What books would you put here?

What books would you put here?

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marcus aurelius should be way higher on the depression scale. stoicism is basically "cope: the philosophy"

cioran's last girlfriend literally revealed that he was not depressed at all post-insomnia era (after 20-30 years old), and that he LARPed himself into the writer that most people believe he was just for lyrical/poetical giggles.

I've only read The Fall, Infinite Jest and The Road from that list, and I didn't think any of them were depressing. Last Exit to Brooklyn is depressing. And bad books are sometimes unintentionally depressing.

Agreed. The first time I looked into stoicism was around my lowest point.

I’d rank The Room by Selby Jr more depressing that last exit. Both bleak but The Room really fucked me up

>stoicism is basically "cope: the philosophy"
elaborate on this pls


A Scanner Darkly around 5-7

Where is Journey to the End of the Night on this scale?

makes message even more dope. fake depression with amazing prose for the laughs is the best

>the road

fucking GAY

The Stranger at five.
Stoner at six.
Nausia at seven
Book Of Disquiet at eight

That's an 11, suicidal territory

will i lose my depression if i read meditations?

lazslo krasznahorkai

you never lose depression just cope with it slightly better.

No, you'll just learn to "live with it".

Her name was Friedgard Thoma. You can check out her site by searching her name on google. I don't think her book was translated in english.
You can also check out this (part?) of an interview ( youtube.com/watch?v=OZW8bv58UYw ) provided you understand German/Romanian, although she says a few words in english too.
Translation of the important part of the interview, in which he addresses this specific matter: 'I've said in my book that Cioran wrote for depressives, but he himself was not depressed. He wrote for insomniacs, but the himself was not one. All was [for] art. It corresponds, probably, with his youth, but not with his further life.' He makes this statement after talking a bit about how they met, love letters, friendship, long nights filled with laughs/humour, joy, subsequent break-up and later friendship, until he died of Alzheimer.

but doesnt that mean some people are born with depression?

this was meant for


in which SHE* addresses...

It means stoicism isn't adequately equipped as a philosophy to overcome depression and you should look elsewhere

but can philosophy cure depression in general?

just ignore the HE instead of SHE, because she does look a bit like a man

thx, I thought you'd just call me a faggot or smth

I'll check it out, didn't know that

Stoicism is basically how to turn yourself into an optimist no matter what. There's nothing depressing about it.

wow, that was pretty cool

book of disquiet on the right all the way

it doesn't counter depression with optimism, it counters it with apathy

Thanks. that's exactly what I'm looking for, since I know I'll never achieve deep fulfilment

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,10&q=happiness genetic&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=05sWU1ECnEQJ

>life is fucked from beginning

That depends. If your depression comes from your surroundings or circumstances then probably not. If weird metaphysical beliefs/outlooks have you twisted up then yeah philosophy might do the trick.

Mark Fisher all the way to the right

my depression/existential crisis started around 10-11 so definitely before reading important books. it felt like i looked right to the abyss and it hypnotized me.

> it felt like i looked right to the abyss and it hypnotized me
jesus christ get off this board

Do you need a theoretical background to read On the Heights of Despair?

have you ever read anything by Cioran? He has no system, he just rambles about the state of various things which you may or may not find interesting. He may be slightly referential in regards to a few famous philosophers/writers/composers but that's it. You don't need anything resembling theory for his books.

The Tunnel by Gass.

Nah I haven't read anything by him. Thanks for letting me know

Book of Disquiet at 9, haven’t read Cioran but I can’t imagine something more depressing than BoD.
Kokoro at 5.
Oblomov somewhere.

Every philosophy is "cope: the philosophy"

No, your parents failed to do their jobs
Think on this,
"What if my dad literally loved me"

He did but we never had meaningful talks because he never had one too.

But seriously though man, people aren’t born to other depression, I think significantly parents are to blame, it’s not the child’s fault, at all, all you have to do, at (18 years old) is to overcome your childhood trauma by stop dwelling on it, read, focus on your hobbies, enter your STEM career, read literature, fiction and non fiction you know, be the person your child respects. People are often selfish and weak

>enter your STEM career
i have a physics degree but i never want to anything with it ever.