I've been thinking about this for some time, and I realise now why everything is so fucking depressing. Fuck science.
Fuck Science
agreed. science was a mistake. aristotle really fucked everything up with his autism
I don't think science is inherently bad but people need to recognize it's all suggestions with short shelf lives and nobody has any idea what they're talking about.
Fuck trying things and recording the effect they have? Wait what?
You are so fucking retarded, I do not even know where to begin. You know absolutely nothing about how the world works and why it does. Hide away and read for a decade, and only show your face from the shadows when you know even an inkling of what the adept do.
You know nothing too :)
So... why is everything so fucking depressing? Are you going to answer your question?
He’s butthurt because he can’t take religious texts literally and has to employ mental nuance
So wait... In the thread you made about 'fuck science', you call him out on... Not knowing enough, and tell him to basically... Go do science and find out?
What is your arguement?
How do we destroy science and technology at this point? Even hypothetically, how? Those who use it will always wield more power than those who don’t
wisdom =/= financially-focussed "scientific" "investigation"
Science is bunk, as Henry Ford said
Politics of magic.
Faust is a great kino
Never seen anything like it, in terms of occult aesthetics. Niggers with all these CG crap can't get anywhere near this level of galvanizing symbolism.
What’s that?
I R8 H8/8
Something I have been thinking about, but maybe it is like an evolution of D'Annunzian Politica Di Bellezza.
Yeah man, fuck knowing. Fuck facts.
Science is the worst thing to come out of philosophy
This is not the board for you, brain-lets
kys cancer
Depressed people have no imagination.
With science and technology we'll one day be able to live our wildest dreams in virtual reality and be happy forever.
I will not ellaborate because the government is onto me but you all should stop whining and not stand in the way of progress.
you are a retard incel larper
You can see that this man has absolutely no sense of mystic-aesthetic taste. Boring business-casual crap, and I've even seen him wearing jeans in a photograph.
Knowing =/= What you are referring to
You don't even know what you are referring to. You have absolutely no idea why you strive for what you supposedly strive for, but I have seen you posting before. Your the exact kind of modern Communist that will never be changed. The day will come when you will be killed. Look forward to it.
no u
You claim to read my posts, but you understand so very little. Ive said numerous times I’m not a communist. I know exactly what I strive for and why.
Then tell me what you strive for.
Being against is always a type of dogmatism. Being for always exists within a plurality of concepts. Being against is a type of eternal cynicism, which has no aesthetic, nor mystic, value.
How do logical positivists still exist? Your ideology has not made the world any better, at all. It’s time to let it go.
>we'll one day be able to live our wildest dreams in virtual reality and be happy forever
This thing has been told since XVIII century. The final goal of science and technology will be instead the dissolution of humanity.
Read kierkegaard. You have zero concept of what actual religion is if you think it is in any way dogmatic. Historically is has been used that way, but nobody who is forced to follow religion comprehends it. Your outdated enlightenment era thinking has less and less connection to reality every day, when all around you can see how brainlet sheep such as yourself desperately needed to replace faith with some other cult to hide behind.
What's wrong bruh? Muh sky daddy finally got erased from your reality?
Oh, my sweet little butterfly. I wish I could strap you to a bed and read you metaphysics until you're no longer ignorant on the subject.
Only the more religious side of it.
How chad-tinfoilhat comes about his chakra metaphysics is laughable. Don’t take it too personal or absolute
In that century they didn't even know about virtual reality though. They had to be godfearing people until they died for a chance to get to heaven.
Now we can make our own heaven with blackjack and hookers just by researching how to stack smaller and smaller microchips into the computer.
Have some faith
>virtual reality
>our own heaven
>Have some faith
Then progress is advocating for dissolution of humanity as I said and this isn't very different from "godfearing people until they died for a chance to get to heaven".
You haven't actually told us what you think the point of knowledge is, if not aesthetic, or mystic, galvanization.
Evolution is a lie
Dinosaurs are a lie
Round earth is a lie
Space and planets are lies
Atoms and molecules are lies
Cells are a lie
Bacteria and Viruses are lies
Transitive disease is a lie
your face is a transitive disease
Let me guess, Christcuck?
fuck science and language/mathematics
he's probably a depressed atheist who just realized the grave mistake of godlessness
reads nick land once
Nothing is wrong with science. There's wrong with some filthy and degenerate animals' (called hum*n) frangile mental stability.
