Author literally claims women are superior to men

>author literally claims women are superior to men
>in the 16th century nonetheless
>a feminist on GoodReads accuses him of misogyny

Why are women like this, Yea Forums?

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>thousands and thousands of years of settled agricultural civilization
>not one woman writer has ever, EVER written a major original text in metaphysics
>history is full of men who were literal former slaves, poor and downtrodden, the dregs of the working class, lens-polishers, itinerants with no livelihood, yet relatively many of these wrote major original texts in metaphysics
>history is full of women who had relative leisure and who were allowed to dabble in philosophy and belles lettres
>history is full of women who organized entire salons and coffee houses peopled by the most famous intellects of the time, or who had entire empires worth of savants at their fingertips
>not one woman in the entire history of the human race has ever written even one major original text in metaphysics

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SJW have a revisionist and liberal view of history. Disregard their opinions on classic literature.

women prefer you to be outright sexist than to grovel and lie about it. we all know we're not the same and it's just pathetic to pretend otherwise

SJWs believe white people are only capable of stealing, and maintain this cognitive dissonance even while typing up their essays for their social science classes on computers invented by the white man. So literally how can you expect them to apply anything approaching logic to anything at all?

women arent as arrogant as men, this is why they dont write metaphysics. why would you want women interested in metaphysics? you want women to act like men? im guessing you are a virgin

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>im guessing you are a virgin

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>Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

>you want women to act like men?
Give them a few hundred years of being treated like them and they may as well become men if no one stops the tranny menace.

>A feminist
>Why are women like this
Your way of thinking is spurious.

not only that, they are dunning-kruger to the point they aren't aware white men have invented almost everything
female comment, they dont write metaphysics because they're retarded
nietzsche would know anything about women, of course

Leftists always eat their own. I’m in a fine arts graduate program, and recently listened to a transgender grad student criticize a gay student for making art about HIV as a white male, “because the issue predominantly affects people of color.”

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People of color sound like a disease. Why do we even use it anymore? Why not minority’s races, non Caucasians or something?

They just change the appropriate term every few years to hide their thinly veiled contempt/inferiority complex. There’s no significant linguistic difference between “colored people” and “people of color” yet one is considered racist and the other is WOKE. Based Uncle Ted said it best.

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Wait WHATTTT!!! My moral philosophy has been subverted and applied universally to all races and sexes!?!? NOOOOOOOO!!!! I take it back!!! Morality can't be a priori. FYUCK FUCK FUCK

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>thousands and thousands of years of settled agricultural civilization
>not one woman writer has ever, EVER written a major original text in metaphysics
Nigga if you're pretending to speak for the Germanic peoples, you have to know something about Hildegard.

Literally who?


imagine being a 20th century male feminist.
You think to yourself im going to help women get rights, whats the worse that could happen.
Fast forward a hundred years and here we are.

fucking WOKE