Are there any good books about the inevitability of change?
Are there any good books about the inevitability of change?
The worst argument for mass migration is that it's "inevitable."
Jean Raspail - The Camp of the Saints
Read BAP book
Manifesto of the Communist Party
Lmao the UK is so fucked. At least all the Arabs share a respectable degree of culture with us, but the UK is filled with Pakis and curries kek
Living in a diverse city is amazing. /pol/ doesn't know what they are complaining about
Lmao we really are dead. All the memes aside jesus christ we will go down in history as the only people to quietly kneel down and commit suicide for no reason whatsoever.
There is literally nothing wrong with people having the right to live where they want
Diverse cities suck ass.
>Niggers are hyper-aggressive retards
>Spics can be okay as long as you're putting their culture on a pedestal and hating niggers with them but the second you say a single negative thing about them it's all "AY GRINGO THIS IS OUR COUNTRY AGAIN"
>Jews are sociopathic cunts who ruin every bureaucratic organization they touch
>Chinks are like aliens that are kind of nice on the surface but secretly don't give a shit about you because you're not a chink
>Poos are friendly but constantly talk about how great it is to be in American because India sucks without realizing that India sucks because of Indians and nobody wants their smelly shit here either
>Arabs are bros but only because their political influence in the US is nonexistent
Can't wait to move out of this shithole and to some mountainous valley in Montana
None of that stuff has ever bothered me or happened. Sounds like you are schizophrenic or something
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to keep others out of your country.
There's unfortunately no escape.
t. live in bumfuck alaska, nearest neighbor is a spic
Read Marx
He said the inevitability of change, not the uninevitability of proles rising up aaaany day now.
accelerate the "inevitable" rhetoric until even the most normie white is pissed off
Globalism is an inevitable of capitalism.
Inevitable trajectory*
It's the little things I can't stand, personally. How everything is subtly hostile and fortified because it's just assumed that the 'average person' is a thief and a thug. How people casually spit on the sidewalks right in the path of other pedestrians. How 'checked out' everyone is, like they're just an anonymous drone in a hive of drones and they have no obligation to anyone but themselves. It's like living in one of those rat experiments and being the only rat that notices things have changed. When I hear stories about Japan or the rare European countries where people are generally well-behaved my heart almost hurts. I literally can't imagine people not being casually cruel, selfish, disgusting in public.
based except
>Whites are retarded for becoming complacent in their comfort
At this point, we deserve to face extinction only in the solace that the threat of extinction will select for those who have a strong desire to preserve the existing White identity. It’s inevitable that this is our fate tbqhwy familia. I still hate j*ws and every other minority, though. White race is best race.
Hmm, where do you live? I live on the border of Morningside and Harlem and see almost none of this nightmare scenario you're describing, even when I go further up on the island. This could be just because it's super gentrified, most minorities I come across are college students / yuppies.
Yeah, that's not the issue. The issue is thinking that this will somehow cause the proles to rise up, when they havent done so and most likely never will.
Time will tell user =)
Hence the "aaaany day now" in my post. It's not looking good for the commies, senpai
Maybe you should, you know, actually interact with these people them you stupid faggot. I fucking hate all these insufferable holier-than-thou trust fund retards who grow up in >90% white gated communities only interacting with the smartest 10% of minorities and then whine when the working class people who have to actually deal with the fallout of their shitty policies talk about how it sucks. Minority communities only care about *gasp* other members of their communities meanwhile whites in these situations are entirely atomized because fucking mouth-breathing midwits like you have gaslighted 85% of whites into thinking it's racist for them to do the same. I hate you people more than anyone else, you're absolute scum.
S-stop user please let me dream
There's multiple studies that show that trust within communities goes through the floor as ethnic diversity rises, and it certainly corroborates my real life experiences.
There is no "deserve", there's "is" and "is not".
I grew up in New Jersey, used to live in DC and now I'm back here. Go deal with the normal population instead of the upper 10% crust. You are the problem.
What would you prefer, strangers acosting you on the subway? In Scandinavian countries you get this "checked out" aspect times a million, everyone in their own little world, not even making eye contact.
>it's like living in one of those rat experiments and being the only rat that notices things have changed
literally everyone on public transportation is thinking this. Join some social club or something that elicits other people to talk about their perspectives. I had a lot of the hostility I think you are describing when I first moved to the city, but I joined a church and a book club and found a little community goes a long way.
