Why are books written by blacks always about racism?

why are books written by blacks always about racism?

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I don’t know, why do all white authors write about sad sacks of shit you dumb motherfucker?
If you look in a pile of shit that’s all you’ll find

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You mean dislocated descendants of slaves, still surrounded by ignorant racists? Why is one of their themes racism?
Probably because there’s so little written by whites?

Checkmate, racists.

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Of course you haven't delved into ancient Ethiopian literature (untranslated) and only read American blacks. American blacks are going to write about oppression because they experience it; just like a lot of female literature is feminist.

Le Comte de Monte Cristo is about revenge

Slave morality

aren't you that one guy that everyone hates because you can't think past the cloud of retardation ever present in the dark recesses of your small brain?

Most books, including fantasy/science fiction, draw upon an author's own life experiences. People of African descent living in the United States were slaves for 150+ years, then had another 100 years of segregation/Jim Crow, and are dealing with issues relating to race today.
tl;dr this user beat me to it When it comes to African literature, even contemporary literature, it's not all about colonialism. Ousmane Sembene's Xala is all about the corruption in Senegal's government post-independence that was just as bad as the colonizers. Amos Tutuola's The Palm-Wine Drinkard is a purely apolitical story about a guy who travels through the spirit world so he can find his dead bartender because the drinks were that good.

No, I’m a woman. You hav me confused with someone else


Primitive peoples exhibit anger as a means of anticipating the development of reason. Similar to how primitive culture ascribed to a might makes right ethos, blacks literally achieve their equivalent of intellectual enlightenment by coming up with disses and snapping their fingers in Z formations

Lol. Love how this makes no attempt at all to see blacks as capable of higher reasoning, only excusing their limited thinking

Racism is exciting. It gives life meaning.

It's probably part of their experience

Unironically this
Blacks can not fathom themselves as moral unless they are victims. The unfortunate implicit acknowledge of this is that they are all deep down violent soulless dogs who would rape and murder anything if people wouldn’t get mad at them after

Only books by blacks about racism get published and bought. Liberals aren't anti-racist, they just prefer the black man to entertain them in different ways.

>muh slavery
i think us white people should also write about slavery. we wuz enslaved by the north africans.

that explains everything

What are you even talking about?

It does. No one can explain jazz though.

The word slave is derived from “Slav” stupid bitch, know your history

>...for people in a hurry
>to get the fuck out of 7/11 before anyone notices the swishers in your pants

Why are you here? You're not welcome. You're not proving anything to anyone. All you're doing is causing constant irritation, more so to yourself than anyone else. What is it with trannies and masochism?

i think it's just really good bait dude, nobody is this dumb, ignore it

Please have more self respect than to leave your ID on and attract hate all the time. How long has this dynamic been going on? Is this some kind of commentary on ... I don't know what.

>When North Africans ruled the Russian steppe
I think you’re confusing the Mongols with Africans

To help you.
I answered OP’s question, and now I’m getting razzed by sensitive southern-Americans racists for pointing out WHY racism is still a fucking deal around here.

You’re even worse. How unaware can a person get? Please tell me you’re trolling.

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plz dont bully butterfly frens she is my sweet heart

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>all the racists come from Dixie
Lol I always forget you’re actually boomer/gen x

All they have going for them really. It's their unique thing.

>Aye moved muh ass t’Arizona

No, I know there’s lots of racism all over the country. Lots of stupid

Daisies sucks for women past 21. Fruits of Paradise is way better.

I need to see it again. Why do you say?

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If whites wrote about racism it would be seen as racist. They're not allowed to think about it, only decry it and apologize.

Same reason as pic related. Guaranteed sales from other black people (or, in this case, Jewish people)

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Imagine if South*ids just wage labored their retarded hick workers instead of importing negroes. Oh to dream

Why do you persist in making a spectacle of yourself? I don't mean to be so rude in pointing out that glaring absurdity, but really? Rewatching Fruits of Paradise might help you see how primal yet fatal masochism is to consciousness. Too many women seek oblivion in abjection after Daisies dine n dash scheme runs out.

whites are generally insectoid and as such cant empathize with black people, it's sad honestly

This. Really sad.

Stop responding to tripfags. They live off the attention, positive or negative. The best way to get at them is to simply filter them. It's that easy to make butterfly seethe.

>white woman engaging in casual negro worship/self-incrimination from her comfortable chair
I'd tell you to eat shit and die but it's so perpetually obvious how dangerously mentally ill you are, I think it might just happen on its own

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>negro worship/self-incrimination
Leave me out of your porno fantasies, kid.
You’re the mental case

It was better to be taken as a slave to Morocco in the 1600s than it was to be a free man in the British Navy, tbqhf. At least you could work your way up fairly quickly. In the British Navy, you were a piece of dirt for your whole life.

>leave me out of your porno fantasies
>posts tits and pussy on Yea Forums/calls others mental
yikes. the picture of insanity is horrifying

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they have nothing else to say.

all blacks cant stop thinking about race