>"Paris was a place where everyone where everyone seemed to be reading - one visitor spotted a coachman thumbing through Horace in Latin!"
Why has literacy and appreciation for literature fallen so low now when we have easier access and more free time? Or should the decreased consumption of literature even be considered a problem?
"Paris was a place where everyone where everyone seemed to be reading - one visitor spotted a coachman thumbing through...
y sslap book?
watching easier
If you could watch Shakespeare's plays performed by the greatest actors of all time at the press of a button, without needing to pay out your ass, wouldn't you do that instead of just read his shit?
The same idea applies to books.
But people don't even do that.
I would nut so fuckin quick
>an anecdote about an exceptional outlier coachman
Anecdotal. Post feminine bepis.
>that feeling just as a barely legal teenage girl sits directly onto your face sideways and her thigh and ass fat squish down directly onto your face
That's when Paris was getting a reputation for being hysterical. Pretty much every account from a tourist at the time notes that not only are the lower classes reading, women are reading moreso than men. They're even reading classics, which in a lot of countries are consider to be dangerous for other people to read because they contain so much porn and dangerous knowledge that they don't believe anyone without a title and a tutor in Greek should be allowed near them. Soon after, reading too much becomes a type of hysterical madness which swattish gay fops and washerwomen are readily accused of and seen as a concerning sign in middle class women.
>more free time
do we though
there hasn't been a time in which humans read more than now, it's just that it is less directed to books that are considered Yea Forums. Excessive amount of books are published atm, so you mostly see people reading shitty best-sellers. But you'll get shocked once in a while when you see that people have read stuff you never thought they would.
>he took off the dust cover
Also lol at all you plebs thinking it's a girl.
>more free time?
Those are some Trumpian hands.
I currently live in Paris and people read here more actively and openly than in the other places I've lived (Vienna and NYC). There's a plumber who takes lunch breaks at a cafe on my street and is always reading attentively, I couldn't see what book exactly it was this week but I'm pretty certain it was by Camus. Parisian culture in general is extremely discursive and encourages debate and discussion, basic bitches here can keep up a conversation about Samuel Beckett and 19th century history, for example.
people have less free time nowadays, even in the middle ages people had way more vacation
Ill give you a hint
Its difficult to see in the dark and has two digits
>Drumf haz le smol hands xD
Fun thing, I also live very close to Paris, and while books are an important part of the local culture, it is not so common when I see someone other than myself reading in public (though it does happen, particularly in the subway). Perhaps I should spend more time in cafés.
I was in Paris for 3 days and certain areas felt like fucking Baghdad. The metro smelled like a weird mix of piss and chlorine. One if the worst capitals out there.
The acoustic properties of a book are very important. You slap a book to test it.
this. Paris smells like piss everywhere outside of the tourist hotspots.
It felt more like Africa than Baghdad for me though.
The gif is absolutely mesmerizing.
it's @oldbookclub's gf
>that feel when her nectar juice slides down your lips
it's not a gif
yeah that's terrible
Actually I learned a couple days ago that books have increased in sales since the invention of the internet. It took a dip in the 99s or so but it’s at a pretty high point in 2019
People are buying only YA and self help books.
That's his point you fucking imbecile
Ok yeah I retract my previous statement. Everything is horrible and nothing will ever get better.
It's hard to believe your statement relating to basic bitches. How exactly do you keep up a conversation about Samuel Beckett and 19th century history? is it simply repeating information received from high school or what?
>How exactly do you keep up a conversation about Samuel Beckett and 19th century history?
The horrible truth is none of those topics (and almost none of the topics considered Yea Forums for that matters) are really that hard, so they even fall within the narrow reach of basic bitches.
Discussing and reading canonical authors is, in 90% of cases, an extremely basic task. This is why 13 years old on a path to become 20 years-old midwits can still read Beckett and Nietzsche and get something from it.
>more free time
People who read publicly are just retards showing off.
i will remember to not read while commuting to not trigger your projection about yourself being a narcicisstic, signaling faggot
farts in your mouth.
>Paris was a place where everyone where everyone seemed to be reading
implying you fags are reading anything other than fashion catalogues on your idevices