>a church and a book club
Good luck finding one of these in most major US cities that isn't full of anti-white liberals who think it's a sin to say the word "retard".
>anti-white liberals
I'm Catholic, user... The book club is pretty shitlib-y, I'll admit, but if you want to say 'retard' you always have Yea Forums
>tfw the city I grew up in has the highest white population %, almost no Pakistanis, and most of the immigrants that are there are nice east Asians even a decade from now
The two things I hate most are change and the status quo.
I don't understand how you can think it's acceptable to have to censor yourself around supposed "friends". Especially with something as inoffensive as retard. I was in an uber once with some real friends where in private we say shit like nigger and spic etc but in the uber I said retard and the driver was offended. What the fuck is wrong with city people?
>go deal with the normal population instead of the upper 10% crust
do you have any interaction with local likeminded political groups? I know, I know, pretty tough to find pro-white political representation in cities, but I'm curious what you think is stopping you from organizing. The alt-light podcasts some friends of mine listen to talk about getting in white identiterians into local offices masquerading as conventional republicans. Again, probably not feasible for a number of reasons (I certainly wouldn't vote for any sperg that posts on this board) but I wonder sometimes what you're set funnels their political agitation into these days.
>There is no "deserve", there's "is" and "is not".
Okay, whites are under selective pressure and what is going to happen is an emergence of white identity. There, are you happy now you little faggot
50% of Uber drivers are LGBTQP. You can bet that every one of them has a retarded family member or a retarded relative of a friend.
I'm more focused on redpilling my lifelong friends. These are generally berniesanders types and libertarians who've always known I was sort of that edgy right wing guy. The interesting thing though is that for years they always just brushed the shit I was saying off, but in the last year or two they've started to kind of come around and say "user you were kind of right about everything". Post-cville I really don't see any use in organizing with random people who happen to share my beliefs. AIM cucked out for optics and Patriot Front, while marginally better, seems to be treading water. Until this recession finally hits within the next year and people get desperate and really start asking "what the fuck is going on" I think the dissident right is going to continue this sort of silent under-the-radar soul search.
I mean, sociality requires some form of self-censorship. When I'm with friends I don't just blurt out whatever thought comes into my head. I personally don't have a problem with saying retard and use it with a couple friends I know won't be offended. But if I use it with other friends, they won't like it, so I don't say it. It's knowing your audience.
Not every social setting is a Gender Studies 101 classroom or a Trucker bar, there are areas of grey. What did the driver do beyond get offended? Did he/she seriously impede your fun or your evening? Or was it a two minute interaction where you just got to be pissed and then immediately laugh about city people with your friends after you got out of the car?
Is Conservatism just a sophisticated form of autism? Do you not understand the concept of politeness?
Like yeah me and my friends say nigger around each other and talk about kikes and obviously we won't say that shit around most people but the word retard is not something that should require censorship. If you have a "friend" who's going to be offended by the word retard, they're not your friend. That's like someone getting offended at the word stupid or idiot. It's absolutely ridiculous and I'd rather get into a fight than censor myself to the point that normal everyday non-slur words are off limits.
I've never been a conservative in my life. I was a Bernie Sanders type who got jaded by the anti-white shit under Obama.
Was this about what you thought your situation was going to be like politically under Trump? I bet I'd get a better feeling for the sentiment of dissident right going on /pol/ but I personally hate doing that. Have you had any success redpilling them? I'm currently in leftie central right now and think the Sanders folks I know would never come around for that stuff, but who knows
>I've never been a conservative in my life. I was a Bernie Sanders type who got jaded by the anti-white shit under Obama.
Conservatives in America are, fundamentally, of two types. First are the Koch type psychopaths whose entire world view is oriented around the preservation of their own wealth and their utter contempt for the poor. The second type are basically leftists who move to the right because of their overwhelming hatred of non-whites. I'm stating the obvious here but you're the second.
/pol/'s been shit since Trump, you're better off going on Twitter desu. I was far right a few years before the whole 2016 election shit happened so I went into Trump knowing he was the best of a bad situation. I figured worst case scenario he's just another ineffective conservative, and frankly that's where I'd say we're at. Nobody on the dissident right has liked Trump for a few years, it's considered a Boomer-tier take.
