What am I in for?
What am I in for?
A few good points dressed in thick layers of rhetoric spanning far too many pages.
these people can't look at iq stats without having a nervous breakdown
Honest question, how do people reconcile concepts like micro-aggressions, pronouns, emotional labour and whatnot and then also complain about white fragility or fragile masculinity?
What is an example of a micro aggression?
Trash written by a mentally ill woman
a shit thread
It's like saying "you look good today!" instead of "you look good", because the former implies that you dont always look good.
I can talk about racism all day but people named Robin Diangelo will not like what I have to say on the issue.
wypipo be like this water too damn spicy
wypipo be like we need more niggers and spics in our countries
triggered retard
By appeals to or attacks on character and very strong rhetoric.
Are you one of the triggered MIGAtards?
>spic takeover is ok as long as it's legal
what a great book, for bait threads and to milk sjw money
A book like this is simply a tool, used by cultural Marxists as way to destroy our society and facilitate their own rise to power. It is a means rather than a goal.
Most white people have a pretty solid idea that black people are an autistic child of a race who your parents force you to invite to your birthday party and of course they spaz out and ruin shit. This is why it's so hard for white people to talk about race. Talking about race involves black people coming up with as many various woes and complaints that they can think up while white people stand there with a tight pressed smile. To have a conversation you have to have a free exchange of ideas both ways; this is intolerable to black people. When white people do talk honestly about race for some reason they start getting fired and silenced.
>When white people do talk honestly about race for some reason they start getting fired and silenced.
By other white people even.
Why are whiteys so pathetic?
Your argument
>white fragility
My counterargument
Your move.
Sorry this board is only for big brains. Take your illiterate pol conspiracies elsewhere. Take a second to actually read the cultural marxists. Most of them were just talking about how jazz is degenerate and destroying our culture. Shifting focus away from economic justice to social justice is capitalism's way of protecting itself from criticism. Everyone is so concerned with gender and race in marvel movies that they dont question why we have mega corporations controlling our lives and people with billions of dollars while other people can barely get by. This is cultural capitalism.
How do these people reconcile this? That all it takes to demonstrate the fragility of blackness is a single word?
And yet you can't even say that word in public. So who's really fragile?
Wtf? Nigger, like we have to treat you like children? I see you posting in this thread, what the hell are you trying to accomplish? Most of this is empirically true, if you were more like the Asians or even the Hispanics, no-one would hate you. You are hated wherever you go in the world, how do you reconcile that? The only reason why the Liberals tolerate you and raise you up is because your existence is the living refutation of their ideology. I mean no harm towards you, but that is just how things are.
>passive aggressive, condisending title
>NYT best seller
It'll be a hard pass for me schlomo
>And yet you can't even say that word in public.
Its mostly white people preventing us from saying the nigger word in public. Maybe, white fragility is about the fragile viewpoint of racial equality held by white people.
best post
second best post
The closest thing to an answer, would be that white/male fragility isn't by-definition condemnable or bad. You're allowed to be a fragile male at least to some degree. To say otherwise would, as you've made apparent, throw you into a loop where you either reinforce fragility or toxicity. Maybe you might get met with some Mr. Rodgers images as an example of someone who is neither toxic nor fragile (followed by WOOOW CIS MEN CAN'T EVEN SEPARATE TOXICITY AND STRENGTH HUH), but I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with people having weaknesses. The better question to raise, would be how much these weaknesses affect others, and how much they need to be studied for their effects to be properly mitigated.
>emotional labor
This is more like, jobs where part of the job is pretending not to hate your job. It has less to do with white/black things and more to do with hating your wagecuck table-waiting job.
>white fragility
Is this about the "white genocide" theory?
I thought white nationalist books were all banned now.
I don't think white people are getting bent out of shape over tyrone or bubba saying nigger. We can't say it because of our history with the term
It's pretty easy actually. The same way any other aristocracy reconciles being able to say and do whatever they want while denying this privilege to commoners: fuck you.
Chapocel go back.
No, it's about how wypipo get upset with jews and their pet niggers try to grab their stuff.