Facts are constantly changing. With man's knowledge in the past, man thought the sun rotated around the earth. Now we know that to be untrue. In the future, current scientific "truths" (AKA hypotheses with a great body of experiments and supporting evidence) will be usurped by new findings and new discoveries, each aided by new technologies. And we all die in the end while mankind seeks to climb to a mountain peak shrouded clouds. Why do we need to travel to Mars? Why do we need burger patties made of insects? The inertia of progress, or petty pride and avarice? Fleeting nothings such as "facts" and "logic" or just man wanting to be God? You are just like the religious "sheep" you attack only on the other end of the spectrum.
(pic is you)
Atheists are like vegans, they're just as bad as proselytizing street preachers holy shit
>you don't think science is good?
>you must be an anti-science heretic!
Scientism is dogmatism and all of these atheists or nihilists constantly have to tell everyone about their state of ataraxy and how euphoric they are to try and dispel the notion that atheists/nihilists are bitter incels/homos. We can see right through you freak
It’s the agnostic period that does this. Agnostic-theists have a real hard time with existentialism.
>Facts are constantly changing
Things change, knowledge and opinions of facts change. Why, are you getting seasick?
>man thought the sun rotated around the earth
That was never the fact though. It was taken on FAITH.
Dude, OldMan. You are the one collecting pictures of trannies. Don’t advertise it as me. I don’t like males
>that was never a fact
Holy fuck you are dumb. It was taken as fact based on the knowledge people had at the time. Like any science ever. You seem too dumb to place yourself within history. A lot of what people take for fact today will be farcical in a future age.
And holy fuck right back at you. We now know for a fact there’s no god. Your move
Firstly irrelevant to the retarded comment you just made. You barely understand what science is, yet seem very confident in your ability to use it as a shield to ideas you don’t like. And literally no atheists say we know there’s no god for a fact, they simply say there’s no reason to believe so, there is a significant difference there. But for small minds that can’t grasp the bigger picture, I guess your stance makes sense. For anyone who actually grasps scienitific concepts knows two things about ontology, either the universe is part of something bigger and began teleologically (Einstein, Kaku), or it is part of something infinite and started spontaneously (susskind). You can’t have it both ways here. If you actually follow modern science, the inevitable conclusion clearly leads to these two ideas, which clearly indicate knowledge outside of our universe that we don’t get have an understanding of. So to deny ANYTHING outright is fucking retarded, and unscientific. We don’t even have a coherent model for how the physical universe works, never mind a larger matrix it inhabits. You are incredibly over confident if you think we are even close to the endgame in terms of scientific understanding. All the ideas you so angrily defend will be fiction in less than a hundred years, things will move on, we will learn more. To pretend we’ve figured it all out is like that guy in the 1800s who said the stream train was the furthest we could advance. It’s bravado on a cowardly existential scale. After we are both dead our ideas of the age will slowly become irrelevant. Deal with it. We know nothing.
Vegan philosophy is notoriously difficult to contend with, I see non-vegans get majorly BTFO all the time.
You’re irrelevant
At least I don’t need a trip to try and gain relevancy on an anime shithole filled with incels
I am not a theist. I believe in Spiritus Mundi, & mysticism.
Also, please stop the cross-psychoanalysis. It is incredibly obnoxious, demeaning, and makes you come across as a supercilious narcissist, if you didn't, already.
That is a form of theism.
How about you stop slandering me?
Pig fucker
I have no deity.
>ignorance is better than painful knowledge
Go and kill yourself already, retard
Knowledge =/= Financialized Scientific "Investigation"
Don't be so easy to slander.
You slander yourself every time you post. I think that YOU think you annoy people because they disagree with your “hard truth” opinions, but it’s really just because you are annoying
Taleb actually has a great aesthetic tastes, he's even a fan of Barrès. You really chose a wrong example.
>and I've even seen him wearing jeans in a photograph
So you're just a boring snob larping as an elevated aesthete? Sad. Your OP pic was promising.
I'm a vulgar little mystic >:^)
That's a cute cheeky answer and I commend you for it. I'll probably have some dreamfuck with you tonight.
nah. if you weren't killing yourself over your own self appraised failure in our modern days of scientific abundance, you would be killing yourself because you didn't have enough to eat and your family just died of cholera and distemper.
those who are mentally weak now, are mentally weak before the rise of industry. the proximate causes are different but the fact of the matter is human beings are simply frail.
science didnt make you depressed, you did.
You don't value beauty.
Agreed OP. I hate people that are so quick to say science is all real and put their complete trust in strangers that can easily be paid off or have an agenda to fill. They say religion is bullshit because “I’ve never seen God, miracles, etc” but will believe in something because a guy in a white lab coat said so on TV. Never forget what “scientists” said about smoking and foods with fat in them
being a low iq tranny trying to appeal to the Yea Forums crowd by way of name dropping
>ITT non IQ board's take on science
Kys brainlets
>inb4 muh foundations muh everything is philosophy
Nobody cares
>"fuck science"
>Sent from Iphone
You could just as easily say it in person or on paper.