The former do not consider the latter to be conservative and the latter generally do not consider themselves to be conservative either. When they do it's almost exclusively to trick the former.
Forgot to add
>Have you had any success redpilling them?
Yeah I called out that the left was going to continue to move into anti-white territory and at this point most of them acknowledge I was right. A lot of them are people who went to school in New England and I that the anti-white idpol is real bad up there, which sort of jaded them from the whole thing. It's sort of funny because we've kind of switched. In 2016 I was pro-Trump and they were pro-Bernie but now they know the Dems are fucked and they're going to vote Trump but I know Trump is shit so I'm not even on their level.
>The former do not consider the latter to be conservative
The first group doesn't care about ideology. The Republican party operates in a system where the aforementioned Koch rile up the second group come election time and then leave them in the cold until the next time. Trump is basically like that except he has the decency to really work for his support by injecting a hearty dose of stupidity, paranoia and cruelty into his politics, which are still fundamentally Koch-tier. Sure, he hasn't played ball with them all the time but at the end of the day they get their tax cuts and deregulation, and that's all they really care about.
Yeah seriously. I just moved to a mostly Mexican neighborhood and it rules.
>Kids playing in the park all day
>Older folks sit on the stoop in the evening and blast Mexican music to invite their friends over to chill
>Everyone is cooking constantly
>Everyone is friendly as hell
Just good wholesome vibes all around
You didn't answer my question - Did your uber driver getting 'offended' ruin your night or otherwise create any sort of nuisance for you? I don't get how anti-pc types treat all forms of being 'offended' as the same with no willingness to look at the validity of their claim. Yeah, the excesses are annoying, but is it just beyond the pale to acknowledge that some people don't like hearing retard? It's not an attack on you, it's a statement of preference.
>If you have a "friend" who's going to be offended by the word retard, they're not your friend
You don't get to choose who my 'real' friends are, faggot. I'll weight the lifetime of positive experiences and mutual support with my friends higher than what come edgelord on Yea Forums thinks.
>That's like someone getting offended at the word stupid or idiot
Except it's not - they are different words with different meanings. The retarded community doesn't come out against the word stupid or idiot. I hate making saying a word like retard into some sort of high crime, but in most cases its just not. You're reasoning through this like a child - your right to say whatever words you want in whatever context you want doesn't mean that everyone has to respect, like, or tolerate what you have to say. Life isn't an anonymous posting board, faggot
This. Immigrants are the only source of vitality in the First World. /pol/fags talk about "saving Western culture" and they show us those Greek/Roman statues, nordic shit and white children, but the reality of white culture is a bunch of pasty depressed middle-class freaks that spend their days watching old movies or playing Fortnite.
Yeah, I was pretty sure the dissident right didn't like Trump but I just wasn't sure if many among you had any optimism right after the election, thanks for clearing that up.
>went to school in New England
ahh, yeah I see. I went to a liberal arts school in the midwest that was basically just cosplaying as a NE private school. Even with redpilling some friends, does the lack of numbers on your side demoralize you at all? I think only like 10% of Bernie supporters in Dem primaries went to vote for Trump, pretty low historically for voters switching parties after their primary candidate loses. I can't imagine a higher number than that going further right. Do you see any hope for your side for anything resembling mass politics?
I payed the app to drive me from A to B, I did not pay the app to police my thoughts. We were talking about something and I casually dropped the word retard in conversation with no second thought and all of a sudden the cunt was freaking out. All of a sudden whatever we were talking about is out the window, we have to manage this stupid fucking leftist freaking out so she doesn't try to kick us out of the uber in the middle of the DC ghetto. I shouldn't have to deal with this women pushing her religion on me in a car that I payed for. Now if it was reversed and I, as an Uber driver, offended her, as a customer, then yeah maybe she's got a grievance and I should shut the fuck up. But that's now what happened. She had no right to sperg out like that.
>You don't get to choose who my 'real' friends are
I don't get to choose who you treat like a real friend, but they're not your real friend. And what I mean, is that someone who's going to be offended at your vocabulary like that is not as close to you as someone who just doesn't give a shit.
>The retarded community doesn't come out against the word stupid or idiot.
