Praying before a game makes no sense. Do prayers believe God loves them more?
Praying before a game makes no sense. Do prayers believe God loves them more?
God's a huge NFL fan, but he only blesses the players who pray.
>t. hasn't read the OT
God blesses and amps those who are holy and worship him like King David
In the U.S there is a mixture of conservatism, patriotism, football, and God. They are not separate and distinct concepts, they all overlap in a way that is uniquely American. It's a bit hard to explain, but there are religious undertones beneath everything.
What's wrong with praying before going into battle where you could be hurt or disgraced?
Why kneeling during athem is so seethe indulging?
do you think jannies pray before doing it for free?
Is that the minor league baseball player in the Mets system? What's he doing in football garb?
kneeling for social justice reasons during the anthem is a challenge to the supremacy of the Myth, i.e the idealistic Boomer nostalgia, "purity of the game", etc.
Fuck boomers. Baseball is supposed to be America's pastime. It has all the greatest myths and legends and there's still that sense of historical continuity, the reverence for the players of the past and the legacies they left behind. But the boomers chose football.
It makes them feel good
It's sort of like conservative virtue signaling. It's as if to say, "look at us middle America! We are goodly, God-fearing Americans like you! Never mind our outrageous salaries while you slave away in abject misery!"
How do you know they are praying to win? What if they are praying as a public demonstration of faith (evangelism), or praying so that they will be okay with the outcome of the game?
What a myopic world view assuming that prayer is always for selfish outcomes.
i do find it interesting that a majority of the players are black but theres backlash from the kneeling in particular. whites are okay with paying them millions for athletic feats, but in return they expect them to shut up and stay in their lane.
Autistic burger sense of patriotism
Burger protestantism
You cannot petition the Lord with prayer.
You should never pray for petty things (like a game)
You should never pray for selfish things.
Remember, losing teams pray too.
Prayer didn't work for them
How do you know he prays to win?
Perhaps he prays for courage and that he might represent his faith with integrity and good sportsmanship.
Prayer comes from a pathetic need to be cherished. It's literally bowing your head and asking someone bigger than you to do you a favor and upset the balance of destiny for you. A man doesn't need that, he accepts his destiny and the strife that comes with it. Comfort is his ultimate enemy. If you should pray for anything, pray for more hardship, not less
if both teams pray, who would God chose? praying is thinking you're Gods favorite
I assume so because when they win they say they thank God
>It's a bit hard to explain, but there are religious undertones beneath everything
I lived in Europe for most of my teen years and when I came back to the US this was weird to see
Just watch something like the presidential inauguration or an Army Navy football game
It's like those in power in this country pay lip service to God in some kind of acknowledgement of his existence yet in practice defy him
Just don’t lead your receiver on a route leaving him open to get hit or he might kill your firstborn son.
Americans are fucking stupid.
Atheists are so self centered they can't imagine a prayer that isn't for some gain
As often you are missing the point. Lets walk you through the assumptions of your very own religion.
>God is all knowing
>God's has a plan for all us
>God is perfect
>God's will is definitive
So you close your eyes and get on your knees knowing full well that God knows exactly what you are going to say before you even say it or think about it, additionally God knows what you truly want on the deepest level possible anything you could think of is nothing compared for what he has in store for you, furthermore you defy his will by attempting to convince the lord to change his universe spanning plan because you want a favor. Sure maybe you don't want to ask your very old grandad a favor maybe you just want to let him know how awesome you think he is. He knows and he also knows if you really FEEL IT, so you are figuratively jacking yourself off because you want to feel like you are talking to him. Don't doubt YWH faggot.
Then why do they pray that they will win?
we pay the blacks strictly for our entertainment as manifest in athletics; as it were they are still willingly slaves to our society
someone has to win, so obviously God loves someone more
Friday nights in the fall must be tough for God to choose which Texas high school football teams will win.