You're an irrelevant person LARPing as a relevant person
>science can disprove or prove the supernatural
>we know as a fact
My move is to call you a retard but I think your retardation is already self-evident
>Things change, knowledge and opinions of facts change. Why, are you getting seasick?
No, I'm just sick of atheists who believe (with almost religious fervor) in some evolutionist view of man's origins when our progeniture will be looking back at our backwards, unscientific beliefs while laughing. Just think about it.
>dude, they used to believe the sun rotated around the earth
>dude, they used to believe in humors and miasma
>dude, they used to believe we came from a monkey-related common ancestor
>That was never the fact though. It was taken on FAITH
No it was NOT taken on faith, it was based off of observations that were flawed due to a lack of technology to properly analyze the phenomenon at hand. It was a theory that was disproved by later findings. Just look at all the backwards scientific shit people used to believe in and apply it to the scientific shit you see today.
>Dude, OldMan. You are the one collecting pictures of trannies. Don’t advertise it as me. I don’t like males
One picture of some lolcow is not a collection.
Nuke yellowstone until it erupts. Let a new dark age begin and the survivor humans to reconstruct something new in the hope that after thousands of years they will not make the same mistake. Even overpopulation will be solved with a single move.
And how does it work?
>We now know for a fact there’s no god.
I'd argue that, just like any human system, like the State, the Church, Art, and so on, Science itself would be a sublime exploration of the natural world if its practitioners didn't take themselves so seriously.
Science, isn't the problem, it's wannabe-sociologist post-modernists. With monotheistic religion no longer being a sufficient form of faith to create greater meaning for our individual suffering, faith in empirical science is now the most resilient sort we have. But when Ayn Rand's Objectivist fucks and libertarian types start fucking around with their solipsistic "When I die, the world dies" mentality, and post-modernists start breaking down attempts to create a scientific order to society (democracy, technological and medical advancement, economic science etc.) - without bothering to put anything in its place because they want to look smart enough to deconstruct fallible ideals but are scared of looking stupid so they won't commit to a belief in something else in case they're proven wrong - all it does is sow discord and pessimism and creates the vacuum that all forms of fascist and totalitarian belief thrive in.
Any replacement to a contemporary society has two major problems to contend with: the problem of differences in culture, and the problem of mortality (the former is an extension of the latter, but expresses itself in such tangential and numerous ways as to be more easily classified as separate). Secular, scientific society seeks to solve the problem of differences in culture (religion, sexuality, psychological variation...) through democracy and regulation, allowing either a proportional or majority representation of culture to decide what and to what extent cultural outliers that are considered harmful to the stability of society, such as violence, are regulated. This isn't a perfect system of governance but it depends on the scientific principle of the "wisdom of the crowds", that the outcome closest to the median is reached by increasing the number of participants assuming the distribution of their estimates is random. Secular scientific society seeks to solve the problem of mortality through the study of medicine- with the aim to make it easier to live a higher quality of life for longer and die with less distress and pain; and improving quality of life for those living with disability or illness. Non-scientific societies do not have solutions for these problems that do not result in greater conflict and harm in the short-term and continuously.
Science isn't the problem, it's always self-interest and apathy. We could easily have stopped climate change with the scientific understandings we have in 2019, but it's too easy to just continue living our lives as normal. I don't blame anyone, even the companies in the beef industry, someone else would just rise up in their place if they stopped destroying the environment.
As a population we've got too much self-interest to affect any real change. Americans refused to work in the conditions third-worlders will work in, so the work went there. Unless they also refuse to work those conditions, the situation won't improve. In an ideal world no one would accept that, but in reality there are plenty of people who work in almost slave conditions because if they don't someone else will take that job and they will starve.
Apathy and Self-Interest, not Science.
science isn't the problem, it's pseudo thinkers like stephen pinker keeping science from advancing
So do you think people were happy when they were dropping like dead flies with bubonic plague, smallpox and typhoid?
Classical mechanics, classical electrodynamics, nuclear physics, thermodynamics, special and general theory of relativity
Quantum physics
QFT And Particle Physics
Chemistry (Gen Chem, Organic Chem, Biochem, Physical Chem)
Biology (Gen Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy, Neuroscience)
Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrophysics
Yay science!
Richard dawkins
>Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrophysics
By far the most time consuming part of science.
Beautiful though. A genuine respect for tradition. Ptolemy's star catalogue is still used by astrophysicists today.
