Well user, I've just been reading through Guénon and different eastern schools of thought. What about you...

>Well user, I've just been reading through Guénon and different eastern schools of thought. What about you? What you do you mean you are an atheist? What is wrong with you?

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>look man, she did say she had a boyfriend, but she still let me buy her drinks
>what do you mean? I bought her drinks and was flirting with me, it’s not my fault
>if I had known she didn’t have a designated driver I wouldn’t have bought her those drinks
>Look I have to go, but when you go back to the hospital just tell her Jerry says, I’m sorry

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fuck off you gash haha

>Nothing's wrong with me. In fact I'm feeling pretty happy at this moment. Forgive me if I'm being untoward, but I don't meet a lot of women that are interested in literature, especially not beautiful women like -- well, it doesn't matter. As to your question: I'm an atheist, or more accurately an agnostic, because, though I find the philosophical arguments put forward by Aquinas and others for the existence of a deistic creator quite interesting and almost convincing in fact, I have yet to encounter any substantial proof for the existence of any religious god. That is not to say I am anti-religion; I see it as a great catalyst for human artistic ingenuity. What else but a grand religious narrative could galvanise humans into making things like the Notre Dame? When we compare it with the architecture of our time the difference is quite stark. But I'm getting off topic. How about we go back to my place and we'll see if you can sway me on this?

Okay that was smooth, you devil-swayed. Are you trying to desecrate my purity?


based and redpilled

Please leave me alone I just want to read books

>oh you haven’t found the evidence? Maybe you need a bigger Petri dish? Unfortunately I am not in that market for selling instruments so I don’t think coming over will help you find one

>I'm sorry, what? If I were a perennialist I would beat you for that.

>Interesting point of view, user. You don’t find the miraculously ordered and constantly changing material reality we inhabit to be evidence of a living and wonderful creator? Maybe instead of your house, we can go on a hike and I can take you to a spot where I’ve often prayed. It’s right by this beautiful blue lake. We can pray together, user. Would you like that?

>I wood ;)


Shut up women. Esoterism is not for you, go to the office and repent.

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>Look, sweetie. Being an agnostic atheist just means I don't see enough proof that any deities exist, and choose not to believe in them. Period. It has nothing to do with books: you can't prove the existence of deities with words. It doesn't necessarily mean I believe in evolution, Big Bang, or any other theory. It doesn't mean I read Dawkins, worship science or even think the world is round. I can believe in ghosts, UFOs, elves, the Loch Ness Monster, and Atlantis. The only requirement is that I don't believe in any supernatural beings that I consider holy or sacred. I don't have to explain the fossil record or the history of the universe. It doesn't mean I hate religion, or churches, or want to see the end of anyone else's faith. It has nothing to do with whether I give to charities, try to be moral or ethical, or obey the law. It doesn't mean I think life is meaningless, or care what anyone else believes or thinks. I just reject theist explanations as sounding silly to me, and the rest is personal. If I see anything to change my mind, I'll let you know. In the meantime, how do you feel about vigorous sodomy?

>the agnostic atheist is also a sodomite
>Guénon giving silly explanations
>"Being an agnostic atheist just means I don't see enough proof that any deities exist" and "you can't prove the existence of deities with words". If you can't prove it by words, you can also understand you can't proove the existence of God by corporal phenomenons. Understand that the infinite (God) can't be proven by the finite, there is no instrument to measure the infinite.
Why the need of a proof other than the fact that religion is an effective way to develop and be a functional happy human being ( virtuous christians and saints are living proof of the christian way), and not become a sodomite like you ?

I’m an agnostic waiting for that epiphany or moment of revelation. I’ll believe when the divine makes itself known.

Until then, I see no evidence.

>implying a girl would ever understand
die, whore

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God gives extraordinary signs for extraordinary people (not necessarily good people) or miracles would be ordinary and seen as natural phenomenon. We come again to the fact that the infinite can't be proven and then all proof (even experimental) can't absolutely prove Him, it can only prove that the world is not as finite as we think. But then, there can still be a way to accept it as normal if it's ordinary (and deny the infinite, God). By definition and nature and by necessity miracles must be extraordinary or they would be ordinary and seen as normal and others rare miracles would be needed in order for God to give signs.
The fact now is that God gave signs, rare and normal ones (the creation itself is a sign of His being but everything is overlooked by humans, while the mysteries of the nature are not explained they still find it normal). Christianity is a normal sign with extraordinary epiphanies within it, at it's foundation (spiritual and historical foundation). Christianity by nature is a bridge between the earth and the sky, and by nature, those in the noise of the city can't see the stars, normal people only see the ordinary.

You must do an extraordinary journey (this would mean you have become extraordinary) to find the extraordinary, like someone in Galilea in the time of Christ would have had to go to Christ to see his miracles, in the same manner you have to go to Christianity to see.