>epic reddit maymay
You have to go back.
a microagression is when a low-status male hits on you
what reason do you have for reading this?
or furiously respond "iq isnt an objective measure of intelligence" while holding back tears
someone who cries about iq stats
>conquers east indies and india for spices, not africa
>wypipo cant handle spices
>develops cuisine with extensive balanced use of spices, compared to africa which just deep fries everything
accurate assessment, blacks are the downie kid your parents forced you to play with and be nice to and our (((parents))) have invited them to our countries
yes, other "white" people
>board is for big brains
>the "go to /pol/" non-argument
>reddit meme
>cries when looking at iq stats
>cant say nigger in public
proof that it's not whites that are fragile then
white fragility is about the uncomfortable fragile lie of equality forced on us by non-whites and the weak minded whites
>white genocide isnt real
>more "white nationalist" books banned by amazon than nazis ever banned
we cant say it because some people decided so and herd mentality enforces it
Black fragility.
This. It's not hard for us, it's hard for them, and they make it uncomfortable for us. I actually feel sorry for non-whites when they realize they are inferior.
Okay, THATS IT!! I am SERIOUSLY f**king pissed about these SJW liberals. They HATE white people!! How the f**k is that not racist?? Imagine if it were a white person talking about black fragility. They would get censored and crucified by the liberal media!! You can't even say anything these days without some f**king liberal snowflake getting triggered, and I've HAD IT. No more mr. nice guy. It's us vs. them!!
This but unironically
what level of irony are you on buster
modern leftists have rejected the promethean aspects of Marxism, ie. Man as world-worker and remaker of worlds and have not only retreated into a purely therapeutic and atomised vision of the self but they have become agressive evangelists for a certain state of coping based on this restricted self for whom mobilisation is synonymous with survival. This vision is a product of technics, ironically it owes way more to psychotherapy and the legacy of nineteenth century liberal protestantism/utilitarianism together with a 9/11 security state mindset and the panopticon like social dynamics of tumblr, twitter, facebook etc. rather than to any Marxist thinker.
Total mobilization is a systemic imperative, the very motor of our post-industrial economic structure, we can no longer talk about electoral mobilisation, grand geopolitical strategy, psychotherapy, blatant carrerism, crass consumerism, or earnest well intentioned activism as separate things, in practice no distinction exists.
The therapeutic pop psych conception of the self, the militant liberal-libertarian ethic of compulsory hedonism, the disregard for the written word, microeconomic models enhanced by cognitive science, the pavlovian conditioning coded into social media, these are all emerging technics of human terrain management, meant to give shape to a mass which can be mobilised, regardless of any overarching political objective beyond mobilisation itself.
go back boomer
They're neo Marxists, who use Gramci's theory of Hegemony as a fundamental principle of their doctrine. The Hegemony (whiteness) is always the oppressor, everyone else are always the victims, hence a fundamental double standard.
I think her basic idea is that racism isn't an individual problem but a systemic one. However, instead of alluding to any economic or political reasoning, she mainly focuses on sociological reasons. She thinks that white people, being brought up in a privileged and white world, are unconscious and inherently racist. I don't know how she reconciles with the fact that by spreading the idea of racism so far she's effectively neutralising it, or how if POC's are brought up under the same systems and benefit in some way, are they unconsciously racist too?
Technical advances in communications demand the imposition of new models of selfhood beyond liberal, christian, and marxist/revolutionary forms of subjectivity.
The day of the hellicopter is coming for you disgusting worthless commie cucks
but unironically, even though pointing out the hypocrisy of it is boomer tier low hanging fruit
nice buzzword, cry more at iq stats
cringe ancaps get the rope
fuck off with your word salad and look at iq statistics
Good post
lmao too many words for you little baby? sorry this isn't like your picture books
it's written for the sort of people who read the new york times, culturally middle class, college educated mostly white and otherwise thoroughly assimilated liberals, it's taylored to fit their neuroses and give them a sense of purpose as a class. Think the protestant ethic of capitalism updated for a communicative economy.
It is meant to 'trigger the outgroup', make the audience feel like they are doing something to fight evil, reflecting their revolutionary self image as a class and exploiting their guilt, their insecurity and their desperate yearning for moral guidance of any sort. American liberals are not really looking for equality but for a codependent sadomasochist relationship with the other, which is really just a way to discipline themselves and their desires as well as those of the other.
Jewish propaganda, fearful of white identity.
This makes a lot of sense actually
not too many words, just devoid of any meaning :^)
instead of debating what the intentions of your enemy are, a sane person just obliterates them
wasting time trying to decipher what non-whites "want" from white people is pointless, they want what you have and you gone
You almost sound like someone I know. Are you doing alright? I've been dying to know.
I know that you know who I am. Who else could it be? If you really need it spelled out I'll tell you it's me. Please, before I amputate my fingers.
I was kidding about that last part.
I'm sorry about being vague and creepy. I love you a lot. I chastise myself every day.
