>terrible writer
>ugly as dogshit
Has there ever been a worse person in history?
Terrible writer
>pisses off SJWs and libtards
seems cool to me
and also anyone who has moved beyond their teenage years and anyone who happens to have triple digit IQ
Everyone pisses off SJWs and libtards. That is an easy thing to do. Very easy.
The ideas of the Frankfurt school and the Vienna circle had a lot more of impact and did a lot more of damage to philosophy than Rand ever did.
You probably don't even know how it's still impacting your country's politics.
Weak bait. Lurk moar. Go back to /pol/.
All people know is who they dislike.
>pot calling the kettle back
Bet you can't describe what impact the Frankfurt school had at all
Social democracy is so overrated.
All i see are a bunch of europeans smelling their own farts while they cant afford a car and have to pay $6 for a chocolate bar and it comes at the expense of freedom and economic growth.
Theres hardly anything being built and then they wonder why the rent is so high.
And yet they go on the streets and protest and drink the marxist koolaid and for what?
>Go back to /pol/.
That board is full of capitalist neocons who probably love Rand.
The Frankfurt school is the straw man to whom the Vienna circle blames when they say that philosophy is useless nowadays.
They dumbed down philosophy to a subjective ground, devoid of all objective and transcendent character. They castrated the field by taking any means to reach a real conclusion.
Really? I didn’t know about this. now that I think off it, all my philo or philo adjacent teachers talk endlessly about the subjective nature of things, while the actual writers (Plato, Kant, etc) were pretty constant in forming an answer. It’s all bullshit and semantics. “I got the point of relitivity in the first 3 minutes, you didn’t have to wax on about how justice is subjective for 30 minutes”. Will you clearpill me on this?
Y dogshit
Y not cat shit
Dogs are great
So are cats
justice is subjective.
If you have reason to believe someone will not be a harm to society given a lighter punishment why should they be subject to the same punishment as someone whose irredeemably fucked up?
Like some rich kid who sold drugs but didnt need to vs someone who sold drugs and is part of a gang.
Forgot to mention she was also an atheist
you do know noone reads posts of anime posters right?
>now that I think off it, all my philo or philo adjacent teachers talk endlessly about the subjective nature of things, while the actual writers (Plato, Kant, etc) were pretty constant in forming an answer
Yes, that's exactly my point. That's the influence of the Frankfurt school in modern academia. A few years back, as a philosophy student, i had the same questions you do and i set myself to try to find the source.
I found out there's a false dichotomy in modern academia. We, in the so called "social" sciences, went to the subjective framework developed by the Frankfurt school. STEM, on the other side, followed the steps of the Vienna circle.
When you hear philosophy teachers talking about the "subjective nature of things", "history is made by the winners", or how "everything it's a social construct", you're hearing the ideas of Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin or Erich Fromm.
When you hear "scientists" and fedoras talking about how philosophy it's an useless and outdated field that can't reach real understanding of things, you're hearing the ideas of Rudolf Carnap and Moritz Schlick.
Yep, but i don't care.
They can thank consumption taxes for that. Truly the most retarded way to eat away at the purchasing power of the lower and middle classes to fund a gigantic welfare state. And accompanied by infinite feel-good regulation that stops businesses (and it's always for stupid shit like bendy bananas and lootboxes in game, instead of regulation of the kind that might actually have an arguably positive effect like proper environmental and pollution care).
I really don't mind her that much. Like all radicals, she is a cute pet and curiousity when on the margins, but a horrible master. I'm sure I would hate living in an anarcho-capitalist society just as I hate living in this global-homo bio-leninist technocapitalist culture. At least she doesn't follow the "narrative"
If it weren’t for the rare women with a brain making them look good feminism would be nowhere.
>At least she doesn't follow the "narrative"
She was literally Fox News in human form.
>Has there ever been a worse person in history?
Donald Trump.
Rand was not a neocon Zionist
Why are all the neoliberals hating on rand ITT, aren’t you both procapitalism? Oh right you just think if you import enough niggers and lower wages and living standards enough eventually the rich will be overthrown. Let’s hope you’re not wrong and you don’t just lower wages and living standards.
She was a Republican Jew.
>Ayn Rand
>Has there ever been a worse person in history?
have you ever been to twitter?
I believe you mean Cronald Bump the Bumpmaster of 1994, famous for his legendary Bump Session "Bumpin' in Tahiti 6: The Bump You Gotta Jump". In the end he was little more than a hateful, deranged drug addict and we were all sad to see him fall so low.
anyone can piss off the left wing and make their head explode. watch
Threadly reminder that SJWs and libtards have likely never heard of Rand let alone get pissed off by her. She's a meme in right-wing American circles, a nobody outside that small group
>>exposes low IQ plebtards
>>induces hysteria
bloody brilliant
I dread the day when I get around to reading Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. So many pseuds reference these books that I feel the need to read them
the fountainhead is based you can all suck my dick
I was about to bring this up as one of her attributes, i.e. another of her positive traits.
t. unironic atheist Trump voter
How many weeks holiday do my amerinigger friends get to spend with their family tho
>my entire life revolves around "owning le libs"
thats kinda sad man. have you considered having sex?
she was a welfare queen too lmao
oh so you didn't understand them
got it
You say that like it's a bad thing
It is you faggot
>have sex
why do you think his life revolves around trigger le libs? its not cuz hes drowning in pussy
Not necessarily.
