Plan on being a leech as long as possible and killing myself before I enter the workforce because I would rather be...

>Plan on being a leech as long as possible and killing myself before I enter the workforce because I would rather be dead than be a wageslave and contribute to this boring system that perpetuates tastelessness and brainlessness and be around tasteless brainless people
Literature that expresses this feeling?

Attached: 1545355595131.jpg (744x687, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

idk... sade?


my diary desu

Bump for interest.

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yang gang

yang is trash. libertarianism is retarded.

This is basically my plan too, unless I come to religion before I graduate college.

my friend also wants some recs

>being a pathetic worm not doing anything to change this grim reality

Hell I have a full time job and the only way I could live on my own is if I lived in the ghetto. Life sucks.

Attached: pull it.jpg (780x438, 47K)

You cant change it by yourself user. And reality has always been shit.

2nd for sade


Wow deep man...

But you're brainless and tasteless yourself. The system is worth hating but you're all turned around.


I too follow this path.


>implying your superficial changes in your mindset and deeds effectively affect the world around you.
Your naive is showing. It is grand and intoxicating.

Your diary desu.

yang isn't a libertarian even though UBI was originally a right-libertarian concept

Yes he is. The UBI he is proposing will dismantle the welfare state, will inflate prices (he thinks the free market will handle this, he is a naive libertarian), will give tech giants more power while the rest are given a measly 1000 dollars to survive when they are laid off.

>It has never been done before
You're just trying to cope. Also, I can't do it alone

Close; It was a Chicago School of Economics idea which is closer to neocon it I’m not wrong

there really isn't any way to change it, unfortunately

Based Dracula poster

>there isn't any way to influence people

The boundaries are set. Change happends inside these boundaries. Once you are dissatisfied with this limitation, suicide becomes an option.

What a way to repay for parents for all their suffering to bring you into the world. You have no idea how much your mother loves you, or wants to love you



>What a way to repay for parents for all their suffering to bring you into the world
They're responsible for their own suffering, they're cunts who subjected me to life