Is that why they screech about billionaires yet are completely disinterested in the HOW of modern capitalist exploitation? It's just an orchestrated revolution against cultural strawman. The billionaires methods are unimportant , what is is his symbol as a villain. It runs so deep that even the wellread leftypol types basically say fuck actually fixing things lets just put Mme Guillotine to work and see what happens
Our elites display an admirable lack of confidence in the future.
>purely therapeutic
Disputing this part because it betrays a personal opinion that the leftist worldview is therapeutic, rather than pragmatic. I'm gonna devils advocate defend the leftists.
Leftists have made a probabilistic judgment that, more likely than not, things are going to be much worse than them then for their parents, and their kids are even more fucked, and something needs to be done to prevent this. However, this can't happen right now because
>the ladder has been pulled up due to:
>>Unsustainable economic rent extraction in the forms of:
>>>High rent
>>>High medical and medicine costs
>>>High tuition prices
>>>High car prices
>>>Massive data extraction
>>>Massive corporations that politically advocate for laws which make all of the above worse.
This is exacerbated by
>a lack of jobs caused by
>>the rebuilding of all other post WW2 economies;
>>the permanent export of manual labor/manufacturing jobs to other cheaper countries; and
>>the invention of the computer automating jobs away,
So because all three of those are (probabilistically) permanent, the jobs are never coming back (regardless of what king orange hair tells you), and the prices, assuming no major legal system changes happen, are never coming down; this is the new normal and if you're shit on the totem pole, you'll never rise again. This means
>These rents will continue to get worse over time
So we, as people, should change in kind to adapt and resist them. Since (probabilistically)
>you can't unatomize a society once everyone is
>>double income,
>>too poor to relax,
>>too busy to date,
>>too low on the totem pole to rise and change the laws driving all these conditions
>>and elites higher on the totem pole refuse to make concessions themselves to fix their obviously crumbling economies and social landscapes
This leaves the only solution of
>We must make the best of the situation we find ourselves in
Which, if true gives the following leftist positions:
>Advocate for any elite willing to support changing the laws to break rent extraction (Warren, Sanders; if things don't get better, someday probably commies)
>Find ways to hedonistically enjoy oneself under massive corporate surveillance, because unless something is done, it's never going away
>Be good to each other, and enforce community norms via vigilante mobs and cancellation, because authorities (also elites) don't care; we're on our own
Which, under such constraints, would not be therapeutic, they're ways to live slightly less sad if society is trapped in a permanent "no elites care anymore" money-making cul-de-sac
Instead of the leftist institutions of the 20th century which mobilised an obsolete fordist working class to push for benefits and redistribution, you now have a leftist lifestyle or subculture with no solid ''class basis'', that functions as a ''Church'', as a highly ineffectual form of therapy and consumer pressure group for its adherents. Even the elites and the aspiring elites have become culturally proletarianised, aping black twitter or gay slang, talking about politicians as if they were pop stars, and making a show of rejecting previous standards of cultural relevance and meaning while at the same time blurring the distinctions between consumer culture and political activism. A closer historical parallel to modern american leftists are the temperance and or free love advocates, moral reformers, abolitionists, feminists, quakers, etc. of the 19th century, if they were marooned in a highly mediated consumer society, if they gave up sin and with it redemption, virtue or even christian interiority. their community norms are merely an expression of their neuroses, they have normalised the sort of behaviour that was previously associated with clinical narcissism or bpd, at the same its also clearly a product of the process of atomisation and rationalisation of all aspects of human life.
>mexican immigrants, legal and illegal, commit less crime than the native population
>Mexican immigrants generally assimilate within two generations
They seem like normal, hardworking people from the stats. Why do you care what the colour of their skin is? Isn't it your types that are always saying race isn't skin deep?
>le' go back to /pol/
>identity politics is really a CAPITALIST conspiracy
>implying these colored identity obsessed freaks aren't also demanding economic reform and benefits on top of identity privilages
Cultural marxism is a bit of a lacking term but it isn't completely inaccurate. It's just not a good description for what it is because what we're seeing is evolved beyond materialist Marxism and capitalism
Because black are full of crap.
They get preferential treatment in colleges in job applications yet they still act like theyre discriminated agaisnt.
But theyll say there arent any black CEOs or something of the sort.
Listen nobody is entitled to the CEO position.
You cant cry your way to the top.
>They seem like normal, hardworking people from the stats
Anyone who's lived around them knows this isn't true
How do you reconcile respecting the NAP with throwing people out of helicopters. Pinochet was not an ancap. Kys LARPer.
