/IronPill/ Reading list

Need recommended reading for /ironpill/ the r/ironpill book thread is pretty minimal at best.
Anyone know any authors similar to Evola or Rene Guenon?

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read Ernst Junger

Cheers lads

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His body looks fucking retarded why is his chest so puny?

Yeah It's like something strange and sinister happened to his proportions.

Before the 1940s a large amount of strong men trained for overhead stregnth and feats of strength that largely required lifting something overhead (bent press, barbell press, one hand dumbell press) The bench press wasn't invented yet, George Hackenshmidt created the floor press which later became the bench press later in the 1900s

he looks 4 feet tall

Bulky pecs look ugly anyway...the man in ops pic will strangle any roided up fags easily

Any more recommendations ladingtons?
Doesn't necessarily have to be nationalist in nature, philosophy and psychology related themes are also welcomed

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pic related

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Because big pecs are useless shit for faggots who want tits on a man.
Pretty much no athlete of any sport has big pecs.

For my Legionaries is fash and very motivational for self improvment and getting involved.

Memoirs of Hadrian

you guys are fags

you mean /homofascism/?


y'all sure share a lot of photos of shirtless men for a bunch of supposed straights

Why did you censor it? Post more

Forarms are looking good.

Nothin' wrong with appreciating the human form

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Funny how something so rudimentary as lifting a weighted bar parallel to your chest had to be invented.

Probably Alain de Benoist. His three-volume “View from the Right” is an ironpill handbook, if there is one.

Big Pecs were considered feminine for all of human history, until Arnold in the 1970s. srs

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>Lifts all those weights
>still looks like a 12yo baby

jokes on you, he's the one all the women want to bone. Everyone else strikes out.
(Except Plisskin, but he only gets girls that grew up watching Die Hard)

how so ?

Devi is ironpill? The woman who cried about animals being eaten and wants you to turn into a tiny, scrawny little pussy on account of never getting enough high quality protein? LMAO

eat animal products, that is a big part of ironpill. stop being a faggot who takes devi seriously

No ones taking her seriously, The Lightning and the Sun and her other works are in the /ironpill/ reading list pic that was posted aeons ago.
Thank you for the suggestion i'll check it out.

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Since this appears to be a non compiled niche i'll try and compile a new one.
Really impressed by this guys history, where should I start with his works?

Lifting is the secret to eternal youth.

Watch the kino 'Never Back Down'

works of Martin Heidegger
works of Carl Schmitt
The Book of Five Rings
Alan Bloom's translation and essay on The Republic
the golden verses of Pythagoras
The Dharma Manifesto by Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

Ayo what happened to that "alt-right" book folder on Mega?

It used to be here now it's dead:


Modern must-read ironpill. Not even a rightie and I got amazing feels from it.

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Harassment Architecture

He writes about screaming bitch at women in public, lifting until your body gives out, raw milk, calling people faggots, terrorism, and retreating back into nature while giving up technology.

Also it’s really funny and easy to read.

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Read the Storm of Steel, you can start from the other books as well, but I think it's best if you are familiar with Nietzsche before you do go beyond SoS.

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People look older now a days on average because their diet is shit and they don't lift.

>Drinking milk
>Calling other people faggot

Currently 1/3rd of the way through Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Cheers for the recommendation

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Don't start with Zarathustra you brainlet
It's literally pointless if you haven't read his other work

I think Hamsun has some ironpill lit

growth of the soil and Hunger

>there are people in the world who take mike mahoney seriously
fuck off mike

Can someone give me a general picture of the nature of the "ironpill"? Is it literally in reference to the iron age? Like luddism? Where should I start?

Is this just meant to be an introduction to some weird fascist cult where you guys indoctrinate other males into feeling inadequate, oppressed, underrepresented, etc and then beef each other up with legitimate toxic masculinity and blabber out misogynist garbage?

The iron pill is an old meme from these comics someone made. It made the word atavistic pretty popular for a whole where even poltards were correctlyusing it

Go back to reddot, soia.

Instead of a refutation or even an explanation you instead decide to use Internet tribalism. Ooga booga elsewhere, brainlet.

>Barrel chested man

the fact you think looking at shirtless men is gay means you believe a shirtless man is inherently sexual either stop being so cumbrained or stop being so insecure with your own sexuality you can't disconnect a shirtless man from sexual thoughts

>sharts out a bunch of meaningless Leddit buzzwords
No lol

no it's meant to encourage people to take their health more seriously and live a more disciplined life


you got a problem with that?

Holy Bible, specifically 4 gospels and Revelations.

Kill yourself.

Disciplined by what metric?


What do you gain by sitting up a thread like this? Serious question.

Why don't you just kill yourself right now? Serious question, we both know it's going to happen eventually, so why not do it right now?

>Disciplined by what metric?
do things that're beneficial even though they're difficult

Overall picture of iron pill would be of self improvement, the goal of the iron pill is to subvert feelings of inadequacy among the disenfranchised and castrated male population, the iron pill usually uses different themes that might include nationalism, environmentalism, fitness(mental and physical), traditionalism and even stoicism, in fact I would point out that the very early iron pill philosophy was influenced by the stoics. The iron pill is not strictly a political doctrine and many of its contributors are both left and right leaning.
>self improvement on a physical, spiritual and emotional level

So stoicism? We already have that without incels suckling on it.

not stoicism, discipline here lad this should help you out

>Instead of a refutation or even an explanation you instead decide to use Internet tribalism. Ooga booga elsewhere, brainlet.
>Kill yourself.

Wew, lad.

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Very high thumos bump

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The Iron by Rollins


It was literally considered to be gay to have big pecs.
What a shame because big pecs are fucking hot.


Watching Jives review of this rn

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Ernst Jünger, especially storm of Steel, on the marble cliffs, forest passage and the adventurous heart (or whatever its called in english, from what i've heard you should make sure to get a copy of the first version, he heavily edited the book after several years. Imo edited version was fine though)
Alain de Benoist, pretty much everything apart from his pagan larping. Start with the manifesto for a european renaissance.
Yukio mishima, sun and Steel, spring snow, runaway horses, after the banquet, that kendo shortstory
Dostoyevsky's demons
Carl Schmitt, concept of the political
Illiad and odyssee
Aischylos' assemblywomen
Maurice pinguet, on voluntary death in japan
the /fit/ sticky
Tomislav sunic, homo americanus
Pentti linkola
Arne naess deep ecology writing
Friedrich Georg Jünger, the Titans or whatever its called
Some books on practical skills, carpentry, microfarming, preserving foods, you get the idea.

Very helpful post, cheers mate.

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This guy may have used too many buzzwords, but he is onto something.
I can see the "masculinity crisis" and I understand the reactions to it, but online communities like /fit/ are 100% fueled by making other guys feel inadequate and full of shame.
If women are using the word "incel" to humiliate men, men themselves have no shortage of terms like "mog" or "manlet".
IMO the path towards being better men should be based on comradeship and mutual inspiration, I can't see any of you fags having healthy relationships with yourself or with others.

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based and friendpilled

His name was Ernest Cadine and he was 5'6 (167 cm)

This would of been my first choice. I think what’s great about this book is that there is a big take away even if you reject Mishima’s political and cultural views.

My quick take away: your body, sense of discipline, disposition should be a representation of your inner ideals, ideology, etc. Much of this book had to do with Mishima’s frustration with a lack of meaningful praxis for his art. Fascinating stuff. Very inspiring. Goes well with Henry Rollins’ The Iron essay.

Fucking Based.