist view.
>Notice how you can't actually justify that belief through the Bible itself, because God was pretty okay with David and Solomon having many wives and concubines.
You are mistaken in assuming that any instance of a person doing something in the Bible is an endorsement that it is good, normal, or ideal. For example, regarding divorce:
>Mt.19:7 They say to him: Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorce, and to put away?
>8 He saith to them: Because Moses by reason of the hardness of your heart permitted you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.
I don't recall ever saying such a thing.
Sin is evil. If I stated that it is sinful I am stating that it is evil.
2 Samuel 12.7–9
"I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if that had been too little, I also would have given you much more!"
You can't get much clearer than that. As for divorce, do you honestly think divorce should only be allowed in case of adultery ?
So all those things forbidden in the OT like wearing mixed fabrics were not just sinful, but also evil ?
In a sense, as they were violations of God's ceremonial law by those who were bound by it.
I honestly don't have much interest in playing the exegete. You asked for an explanation of why Christians view homosexuality as they do, and I gave it to you. There are plenty of writings on polygamy you can look into if you care to read about it.
Someone is not evil "in a sense" it's evil or it's not.
>You asked for an explanation of why Christians view homosexuality as they do
And it was unsatisfactory since you can't bother to refute my point on polygamy. Christians, like most ideologues, are used to hand-waving arguments.
You're doing what plenty of other people do. You ask for an explanation, then you get it, then you say, "WELL, that contradictions my non-religious interpretation of your religious text! So prove me wrong!" I don't care to. Your interpretation of it does not matter, as it is not yours. If you want to know what Christians think of it, then, as they say, go read a book.
>muh text can only be read according to MUH interpretation, yours is wrong, fool!
You're an idiot who is bound to only practice sex for procreation (it's a bit like only having the right to look at art if you provide a piece of art inspired by it at the end) and remain chained if your partner ever becomes insane or beats you or something.
Watch some lesbian porn my friend
I have fallen in love with a man even though I'm not sexually attracted to men. Please send help.
there you go lad
Just kiss him
You're gay. Be gay. You think coming out is something people originally did because they thought it was trendy?
What is it about men you find interesting ?
Are you attracted to masculinity or something else that makes them more interesting than women ?
it's just your particular temptation. I struggle immensely with hetereosexual sex addiction and compulsive sexual behavior, its part of our fallen. we both gotta pray for grace and understanding...be patient with God and yourself
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
The Willpower Instinct.
I forget which is the better book, but knowing the science of how your brain works is really helpful for resisting temptation and avoiding relapse. Belief in God also helps, but looks like you got that one covered. One of these books has an example of one of the first British explorers in Africa whose faith made him ridiculously resilient, shit made me wish I was capable of faith
>You're an alcoholic. Be an alcoholic.
>You're a rapist. Be a rapist.
>You're a wifebeater. Be a wifebeater.
See how silly it is to endorse sin?
A multitude of different things. Their smell, especially in places with a higher concentration of apocrine glands. Their ability to overpower me. The aesthetics of a built buy. The weight of a fat guy's stomach. Their hard, twitching dicks. Women aren't dominant and vaginas are disgusting. Men can also fuck me and women can't without a strapon, and even then the warmth of a cock would be superior; not to mention any woman would eventually want you to penetrate her and that doesn't interest me at all. There's also the fact that men are easier to relate to, interests wise. You're less likely to find a woman as well read as yourself, and I'm sure that's something a lot of people on this board can understand, even if they're not gay; you're going to have more common ground with a guy.
>You're a Protestant. Be a Protestant.
Damnit, you're right.
What makes you think I'm a protestant?
All of those are sins, just like homosexual practice. You are aware the prohibition against homosexual practice is moral law and not ceremonial, right?
Homosexuality is disgusting. I am glad that I, myself, never had homosexual impulses.
Are you a Protestant? I didn't say you were. I was saying that being a Protestant is a sin, they're not true Christians.
The Orthodox Church is actually the only true remainder of the original.
>The Orthodox Church
Stop LARPing you stupid protestant.
Orthodoxy and Catholicism will be thrown into the lake of fire on judgement day along with all the other heretics.
And then ascend to the pearly gates on the thermals ;)
Enjoy being a demon zombie while you fuck your sister with a plastic bag.
