>take the equivalent of a philosophy 101 course
>professor shows up
>”If God real why bad thing happen”
>”Dude you guys should watch Rick and Morty it’s so good”
>”If Thanos came to Earth and made us worship him would he be God?”
>”Shoutout to all the Marvel nerds out there”
>makes us watch Hank Green videos
>has Existential Comics linked on the class webpage
Help me
Take the equivalent of a philosophy 101 course
itt: things that never happened.
I’m not kidding
your fault for pursuing a philosophy degree from a mid-tier state school, retard
>equivalent of a philosophy 101 course
what did he mean by this
General education.
It’s a community college
It’s actually a 200 course since they don’t have a 101, but in effect it’s a 101
idk what that is; why didn't you take philosophy 101?
oh wow. My condolences. You should see the guy during office hours and talk about the Problem of Evil and the various Theodicies (i find the free will theodicy particularly compelling). I'm sure he is more moderate than he appears and just wants to be hip with the kids. he does unironically sound like a redditor though
>Purdue OWL
Shit checks out
Most college kids think Marcus Aurelius was a character from Gladiator, what do you expect?
He believes in God interestingly enough, and I talked to him after that class about how God’s definition of evil and good may not be the same as the human one and humans trying to apply their definition of morally good to try to disprove God is foolish
He might be a based Spinozist or Hegelian, so keep an eye out for what he's got to say regarding the universe
He doesn’t believe in free will at all
>>professor shows up
>>”If God real why bad thing happen”
Then he's a Spinozist, the radical contrary to both fideist Christians and atheists
That's too bad. If it's any consolation, not all community colleges are this bad. My main phil. professor at community college is a PhD. When we were going over the pre-socratics, I asked him if the Logos of Heraclitus had any relevance to the "Logos" of the Gospel of John. I discovered he was actually a minister, and taught classes on the side, out of love for the field. He's mentored me in philosophy, and even a bit in life, since then.
Even if it's 1 in a 1000, keep a look out. Things can surprise you in actual philosophers.
Reminds me of the philosophy classes I had in High School.
sounds like a nice guy. You should ask him about the implications of divine omniscience on free will.
These are good podcast links
I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better OP, this was a part of my Intro to Philosophy course last semester
>>”If God real why bad thing happen”
You think you solved the problem of evil? Lmfao
>"We're Academics bro XD"
Never been a fan of this “lets be hip with the kids” approach to teaching. It feels alienating to students who aren’t too familiar with pop culture. I had one class where a Game Of Thrones analogy was used, and I was totally lost because I don’t watch GOT. I preferred the ones who were much drier in their approach honestly.
This isn’t unreasonable. My own professors occasionally take shots at mainstream conservativism in speech while still not overtly pushing an agenda of their own. The etiquette policy is weird though. We just call our professors by their first name.
>I asked him if the Logos of Heraclitus had any relevance to the "Logos" of the Gospel of John.
Oh Jesus, it really is this bad all over...
>We just call our professors by their first name
hello, fellow ausfag
Am I the only one who calls their professors that they like by their last name only? As in “Ask Rouse” or “talk to Smith” or “Hey Jowett, what do you think...” etc.
Teachers are genuinely some of the dumbest motherfuckers you'll run into as an adult. They're like a lot like internet atheists in the sense that they're ignorant but very confident.
Just fucking burn it all down. Goddamn
more hegel if you ask me
daily reminder prots and catholics need to stop making generic "natural theology" arguments for the existence of God and step their game up to transcendental/pressuppositionalism
true, when will they drop Aristotle distinction bullshit its clearly incompatible to the Trinity and Jesus.
Why is it incompatible?
There's Jay Dyer fans in a Nutshell. He doesn't actually know what the hell he's about but he talks a good game and for some people that's all it takes.
>one dude doesn't respond
calm down and be patient.
It's a repeated experience with them. They talk but there's never any substance because the guy they're following is equally empty.
What's the issue about? Absolute divine simplicity?
Not familiar with Aristotle too much besides his basic categories and unmoved mover type arguments.
Reads like DFW
Did the posts get deleted and you can't see them anymore? The guy said Aristotle isn't compatible with Christianity and I asked why. I don't think I received an answer because the guy is a drone repeating what Jay Dyer says but he hasn't gotten the reasoning down so he can't tell me himself.