Niggers are dumb and whities are beyond cucked.
t. Spicchad
Being a communist violates the NAP
basically accurate except mexicans are also a greasy horde of losers
based and prometheuspilled
thats not how word salad works faggot, his critique made coherent sense, you just use buzzwords ironically like buzzword as anti intellectualism to mask your stupidity
i'm not american, can someone please explain to me how americans tolerate living with mexicans? isn't it like being colonized by ugly little pygmies?
They're loud, stupid, ugly and dirty. I don't know if it's like being "colonized" because they aren't ruling over us, they're just kind of lurking around malls and generally being annoying.
I've known a few OK ones I guess, a lot of "Mestizos" have been alright too. Mexican women are horrendous to work with if you have a white collar job of some kind.
ITT: people mistake black fragility for a sign of the nonexistence of white fragility
To answer your questions OP: the same degree of sloppy logic and tunnel-vision argumentation that you can find itt.
like saying nihao to a princess mulan?
wait a seccen
>Mexican women are horrendous to work with if you have a white collar job of some kind.
i would fuck mulan
The truth is intersectional liberalism is just a more efficient way to manage and control a
globalised consumer society than classical liberalism. We are living in a moment in history
in which government bureaucracies, NGOs and academia, multinational corporations,
sillicon valley, the banks, and even the military apparatus of the US empire don't disagree
about anything substantial, having all consolidated into a single massive leviathanic governance machine.
Call it surveillance-affective capitalism, Woke capital, panopticism, the managerial therapeutic state.
Whatever it is it has assumed responsibilities previously outsourced to religion, the family,
political ideology, literature. The younger generations see no distinction between consumerist mass culture
and earnest political activism, they are one and the same. Not following the party line,
having the right opinions and consuming the right products is enough to mark you out as someone dangerous.
Anecdotes aren't something to base policy on. look at the data and see that Mexicans commit less crime and are an overall boom to the economy
oy vey....!
>the data
Look at anywhere on the map where it is majority Mexican and crime is higher.
Why has California been getting worse and not better?
don't move the goalposts, 2nd generation mexican crime rates dramatically raise
>boom to the economy
The only thing booming here is you, you out of touch, money-grubbing boomer scum. "Yeah my grandkids won't recognize their own home and will be racially targeted during their formative years until they grow to resent me, but THE ECONOMY is BOOMING."
Eat fucking shit.
>be me
>cool locally owned bookstore
>"wow don't get many of these anymore"
>they have the OP up for display, pretty broadly
>an entire section dedicated to women's studies
>the atmosphere was basically tendered for people who bleed from their crotch once a month
>the best thing they had there ironically was Harry Turtledove's Confederate victory books
but wouldn't saying "you look good" on any given day already be in stark contrast with all the other days where nothing was said? where does it stop? do i need to be hyper-aware of everyone else's emotional wounds and carefully construct sentences that deftly dance around those wounds, dexterously avoiding every laser beam? why wouldn't the receiver of a perceived micro-agression work on trying to understand why he or she perceived the (quite possibly geniune) compliment "you look good today" as an act of agression instead? doesn't the fact that they felt threatened by them say much more about the "victims" of these "verbal abuses" than it does about the actual so-called "agessors"?
Black people telling you how white people really think
They're basically saying "U mad" in more words. Works just the same way.
The author is a bpd proffesional class white woman projecting her condition onto the black other.
there's a difference in power to take into account when talking about fragility. black people asserting their equal human dignity is not the same as white people using dehumanizing language on historically oppressed and genocided people.
If they are going to be so annoying why cant we just we get it over with and agree to go our own separate ways as races?
>It's 'empowering' when black people are whining that someone is colonizing you by standing there and whining about cultural appropriation when whitey makes rock music
>It's 'fragility' when white people vote in their own interest to ensure they dont get turned into a third world shithole
It's pure hypocrisy.
it's not hypocritical, it's well within their political ideology. if you look into leftist circles, black people are allowed to say the n word but nobody else can. you're not looking at the issue through their framework if you can't make sense of it.
>it's not hypocritical if you look at things through their framework and not your own
But their ideology is filled with contradictions, and basically ensures that even the most filthy hate and vile acts can be justified if they are committed by someone who is 'oppressed', while even the most benign or even benevolent acts and gestures will be seen as oppressive. Trannies are the best example of this, as they are so obnoxious and easily offended that even people who go in with full sympathy for them eventually grow to hate them because they cannot stand being shat on even while they try to accomodate them (or, let's be honest, appease them).
