Is it okay to approach people who are reading in the park and ask them what they’re reading?

Is it okay to approach people who are reading in the park and ask them what they’re reading?

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What do you think they're reading in the park for?
Nobody can concentrate with people walking around, children playing and dogs shitting.
Those people want to be seen and spoken to so they can boast about how nerdy and quirky and eccentric they are.

If somebody did that to me I'd assume they were suspicious of my motives and trying to sus me out or were trying to pick on me for being "that weird guy reading in the park."

Yes unless you're a man.

Yes It's ok to have healthy social relationships.

How do you initiate conversation without sperging out?

you can find quiet places in many parks where nobody goes around.

If you want to know what they are reading I would recommend getting on the ground and commando crawling between their legs to get a good look at the front cover. If the shadows are causing your problems you can always get out your phone and use the flashlight to help.

I practice the night before and carry index cards.

As long as you make a habit of it
Girls are usually so happy when get to talking books with them. They immediately give me that eye where you know their thinking, could this guy possibly be the one? And I’m just thinking, god I hope she puts out


Okay, now this is epic.

Be confident working on your anxiety and self esteem, get better at small talk, plus, if it's a she, take a shower, wear nice clothes, clean your theeth, use cologne, it's all about superficiality with these creatures, don't forget she might like the book, indeed yes, but it's always also a very important accessory.

I read outside all the time. Not everyone is an angry ADHD-addled sperg that loses his place whenever a dog takes a shit.

anyone who reads in public is a pseud anyway so keep that in mind and you won't sperg out
also try to talk down to them

No. You take advantage of their distraction and gaze at them until you enter trance. You become their perspective and become a book you think they would read. Pop out of trance. You go home and write that book. You never see them again. Repeat unto death.

Why must they be a pseud?

*unattractive man

wear camo, climb a tree

>bothering people when they're reading
I'd neck you.

Best to sit near them, close but not too close, wait for them to initiate convo

of course not

Yes, continue reading in your dungeon. No one truly likes to be outside, it's all a myth.

I read outside many times, in a park, in the top of a small mountain near my neighborhood. There usually are three or four more people there sunbathing or walking the dog. If the weather is good i read shirtless. If someone other than an attractive woman approached me i'd kindly tell him/her to fuck off while subtly threatening them with imminent physical aggression.

Ok you fucking robot

I guess it really depends on your execution and intentions.
Are you genuinely curious about what they're reading?
Are you a sperg about it?