Is this what happens if you decide to pursue education you’re too dumb for? You end up going to one of these shitty American community colleges that all the horror stories of academia seem to emanate from? Try and transfer away to a real school, user.
>st thomas aquinas
>Inspired by Averroè
Holy Shit
You're now aware that academia is a pyramid scheme that shovels unqualified children into for-profit pits to sell them a credential that only validates them to continue the pyramid scheme in order to support, in this order, 1) the salaries of the administrative staff and the returns for investors 2) the research performed by universities, which is only this important because it brings more money to the school to achieve the first point and 3) far in last - across a gulf on the other side of a void - improving human knowledge.
The majority of your undergrad professors at the majority of schools are people who could not make use of their education outside of academia (read: untalented, incompetent hacks who probably went to academia in the first place because "you need a degree!"). There is little, if any, desire to strive for excellence, improve your academic character (and don't even think about improving your moral or ethical character), or search for new information or truth. This problem is present in STEM, but pervasive in the humanities, since children who were never taught the importance of education, who think school is that thing you have to do to make money, are scared of math and therefore the STEM fields. Every year, an ever larger number of people who don't fucking care are funneled into the humanities, where the least interested among them will filter themselves into the lowest-effort fields.
Do you think all the horrible opinions and non-scientific """"""research"""""" of late out of places like sociology, social psychology, or the various identity politics-based fields were some kind of purposeful subterfuge concocted by a shadowy fifth column? I can assure you that our intellectual and social downfall is infinitely more banal and mundane than anything like that. The reality is that people aren't fucking interested in caring or committing effort to thinking, and that's why you have a philosophy professor who spouts memes and links to web comics.
>the guy is a drone repeating what Jay Dyer says but he hasn't gotten the reasoning down so he can't tell me himself.
Jay doesn't say that at all. In a recent video he explains that you can accept some of Aristotle and still critique him, the problem is if you get boxed into his metaphysical system as a whole.
go to around 7mins 10seconds
>free will theodicy particularly compelling
Based retard
> It was here that Thomas was probably introduced to Aristotle, Averroes and Maimonides, all of whom would influence his theological philosophy.[25]
kek yep, pretty cringe.
I don't care what Jay Dyer has to say because I didn't ask Jay Dyer to explain why Aristotle contradicts Christianity. I think the guy is a Jay Dyer drone because of the way he talks but even if he wasn't it's irrelevant.
seems like Jay is living rent-free in your head.
Even if that were the case why the hell would that matter?
>Never been a fan of this “lets be hip with the kids” approach to teaching
I agree but not for the reason you've stated.
A place of educations should have clearly defined roles, otherwise the contract is broken (the contract being, you are a student, they are a professor. You are going there for an education, not bonding or empathy or friendship, at least not with the professors). Respect breaks down, followed closely by discipline and interest.
It's this disgusting and harmful trend, where teachers try to "relate" or "bond" instead of teaching.
Pic related - it's the future of Lit 101.
No it's not photoshopped. dailymail.co.uk
>You think you solved the problem of evil? Lmfao
Islam never had a problem of evil. Our theology has no such contradictions in the nature of God.
Yeah, because you worship the devil
No. The OMGShakespeare books were created by lit students to intentionally make their proffesors shit themselves.
I agree with that as well, although I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being on friendly terms with a teacher as long as that relationship is earned rather than given. I was always known for befriending all the hardass and strict teachers that everyone else hated because I worked hard and respected their authority.
I don’t know if this is just my experience, but the most strict and demanding teachers are always the ones who feel most human and interesting when you get to know them. These are the types of teachers who actually sent my papers back to me (which were a passing grade) and told me to improve them before submitting them again because they thought I was capable of doing better. Those are the types that clearly love their job rather than just meeting quotas for passing students.
Moreover, it’s disgusting how these teachers are treated by some students simply because they don’t give them an easy ride. I had one teacher who had almost the entire class conspire against him in an attempt to get him fired just because he was strict. Just remembering it makes me seethe.
Hegel believed in free will, Spinoza didn't
Based. Man is creatively free to shape his own destiny. Fuck Spinoza and fuck God.
That boys a spinozer fer sure
Aristotle was a polytheist that belived in round circular gods in the sky.