Writing the lore to a script, so I've made a timeline for the subsequence of events before the actual film starts. It's an abstract idea of transferring one's soul into another body. The two main characters are Romeo and Juliet and it's based in a futuristic setting. So FAR I've made two factions: The Church and the prohetas but I still need a third faction for the story. It has underlying themes of religion and gene alteration. I've attached a pic of what I have thought of so far, so feel free to fill in the blanks or suggest ideas. I somehow need to transition to the end part.
Lore to a film script
Sounds kinda gay and unnecessary ngl.
Make them both babes and it might be kind of cool
Sure, but what's your opinion on the rest of the story? I still need to figure how thing escalate between the church and the prohetas and the addition of a third faction if that's even possible
Just make them babes, man. Don't be a faggot.
ofc. But I mean Iroquois's actor is kinda going to sort of die anyway.
I don't like classic works in "futuristic" settings. I think it's a cheap gimmick.
You're referring the whole Romeo and Juliet thing? It's only relevant in the lore, the actual script will kinda be like an action movie. The timeline is only the lore leading up to the events of the actual script.
Why not call them something else then?
Well for Romeo, I just realized I called him Iroquois. Have you read the timeline? The timeline basically so far sets up the factions of the church, the progetas and the explaination between the soul transfer between Iroquois and Juliet. Planning for the actual script to draw from MGS and to explore transsexuality in a sort of fucked up way. And names can be changed senpai, that's why I posted. I want opinions for new ideas and changes in the lore.
looks like some terrible netflix idea
If the lore is really that important to the story/themes, this would probably work way better as a novel.
The whole thing sounds pretty goofy, to be honest. At least change the names so that the references aren't so on the nose.
I think maybe you're right. What would you add or get rid off in the story? Appreciate your feedback.
Well what you wrote here is the lore, so what ideas do you have for events that will occur over the course of the script?
So far what I have in mind is after the events in the lore, Juliet wakes up and Iroquois's body is found dead. Juliet continues to live her life, but eventually as her cells get replaced, Iroquois's memories and persona start to embody in Juliet. Although I didn't include it in the script, Iroquois is a sleeper agent who was recruited by a special police taskforce in response to the 2024 serial kidnappings. Although not included again, I plan to make the transition to Iroquois transferring his soul into Juliet's body stem from a conversation from Juliet's mum about "Juliet's will". From the point Iroquois truly embodies Juliet's body, she makes herself known to the prohetas group where she infiltrates it to assassinate Anderson. At this point in the story the church has already learnt about the experiments in the "Bamini Teribil" project is currently hunting the unholy abominations (the children of the test subjects) produced from the project. From there I'm not too sure about the general direction, but I'm thinking Juliet (now who is practically Iroquois) rendezvous with the police task force. From there the next target is The Church.
I kinda also want to add a neo-Nazi faction who experiments with human genes to be another major faction of the story. Basically the lore is Romeo and Juliet gone wrong, but the two live on in one body and from there transitioning to the actual script it plays out like a hideo koijima game.
Too much?
Thinking about it more here’s what I’m thinking once the script starts:
Juliet continues to live her life for however long it takes her brain cells to duplicate and replace themselves (need to research it but from my knowledge that should take 1-2 years) then at the time it does, Juliet is in a nightclub. Iroquois’s memories and personality come flooding back and then at that point she is the embodiment of Iroquois but in Juliet’s body. When she’s on the dance floor, purely by consequence a member of the prohetas recognizes her to be Anderson’s daughter and starts pursuing her since Anderson has created propaganda about her over the years to be the key to eternal life. Juliet remembers the special forces training that Iroquois underwent at the police special task force unit and neutralises her pursuer. At this point her thoughts are fragmented with both Juliet’s and Iroquois’s thoughts and memories.
She searches the body of her pursuer to find intel and when she finds the intel she needs it leads to a location of a proheta base. Then the story continues from there. In a way it’s kind of a deconstruction of politics and transsexualism or at least that’s how I want to the story to play. Like a “fresh” start in another body and gender that’s weighted down by traumatic memories from both individuals merged into one. At the same time, I want it to have a real metal gear solid kind of vibe to it aswell, especially when it comes to explaining the politics behind the situation, which is why I’m perfecting the lore of the story now. If you have a perfect lore and understanding of why things happened before the actual events of the story then you’ll have a somewhat believable story.
I mean it definitely is too much, but that's not unlike Kojima at all. I just imagine this is all too convoluted for a film
Ah any suggestions? And check out the updated lore
It has two extreme Christianity religions, neo Nazis and a sweet night-club script transition.
this whole setting is gay.
the characters are gay. the plot is gay. the names are gay.
make your shit less gay dude.
how can they be less gay...?
needs more explosions, tits, gun battles, kung fu etc etc. get Michael Bay on board as a consultant. thank me later.
Hey man I want to put that in the actual script. For now I just want advice on how to further expand this pre-script lore.
just wing it dude.
1. Change the names
2. Remove the transexual whatever
3. Add violence
4. ???
5. Profit
1. Can change the names, suggestions?
2. That's kinda the main part of the story
3. ????
4. You tell me
Hmm, again I think the names are just too on-the-nose (Iroquois Pliskin, David Hayter, Juliet) that it's distracting.
The scope is pretty ambitious, which you'd need to be careful with because an issue with ideas like these is that they're very prone to plotholes. I just don't really see this working as a film, especially without a good amount of expository dialogue. If you're set on making this a screenplay, how do you plan on communicating the pre-script lore? Also, how do you plan on representing the fusion of Juliet's and Iroquois's thoughts visually?
Yeah the names can be changed, if you have suggestions I'm all ears and I see you got my MGS references. You're right the story is prone to plotholes, it could maybe work as a film through the use of flashbacks and characters mentioning the past in regards to the lore. And for your last point, flashbacks.
Another suggestion is that you should really dive into the underlying themes you want to explore, find out what you really have to say about them, and focus on that. It's good to be ambitious, but it's better to deeply explore one or two themes than it is to try to tackle way too much and end up saying little or nothing at all
Yeah I intend too, I want to dive into politics and touch on the topic transsexuality and dissociative disorder. I want the church, the prophetas and the fourth reich to be explored extensively and what drives them to do what they do. The main story arc however, I want to explore the themes of change and coping from going past the point of no return, especially for Iroquois. I've described him to be a young man who's recruited into the police force in a special operations unit who sacrifices his body and individuality to undertake a mission. He abandons his family and friends with his life to commit himself to a political cause of bringing down a group. I want to explore his psyche after he goes past the point of no return and how he deals with it throughout the story.
make a book
don't shit on national socialism
If you're planning on making this an action film, good series to study would be the John Wick and Mad Max series. Both feature little expository dialogue but still offer fairly interesting world building through visuals alone. You wouldn't be able to go into as much detail this way, but it could be good to have a little mystery and leave some things to the imagination (see also: Dark Souls/Bloodborne). Try making some storyboards and playing with production design to figure out how this could work
You're right on the money, I want it to be a film where less says more. I want the lore in the film to be explored by clues and subtle imagery and dialogue.
Just kys m8
shame on you for reducing literature to the garbage dump that is cinema