I’m wondering what God will do with Dawkins when he makes it to the afterlife. I like to think God is compassionate, hopefully they’ll have a laugh about it over a nice cold beer.
No, he needs a source, as in an actual scientist. :3
>culture value is based on hapinness. Ey boi u murican? Because that mcdonals philosopy certantly reflects on you being a mixed murican.
Ah right, ok. I’m sure the “cultural value” would have been great if you were a toothless serf stinking of horse shit with five malnourished kids to feed.
Or would you be one of the few aristocrats?
He proved empirically there isn't a god and the entire universe is just a giant machine accident that happened by magic?
>He proved empirically there isn't a god
Oh man you people are dumb.
Where's his proof there isn't a god? Oh, there isn't a proof for that.
What a shitty god then. Being that compassionate is unfair to the people who praised him and lived by his word. A loving god would be fair above all, otherwise his whole system collapse and the cosmic order is disturbed, fucking everything that exist. Maybe he can let dawkins take that cold one to hell, so he will have on last moment of refreshment before eternal doom.
>cultural value depends if im personally benefited from it.
Nice way to confirm youre murican lol. Dont be so selfish, start with sharing some fries from mcdonalds with a friend, then you can think a little bit outside your ego.
Excuse me, to whar period of time comes the greatest works of art? That "so bad" times you refer may be harder, but that was teached us about beauty. Now, in the modern world beauty is dead, and utility his the new father god with sciences and money has the other two sides of the trinity.
You are literate as you have an education, afforded to all in developed countries through advances in science and technology. You have all the greatest works of art at your command instantly for free through the internet. You have the time to enjoy and study these as your life isn’t just a depressing endless cycle of sleep and labour. You can quickly and cheaply travel almost anywhere in the world and partake in other cultures. If you had the money you could probably go see the Sistine Chapel tomorrow. Furthermore you have a long life expectancy in which to take it all in.
So tell me why I am the selfish idiot exactly for seeing the benefits to our modern society?
Colour, by the way.
>an incomprehensible being should basically submit to all my personal ignorant human standards or he’s unfair
>What a shitty god then
A shitty God would be a being who takes pleasure in eternal torment being inflicted on someone who didn’t believe in them, as God would undoubtedly have the capacity to see that is an entirely reasonable decision in the face of lack of evidence.
I like to think I am well read. But still I do not understand you contention against making educated guesses and trying to figure out how the world works.The first thing you do is resort to name calling and some nebulous advice about getting educated, implying that you are some enlightened sage. To me this seems unbecoming of a master and more like the attitude of unwashed swine. Maybe you should apply your advice to yourself.
Science is a lot like a firearm. It could be used both for constructive and destructive reasons, responsibility is all in the hands of its user. Mankind could be compared to a criminal with an itchy trigger finger and a permanent malicious intent. But this doesn't make the methodology bad in itself, in the same way that gun can't murder people on its own.
What do you expect to gain from this position? How do you expect to ever learn anything if you come from the supposition that you already know? Or is it that you expect to receive attention and adoring validation from your peers?
>my personal standarts
Dont project your americanity on me, its not my standarts, its his standarts, i didnt wrote the 10 commandments of the divine law or the bible, duh.
Does tha penitenciary sistem gets pleasure from punishing killers, traitors, rapist and so on? They shoud, because that would be satisfying the god given instinct of justice. If god likes to send people to hell there is nothing wrong with it. Grow up, your concept of god is like a discovery kids god, a useless, weak and irresponsible dad who doesnt take himself seriously and gets cucked by the universe he made.
Yes, youre the idiot, because you dont see the inmense cost that modern society requires. You can partake in other cultures? Really? I could wear some jeans, a polo shirt, a cap and go visit every "culture" in the world and still i would go unnoticed, modernity castrated every culture on earth, starting with the european. Everything a culture has to offer culturally comes from the past, not the present and certantly not the future.
Enjoy your yoko ono art, the overpopulation due to lack of mortality, your scientific nuclear and biological weapons and the massive contamination that pollutes air and kills the planet. Stuff could be harsh in the times of kings, but everything went on smoothly. Now, with modernity, we are always at the brink of bringing apocalypse to ourselfs. Cogratulations murican friend, lets celebrate eating mcdonals in greece (:
Ah well. Good luck to you when the day of judgement comes because you’re an ungrateful and pretentious fuckwit.
Out of arguments i see..
But youre wrong again, god will reward me for being his soldier on earth and try to talk reason into braindeads like you, because he is fair (:
Pls post a pic of your face so i can look for you when im in heaven enjoying the eternal spectacle of divine justice, watching you plead, scream and repent for all eternity. I hope there is popcorn in heaven
How many years has judgement day been on hold?
