>Author is autistic
>Author's dad is autistic
>Author's husband may be autistic
>Author has 3 autistic children
How the fuck is this a thing? Aren't disabilities a deterrent to reproduction?
>Author is autistic
>Author's dad is autistic
>Author's husband may be autistic
>Author has 3 autistic children
How the fuck is this a thing? Aren't disabilities a deterrent to reproduction?
Other urls found in this thread:
Classic autism or aspergers? If the later than that's okay. Aspies are the next level in human evolution. We are super intelligent, and not held back by emotions.
We’re being poisoned
Hate a novel which sells itself as "autistic". If you are an autist and write, just sell it like a normal novel, don't fucking plaster it on the cover.
>Aspies are the next level of human evolution
I have asperger's and have ended up on the chopping block for every job I've had. People just think we're socially dysfunctional pricks, not some misunderstood geniuses.
That's just the neurotypicals keeping us down. They fear us, because they know we are superior.
You sound like some neckbeard who thinks he's Caesar in Planet of the Apes.
>Aren't disabilities a deterrent to reproduction?
>autistic people are allowed to breed
Well this is news to me
This is basically mencius moldbug's ideology
>the untold story
This phrase basically confirms the totally shit status of anything
Any depressing books about the harsh reality of being an autist?
Most aspies are objectively inferior: ugly or at least physically awkward, socially unskilled, charmless, and as you illustrate here openly narcissistic without proper insight. Sure, some spergs have a very specific talent in a defined area like in programming or trivia, but that doesn't translate to overall superiority. Bipolars and schizophrenics are often superior artists, blacks are often superior rhythmic dancers, sociopaths are overrepresented in executive positions. Does that make any of these groups all-around Übermenschen? Stay in your special lane, mutant. If you've ever seen a pic of any Yea Forums or Reddit meetup, that's the reality of the Superior Sperg.
>Aspies are the next level in human evolution. We are super intelligent, and not held back by emotions.
Humanity cannot stand on one pillar alone.
We use to kill those who were born with abnormalities because it taints the gene pool
Neurotribes is an interesting one from an autistic perspective but tends to idealize the online autistic community
Which if you've ever seen it is a fucking mess of people trolling each other into insanity. Actual online autistic communities are basically a pecking order hierarchy of the higher functioning autistic people figuring out how to harass and belittle the lower functioning autistic people in their forum, chatroom, etc. It's like some kind of autistic version of boarding school buggery arrangements
Comic Con is basically one big speed dating event for asperger's cases
Autism/Asperger's isn't an abnormality you detect at birth. You have to wait a little while before you know.
Lmfao try
Unironically this. Main reason why I turned to isolation.
>list being black with other mental disorders/disabilities
Keep the gene pool clean ass hole, we got people who are trying to live
If it was classic autism they wouldn't be able to write and fucking them would be illegal. They mean spergers.
how to get published in current year:
>omg high heels xDDD did i mention i'm a woman? omg i have an instagram come follow me, i'll follow back
any woman who was actually autistic would wear sneakers.
t. assburger female who only wears sneakers. heels fuck up your feet and prevent you from escaping danger, catching a bus, walking in grass, and just plain suck. you have no idea what they do to your achilles tendon and the kind of foot deformations they cause. you will be crippled for life just to advertise how much of an easy to bed thott you are for a few hours. i have places to walk, i need shoes that are functional. heels are only okay when you don't actually need to walk in them, which is counter to the purpose of shoes. plus those are literal stripper pumps, absolutely no one who isn't a prostitute or a porn actress would even own something like that. they don't even sell those in regular stores because no one buys shit like that. a heel half as high would already be a stiletto and the most you would find in actual shoe stores.
for fuck's sake they don't even match the dress.
not to mention the probability of that situtation happening is like next to nothing. lying fucking thot like a white guy spraypainting himself brown to sell a book. lying sell out thot whore.
l o n d o n
Word. One upside of autists is that they don't make an attempt to hide their narcissism and other deviancy. What you see is often what you get. Many people are like that on the inside but can play it cool, only for you to find out too late...
Toe walking is common in classic autism, cerebral palsy, and other organic neuropathologies. Not that the author has classic autism either.
>tfw have disordered walking stance and had to go to physical therapy for it
if you're already walking fucked up, last thing you want is shoes that make it even more fucked up
never related more to a book's main character
>t. female
>walking in grass
>achilles tendon
>i have places to walk
>shoes that are functional
Pretty sure the MC of No Longer Human had asperger's.
Except elevating heels in shoes is often used as physio for autistic toe walking, since it is often the only way to get them to make contact with their heel. The rigid backs of sneakers are just as bad as the rigid backs of pumps for toe walkers, but elevated heels are often the first steps to balance and heel contact in those with Haglund's deformity with autism. Like I said, I don't think she has classic autism either.
Post bobs pls.
that's pretty interesting actually. however, none of that means you need 4 inch stilettos when a wedge offers the same elevation benefits and is infinitely more practical, so i can still soundly say that her shoes are awful.
the stranger
to be on topic.
what world are you living in?
>so i can still soundly say that her shoes are awful.
However your choice is just as spergish and unlikely to help those with classic autism.
Butterfly, seriously? I thought you were above this type of thinking...
Someone who really has autism wouldn't write such a book. That's neurotypical attention whore behavior.
> Aspies are the next level in human evolution.
I disagree. They may excel in one or a few tasks in particular, but they often have a stark block for anything nuanced or multifaceted. For example mixing economics with communications. And usualy it is the interplay between different facets of human life that actualy get shit done.
>not held back by emotions.
