What can I even read to follow this masterpiece up? I am left wanting

What can I even read to follow this masterpiece up? I am left wanting

Attached: bloodmeridian.jpg (229x350, 31K)

The Bible

The Bible

Moby Dick

Shut the fuck up no one wants to read the bible stop posting this in every rec thread you larping christcuck

The Bible

I honestly couldn't finish Blood Meridian. The prose was beautiful, but it just made me tired. And the theme of regeneration by violence is just stupid. It's like no shit wormy mcfarty that's been the animal kingdom for billions of years. He didn't say anything on it that hasn't already been said better.

>He didn't say anything on it that hasn't already been said better.

I guess you could read Lonesome Dove if you love the west. Maybe continue the cowboy trilogy and read Warlock.

Grow up

It's in the post. The Bible. Also the Catholic ecology guys like de Chardin or Berry.

Loved Blood Meridian but the Border Trilogy blows it away in every sense.

Honestly the bible might not be a bad choice. McCarthy purposely uses an antiquated writing style that sort of sounds like what youd imagine a southern or Texas gentleman who likes to quite biblical verses all the time.

The experience of reading it for me is similar to the bible, too, in that my eyes kind of glaze over for long stretches and my mind wanders while I'm reading it until I catch a passage or description that catches me off guard, and I have to reread it a few times to really soak in the beauty of it.

Really weird book, it's boring and difficult unless it's good, and when it's good its really, REALLY fucking good


and this

Paradise Lost

>he thinks the novel was about regeneration through violence
I bet you thought Crime and Punishment was about redemption through suffering too

his best book is on the road. but you can just watch the movie bcause it's almost the same

okay faggot gnostic, let's hear your predictable take

based rec

It’s dialectic bro.

what is your opinion on Paradise Lost?

not that guy, but shit’s dense yo. 9/10 people that have claimed to have read it cover to cover are lying.

I felt similarly after The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath. Any time a piece of writing tried to impress me with it's descriptions i thought, Why aren't I reading Dreamquest right now? Not that I'd recommend the book, its generally disliked and I found it a bit of a slog.

Suttree is Cormac's other great novel but great in a different sort of way. It's not the same stark brutal and metaphysical kind of feel. It's young blabbermouth McCarthy doing something like a Southern Gothic Ulysses. Lots of Faulkner, of course. Almost even some Kerouac in it. It's a strange and baggy beast apart from the kind of fiction McCarthy became known for but it's definitely worth reading.

How does the Border Trilogy compare to BM?