Ok Shankara fucking slaps

ok Shankara fucking slaps

Attached: 452458457134.png (2369x1889, 1.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1925 - Man and His Becoming according to the Vedânta#mode/2up


>guenonfag attempts an actual thread

is this why you spam?


Where can I learn more about the Brahman? It's such a fascinating topic

Brahman remains the focus of the discussion for most of the Upanishads. Adi Shankara was an important Hindu philosopher who wrote wonderful commentaries on the Upanishads and other scriptures explaining their meaning. You can read about Brahman in his commentaries below here, which is where the picture OP posted is from; his writings are some of the best that there are on that topic


If you felt like you dont understand his writing or didnt know a lot of the words than just read an intro to Hindu philosophy/Vedanta book such as any of the ones below and it will make sense

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1925 - Man and His Becoming according to the Vedânta#mode/2up

Attached: 1465662323294.png (1147x1338, 507K)


Thank you very much user. Ever since I started studying Hinduism something in me that felt dead for a long time has come alive again

Attached: bmzk0sl6dac31.jpg (4000x3000, 654K)

These are great resources, thank you for sharing them with us

indian philosophy was really designed with the american stoner/psychedelic abuser in mind
>”Brah, man”

Thats amazing that they were able to predict that they would have to cater to that need so long ago

I feel the same way friend

thats why its so based, psychedelics show the doorway to higher realities and so they are naturally conducive to studying and appreciating eastern philosophy

this but unironically

Why do Hindufags always open threads with tl;dr?
Is it possible that they really are superior men with greater attention spans?


Where is that statue from?

Tamil Nadu


There's another statue being built. I'm very excited to see it completed. It is 351 ft tall and is being built in Rajasthan

Attached: shiva_murti_1542634291_725x725.jpg (725x906, 98K)

Unironically yes

Thank you

Based user strikes again