What if I'm your uber drive driving you through one of the worse neighborhoods in the country and I'm a part of the community that gets offended by the word "the". I hear you say it and I try to kick you out.
>your right to say whatever words you want in whatever context you want doesn't mean that everyone has to respect
I literally did not say this you stupid fucking nigger, go read the first sentence of the post you're responding to. I censor myself of slurs but retard is not a slur and nobody has a right to tell me to not say it. You're being childish here by saying that throwing temper tantrums is a valid form of socializing. It's not.
this is clearly wrong though. globalism has stripped the working class of their collective bargaining power through mass immigration/outsourcing, divided them against each other based on race and identity, and it has concentrated vast wealth and power into the hands of a global and largely unaccountable ruling class who will soon have the ability to automatize away most forms of labor and do away with the only real challenge to their power that exists thus rendering socialism and possibly democracy itself obsolete. i mean i suppose it was defensible believing this in marx's day, but i don't see how anyone in this day and age can make this argument.
I'm interesting in where evangelicals fall on this spectrum. I know its a broad category, so more specifically the white evangelical right's politics are so fucking individualistic in my experience that it's easy for them to get worked up by the former but really have no further critique of globalization or migration beyond 'muh wall.' That's a shoddy representation, but all the evangelical / prosperity gospel folks seem to just want a President who doesn't make them think about anything beyond their gated communities and lets them be proud to be an American.
Isn't he a faggot?
I couldn't care less if they vote for Trump, I'm not voting for Trump. At this point I'm an accelerationist. I don't see a political solution. Not to say that politics should be ignored and is moot, but at best it can only supplement the solution. Right now the most important thing is shifting as many able-bodied people in our direction as possible. Easiest way I see is to encourage the left to overplay their hand and to point it out to people you have a personal rapport with.
No, read his book. You could even just listen to his last podcast episode, he coincidentally goes over fags in it.
How is something that requires human intervention inevitable?
lol why do all white people hate themselves so much
>You are chilling in your home watching TV or whatever
>You've lived there since you were born, this was the house of your parents, grandparents, all of your ancestors
>You notice your neighbor jumping the fence, forcing the door and sitting next to you
>You ask what is going on
>"My house is smelly and uncomfortable so I'm living here now"
>You tell him he can not just do that
>Your family screams at you "don't be a xenophobe, he should have the right to move if his house is so smelly"
>They stop talking to you, you sleep on the sofa now and your opinion is censored
>The neighbor brings his whole family with him, has lots of kids
>"You know, we think this house will be for our future generations. We will own it after you die".
>You don't have the right to do this
>"Rememeber that time your grandparent drove the car over our garden and ruined it? It was costly for us, probably the reason it smells bad now, we are taking this house for ever".
>"Don't be so hateful dad! It's love-your-neighbor-day according to TV and my school book!" says your daughter as the neighbor's son steals her panties
>"This is only natural, let it happen" says your wife, reading National Geographic magazine
I see it as a class divide. There's a Republican "elite" that operate on what I referred to as the Koch mindset. They don't all share the same level of commitment to evil like the Koch brothers do but they're all fundamentally motivated by their desire (even subconscious desire) to accumulate wealth and privilege. There are some dumb fuckers out there like Meghan McCain who operate on an instinctive level.
The second group are the poor(er) shitheads who I previously described as just racist but really it's everyone who blames whatever it is they hate on Libcucks and "coastal elites" when really capitalism and the above group are to blame. This includes the types who wail about white replacement but fail to make the connection between globalization and capitalism. I think Evangelicals are an even better fit because Capitalism is the driving force behind the erosion of religious values that they love so much and yet they fail to make that connection as well.
A state is not a private domicile.
>I'm Catholic
>apologist for "great replacement"
Checks out.
Stereotypes aren't reality and never will be since they try to rationalize a demographic of humans, which has never ended well.
>You are not allowed to consider your ethnicity as extended family, that thought is wrong
This is mostly true, Mestizos can be decent, same with blacks but I never feel comfortable around blacks. Asians aren’t terrible either, they’re basically culturally and behaviorally white in most ways.
I can’t really stand life around college educated city whites though either. Especially the fusion of corporate cultrue with “meme culture” that is basically the personality of a lot of whites today, all of their opinions are the certified correct ones they get from twitter or reddit or whatever, and you know that’s where they’re getting them because you read the same thing. Barstool sports + Snapchat + “drinks” + horrible Netflix shows + terrible music + meme culture is like the defining thing for a lot of these people and I absolutely cannot stand hanging around with them.