So, for us, for the moment, as normal people we should seek normal christian truths. Maybe, when we will grow extraordinary and become closer to the sky, after a long spiritual journey, miracles will be adapted to our growth. God is speaking to you, just don't expect Him to speak the same language as you or else you will stay blind and stay a normie in their sad world because you waited for fantasies, fantasm adapted to your egotism and pride-fullness and not the real path to the extraordinary, your path, adapted and a little normal at first.

Obviously because sodomites are much nicer people than saints or virtuous Christians. This isn't complicated, user.

what do you mean by nice ? Happy functional human being ?

Also, even in the case you knew catholic saints, you don't know my saints, I'm not a papist, I will become orthodox.

You don't know what "nice" means? Weird. I mean they're not deluded assholes obsessed with building idiotic notions of superiority to anyone who isn't part of their church (and many who are) and trying to deny other people happiness for no fucking reason. They're not so amazingly fucking stupid that they somehow manage to feel smug about believing bizarre fairy tales and spreading lies and hatred everywhere they go. Clear enough?

>Pikachu won't give you any evidence because that would be too pleb. You have to really believe and be extraordinary and sparkly and eventually you'll see the secret Pokemon-stuff that's not just self-delusion at all, but proof of your superior evolution.

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>they're not deluded assholes
Ironic insult in this context coming from a sodomite defender, I really want to make jokes about it. But instead I will leave you with your anger (that just proved my point that sodomites are not happy people). Hope for you it resolves.

>God is speaking to you, just don't expect Him to speak the same language as you

If he’s real and wants me to do something or live a certain way, he needs to tell me in way that is comprehensible.

Until he does, I can only assume he’s not real or not interested in me.

>reading a greyhound-faced fenchman instead of actual Hindus

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The christian message, christian saints, beauty of creation etc is comprehensible. What I meant is you just have to take care about the normal signs adapted to you and to your journey or you would be overlooking them if you wait for an epiphany, something that is not for you right now.

Sorry you havent found your own autistic Evola thumping gf user

You don't hear God because you don't want to hear Him. If you want to see above the flesh, above the nature, you have to actually look above the flesh, so detach look from it. I took this example because sodomites are known hedonist.
Why can't you see God in the flesh ? In nature ? There are many signs, including in your own life but they are overlooked for the reason I gave above, you are too lazy, obsessed by other things,... to see them.
Pikachu would tell you about the secret Pokemon stuff and you wouldn't believe him, asking for proof, he will be killed with many of it's followers, proving in numerous scriptures they are sane, yet you will not believe in them. lot's of people will talk about this secret pokemon knowledge being at your reach (be it different and maybe ennemy groups) yet, you would not believe them, and would not care about searching at least a little.
Instead you will blame Pikachu.
Your lazy ass is to blame. Pikachu gave you what was adapted to your nature (and what will be), yet you've gone (and you will go maybe) below your own nature. The necessary signs were too much for you, a fortiori stronger signs will be too much for you too.
Why would that be too much ? Because you will have even more hard time accepting this sign actually happened, or because you will not believe in it's supernatural origin in order to comfort yourself in your normal life, because you are too weak (physically or psychologically) to resist the intensity of these signs or you will stop at the sign, thinking this is the signified, or you will become pridefull etc.....
So, sorry but you are normal at most, and there is normal signs for you, adapted to you, do your work now.

you read him to first erase your unconsciousness western and modernist prejudices

The beauty of nature gives no hints to what god is like or what he wants me to do. And there are christian, pagan, muslim, hindu, buddhist, etc messages and saints that say different things, and none of them seem conclusive.

>The beauty of nature gives no hints to what god is like or what he wants me to do.
Can there be an hint to what the infinite is since he is nothing particular ? But the beauties or the immensity of the universe are signs of God's being (still little before Him), God is the Good and the Beauty in itself in Platonic terms. Everything participate of His energies (energeia in orthodox terminology).
What he wants you to do is the good, and the good is explained in the religions (the Good), but of course it's mostly written in your conscience, the work of the religions being to clean this currently tortuous conscience, making you able to take the good decisions.

>And there are christian, pagan, muslim, hindu, buddhist, etc messages and saints that say different things
That's why René Guénon is here. He explains to you that different definition of God in the different religions are not in contradiction, it always "define" the infinite as being non-finite. Religions are different means of finding God and God's image in the human being. The important is that there is a path that works and that you can take. Hindouism and bouddhism and some traditional christian thoughts acknowledge it for example, even soufism acknowledge it.
Religions, through the testimony of saints, seems conclusive.


Get it through your SOFT, WEAKENED SKULL

traditionalism has always been elitist.
Why are you mad, mister hylic ?

most likely because he fell for one of the many meme "philosophers" who were retroactively refuted by Guenon

Based pneumatic


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