Good morning gentlemen, I hate women

Good morning gentlemen, I hate women

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Women have a short life-span. They hit the wall quite fast.
I guess that makes them child-like.

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Then why did he spend half his live chasing STD infected whores?
>tfw your gf is more well read than every seething Yea Forumscel

If you hate women, you have a problem.
I've had wonderful moments with women. You just gotta understand them. Yes, they're irrational, they're inferior in many aspects, yes they're purely sexual beings, but once you accept their flaws, you can have a wonderful time with them. I prefer talking to women than to men, because there's always some sexual tension around. And by women, I mean beautiful women. I don't hang out with ugly women. I don't even know why ugly women exist. They're good for nothing.
Hating on women for being women is like hating dogs for being dogs.

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Schoppy had a fragile sense of self. This is clearly a big ego talking. His childhoom, understandedly ruined him. He became an introverted narcissist, molded by his environment and superior intellect. One should consider how angry and resentful he was of everything and anything that wasnt aligned with himself and his own ideas. Right up until he tasted the sweet release of recognition and fame towards the end of his life, wherefrom he abandoned the principles of his philosophy to quickly reap the sweet benefits of material gratification and we never heard from him again. This speaks massive volumes. As a result, one should ready Schoppy not literally, but as a parody. Everything he spent his entire life criticizing went right out the door, the moment he was acknowledged and praised. What a pseud.

Based and redpilled

If any of this is sincere, you all deserve the alienated misery you are most certainly enduring,

eat poo

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All truth may be initially rejected, but not all things initially rejected are not truth. Sometimes you initially reject something because it’s fucking retarded.

>If you hate women, you have a problem.
>Yes, they're irrational, they're inferior in many aspects, yes they're purely sexual beings

What did he mean by this?

*not all things initially rejected are truth

Rejecting anything outright is a sure sign of being a narrowminded brainlet

Cant argue that

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Aren’t you rejecting my position outright? Aren’t you a brainlet then?

The only thing I know for certain is that I know very little


Cringe and klichepilled

The problem is that society is crumbling because some asshole stuck peanut butter on his dick and afterwards decided to put snuffles in charge of something important.

He means that men and women are not the same or equal. Women are different and inferior to men, and once you accept that you start to appreciate them. If you keep expecting human behavior from a dog, you'll be always disappointed. If you keep expecting women acting like men with vaginas you'll always be disappointed.
Accept reality and love women for what they are.


based incel

If most dogs preemptively hated you for what you both couldn't/could control, would you not have disdain for dogs? Lol

So stick to homosex or celibacy and stop wasting threads on it.