I’m too smart for liberal Yea Forums
why are you black?
I did not know there another black person on the Yea Forums board.
I'm the black hand language guy btw
>black """"person""""
Because I’m smart...
Black and smart is essentially an oxymoron, though, so you're lying...
“oxymoron” is not the right word to use to make this particular statement.
Don't reply to this thread.
OP is a board hopping bait thrower, and is only joy in life is the masochistic pleasure of getting buttblasted for being a historically under-achieving race.
Just ignore him.
It is, though. Not a literary oxymoron, but rather a most literal one.
literally an oxymoron
>unopened book
You ALMOST made it. You dissapoint all those who had worked so hard for you not to be a dumb nigger
Thank God I’m White hahahahahaabahhahahah
>N I G G E R
Based black lad. Ignore the incels and pol mongs on here
t. niggerloving britoid
T. Cringy incel that attaches himself to extreme views to cope with being an outcast
Same could be said to you mate.
because you read plato
how is portrait "liberal"?
Did you even read it. This is not spark-notes Chad.
Yeah I did. How exactly are we defining "liberal"?
>arguing with a nigger
user, I...
Religious guy becomes atheist cumbrain and later liberal atheist cumbrain artist
Yes pajeet, now go and shit your street up
"mup di doo" tier english
it is though
"anyone i dont like is an incel"
buzzword brainlet, knowing blacks are stupid isnt "cringe", what's cringe is thinking that hostility to outsiders isnt the biological norm
cringe interpretation
he never stopped being religious even though he may have stopped believing.
Tbf they were bald. How do they deal with manlets?