Ideologues are the biggest brainlets. Big brains don't subscribe to any particular school of thought...

Ideologues are the biggest brainlets. Big brains don't subscribe to any particular school of thought. They are free spirits. Discussing literature i.e thoughts of another person who is no different than you (a human being) is peak cuckoldry.

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Big brains don’t use terms like brainlet, and they certainly understand that those who are cuckolds enjoy it and as a big brain they don’t make it a custom to give a fuck how other people get their thrills.

Those who claim to have no ideology are those who buy into the ruling ideology the most.

So Deleuze biggest brain?

>Those who claim to not be broccoli are the most broccoli of us all

>He denies it therefore he's guilty

>Homophobes are secretly gay

What a fucking moron you are.


Please stop regurgitating Leftist talking points without even understanding them.

>In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.

I know where you're coming from, but read Althusser and Zizek before posting about their work

He didn’t self identify as one.

I think that’s more centrism

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Babby's first conspiratorial thinking. Let me guess, the media also happens to be controlled by whatever is this ruling group who are out to get you.

That's your ideology

My sweet sweet baby
Daddy loves you

I guess in the grander scheme of things, yes. Someone who is smart, but is not well read should always have a sense of aloofness. However, I do not think its bad to have a preference in ideology if it makes good sense to you through logical reasoning and such, however, one should always maintain some level of removendness as nothing seems wholeheartedly absolute.

I was identifying myself, and I don’t like being spoken of in ill repute


As Dostoevsky put it, “It was not you who ate the idea, but the idea that ate you.”
That is the case for someone who has been consumed by an ideology. They are not, in fact, in control of their ideas, the ideas (not theirs) are in control of them.

Continuing, I know for a fact, that my perception can change with a good argument on pretty much any topic. So perception, and the standing basis of discourse which an argument is based upon can change worldview drastically. Of course in practice and in IRL context, sometimes some things seem to be in the 99th percentile of truth, but you can aply different kinds of logic to different settings and ideological fluidity in necessary for that. Basicly, materialism is a subset of Idealism focused on practical, not necessarily universally true, effects, and one should always be aware of this.

Not his point at all, dumb dumb.

You weren’t in the OP, OP. Though you may now at your own risk

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I don’t understand a word you just said

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Thinking you are free of ideology or it's influences (notably internal ones) is not particularly big brained. But I at least agree with what you're espousing, even though I don't think anyone can believe their own words as much as they'd like. For example, I would say I aspire to be an atheist (and refer to myself as such), but that I have god as a reference point drilled into my head all the way down to the level of the set theory which my language operates off of, if not further.

>homophobes aren't secretly gay

That sounds more like "all conspiratorial thinking" and not just "babby's first."

Buttie means you didn't call yourself a big brain in the OP, or even talk about yourself at all for that matter, and that therefore people didn't have fair ground to discuss your self-image. But, now they do.

Are you high?
(Fucking netflix! I never saw this scene)
You’re the OP, yes?

I am not OP. I am Marlon Brando Buttersworth. I come from a small town in Isabella County.

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That's not the ruling ideology.

>Let me guess, the media also happens to be controlled by whatever is this ruling group
The media is the ruling group, you dolt. At least in democracies. In human civilizations the state has power over the media, and routinely kills scumbags like journalists.
> who are out to get you.
Why is this always the supposed motive, though this time only implying paranoia.


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I always cringe when the people on here post "Would [dead old guy] agree with me on this!? Please, I desperately need his approval, I have daddy issues."

Ideology has nothing to do with conspiracy.

Ideology has to do with sets of information conforming a groups motives toward behaviors set for themselves. It is inherently conspiratorial

That’s a pretty based image desu, mind if I steal it?


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Thank you.
I stole.
Where is it from, it’s very evocative and absurdist. Has a nice lively let the world burn feel to it, but in a composed and entertained way, without going joker edgy about it.

It’s really not THat great please stop talking to my girlfriend you fucking piece of shit

thats an ideology itself

Yeah but some fervent ideologues are more openminded and 'freer' than these self-professed free spirits. What about that? Not that I disagree.

Ideology can't be conspiratorial because it isn't even conscious.

that wasn't me. I only made the original and now this post.


> ideas aren't true or false, they are just frameworks.

literal sophistry.

Is that meant to be the irl yandere who tried to murder a guy from a host club earlier this year?

Ideas themselves are idealised.

Sorry for talking to your girlfriend, i am a piece of shit.

Imagine believing in “truth” lol what a gay

certainly, and I could give a more nuanced doscussion (is Newtonian physics true?)

but this needs to be the foundation of all discussion. you can't discuss ideas with people who don't believe in truth
