Have you read the meme pentalogy?

Have you read the meme pentalogy?

Do you think it should be required reading on Yea Forums?

How would you rank the books, from best to worst?

Attached: MemePentalogy.jpg (2031x575, 468K)

Moby Dick is infinitely better than the other books there. Ulysses is also good. The rest are mediocre.

The only meme up there is Infinite Jest.
Come back with better bait, you illiterate twat.

What made you forget Locus Solus?

>moby dick
>meme book
Cringe and bluepilled

Well, GR became one of my favorite novels, ever; wonder if I ever would've discovered Pinchcum on my own - most likely considering my tastes. I'm actually reading it again; nearly finished.
I enjoyed IJ, but parts of it pissed me off - probably won't ever read it, again. Felt a little tricked by you guys for that one.
Blood Meridian bored the shit out of me. Made it about 100 pages in, and just dropped it. Might just not be for me, personally.
Haven't read Moby Dick or Ulysses, yet. Faggoty of me - I know. Since, most of the writers I like were influenced by Joyce. I recently got a copy of Moby Dick, though. So, I'll be reading that one soon.

cringe and newpilled



no, this should be the required reading of Yea Forums:
The Odyssey
The Republic
The Arabian Nights
The Tale of Genji
The Epic of Sundiata
The Divine Comedy
Journey to the West
Julius Caesar
Don Quixote
Paradise Lost
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
Pride and Prejudice
Leaves of Grass
Great Expectations
Les Miserables
The Idiot
War and Peace
Poems: Three Series by Emily Dickinson
The Trial
Mrs. Dalloway
Our Town
Fortress Besieged
The Diary of a Young Girl
East of Eden
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Invisible Man
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Midnight's Children
The Broom of the System
The Dark Road
The Nix
Machines Like Me


>The Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost and Silence but not even the Gospels

Attached: images.jpg (249x202, 7K)

Cringe and poopilled

I also put Journey to the West but didn't include the entire canon of Buddhist philosophy. The Bible, the Quran, The God Delusion, Tao te Ching, etc. have limited value to those who don't already follow the religion. Fiction, poetry, and plays have universal value.

The gospel is an important thing for learning the contextual basis of other works, speaking purely non-religiously. It has a frank style and much of its nuance and significance comes from different texts on it, besides it itself.

The Western canon won't make sense if you don't read the Bible.

>The Odyssey won't make sense if you don't read The Bible

Attached: alolan costanza.png (394x370, 288K)

The Odyssey is not the Western Canon, although it is a part of the Western Canon.


guarantee you haven't read even half of those and are just pulling names arbitrarily out of your ass

>the nix


I've read over half of them and the rest are ones that I want to read and represent important cultures/eras.



Half genuine, half trolling.

>No Iliad


What’s wrong with 1984?

People tend to miss the point of it being 'underwritten' and go after it for weak prose among other grievances directed at structure rather than philosophy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the book myself, but the meme about it stems from college freshman and liberal arts majors who are more used to constructing meaning from shampoo labels and pop culture.

absolute shit
trite pretentious garbage
waste of paper it's written on
>Moby Dick
not bad, 6/10
>Blood Meridian
interesting style, not too much substance, 5/10

I disagree heavily with most of your opinions, but goddamn is it nice to see someone that actually read the books they're replying about.
If you don't mind me asking, what's your main criticism with GR? That one and Moby Dick seem to get the least hate.