From my experience, no. They tend to be hyper compulsive in what they do, and if not done right, they feel overwhelmed. They have inflated egos, and again, have trouble with nuance. Where one person would just try to think of a new way to do something when a roadblock occurs, an aspy would perseverate over it until getting into a worked up, emotional frenzy.
Going of the inflated ego thing, i have meet very little aspites with decent self reflection skills, which is necessary not just for social shit, but for general efficiency in work.
b-but they invaded my lane and kicked me out
That all sounds fucking horrible holy shit.
are you that sadgirl user? Are you okay?
Spergs are retarded lol
i think i am one though
This is based on a limited experience. There are autistic people who are very image obsessed, but it's often THEIR image instead of society's image. This is why there are so many aspies in the punk rock scene and its offshoots like the goth subculture, etc.
Aspies are and can be image obsessed, it's just that 9 times out of 10 it's in this rebellious, counterhegemonic way that's meant as a fuck you to neurotypical society
A lot of people who actually have autism (it's better to say "are autistic" so it doesn't sound like some kind of removable infection) are frustrated or angry with people misunderstanding them, seemingly on purpose, so writing a book to explain themselves becomes a necessity.
Speaking for Ourselves by Michael Bakan. Not depressing, but realistic. Talks about asperger's in the arts.
This post reeks of someone who believes in emotional intelligence and just hates STEMfags
my diary desu
I donno who you are or what you believe, but this chemical company owns the majority of our food sources and their bags of GMO seeds are marked with a warning to to touch them with your bare hands. Show signs of aspergers or mild autism? Don’t join a support group, get tested for glyphosate, and eat less poisoned foods. Chances are you could be curable (maybe)
>to to
*to not
Para-STEMfags invented the concept of emotional intelligence. Most humans know they need emotions to fuel motivation, memory, and a lot of other basic things every single day. Autism isn't a state of lacking this invented emotional intelligence quality, it's more of an emotional retardation so severe it leads to disability. So then they need bullshit like EQ to understand a basic human function.
>anti GMO
C’mon butterfly you’re bett- c’mon butterfly.
Lmao holy shit the layers of low iq cope
They genetically modified to withstand the poison they bathe them in. People aren’t.
Learn when you’re being deceived. It’s usually by giant corporations and their government officials for profits.
have you gotten tested for glyphosphate? cause you definitely display lots of ''those sort of traits'' no offence
Most actual autistic people have low IQ. It's just aspies who can have average or above IQ, but they usually perform far below potential. It's really pure cope to claim otherwise. The few famous aspie achievers are exceptions, not the rule even though the rabid sperg net tries to claim every historical figure they can for their neurotribe.
All emotional problems do not equal autism. Osamu Dazai based that MC mostly on his own experiences of what would now be called complex post traumatic stress disorder (which is similar to borderline personality disorder). The character is deliberately socially false and highly concerned with emotions. It's a bad Yea Forums tendency to throw all alienation in with autism.
Autism (HFA) isn’t an impairment, it’s just a different form of adjustment. There are autistics with PhDs in both STEM and liberal arts fields so it’s clearly not a form of retardation
Being older, it’s not as likely that I was exposed to it in the womb, but those born in the 90s are more likely.
It nearly always is an impairment. There's an attempt in this public woke-like discourse to creep the definition of low functioning autism up, but low functioning autism is a severe disability.
they might be good at processing data in a cold machine like fashion but they remain fundamentally broken and incomplete people who can hardly survive outside of highly controlled artificial environments like academia or the tech sector.
It’s a (((coincidence)))
>Being this literal
yep, autism
This movement to "normalize" autism is in the same push to do the same for transgenderism, and next-up pedophilia.
The current trend is to not only accept, but celebrate disabilities. People who self-mutilate due to gender dysphoria are called heroes, people with below-average IQ, and who are severely mentally impaired are called "special" or "unique", and cripples are called brave.
No amount of twisted logic can withstand the simple experience of encountering one of these deficient people face to face.
As others have said, the culture is pushing up the exceptions, when the overwhelming majority is a much darker story. Autists are by and large so hampered by their disability that they cannot function alone, and require constant care and attention, like the drooling parasites they are. The transgeders are topping the suicide charts.
When I saw an episode the Big Bang Theory, I instantly thought that Sheldon was a complete drain on the lives of everyone around him, which they had to counter-balance with a high IQ. But the high IQ isn't a common trait in any population sample, autists included.
You are right, It's about high time for us normal people to teach the freaks who's in charge
"In the United States, thirty-five percent of Autistic eighteen-year-olds go to college. Of those American Autistics with university diplomas, only 15 percent are employed. This 85 percent unemployment rate (among college-educated Autistic adults) is massive—the general population’s unemployment rate (at all education levels) is only 4.5 percent."
We're in charge right now, since society operates because of normal people, and the existence of these outliers can only be facilitated in such a society.
Compassion and empathy are valuable traits for any community to function, provided that they're not misspent on irrecoverable causes. Or at least guided into how to remedy the station instead of being in denial that there's a situation at all (try calling transgender people mentally ill, or autists mentally handicapped in public)
I didn't call for a culling (if people want to volunteer to care for parasites they should be free to) but for a return to a mentality in which these things aren't hailed as good, but pitied as unfortunate, with a view of correcting them not condoning them.
>autism in heels
I thought it's already been done in pic related.
>only frame of reference is a tv show and alt right internet propaganda
It’s funny that you’re calling other people retarded. Look in a mirror some time.
>The current trend is to not only accept, but celebrate disabilities.
This has been the case for a long time and is unrelated to the other crap you mention. Look up Ian Dury's Spasticus Fantasticus and take it as the massive fuck you it is.
>Autism is magical realism
Over selling it.