Does weed better your writing?

Does weed better your writing?

Are there notable writers who puff?

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Weed makes you a worse writer. It worsens cognition and decreases memory. Best thing to smoke for writing is tobacco. Most influential authors over the past 500 years were tobacco smokers.

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nicotine might deliver most of those benefits listed, and smoking might be the best delivery system for nicotine, but actually smoking cigarettes is just asking for a shittier life

op smoke your weed, or don't. you should be able to figure it out for yourself

No, as a former smoker it will just make it worse. Maybe for poetry it can be alright.

Whoa. I’ll give nicotine gum a chance. Thanks.

remember not to chew it like regular gum.
slow occasional chews.

No and no

Just exercise retards. Man was not meant to sit on his duff all day.

Hunter S Thompson

Stephen King

Absolutely not. I smoked a lot of weed, and I once I was high I could not focus on writing. Its good for getting ideas that you can jot down in brainstorm form, and then write them out when sober. But weed stays in your system for some time, so only do it rarely. Mushrooms are good for ideas as well.

Carl Sagan

u just need ya brain or not


Pynchon was known to have sold a shit ton of weed in the LA area during the time he was writing Gravity's Rainbow, and no doubt he smoked a lot of it too. A lot of the sections in that book read just like a weeded/psyched out haze.

This is why you're failing.

Projecting this hard

He's also stated that there are multiple sections that he neither remembers, nor understands himself. The essay on lightbulb jesus towards the end of GR is one of the more notable examples.
To address the question of marijuana impacting your writing, it really comes down to what you're writing, who you are,and what pot does to you.
Personally, I keep a 'rambling' doc where I write while inebriated, then a 'fleshed' doc where I edit the inebriated writing when I'm sober.

weed is for brainstorming. uppers are for actual writing

Weed no, tobacco yes. Tolkien couldn't write unless he was smoking his pipe.

weed is fucking gay.
the patrician choices are pipe = cigar > power gap > cigarette > crack = meth > dick > weed

I think this is a great idea. I find pot is only beneficial in moderation. After quitting for awhile, it can stimulate a lot of creative energies, but after binging for long stretches, it seems to backfire.

Nicotine gums stops your urge of tobacco, what you do you mean?

There's a reason his most well known photographs are of him smoking a pipe. Pipes are A E S T H E T I C

No they don't. They replace your fix of nicotine from cigs so you can eventually wean off of them.

Nicotine without inhaling tar

THC was found in the bards pipe

are you 12 or just retarded

you can get literally all those benefits and more by just working out semi regularly and not eating like shit constantly. Saves you money and makes you look better too, beyond just the "whoa hes so kewl hes smoging :0!!" teenage mindset

While the point previously made did seem to convey the idea of using tobacco as an 'enhancer', I think there may be more value in exploring the connections to nicotine habits. That is, I don't believe nicotine has a direct impact, but rather those who have such habits may be more disposed to such crafts.

Nicotine is one of the only proven nootropics

Not even close, research into such uses of narcotics is incredibly preliminary.
One must always be cautious when discerning causation from correlation.

Sure. But not while high, imo. It sorta improves your focus via making you too stupid to think of more than one thing, but at the same time you'll be forgetting the first half of your sentence a quarter of the way through if you're really stoned. I feel like makes a lot of automatic processes more manual, which gives you less free space in your head but also helps you see how autocorrected your reality is otherwise.

No, in the case of nicotine it has been studied for a long time and it's more than just a correlation. They know the parts of the brain it affects and the mechanism and processes.

Prove it.

You can also do both. Note well readers; you can spot a brainlet by the unironic use the term "literally" in dramatic fashion.

Literally was used not for dramatic effect but because every single benefit from nicotine listed in the image also comes from working out. It's to emphasize that it's not just some, most, or almost all of the benefits of nicotine also come with exercise, but LITERALLY all of them come with it. Also fuck you for thinking people have to write professionally here, the real tell tale sign of a brainlet is acting like an intellectual on a website primarily used for trap porn and weeaboo shit

He would also drop acid and write.

>but because every single benefit from nicotine listed in the image also comes from working out
That's untrue and hence certainly is not literal. Working out does not affect the same receptors as nicotine and produces distinctly different effects. Exercise can provide benefit but it does not 1:1 substitute for the brain power enhancement of nicotine, and regardless would not negate it at all, but rather simply add to it. As again, you can do both.