I feel as though I can’t strike a balance anymore in white communities because my college educated peers that I’m mostly around are absolute faggots but a lot of working class people my age who didn’t go to college and are locked in retail or other menial jobs are self destructive and kind of fucking dumb. Obviously not all people from these groups suck, but it’s hard making friends when you can’t stand being around people like that. The problem is mostly me though, nobody else seems to have an issue with this.
I agree with your analysis that it falls along class lines, but I don't see how it connects to your conclusion. I take issue with the general statement "capitalism erodes religious values," I think it does that in some capacity, in that it causes religious institutions who have economically inefficient observances to modernize. But I think it's equally true that a new religious value has emerged in late capitalism, the "cult of the individual" that Durkeim saw as the culmination of religion in the modernizing West. I think that evangelicals, in that they are generally wealthier, are able to focus their practice entirely on a delivering a spiritual experience that encourages their followers to not think beyond the most basic reactions to culture war bullshit and new agey mindfullness crap. And capitalism produces the technology to do so. i wrote a research paper on PureFlix, the evangelical version of Netflix. It was pitched as a way to "purify" your media feed, making it so you only are subject to content that affirms your evangelical beliefs. If you have that technological safe space what forces are going to rouse you out of it? Capitalism has endless tricks for styming the development of class consciousness, and I think evangelicism in America makes full use of this. I think their faith will grow as more and more people just want to check out and control what they see on tv/media instead of trying to control what they see on a day to day basis. As long as a people have means to create their own havens, whether that be gated communities or vacuum sealed media streams, the faith will continue.
Do you really think that's not the lived experience of hundreds of thousands or millions of people? Where do you think stereotypes come from? Thin air? Why aren't blacks stereotyped as being squinty eyed and having highly disciplined parents or that they are money grubbers?
My own self-loathing becomes mixed with my utter disgust of modern life and turns into disdain for the race that created it. To be fair, I'm not really serious about hating whites. I think that Western people just happen to be at a place and time where it exemplifies much that I've come to hate about myself and about the people around me. I could say the same about the Chinese or Japanese but it won't get me (You)s, right?
I'm having trouble articulating these feelings but I hope what I'm about to say is coherent. In a few words, what I see myself and whites in general to be is... you know that trope in various fantasy stories of a petty, stupid, cruel, selfish, ugly nobleman type who abuses his people to live an easy life as a fat worthless fuck? That's us. But on a global scale. We've built an incredibly cruel world where we live on the bent backs of others, from various literally-whos in 3rd world shitholes that make our stuff to the animals that we breed into nightmarish abominations (meat-chickens have a life expectancy of 40 pain-filled days as opposed to 8 years in the wild and grow so fat they can't even support their own body weight) to lower-class people in my own country who work soul-crushing jobs to support my pointless existence. I go to an "elite" university in my country (UofT) but I didn't do shit to deserve it. I did well in school I suppose but that's because I was born clever enough to pull it off. Our culture is absolutely vapid and corrosive. It hollows out and co-opts anything interesting or valuable, and we'll do that to everyone else's culture like we did with ours. I know that up until this point I sound like some edgy holier-than-thou moralfag but that's not really it. It's the opposite in fact. I'm complicit in this as much as anyone else, and if anything I'm more of a piece of shit because I'm perfectly aware of this but I do it anyway. I as an individual and Westerners as a people have chosen time and time again stupid complacency over decency and we keep doing it, and we'll keep doing it until the party stops for whatever reason. There's no other choice any more.
I don't deny that people in the past did a lot of cruel things, but even that was a human endeavor. Now it's all "automated". We don't even do it as human beings. The processes that I described above just take place in this obscure, automated, fashion where I don't really experience any of that. I don't have any agency. I'm just a pig hooked up to this machine and lack the strength to disconnect myself from it.
Nothing of what you hate is idiosincratically white. Humans have been acting like that since civilization exists. Whites just invented industrialization and thus the effect is more noticeable.