>You're have self destructive behavior. Seek help
>You're harm people. Don't harm people
>You and someone else want to have sex. Have sex
See how silly it is to be stupid? (You)
>Not indulging in a sinful practice is self destructive
...eyuhh...whaaat? anti-homosexual rhetoric in the new testament? well be that as it may, the pauline epistles are psuedographical. there's no way they were composed before the second century.
hate to tell ya, but even the conversion on the road to damascus is just modeled after second maccabees...i mean, ah, against homosexuality because of the bible, OK, ah, but you're listening to latter-day propagandists, kiddo. eh, it's your life, you know..."I was a teenage gay!" it's like science fiction with these people.
>a moral system writed by some sandniggers more than two fucking thousand years ago is somehow relevant in my life because I believe there's this magic thing that spoke through them and I must obey it.
Good user, perhaps approach this matter from the position of Deism. Employ your sensory organs and logos to examine the natural world. Deus created it after all. Howbeit, whoever you are, do not be in a fret over imbecilic Levantine blather. Pay no heed to the apostles of demagogy within this thread. I dare say the omniscience of Deus would cause Him/Her/It to understand and love you, and forgive them for their senseless drivel.
I hope you come to understand this, for it is a hard thing to wander wearily under the welkin.
Suck a dick. Hopefully you'll be disgusted by it and it will lose its mystique. But if the experiment goes wrong...
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I already tried it and liked it
Oh no.
weird question I guess but what sorcerer would do such a thing as say the rosary devoutly? the interaction between the heart and will and damnation is very confusing for me in the Catholic church.
I have heard that prayer and fasting is the archetypal thing to do for every person who is struggling with sin. Like other anons have said, praying the rosary is supposed to be good. I don't have even the mere discipline to do that so I've been doing a nightly novena
for me it is hetero stuff. I know it sounds like my fight will be easier than yours because there is some idea of hope but a Christian marriage is a concession, and we are still called to restraint in our marital contact. considering how weak minded I am it may well be that God plans for me to be alone (with respect to romantic relationships). So please, accept my solidarity with you; it's hard to go against what the world loves
Things I disagree with dont exist :^)
Those who have the hardest time will make the most progress once they manage to muster up the courage
concupiscence is a temptation every one of us (excepting maybe very holy people) will suffer under until death. it's basically the same for homosexuals as heterosexuals, except the latter have one very minor licit area where they are allowed to mildly experience sexual feelings without hellfire--although the catechism reads, IIRC, that even in that area there should be restraint and caution
the reason we are like that ("why God made user like that") is because of original sin. We are never condemned for the things we cannot help, but by the choices we make. There are times when we are tempted by a thought—but temptation is not a sin; yielding to temptation is.
to be fair, Paul there is saying that in the case of sinners, their degradation led them to become homosexual. I think you can see that on here very clearly (i.e: traps).
It seems obvious to me that there is a group of people who are just born inflexibly homosexual, and that this is not the consequence of them or their parents rejecting God.
But he's not clearly saying that that is the /only/ way that people experience same sex attraction.
for various reasons, we believe that some of those people directly communicated with God.
you are winning a lot of merit through your struggle, please consecrate it to sinners like me!
unfortunately, castration would count as a sin
would it be possible to get into jogging or something? have you tried cold showers? fasting?
>unfortunately, castration would count as a sin
Why? "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off."
Circumcision is still practiced among Christians (thanks Kellogg) and that's not considered sin.
There's no logical consistency.
a recovering alcoholic should not drink, even in moderation.
>battling same sex attraction
LOL fuck you nazi
user is actually searching for happiness
the reasons are that you are all dumb
yes, but he will be happy in heaven. that's how it works
I understand being blinded by how deeply you disbelief in the doctrine of heaven, but if it were somehow supernaturally revealed to someone, and they were certain that it was true... it totally makes sense that they would do anything to reach it
I think that the polygamy in the case of each patriarch was for the sake of expanding his dynasty and tribe (i.e: procreation), not immediate selfish pleasure.
although the motivations aren't listed
if you refuse to see things as they are, the world gets out of order and fills with evil
I think that the wives were not given for pleasure, but for reproduction. The Bible often uses a metonymy(?) whereby a person's name is made to stand for their successors. See Jacob's name changing to Israel.
The ancient Israelites believed (rightly, in my view), that many, many children were a blessing from God. Polygamy was an (imperfect) way to obtain that blessing.
