
From what i should start reading to get into libertarianism and what it is about? i have also a few questions if anyone can answer them ples help retard out

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Ayn Rand

Thanks, will start reading it

It's about being able to sleep at night despite knowing deep down that you're a vampire that would not be allowed to exist in a Just society. If you're not a soulless profiteering capitalist paedophile you don't need to read anything about libertarianism. If you are, just buy Ayn Rand's book and read the Wikipedia summary.

She has several. Buy an Atlas figurine like on the cover of Atlas Shrugged too while you're at it.

Im insomniac okay? i try my fucking best

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You're just nocturnal.

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It’s anarchism

Ayn Rand is nothing but a damn liberal. A rightwing free market liberal

Then what should i read to understand libertarianism?

A crash course sampling of some of the originals is good.

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Ignore all the retards itt. Libertarianism as a philosophy holds liberty (as the name suggests) to be the ultimate human value. In political terms, that translates into extreme skepticism of any forms of centralized government, since the function of those almost always involves a reduction in civic liberty, for (supposed) increase in other areas (most commonly - safety).
If you only want a precursory read to libertarianism I'd recommend Milton Friedman's "Free to choose", if you want to dive deep you should unironically start with the greeks, I can make a chart but I'm not sure you'd need it.

Another liberal
Liberals only concern is the freedom of capital, which will always lead to the slavery of humans

Libertarianism is an individual's belief that they are the only one who would think to exploit loopholes.

>The ethics of Liberty
>Egalitarianism as a revolt against Nature
>Anatomy of the State
>A theory of socialism and capitalism
>The Law
>The Austrian School : Market Order and Entrepreneurial Creativity
>Cogitations from Albert Jay Nock
>Liberty or Equality : The challenge of our time

and do not read Ayn Rand except for recreationnal purposes

>Milton Friedman
>Ludwig von Mises
Then to remove dogmatism read Keynes;
and finely read Marx and Frankfurt school.

Nearly all people who call themselves libertarian are libera,l butterbitch. They just want corporations to have more ammo to fuck over other people.

Skip smith and rand desu

>read Adam Smith
>become a communist
>skip the rest

id says kip the first 2 too desu.
read at least 1 book from each of the big 3, then realize that economics is not a science and it is deeply politicized, read literally anyone who is not a libertarian and stop being one.

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you fuckers should live in a 3d world country with a shitty oversized goverment, then you'll all become libertarians. fucking pissheads dont know shit about econometrics and dare to fucking speak. based retards

>Nearly all people who call themselves libertarian
Are idiot Americans
>They just want corporations to have more ammo to fuck over other people.
That is a liberal. People in the so-called Libertarian party are rightwing LIBERALS
Write it down

Disinformation graph. Liberals, now called classical liberals, and the moderns now called neoclassical liberals.
You misappropriate the word.


no but seriously read it it's a great book

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>take away the power from the government and give it to corporations, surely they'll treat us better

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What pleasure do you get from strawmanning arguments?

>not just

Getting rid of governments wont end corporations. It’s not a strawman

>we should take the power of the government (i.e. the power of coercion at gunpoint) and give it to corporations
t. no libertarian ever

No actual libertarian, no. Because they’re socialists.
The fools that want whittle away the government are in fact giving power to corporations. Who in this stage of capitalism pretty much own governments as it is.
The market does not magically break up monopolies

>The market does not magically break up monopolies

>Magic is real!

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>corporations are the bad guys, we need the good guys in the government to restrain them

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>implying the government or corporations are good
user I...

>The market does not magically break up monopolies
But unlike the current system it does not protect them either.

Today corporation control the world by buying up the governments. You're just making it easier for them by removing the middleman.

>Implying I haven’t told you a million times that I’m an anarchist

It liberates the rich and the powerful to do as they please. You would get little more than a literal Blade Runner like dystopia.

>I rather have several companies fucking me over than just one
Companies/governments are the cancer of the world
One hating capitalism doesn't mean he is a commie

Start with the Talmud.

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