Are you the same guy that was just trying to defend nicotine as a nootropic? You really need to stay in school, my man, you demonstrate a severe misunderstanding of psychology and biology.

Cocaine >>>>> everything else

Lee Child has sold 100 million copies of his Jack Reacher novels and is known as an avid weed connoisseur.

I too feel that weed is best for brainstorming and idea gathering, plus i feel that it brings thoughts to the surface more. Introspective journaling, memoir writing works while stoned, but writing plot driven fiction while stoned just does not work so well. All i get is snippets with intense mood, but when i reread it while sober, it usually is just mediocre.
This of course is just one data point.

Excerpt from an interview with High Times:

In a recent book about you [Reacher Said Nothing: Lee Child and the Making of “Make Me,” by Andy Martin], you’re at your writing desk, lighting up a pipe and saying: “This is just a maintenance dose. Just a top-up.” What did that mean?

I didn’t need to be sky-high. It was just a question of staying in the zone.

What does smoking marijuana do for you, as a writer?

The word I would always come back to is “acuity.” Back in those early days, I would smoke while I was listening to music. And I found it really makes a huge, perceptible difference: My hearing—or at least my understanding of the music—was much greater. Now, when I’m writing, over the 20 years I’ve been doing it, it’s gotten weirder and weirder because, the bigger you get as a popular writer, the more other things you have to do—the more on your mind, with all these things buzzing around in your head. I find the weed just increases my focus tremendously: I can eliminate all the irrelevancies, and I’m right there in the zone. I’m there, I’m living it, and all the background noise is suppressed.

>ad hominem, the post

Imagine being such a brainlet that you cannot even name the fields of the things you misunderstand properly. Actually, what is being discussed is physiology and psychopharmacology. You're so off course, it's like calling any field of science physics or mathematics. Thanks for proving that you're a brainlet, doubly so in thinking school is the main mover in one's erudition, triply so in that your entire post is just an ad hominem seethe.

>weed connoisseur

Yikes: The Post

acid is the only thing that inspires me to write these days

>itt smokers defend their disgusting habit through mental gymnastics

>Lee Child

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>mental gymnastics
funny word for peer-reviewed studies and actual evidence. Smoking is only disgusting because it is associated with low class trash.

It depends on what you're writing, and if you're writing while high or using it in between for whatever reason.
And Cosmic Conscious Dudeman Wilson was very continually stones and based his literary career on that very fact

Nicotine is as much a nootropic as any of the drugs currently being touted as nootropics. But unlike them, it has centuries of actual use as a nootropic. There is a reason coffee and cigarettes have been driving Western Civ for all of modernity

better ideas and wild prose, but inconsistent writing overall.
good for starters.


do you smoke cocaine?

Coping is denying evidence right before your eyes and all you have to say about it is "it's icky and disgusting!".

You can and I have. It's terrible for you though

My father always told me that marijuana saps your ambition. That's why stoners are all lazy layabouts. Considering my cousin is a stoner and has basically squandered all of his considerable potential, I take this pretty seriously.

Yes, that's what must have gotten his melanin so high!

Hundreds of other people could have used it.


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Weed turns you into an ineffectual faggot. Don't do it if you have any ambition.

Shakespeare smoked hash don't @ me

This is true. Every single stoner likes to propagate the idea that marijuana is something they don't need and is just a beneficial tool, but 90% of them are psychologically addicted into breaking the law (in most places) repeatedly / daily as an escapism tool.

All the posts referencing this and that guy who used marijuana and were great intellectuals and author. Wow, what a surprise, highly intelligent people used a drug as an escapism tool?!

What exactly in smoking causes this to happen? Is it just the nicotine, or the entire mixture of tobacco and other ingredients combined that causes this effect?

>breaking the law

>smoking cigarettes is just asking for a shittier life

Yes, if you're willing to risk a criminal record / go to jail / prison because you need to smoke weed, you're either a NEET and don't care or are a degenerate/junkie

Weed makes it easier to not think obsessively about negative things. So, if that’s your problem it’ll probably help. If your problem is that you’ve never been creative, and never been told that you’re original or interesting, then it won’t do anything except give you false confidence. There are people who find it creatively stimulating, and there are people who lose all critical faculties. If you think you’re too uptight a writer, then smoke weed. If your mind wanders, smoke tobacco.

Why are you guys just making up stuff as you go along. Prove your claims. What study/research are you basing your respective claims on?