>Mexicans commit less crime
Compared to African Americans, sure.
Compared to European Americans? Not so much.
By having an incoherent ideology, that just says fuck whites.
>Honest question, how do people reconcile concepts like micro-aggressions, pronouns, emotional labour and whatnot and then also complain about white fragility or fragile masculinity?
They don't need to reconcile anything. It's a nightmarish web of contradictions and justifications built on fuzzy, non-falsifiable science and glued together with enough sophistry to make a Talmudic scholar blush with envy.
The goal isn't to have a coherent ideology built on clear principles. The goal is to fuck over white people and then work backwards to build an ideology that lets them justify it when pressed. The only people gullible enough to actually take the ideology at face value are - big surprise - white people themselves. All subscribing nonwhites follow it because they saw a big "let's kill white people and take their stuff" advertisement and hopped in line.
Don't bother arguing. It's like trying to untangle the Gordian Knot.
>Don't bother arguing. It's like trying to untangle the Gordian Knot.
There's only one way to unty the Gordian Knot.
i don't think you understand the leftist political agenda. the bad guys aren't white people, it's the capitalist upper class. there's people of all colors and religions in that group so if you don't get this, you're probably not looking in the right leftist spaces.
>"the bad guys aren't white people, it's the capitalist upper class"
>proceed to attack middle-class and lower-class whites and dismantle their communities
That mightve been true prior to the 1960's, but since then it's just been idpol and almost only idpol.
>but there are some leftcom Bordigist spaces that dont care about
Yeah and they are an extreme minority. Just look at the DSA and how fucking pathetic it is. Or how gleeful they are to shit on working class whites and dismiss them as hicks while also being curious as to why they dont feel represented by modern socialists.
anti idpol leftists are merely the dischord trannies who got bullied of the discourse for being too autistic and literal minded
like i said you're not looking in the right leftist social circles. those are liberals you're describing. liberals have more in common with fascists than they do with leftists.
>only I am the pure leftist, nevermind that 99% of the modern left is thoroughly infected with it, including almost every communist party
Sure bro, they're just all liberals.
>no true scotsman
Are you talking about abortion rates?
That's not how you interpret data. Mexicans are more likely to be poor so obviously they will end up in areas where crime is more common, but in terms of how much crime THEY commit, it's less than the native population.
>The academic literature provides mixed findings for the relationship between immigration and crime worldwide, but finds for the United States that immigration either has no impact on the crime rate or that it reduces the crime rate.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] A meta-analysis of 51 studies from 1994–2014 on the relationship between immigration and crime in the United States found that overall immigration reduces crime, but the relationship is very weak.[8] Research suggests that people tend to overestimate the relationship between immigration and criminality,[9][4][10] and that the media tends to erroneously depict immigrants as particularly crime-prone.[11]
Can you think outside of your typical talking points for just two seconds pal? Do you really think I'm for kids getting racially bullied? Mexicans assimilate quite well into American culture. I understand that there might be some cases where they're all boxed away into little communities but this is no different from how the Irish and Italians were, and this problem will end just as it did with the Irish and Italians. As to the "boom" shit, we were arguing as to whether Mexicans are good hardworking people, that is why I brought up crime and the economy.
Untrue. There is a difference if you look at the raw numbers. That is, Hispanics as a group have a higher crime rate than whites as a group, but this is only because Hispanics are younger than whites in America. If you take a Hispanic adult and a white adult in America, the Hispanic is less likely to commit crime; and, conversely, Hispanic teenagers/young adults are less likely than white teenagers to commit crimes.
>white fragility doesn't exist
>pointing out double standards is white fragility
Bisplusgood comrade.
Or just say "You look great/quite nice/good today" which implies that person is in a better state than usual.
i actually had someone respond to me like this
Or why rich and uber-rich hide their assets in offshores and engage in tax evasion while shifting the burden of taxation onto working class people.
>But their ideology is filled with contradictions, and basically ensures that even the most filthy hate and vile acts can be justified if they are committed by someone who is 'oppressed', while even the most benign or even benevolent acts and gestures will be seen as oppressive.
Dishonesty and hypocrisy are not immoral, they're spooks.
It's okay to lie and cheat to the out-group to get what you want.
Spics commit less crime than nigs.
That doesn't say much.
Giving Robin Diangelo a few more bux I guess
You cannot oppress an oppressor. When the oppressors complain then it is just an expression of them having to deal with having their unfair advantage removed, therefore their complaints are invalid. And other such nonsense.