That is true, but it's not really relevant to how evangelicals vote. My exposure to cultural conservatives comes from listening to more left-wing shows like the Ezra Klein show, and from interviews he does with people like David French or Robert Jones, and the running theme is that these people are in a siege mentality - you alluded to that as well with stuff like Pureflix. They see themselves as being under assault from mainstream culture, where democrats make them bake gay cakes and tell their children about condoms and boipussies. That also has more serious policy implications. Evangelicals are terrified of a culture that's becoming less tolerant of their lunacy, and they vote for Republicans out of fear, not love. They probably like the tax cuts but what they really love about Trump is the conservative judges he gave them, his pwning of libtards and his overall assault on "coastal elite" urbanites. I agree that Capitalism does not necessarily destroy all religion, and new phenomena like the prosperity gospel are good examples of that, but it does lead to an overall decline in religiosity and faith in "traditional values" in favour of vapid materialism and consumerism and the sort of libertine attitude from normal people that terrifies Evangelicals.
That's true and I admitted as much. Chinks are even worse. But overall I see non-westerners as having not completely succumbed to corruption. I'm sure they will if they ever get the chance.
What I mean to say is, using stereotypes to label a whole demographic doesn't give your argument a steady footing. A generalized idea won't fit like a glove. And by putting a group at fault, you're not bringing the full fault on the people who are actually at fault. Instead, it feels as if you use race as a crutch for the specific persons wrong-doing and successes.
>using stereotypes to label a whole demographic
Nobody does this. That's a disingenuous criticism. Of course generalizations aren't universal claims. They are GENERALIZATIONS. Dogs GENERALLY chase squirrels and other small mammals. Cats GENERALLY like to hunt mice and other rodents and are GENERALLY more independent pets than dogs are. Go ahead and try to tell us all here they you don't go through life making dozens if not hundreds of decisions based on generalized information every single day. Do you think all insurance companies are fraudulent? Their entire business model is based on generalizations.
The only way you could reverse it is to literally shift the direction of the way the world has been progressing. It took 2 global conflicts to put us on this path user
>"the way the world has been progressing"
Do you mean the disproportionately Jewish financial elite classes who have been manipulating government to mass import foreigners since the '50s when not a single fucking majority of ordinary people in an ordinary voting constituency was voting for it or would have voted for it, if it were put to plebiscite?
They're the ones who made this a "runaway" process with apparent inertia of its own, and then they used that very inertia to accelerate it even more.
Nothing is inevitable if people are permitted to exercise legitimate sovereignty through legitimate sovereigns. Why are chaponiggers such willing useful idiots for the agenda of finance/late capitalism? Don't you think you should be nervous if your aims EXACTLY coincide with the aims of the entire culture industry, from ivory tower academic dickheads to McDonalds advertisements and bourgeois champagne socialist New Yorker op-eds?
The second you said Jew I stopped reading.
I don’t have time to listen to your lost cause drivel
You stopped reading long before that, or else you wouldn't have stopped reading at "Jew." What your phoneposting retard brain does isn't of interest to me, perma-Pöbel.
read marx and stop being retarded
Way to reveal you, like 98% of college Marxists, haven't read Marx.
>Bourgeois society continuously brings forth the Jew from its own entrails.
- Karl Marx
babby’s first venture into marx’s JQ lel
This is the result of the post westphalian, post enlightenment, configuration of the nation state as an entity separated from any ethnic, cultural, or religious divisions and instead determined by participation and membership in secular governmental politics. They threw out the Lords and Bibles for a constitution and then proceeded to export it and the philosophy behind it,to any other people they came across or conquered. Western Europe will reap what it sow, and trying to eliminate this particular aspect while preserving others leads to cultural contradictions that cannot be solved without an un self aware complete redrawing determined by post cultural collapse circumstances. I'm laughing. There is no fucking foreign actors retard, this is the direct result of what you think you are trying to preserve. Everything you think is being tarnished by these people put them there in the first place. You are historically illiterate, read more.
Also as a Christian Palestinian I hate Jews more than anyone, you're just a reactionary brainlet. Blame the bitchboys in the picture and burn the post roman writings that influenced them
Here's a deeper venture for you: Engels' own venture. Go read a book instead of reading Reddit threads that confirm your shallow preconceptions.
>Replying to your note of the 14th of last month, may I thank you for your kindness in sending me your work on Marx; I had already read it with great interest in the issue of the Archiv[1] which Dr. H. Braun was good enough to send me, and was pleased for once to find such understanding of Capital at a German University. ... [I]n the main you are quite right.