Interestingly, I don't think that Catholics allow for divorce even in cases of adultery. IIRC, there is a "Pauline privilege" which allows for divorce if you are married to a non-believer, but that's it.
Just go date a trap
It was evil, because the ancient Israelites were under the old covenant, which included provisions against doing that (as well as certain dietary provisions). Under the new covenant (made with Christ), those laws no longer applied.
It would be evil if irreplaceable works of art were regularly and defiled and destroyed for the sake of mindless pleasure, or if human beings were seen as having no more than an aesthetic (or erotic) value
what do you mean?
Probably bait but I should warn you that all of your efforts to try and be something you aren't are going to fail, barring something like chemical castration. It's not something you can pray or rationalise or willpower away and you should accept it as a part of who you are and something that you have to live with. This isn't to say you have to be in a relationship with a man or anything, just stop trying to pretend there's any literature on this earth that will make you not like dudes.
Desire isn't a sin, it's human. I won't try to persuade you beyond that since whatever scripture the religious types here cite to me won't mean anything to me and nothing some degenerate will say will trump the word of their God.
For example, in meditation there are people who can sit effortlessly for hours. Then there are people who struggle a lot, they're restless etc. The latter usually gets much more out of meditation than the former, as they struggle more, they also work through more.
Biblical rules were all just old tips people wanted to warn about from how life used to be back then
1. "Don't mix fabrics" - For people in old times not to try to dress like preists without actually being priests. i.e. Don't pretend you know shit unless you do, which is what the Reddit Atheist is doing
2. "Don't eat pork, shrimp, ect" - Great advice at the time to keep your people safe and healthy
3. "Don't charge interest (usury)" - You shouldn't, this is literally how tons of empires were overthrown and subverted by early ancient crime families. Debt is literally killing the US right now by the way
4. "You can't sell land" - Specifically indefinitely, as we all die one day. Some other meanings about this too but I need more studying on this
They're just manmade. Gay is disliked because of reproduction reasons, but there are 7 billion people in the world.
by meditation, do you mean like spiritual meditation? prayer?
Nothing wrong with some dick. So long as you don’t hurt anybody
there is only an illusion of struggle, your heart has already decided. fuck christianity, jesus would have told you to bang all the dudes you want.
orthobro checking in
Better a fag than a repressed hypocrite, user.
If you just have some sort of meme fetish like AGP, you just should quit watching porn. However, If you are truly a faggot there isn't cure.
Read Confessions of a Mask of Mishima
>A multitude of different things.
hmmm I guess I can see why, I'm different when it comes to liking guys since I only like dick.
The perfect "man" for me would be a femboy or something equally as feminine though.
The difference is those are ceremonial laws whereas homosexual practice is a moral law.
break the law, faggot.
We litteraly addressed you point before in the thread. At Therese calls faggotry "the anti-natural Sin that leaves Even Demons disgusted" and the CCC is pretty fucking clear on the subject; now disappear.
Being a Christian is a sin too. They've abandoned the true gods.
>the pauline epistles are psuedographical. there's no way they were composed before the second century.
You're a pseud and a drooling retard.
>be catholic
>suck all the dick you want all your life
>also do good works, help charity etc
>get old and close to dying
>confess all the dicksucking to priest
>get free pass to heaven
Those were Demons silly user
We addressed This point too, You need to actually repent.
Cheating when in confession is litteraly a Sin on part with butchering and raping 40000 kids
How out of it are you?
Just be yourself. You have one life, don't spend it hating yourself for no reason.
0%, tho i DO sell castor oil amongst other products so I might be a bit biased.
Exactly, SO fight the Sin of homosexuality which is not "yourself" but the slavery of Demons upon You.
Religion is the gayest shit.
Demons and sin aren't real things though.
Both are. Believing otherwise is Irrational superstition.
how is homosexuality any way harmful?
Ask your intestinal parasites that you got from licking random homeless assholes you met in public transport.
So so long as you lick relatively clean assholes that don't give you intestinal parasites, it's not a sin? Cool.
So if I live the rest of my days with the man of my dreams sucking his dick every day there's no problem yeah
Very bad comparison, and of course doesn't address my points.
If something is evil, it's always evil. If something is evil, you can explain why it's evil. But an ideologue won't understand such basic truths.
>guy has literally 700 wives and 300 concubines
>dude it was mostly for procreation
In the wrong places, since christianity only leads to Hell, because you worshipped a man (essentially, yourself).