Anyone got books on how to read people?

Anyone got books on how to read people?

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No, you're supposed read the book, not the person.

Yeah have sum fuckin sex

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Good one.

Cialdini, Pre-suasion ?

Attached: 685D2DD0-E63F-484F-95FC-D4D543DC6AFA.jpg (780x502, 59K)

Why'd you NEED the image to go with that comment?

Looking for a reaction image, pressed for time, and I love Natalia.

Attached: 600full-natalia-tena-1.jpg (600x793, 280K)

You didn't NEED to delete your post and re post it with that person though.

I did. I misspelled the title

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Here you go:

1- Anyone? Got books on how to read people.

2-Anyone got books on how to? Read people!

3-Anyone got books on how to read. People?

4-Anyone! Got books on how to read? People?

5-Anyone got books on how to read....People.

6-Anyone got books? On how to read people...

7-Anyone got books on. How to read people.

8-Anyone got books on: How to Read People.

9-Anyone got books! On how to read people?

10-Anyone got books on how to. read people!

11-Anyone got books on how to read. People...

You’re welcome!

As a successful yet conservatively attemptuous mind reader grounded firmly in logical assertions, intuitive guesses and a small amount of luck, I can tell you without question that reading people is utterly valueless. When you read a person and assert your notion towards their intellectual or emotional jugular they retreat and become firey offensive in a pathetic flailing of dogshit hurt feelings and nonsense defensive reactions to maintain the ego. If you want to control people, be an ignorant nobody. "Learn" them in their presence, in a false display not unlike a dance or foreplay. If you want to control people, make them feel brilliant first, then guide them towards your premise.


Joe Navarro's books

sneed's feed and seed,

I think you're just supposed to learn by interacting with people. There's nothing cringier than a guy who claims to be able to read people.

got you to respond didn't it?

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You forgot:
Anyone! Got Books: On How to Read. People?

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Seriously good book. Dutton's Youtube channel is great as well.

Oddly enough I always get severely autistist on those face recognition tests but you should just be able to feel what people are thinking through like their eye twitches and shit.

Hey I'm the only mads poster around here

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Sorry friendo

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>make them feel brilliant first, then guide them towards your premise.

Only works on idiots