I've broken the law simply for the sake of breaking the law before. It's not a big barrier to pass, and as such, doing so does not indicate a dependence. Plenty of people pirate music, etc, or even break the law unwittingly. If you're black you have my condolences, but otherwise, if really think concealing weed is that hard, then you're dumber than every stoner in the thread.

Pipes aren't really a sharing thing...

Yes, because pirating music or jaywalking certainly is equatable to the number of people who get in trouble because of weed, right? If you don't want to have an honest conversation about it, that's fine, but lets not pretend that law enforcement in most places in the U.S. for example is gonna fuck you over or at least give you problems down the road because you get charged for possession.

That mindset is held by every stoner I know, including my bud who has a record and hundreds of hours of community service for a bong after his dumbfuck pothead roommate let him in the apartment, or the dude who lit up in his car because "nothins gonna happen bro"

Tell me how smart you are at concealing if you get pulled over for going 31 in a 30 on the way back from your deal and a k9 runs your car, or if some off duty spots your deal, or if one of your dumb fuck pothead friends is careless and gets everybody else in trouble. Even the minority of stoners who actually take adequate precaution can and do get fucked.

>Weed makes it easier to not think obsessively about negative things.
You really feel that way? I get super noided on weed sometimes. To my understanding it's a common occurrence.

>Yes, because pirating music or jaywalking certainly is equatable to the number of people who get in trouble because of weed, right?
>Dishonest! Dishonest!
You're the one being dishonest if you're going from the lawlessness being unholy-in-principle, down to a mere matter of practicality.

Where do you think you are? Half the stoners I know don't know I smoke weed. I do fondly remember my stoner neighbor, growing up though. Smart kid, good grades. Finnicky about them, needed scholarships. When I asked him why money was tight, coughing out smoke he replied: "My dad has a gambling addiction."

>You're the one being dishonest if you're going from the lawlessness being unholy-in-principle, down to a mere matter of practicality.

I never referred to the morality of breaking the law, you just decided to strawman that into your responses. I thought it was apparent by clearly stating the risk of such action, rather than the moral implications, but I guess I should have been more explicit when talking to someone with a fried brain.

>Half the stoners I know don't know I smoke weed
So you don't smoke with your friends who smoke? Or you've never discussed smoking with your friends who do and don't smoke, or pooled in with them on a buy? Or smoked with them? Or have them over to your place and seen your paraphernalia? So your point is you're in the minority?

Sorry, I repeated myself when saying smoking with your friends. That's the result of a 4 month binge of daily smoking last year in which I will never return to full cognitive capacity

True art is an expression of oneself not an altered state of mind. Being high can be the spark, an idea of what to write however sitting down to pen you your writing is best done clear headed.

Then again Hunter S Thompson was a great writer who was high as a kite throughout his entire life. But are you the next Hunter S Thompson?

Baudelaire and Benjamin both smoked hash so I'd say its ok, I'm more of a drinker tho

Depends on the person

As well as copious amounts of other shit for the both of them. Those dudes loved to do drugs.

Vonnegut was an advocate for weed at some point.

lung cancer

I would like to propose that weed has an overall negative effect on the quality of one's writing, but for some, it makes it easier for them to write.

If we assume that to be true, it wouldn't be strange if Stephen King somked.

Byron the Bulb is based on an actual event, that's a dubious example.

Carl Sagan on cannabis:

"When I'm high I can penetrate into the past, recall childhood memories, friends, relatives, playthings, streets, smells, sounds, and tastes from a vanished era. I can reconstruct the actual occurrences in childhood events only half understood at the time. Many but not all my cannabis trips have somewhere in them a symbolism significant to me which I won't attempt to describe here, a kind of mandala embossed on the high. Free-associating to this mandala, both visually and as plays on words, has produced a very rich array of insights."

Escapism? No.

I've never had a good writing experience with weed. Alcohol on the other hand has helped me much better. Idk it makes me more emotional and definitely shows in the writing when I read it the next day.

Weed makes you worse at everything.

I’m pretty sure I’m the world champion hit taker by the way. I can smoke like half a gram in one hit. Not sure who to tell desu.

Nicotine is a stimulant. Combine that with cigarettes making you go outside for a quiet moment and they are surprisingly powerful idea generators.

No and no.
Both shit writers.
Based and redpilled
Because he was a brainlet.
>As again, you can do both.
People regularly stop smoking when they start working out.
Shit pseudoscientist.
>Then again Hunter S Thompson was a great writer
He wasn't, he was a rambling moron who should have been sent to the mines.