Are you serious, you mean all those CEOs and people in government that have been obsessed with Rand haven't done more damage.
As ridiculous as her beliefs that an anarchistic economy and that a state stripped of all the powers and institutions she criticized would just sort themselves out on their own may be, she was still onto something with her emphasis on egoistical individualism.
Except that in her obsession with the political and economical ramifications of egoism, or perhaps her womanly self not being ready for this sort of emancipation, she didn't bother debunking the more grave and the greatest of chains that bind all individuals; more crushing than taxes, more stifling than collectivism : interpersonal relationships.
This comes to prominence once you watch some of her interviews and notice how the interviewers always question the egoism in having a family and a husband to support and sacrifice for like she did, and she always answers with vague answers along the lines of her finding "selfish pleasure" in gifting things to her relatives for example, without bothering to question the nature of interp relationships and how they don't align with her rationally egoistical economical and political views.
Ta-Nehisi Coates may be the worst person in history. Makes a living off of how much he hates white people.
> born to stupid parents
> They work hard but aren't skilled, so he assumes their backstory that racism and the system are wrong
> Goes to a college for only black people Howard U
> drops out after 6 years with a terrible GPA
> immediately gets a job with a prominent newspaper
> writes a terrible book about how white people are sadistic and evil that is only read by white people
> becomes a must-millionaire
> moves to France and says the refugees are good and it's just muh racism again
> Obama bad because he reminds him of a white guy not a black guy
> is taken seriously by Colbert and major media for saying he should get a check for slavery
> thinks a random black gangsta's life was equal to Thomas Jefferson
Same anime fag here.
As far as I know, the Republican party seems to be ideologically backed by the ideas of the Vienna Circle, and the same relationship seems to exist between the Democratic Party and the Frankfurt School.
I'm not American though, so take what i say with a grain of salt; i am only guided by what the representatives of both parties say publicly.
If i'm right with this, and if what i stated here it's also true, then the reality of the american political situation is dire. You are facing a false political dichotomy between two parties that are, essentially, two sides of the same coin. This i know it's true, but what i'm stating here should also explain why: It is a general philosophical crisis that translates itself into your political reality.
So yeah, both the Vienna Circle and the Frankfurt School have already done more damage than Rand's poorly inspired essays and novels.
Was she right about William Hickman?
Anyone who talks about Frankfurt school are taking Yuri Brezhnev's propaganda statements as reality and are living in a fantasy where the USSR sent french teachers to America turn kids into communists AND that they are still there today two decades after the fall of the soviets as sleeper agents waiting for a new red dawn. Thats why "cultural marxism" is a conspiracy theory.
Its literally just russiagate for the right. If you actually had critiques you would talk about the authors and their work individually the left in-fight more than fight others after all amirite?
Do you guys only engage with memes? That's a /pol/-tier take on the Frankfurt school. Subject philosophy starts with Descartes and was really formed by Kant, and it has been central to European philosophy ever since. Almost every major thinker outside of the analytic school has been either part of it of defined themselves as critics of it. The Frankfurt school is no exception and it's far from the most critical (for that you want Nietzsche and his heirs). Even the analytic school ultimately is still obsessed with the kantian subject/object dichotomy, only it's less clear because they tend to be less honest about the ontological frame they operate in.
An scientist don't really care about philosophy, not even the Vienna circle. Poincaré's philosophical ideas are unironically more popular among mathematicians.
>Subject philosophy starts with Descartes and was really formed by Kant, and it has been central to European philosophy
Subject philosophy it's not equivalent to subjective philosophy, you dummy. Descartes highlighted the relevance of gnoseology over metaphysics as a first science within the field of philosophy; it was a response to the traditional Aristotelian epistemology, it wasn't about how "the object is built by the observer" or any thing like that.
I'll a admit that you can find some of that in Kant though, but then again, he both inspired the Frankfurt School and the Vienna Circle.
>And scientists don't really care about philosophy, not even the Vienna circle
And that's where you're wrong. Read the Vienna Circle manifesto or "the elimination of metaphysics through logical analysis of language" by Rudolf Carnap. They're both pretty short texts, but show really well the active interest of the group in reducing philosophy to the linguistic analysis of science through formal logic, and the elimination of any form of metaphysics, ethics or aesthetics. And they won that one, also; all those fields are seen as useless by the average STEM student or teacher.
>Brings up Frankfurt school
No YOU go back to /pol/
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