Engels to Werner Sombart, 1895
>Werner Sombart ... [was] one of the leading Continental European social scientists during the first quarter of the 20th century.
>Sombart, at that time, was an important Marxian, someone who used and interpreted Karl Marx — to the point that Friedrich Engels said he was the only German professor who understood Das Kapital. Sombart called himself a "convinced Marxist,"[1] but later wrote that "It had to be admitted in the end that Marx had made mistakes on many points of importance."[2]
>Sombart's 1911 book, Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben (The Jews and Modern Capitalism), is an addition to Max Weber's historic study of the connection between Protestantism (especially Calvinism) and Capitalism, with Sombart documenting Jewish involvement in historic capitalist development. He argued that Jewish traders and manufacturers, excluded from the guilds, developed a distinctive antipathy to the fundamentals of medieval commerce, which they saw as primitive and unprogressive: the desire for 'just' (and fixed) wages and prices; for an equitable system in which shares of the market were agreed and unchanging; profits and livelihoods modest but guaranteed; and limits placed on production.
This is vaguely on topic but I recall reading a short story years ago about what can be described as a fallout-esque short story about a young man dealing with the after effects of radiation in a village or tribe. I can't recall the details but what still stands above all in the story was that it was written years before a nuke had been invented. The story was based on the concept of what would happen not any physical evidence.
Seems like the story dealt with the main character traveling on the order of his village for some kind of trial or to find something.
I've tried to find it many times to find the story but I fail as I cant recall the writer or the name of it.
Meant to reply to No more replies until you stop phoneposting, DSA user who hasn't read anything. Enjoy your LGBTQ+ friendly revolution, catered by Starbucks.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. The rational-absolutist state is also the calculative-technocratic state. Nationalism and a "return to roots" are a rebellion against this, and it's not accidental that both the Frankfurt school and the new right articulated virtually the same critique of these phenomena at the same time.
Learn English, read books, and go back to your homeland while you still have one to fight for. When you go back to your wagecuck job as a deracinated abstract labor-unit in a Western nation you have no business being in tomorrow, or you go to the welfare office to pick up your check (50/50 which of these applies to you), keep telling yourself "there are no foreign actors" (not "there 'is' no foreign actors"). Thanks for further degrading the language of the country you choose to turn into a cosmopolitan commuter megalopolis though.
lol even white liberal progs hate living in "diverse cities" once they start a family.
Why are actually so many /pol/tards so utterly convinced that there is a diabolical Jewish conspiracy pulling the strings on everything with the aim of destroying white people, instead of just tons of people in power most likely not even unconsciously furthering whatever cause is currently seen as honorable in their social circles, influenced the zeitgeist of their current era?
this is your brain on /pol/
maybe the problem is also you
influenced by*
>when they havent done so and most likely never will.
Germany 1919
Russia 1917
Revolutions of 1848
look up the protocols of the elders zion, and the kalergi plan. you can find parallels between them and the plans of said people in power
>it's just the current year's time-ghost!
You should read Sombart's book. He argues persuasively that it's the latter, but that it verges on conspiratorial at times because people underestimate the degree of real solidarity between Jews.
Even today, scholars who study Jews sociologically and historically don't really disagree with Sombart's book. The only major addition someone like Kevin MacDonald, the Culture of Critique guy, makes to Sombart's argument (which is simply an extension of Marx and Weber, and was reasonably well-received by both Marxists and Weber himself) is that there is an evolutionary psychology basis for Jewish behavior, that Jews have actually evolved into their role. Sombart flirts with race-psychology but at a more "spiritual" and not really a biological level. But you don't need to buy MacDonald's biological thesis to read his perfectly factual account, also well-received by scholars in peer reviewed journals, of Jewish nepotism and aggressive control of immigration legislation.
None of this is controversial. If you want to go beyond this and wonder if there are real biological bases for Jewish behavior or there is some kind of "diabolical" conspiracy, that's up to you. But you are right, it's not necessary. That doesn't diminish the very real fact that Jews are doing all this shit. Again, Sombart's thesis was basically judged correct and well-argued by the biggest names of his time, including leading Marxists and by Weber himself, who is universally respected by Horkheimer and Adorno for example. Culture of Critique was also peer-reviewed perfectly well, and its basic account of the facts of Jewish interference in immigration legislation was deemed acceptable by mainstream scholars. None of this requires the red herring of "conspiracy" in the X-Files sense. But the word conspiracy, in the plain old everyday sense of collusion and scheming, is perfectly justified.
