Why is modern poetry such shit?
Why is modern poetry such shit?
the average span of attention does not exceed the average length of a social media post
because you keep focusing on instagram poets
>That """""poem"""""
At least we still have Neil
All poetry is shit
Because modernity is shit.
Everything went to shit from the enlightement on.
Rupi Kaur isn't poetry, it's money laundering.
The upper classes stopped believing in God so the goal of art went from expressing morality and feelings to absurdity and novelty.
Is it poetry
simply because
I press Enter
a few more times
than I really
- user
Ok but that doesn't change the fact that your legs are hairy and disgusting
Remember I thought I found an amazing girl once.She seemed so perfect and different from other girls and then she mentioned Rupi was her favorite poet and it completely shattered the illusion lol, couldn't respect her after that
the user has
mastered poetry
Poetry was always basically pressing Enter too much before there was an Enter key.
the tiger
he is out
of his cage
Crappy poetry for normies has always existed. Just look at some WH Auden and remember that that dude was writing at the same time as WCW. There's tons of good *contemporary poetry, you just don't know it because you don't read lol
This is quite possibly the single most important poem ever written.
What is so bad about this poem?
Name one thing that's good about it and we'll start from there
Well, it's an interesting message against rape and sexual abuse towards women.
As long as there has been poetry there has been bad poetry. Good poetry is, if anything, works that stood the test of time. Depending on your frame of reference, there is a lot gold “modern poetry”
Just be yourself in my eyes but not at all like that because "What you think, you become" and we know you so well because we went through the same thing when we were young.
no it isn't
Leave. There's nothing here for you.
>Everything went to shit from the enlightement on.
then why the enlightement had good poetry and artists?
I wonder if this kid knows how much people genuinely like his poem?
modernity SUCKS! my parents took away my XBOX PRIVILEGES! you're not my REAL DAD, Greg!! one day I'm going to read Homer and then everyone will think I'm SO smart!
why does someone insist on posting this thread every fucking week
Any male who cares about a woman's leg hair is a faggot.
This is pretty awful. Glad I don't read anything by or know anything about this guy...
>Kaur’s Instagram feed is immaculately manicured, a checkerboard on which her poems — all lowercase, often alongside her drawings — alternate with photos, mostly professional, mostly of Kaur. Recently, she posted a picture of herself smiling next to Gloria Steinem in the front row at Prabal Gurung’s show at New York Fashion Week. She is, deeply and truly, a poet of Instagram: In the manner of that medium, her work is human experience, tidily aestheticized and monetized, rendered inspirational and relatable in perfect balance. Her poems are, for the most part, short enough to fit easily in Instagram’s square frame, and her sentiments general enough to be universally recognizable.
>Kaur does not like to read when she is writing, and says that she hasn’t finished a book all year. Now that The Sun and Her Flowers is complete, though, she’s looking forward to digging into the many books she’s bought and not yet started. [...] “I will always go into a used bookstore,” she says, even when she’s working. “I’ll collect a lot of covers that inspire me — whether it’s the paper inside, whether it’s a font, so then later I can be like, okay, how’s mine going to look?”
>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.” His work, she points out, translates well across media — to different sizes, to posters, to digital.
I still think the Kaur article in The Cut is one of the most deliciously backhanded things ever written about her.
damm nature you scary
In her defense hitching her poetry to Instagram was a genius move and the key to her profound success (for a poet). The best way to pipe such trite garbage to the masses of girls who like her poems is through the one pipeline which connects to them. Like Trump's masterful manipulation of Twitter, she found success by gaming social media, not by having any real talent.
Her poems are easily digestible soundbites fit for the shot attention span medium of Instagram as well.
The first novelists were failed poets. Now poets are failed novelists. These people write "poetry" because a novel is beyond their abilities.
How is this even considered a poem lol shitskins can't into anything
*stares in Rubaiyat*
it didn't you classicist pleb
I always forget whether or not the bit about the kafka book is real, especially since that cover art is such trash.
dude Omar Khayyam was the xxxtentacion of the ancient arab world
My new Tinder bio tehee.
Because it's lost touch with Tradition
Sorry redditor, that wasn't a Yea Forums post. Not even close.
imagine being so retarded you misunderstand a Rupi Kuar poem
Backhanded, my ass. That's an attack on all fronts. The fact that Kaur didn't even bat an eye against this article just shows how far up her own ass she is
you are not entitled to criticise rupi kaur as a white male, it shows you probably haven't heard of postcolonial theorists like Said, Spivak or Bhabha.
Abstract: Rupi Kaur, a trending poetess of Instagram, has recently gained critical acclaim online for her newly published poetry collection milk and honey which is a stunning depiction of trauma, survival, love, womanhood, and friendship. Identifying as a first-generation Canadian, Punjabi-Sikh, woman of color, Kaur works visually in her book and on Instagram to portray and subvert how space functions to produce the gendered, diasporic subject as a body that is “unhomed.” Through the complex interplay of illustrated imagery and verse, Kaur contests the violent spatial (and bordering) practices of nationalism by positioning her poems’ personae in new and different ways to occupy, produce, and claim space off and online—performances of celebration, reclamation, resistance, and ultimately, acts of (de)colonial self-love. Kaur’s art and cyberspatial narration adds an important dimension to considering the colonial project of space. Occupying space on Instagram, Kaur supplants the place where women have traditionally been relegated. It is exactly the embodied telling of Kaur’s artwork that she attributes to the importance of its public nature: the Instagram becomes the home—rehomed by her art—whereas the nation becomes the network. Through Kaur’s narratives shared online, Kaur connects to a cyberspatial sisterhood and demonstrates that healing through narrative is necessarily collective.
what's "interesting" about it? what about this poem makes you reflect on anything in any way that hadn't previously considered?
I'm gonna shoot you, fag.
it is way more interesting than another poem by a white dude dropping pointless obscure literary references. Rupi Kaur's avant garde poetics blur the line between poetry, internet content and radical political action, serving as empowerment for victims of racism, misogyny and abuse all over the world.
>taking the bait this hard
That was probably literally copy-pasted off of Tumblr
>BACK OFF im the SHERIFF of Yea Forums! suck my PEEPEE!!!
Because it was a turning point, not the climax of decadence
I know it's bait, dumb fuck, can't you recognise exaggeration? The text is pasted from a thesis that the guy links at the end
Instagram is literally destroying everyone's brains.
You could at least try to be subtle.
Maybe but if the pits ain’t shaved it is fucking over
the fuck it is
I'm not fucking a man or a monkey (kek, sorry, Rupee): the only hair I'd like to see is the hair on her head or around her genitals.
I think this would be an example of naive art. Basically art made by people who haven't been formally trained or reject standard practices. Henri Rousseau, who's the go-to example of naive painting, was very popular for his illustrations of lions and tigers. Weird similarity.
my poetry's pretty good
Great read - this was hilarious.
Because everyone who cares about poetry posts here complaining about modern poetry rather than looking for good poetry, loads of which exists.
Yeah, this but unironically
can't tell if bait or just stupid, disengaging either way