What are the best books about individualism?

what are the best books about individualism?

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>How to prep the bull
>Comic books

This one is perfect user

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Have you considered that humans are social animals, group animals? Why should collectivist ideas be so horrific? We aren't leopards or something.

Make the individual be holding a nuke called liberalism

so what that image is suggesting is that individualism is doomed to extinction and we should just hedge our bets with some form of collectivism?

I think its a good idea to balance the self and the society. It is true that we are a product of society, but we are also a contributor to it. IN this way, you must balance your indivigual self whist refining your social self, being careful to not be lost in both and becoming an edgy contrarian.

Balance is fine but I feel that in the West there is way, way too much emphasis on individualism and the individuals rights. Always its human rights, workers rights, womens rights, whatever rights. I always think, what about responsibilities? To ones people, nation, etc?

I'm not saying that group-think/we societies like Asians are the best but holy fuck they avoid a lot of the problems we have here.

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Capitalism becomes collectivism.

no, its saying that individualists are the underdog heroes of mankind. i shit you not, jordan peterson has tweeted this pic before.

__ _____ ____

Egoists like Rand and Stirner
Neitzsche, the overman, ect.
Individualist anarchists like Tucker
American Libertarianism in general
De Sade for a sociopath hedonist variety
Left Hand Path Occultism


looks like individualism is pretty fucked though. no way king of manlets over there is gonna kill a massive five headed hydra
>jordan peterson has tweeted this pic before.
boomer cringe

Locke by Sargon of Akkad

>boohooo people choose to identify as an individual rather than as a group! how will I ever generalize their ideology and argue against my self-created strawman arguments now! I know! I'll just say that they wear a flamed shirt, that'll be sure to BTFO them!
The absolute state of modern society.

Is this the result of over-socialization? Everyone feels the desperate need to conform to some group and shame others who don't share the exact same set of beliefs. What they despise more than a member of a different group, is the individual that refuses to conform to any group.

S E E T H I N G solocuck

Humans are social animals, they say, again, and again. They won't stop saying it. They just repeat it endlessly. Someone somewhere once said "humans are social animals" and now I have to listen to hundreds of automatons regurgitate that line to me just because I like living in a big house all by myself and working alone and being alone.

Humans absolutely cannot stand each other. Everyone hates their roommates, the cashiers at the jc penny's hate the customers, the brown people hate the white people, they people over here drop bombs on the people over there, the liberals hate the conservatives, the DC fanboys hate the Marvel fanboys, wives hate their husbands, old people hate young people.

uh yeah, humans are social animals. Actual animals can get along better than we fucking can. And these freaks have the audacity to tell me it's not healthy to live alone. They send me articles about how loneliness kills more people than cancer. fuck them

>Everyone feels the desperate need to conform to some group

Not everyone, just those of low intellect. You're right about the free-thinkers being the most despised of all. I routinely anger pro-lifers and pro-choicers by telling them I don't have to choose sides.

I wouldn’t equate fence sitting with free thinking

>Humans absolutely cannot stand each other. Everyone hates their roommates, the cashiers at the jc penny's hate the customers, the brown people hate the white people, they people over here drop bombs on the people over there, the liberals hate the conservatives, the DC fanboys hate the Marvel fanboys, wives hate their husbands, old people hate young people.
Sounds like you live in a shit country. USA, imirite?




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I'm a little too advanced to worry about what side of an imaginary line I live on.

What you just said is a very good example of irrational hatred endemic amongst humankind though.

Not the same user but fence sitting is a meme-word created to generalize and shame the individual.
>This person isn't on my side, and he isn't on theirs! I must find a way to generalize him and shame him!
You sound like one of those "everything is political" retards who is constantly and pointlessly nagging at people.

My diary DESU

I thought 1984 was good.

Harry Potter.

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Agreed, I’m just saying we should refrain from Hegelian extremes. ATM people are too focused on individualism (ironically enough insofar that it’s a form of collectivism in its own).

spoiler alert: the individual gets fucked over

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i remember in college everyone who wasnt in a frat saying lol frats are so conformists.
Meanwhile frats had the most fun and better job prospects.
Makes you think.

How is nationalism bad? You can be both an individualist and a nationalist

Sargon lost UKIP all of its seats, OP. It's over. :)

Nationalism groups people by nationhood similar to race, sex, etc. Although, I have no problems with nationalism, considering egoism and extreme individualism destroys the fabric of civilization.

Nationalism is putting the nation above your self

As you should. Tribalism is the base of humanity, as it has been since the age of homo sapiens conquering of Europe. Putting yourself above your own nation, a motion of selfishness and pride, makes the person become lazy and more devoted to their own growth instead of those around then, including their own neighbors. Nations are just the large tribe we use in the modern day.

Depending on how you define religion, nationalism is the largest possible human 'tribe' before the cohesiveness of the unit starts to collapse. See: Yugoslavia.
It is the ideal basis and size of a state.

By my estimate, what humans really ought to stand up for is their own extended family. Such is the natural basis of tribalism moreso than nations ever were, and it's also the basis of race, that is, common descent.

It's usually sour grapes


I just noticed they organised the dragon's heads left to right wing.

that dragon doesn't have wings

robert coomer

>imaginary line I live on.
Borders aren't imaginary.

Baby killing is political

>Had the most fun
That's your opinion.

Everyone talks about imaginary lines until the Nork's rifle goes off.

>muh lines
Why don't you brainlets ever realise every single law or ethical/moral position on Earth is a metaphorical line in the sand we decided as a civilisation we wouldn't cross?
It's all well and good to be a soulless rootless fart-huffing "citizen of the world" but literally no one else is playing by those midwit rules so you inevitably end up bent over a fence, pants around your ankles, being bumfucked stupid by China or Russia or America.

how the fuck has no one mentioned Eumeswil by Jünger?

>what book should I read to look more individualistic
to answer your question, american psycho, Robinson crusoe.

Even chimps abide by the imaginary lines called territory.
Saying that national borders dont have any meaning is nonesense.

Serve your nation, goy.

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>individualism is pretty fucked though
That's part of the point of the picture as well, and of the individualist ethos. Knowing defeat he still fights courageously, to die on your feet rather than live on your knees. The natural state of man is not conformity of many parts, like the many headed hydra, but to overcome the impossible through adversity and "the combat" of defying nature and what seems pre-determined. Don't know why that guy mentioned Peterson though because he's as conformist as they come.

>we decided as a civilisation we wouldn't cross?

I'm an individualist, I didn't participate in any such decisions.

>being this assblasted over a meme.
Individualists are delusional retards.

Foucault and his academic critics could be good to read about how individuals are created (or what informs individuals)


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ted kaczynski