>mfw even the most enlightened and educated mind is just one blow away from becoming a drooling vegetable
How do ontological idealists deal with this? How can the mind have power over matter when breaking the brain can destroy the mind so easily?
Mfw even the most enlightened and educated mind is just one blow away from becoming a drooling vegetable
Violence is definitely real, and we realize it
But this clearly shows that matter is primary, while mind is only secondary.
Your making a distinction between mind and matter and then you are making a hierarchy. Mind is the ability to point this out, faith is the hope that you too have a mind to understand this.
Isn't it proof of idealism? No functioning mind to apply categories/concepts to sense data means the vegetable sees an inchoate vegetable world, therefore the external world is an internal representation made by the mind. The loss of the vegetables mind results in the loss of his ability to see (in his mind) the world as he did before.
Based. Fuck white women.
Exit the board, mudblood.
>Harry Potter
If you smash a radio reciever, you stop hearing music.
So, does the music come from the radio reciever?
op btfo
he meant does the radio wave (where the music originates) come from the radio, to which the answer is no
If you were to put an ancient man in front of a radio, he would be astonished at how this small box is able to create such beautiful music.
But in reality the radio doesn't create any music. It only RECIEVES the music that's in the air regardless, in the form of immaterial signals.
Now substitute "radio" for "brain", and "music" for "consciousness".
Extremely based
What's wrong with "American Gods"?
The bible has something for you OP
Do brains operate like radio recievers? I think they’re magnitudes of complexity removed from eachother.
>the radio wave (where the music originates)
For a very specific conception of "originates", which really ends in a prime mover proper. So the correct answer, according to your weird rules, would be "No (because things can only come from the creator of the universe)".
There's no problem whatsoever in saying the music comes from the radio, it's a dumbass example.
>fuck white women
t. Dog
Hang on, I can't remember for certain but doesn't he fly a hypogriff? Not a gryphon as is depicted?
Fuck me what a blunder.
Furfag or Anglotard detected.
>I am the instrument of providence, she will use me as long as I accomplish her designs, then she will break me like a glass.
this is more of an argument based around fear than anything - acknowledging that death destroys continuity of of a person doesn't invalidate any time of idealism, it only shows that continuity is illusory, and even the mind itself that made it is also illusory. we are here moment to moment at all times, and any other answer is at it's core neurosis serving as protection of the body. why aren't you just concerned when you fall into deep sleep, or take a drug? why aren't you concerned that the 'you' of the moment of reading this is not the you of 20 years ago, or even 5 seconds ago?
because awareness/consiousness =/= mind/intellect
Where's your mind then? Where did it go?
Do you know what ‘analogy’ means
That’s a big question