Because you live right by an Ivy League school.
finding nothing on the kalergi plan
careful you're nameposting
i find plenty of results when i search it. are you using google?
living downtown Toronto isn't so bad, demographically speaking, and it's one of the most diverse cities in the worst. Do black people commit most of the violent crime? Yep. But on the whole, it's peaceful and cooperative. I go to festivals every week and there's nothing but mutual appreciation. The Polish street festival was amazing, the Taste of the Danforth was a beautiful celebration of Mediterranean culture. Caribana is even getting better. It's all coming together. Get out more. I'll agree that integration and immigration should be slower and more controlled so as not to supplant the existing culture so quickly.
Other than quora link, I'm pretty sure rest of shit is just written by right wing spergs
>The two aren't mutually exclusive. The rational-absolutist state is also the calculative-technocratic state.
Wrong, the rational-absolutist state(you're on the verge of falling into the realm of historical generalization fueled by arrogance and laziness) was a response of the rising "calculative-technocratic" societal impulses that emerged in western Europe during the commercial revolution. The 17th century crisis was the high point of the conflict between this phenomenon and entrenched powers of consensus as opposed to corporate. The all-powerful rational monarch was the compromise when the devastation reached its peak at the end of the thirty years war
>Nationalism and a "return to roots" are a rebellion against this,
Lol those are the results of the status quo they are trying to "return to". It's an attempt at setting back the same clock of 12 numbers thinking they will not again return the same point in time. You want something different? Maybe try a different system of measurements. There's a reason the internal contradictions of nationalism has received such backlash
>and it's not accidental that both the Frankfurt school and the new right articulated virtually the same critique of these phenomena at the same time.
Yup, two groups of retards trying to rebuild a failing engine with the same parts reassembled in different ways
>Learn English, read books, and go back to your homeland while you still have one to fight for.
First two steps are direct contradiction of the idea of a "Homeland", try again
>When you go back to your wagecuck job as a deracinated abstract labor-unit
>in a Western nation you have no business being in tomorrow,
Nope, I looked at the source of this "nation" idea and it says I have business here. The same Nation exported its ideas onto where my family was living and deemed our existence as illegal
>or you go to the welfare office to pick up your check (50/50 which of these applies to you),
>keep telling yourself "there are no foreign actors"
No, I don't need to tell myself that, I have enough basic knowledge in my unconscious what makes that self aware reminder useless. I only tell that to retards
(not "there 'is' no foreign actors").
>Thanks for further degrading the language of the country you choose to turn into a cosmopolitan commuter megalopolis though.
LMAO, you just don't get it do you? Somebody needs to slap you over the I had to get you to think critically
Because they are easily distracted from the "alternative fact" that it is white people who are their bosses and friends who are exploiting them, so they have to put a face on it, and conveniently the very same exploiters hold up the Jew or the African, or the Immigrant as the boogie man, and they completely ignore the knife in their back from the culture and system that gives them identity.
If you don't want to be exploited, don't reward it.
the average phone poster
you forgot "XD," reddit
Seething brainlet with no argument
>look up the protocols of the elders zion
Are you seriously recommending me to a read text that has been known to be totally fabricated for nearly a century?
whether it's fabricated is irrelevant. what's important is that there seems to be people who are following its contents
Can I move into your house, then?
I live in a small village in Scandinavia and saying hello in the street or making small talk at the bus stop is pretty much the norm, stop talking shit.
>cities and diversity are great
>why yes I'm drawing this from my experience of an elite neighborhood in the most elite city on earth how could you tell
Of course you're a Canadian
what other reason is there for mass immigration other than capitalism?
>british whites being massively replaced by "other" whites
I don't see ho would complain here, even the Brits hate living next to each other.
>complains about being an anonymous drone in a hive of drones
>envies the japanese
Do yourself a favor: never move to Japan. Those people are so good at automation they've even robotized their romantic lives.
So we have three more.
>the Irish are leaving
Bad sign