Since the start of conscience aka adam and eve
Job 22:
"Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:
'Can a man be of benefit to God?
Can even a wise person benefit him?
What pleasure would it give the Almighty if you were righteous?
What would he gain if your ways were blameless?'"
Depending on what you believe that is at least 6K years right? IDK about you but when someone says they are coming over and they don't show up after a couple hours I don't expect them to come anymore.
Your point is?
6k years? No, since the birth of agriculture my boi, thats what adam and eve's tale is about.
Dont expect the judgment, time is not the same for us and god. You will be long dead when it comes
ask me how I know you failed precalc
How i know you failed precalc? ;)
because you're a dumb poopyhead
/sci/ and /mg/ are cackling at us
You’re definitely not blessed m8.
>Blessed is the man that walketh that not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of the sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful
Psalm 1.
The word of the bible has no meaning when its spoken by blesslets morons like you.
Still, im not blessed yet, that is something you earn, and you have failed.
Any one who presumes to understand the ways of God or of a god is fundamentally retarded and dangerous. That's not to say you can't worship, that's not to say you can't try and spread the good word--but to fucking throw out these claims that you, some fuck on an imageboard, is a warrior of Christ who is simultaenously showing such contempt for anyone who doesn't agree with your interpretation of God, while also moaning for the underclass of people who just don't it, people who others like you claim are destined for hell simply because they don't follow the rules of a book that has only been written by men, not by God himself--that's psychopathic.
I don't have a problem with your God. I have a problem with false sympathy at the end of a gun where you're pulling the trigger. No one, not even the saints, is guaranteed anything. To believe that is pathological and goes against the core of what it means to be a good person. Which, to me, seems to be the whole thesis of the Bible--live well. Be good. And live for you. Don't live for God--live for you.
>stop romanticizing the past, demonize it instead
Fuck off smoothbrain
There was no truth, no elucidation, before Science. Everything that philosophy can and can't do can easily be accomplished with Science.
Science has saved you from walking aimlessly.
You are nothing but chemical reactions and cells and you need to accept this.
>the word of the bible has no meaning
Oh lol Satan’s going to have a field day with you
>fuck knowing. Fuck facts.
>Science is the worst thing to come out of philosophy
All true
The only correct answer :)
What is acceptance? A certain distribution of energy. What is non-acceptance? A certain distribution of energy. What is reductionism? A certain distribution of energy.
>Science isn't the problem, it's always self-interest and apathy.
True. But humanity is like a small child playing call of duty. If you were the parent, you would take the game away and tell your child to wait until he or she is grown up.
Nice way of choping my post in the way it benefits you, it really shows me how i cant trust your citations from the bible or any other source.
Americans really are this self centered? The only american that has my respect is the unabomber and thats it, let the rest rot in hell.
Nice way of choping the whole old testament buddy, but thats the most important part there is to know god father, appart fron experience creation itself.
That humanist mumbo jambo you believe its bullshit in therms of knowing god, the new testament is about knowing mankind, and that is christ himself, a human god that even he recognizes is weaker and lower than the god father.
You met the father truh the son because we are only human, but the son comes from the father, that only logicall
>it really shows me how i cant trust your citations from the bible or any other source
Are you telling me you don’t know psalm 1 yet you think of yourself as Christian? The psalms are the most fucking accessible thing in the bible numpty.
Also I am Scottish but you need to grow up and get over your hatred of Americans.
>Are you telling me you don’t know psalm 1 yet you think of yourself as Christian?
Nope, im telling you only chop the parts you can use, like in my post, to make fool others and convince yourself you can actually go against a blessed intellect like mine.
You gotta be dumb to not notice how murica is the plague of the world, but since their "culture" emerges bastly from yours i understand your lack or vision and your selfishness. Why would the world forgive you, anglosphere? God wont lol
I'm not convinced we can user. Though if you haven't, check out Ted Kaczynski.
>some evolutionist view of man's origins
Well, you see, it’s a fact. The details need ironing out, but the theory has been proven fact.
Don’t post that shit again
filtered, low iq schizo poster
brave and stunning
low iq female/tranny poster, filtered
are we supposed to know a tranny like you knows anything about science
filtered, low iq onions poster
I realized all the good things science (not the things that push atheist materialism) come from engineering and related disciplines
>sciunce guud. Az long az no touchy muh gawd
hold up cosmo has a sex tape out?
Behold the last man
you are he who is weeded out by the social Darwinism instituted by the very fabric of being