These terms belong to the liturgy of an essentially Manichean religion that we might as well call "wokism." The central ontological tenet of this religion is that our world is defined by a perpetual struggle between "Whiteness" (evil) and "Blackness" (good). Almost everything else belongs to one of these two abstract master terms. "White" subsumes terms like rich, the West, male, cis, straight, and elite. "Black" subsumes terms like poor, the (global) South, trans, queer, and brown. Consequently, the white cis man is the devil, and the poor black trans (or non-binary) person is the messiah. This Manichean ontology manifests itself in a pretty simple epistemology: the devil can only really speak falsehoods, and the messiah can only really speak the truth. If this is the first principle of your entire system of thought, then there is really nothing hypocritical about what might appear to the uninitiated as double standards.
>Do you really think I'm for kids getting racially bullied?
Oh of course not, you would never actually admit the consequences of your prioritizing the economy over the character of a nation.
>Mexicans assimilate quite well into American culture.
No. What you mean is "Americans generally allow Mexicans in graciously and permit them to keep their culture intact despite living here." For the record, I don't begrudge them their culture, nor does it bother me. However, I am trying to call attention to the fact that they do not assimilate in any meaningful way. The graciousness does not go both ways. Once they take over a neighborhood, even if its only for 10 years, you as an American will no longer be welcome there. Even if you were born there. It is now "theirs." There is no "ours".
>but this is no different from how the Irish and Italians were
The numbers we're talking about and the geographic dispersal aren't even comparable.
>we were arguing as to whether Mexicans are good hardworking people, that is why I brought up crime and the economy.
They are hardworking, but their constant presence as low-paid scabs keeps wages down. They work for half of what anyone else would for certain jobs, and its bad for both freelancers and union workers who are attempting to work legitimately. Their contributions towards the economy drive down wages and create a market for migrant slave labor. Neither of these things are worth their social cost.
Mexicans do assimilate to american culture.
The first generation mexicans are happy and expressive.
The ones born in the US are stoic and ghetto.
This definitly. but is somewhat true. If they dont move in in large herds that keep themselves very insulated they usualy assimilate well.They have more or less the same broad western cultural practices and similar religion to the irish and italian. its just like what you sad about mass numbers of them coming in all at once. They have a base to not integrate and they lower wages broadly. I Have a sneeking suspicion that if black people gently seeped into america allowing them to aclimate instead of just a massive slave population being released at the drop of a hat, we would have much much less race tensions. But thats a bit of a moot point now.
imagine writing a nyt bestseller and being completely wrong
Based quints. Sadly, that's the case for most nyt bestsellers.
How else do you write a nyt bestseller?
Vae victus
This desu.
Why the fuck is there a rare Jamiroquai track ITT? Are you my brother from another (blue-eyed) mother?
>Claudia Rankine
>Robin Diangelo
I'm getting the fishmouth and brightly dyed hair through the screen
You are objectively anti intellectual if you deny that there is an effort to discriminate against the right wing and what they have to offer.
The ratio of Democrat to Republican professors in different disciplines, according to a 2018 paper by Mitchell Langbert:
• Engineering = 1.6:1
• Economics = 5.5:1
• Physics: = 6.2:1
• History = 17.4:1
• Sociology = 43.8:1
• Anthropology = 133:1
>Girls and minorities mostly don't go into engineering
>REPUBLICANS: This isn't societal discrimination, it's person-to-person biological differences!
>These differences make engineering comparatively uninteresting to them, so they don't study it
>Republicans don't go into engineering
>REPUBLICANS: discrimination discrimination discrimination!
>Woooow must be a leftist conspiracy, someone's trying to systematically keep us out because they hate us
This is your brain on conservatardation.
Which one do you think it is?
The trick of a shell game is convincing you there still is a ball in the cups, once your money changes hands.
Everyone is scamming each other.
Whenever "intellectuals" write polemics about "wyte pepo" using technologies created by white men, on power grids supported by white men, in societies where it's socially acceptable to do so due to the buttressing of white men, I can't help but think of that Yeats poem:
>Come let us mock at the great
>That had such burdens on the mind
>And toiled so hard and late
>To leave some monument behind,
For women it may be biological. Most of the poor people don't finish up college and many of them are of course minorities. (of course this ignores wealthy minority of Asians and jews)
Republicans in the other hand tend to be retarded, and hence are underrepresented in academia
It's about ideology. Most degree programs are increasingly unfriendly for those who don't share a Leftist worldview.
I never know if posts like this are unironic or not