>hey user you should read pic related its really good!
how did this trash become mainstream
>hey user you should read pic related its really good!
how did this trash become mainstream
Mainstream is mostly trash didn't you know user?
My boomer mother owns 2 books in this picture. How do I get her to stop buying this sh*t?
Because self-help books having swears in the title makes normies think they’re to the point and cool
buy her “stop doing that sh*t”
you have to f*ck her (literally) and then tell her to stop buying them
How did the self improvement genre go from the relatively straight-edge "Think and Grow Rich" which preached hard work and due diligence to DUDE JUST DON'T GIVE A F*CK LMAO
Ironically Think and Grow Rich spends a lot of time talking about "drifters" or people who live on autopilot and don't think for themselves, and that's exactly what these modern "self help" books are preaching, just don't care about anything lmfao
nothing is sacred
if classic lit isn't her thing, fuck off. Why do you care what someone else reads?
>Why do you care what someone else reads?
People had to cure their hard work Occupational burnout with I don't give a fuck books to cure their anxiety. It's like an economic cycle
>cusswords in the title or marketing
You probably come off as an anxious person to them, and they're trying to help you.
>"Think and Grow Rich"
worth a read?
block r*ddit on her computer
Marketing is all about appealing to the lowest common denominator to make as much money as possible.
>find your f*cking happy
what does this even remotely mean?
>the subtle art of not giving a f*ck
>censors fuck
>why does the collective mental and physical well-being of society mater to you, pal?
>Just mind your own biz
>The Subtle Art of F*coming My Ass
I'm gay
I work at a chain bookstore. 95% of what we sell its mostly garbage.
That's Epicureanism 101, I for one am glad the self-help genre is finally returning to its hellenistic roots.
zen as f*ck is her best seller 700 5 star ratings on amazon
It appears self-help books basically just preach the already prevalent ethos and then tell the reader that its actually also the way to success and happiness.
>think and grow rich
didn't work, mate
>just say f*ck it
brilliant, surely this will work
I've actually read it out of curiosity and it's beyond trash, it's really a guy saying "just don't give a fuck" mixed with some dubious stories of personal grandeur.
People who paid for this are just imbeciles.
Since we're in topic, what do you think of Outliers? I'm reading it right now after slobbing through Mark Manson's book and it seems way more honest "self help" book.
boomer detected
>boomer mother
so are you like 12 or something?
or did you mean baby boomer?
if so, are you 40 or something?
These book sell because they tell boomer women exactly what they want to hear, it reinforces and justifies their already existing identity. The boomer women who read this already don't really give much of a fuck in general, and who can blame them, society raised them this way.
The difference to lazy neets, the group of people perhaps most clearly associated with not-giving-a-fuck, is that these boomer women need someone higher-up the chain, some form of authority figure to tell them that 'not giving a fuck' is not just completely alright, but genuinely desirable. They literally can't just not give a fuck without the explicit permission of some media authority.
It´s just a coping mechanism for being cog in malfunctioning machine. Do what you are ordered to do, don´t think about what you are doing and you´ll have the best chance of success.
it's a meme you dip
i wouldn't understand, i'm not a zoomer.
not a bad read, in fact, it was my prerequisite to philosophy. These incel faggots are just elitists that think they have better taste than everybody else
lol, nice
Who is this author? How do we know they're the authority on this?
who gives a f*ck
I hate this trend so f*cking much
Dr Seuss is pretty based tho.
not a boomer theres a difference between due diligence and thinking hard work is a panacea that cures all
The consistent censorship of the swears in these titles is some egregious cowardice. They preach boldness but are terrified of their own vulgarity.
If they really didn't give a fuck, they wouldn't have bothered to censor the word.
It's not about not giving a fuck about anything. It's about not caring about inconsequential things and things that don't really make you happy/fulfilled, i.e. money
wow this is the biggest poorfag cope of all time
I fucking hate normalfags.
They wouldn’t be publishable with the swears on the cover. Do you really think the author wanted to censor ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’?
Happy is being transformed into a noun by the pleb classes
I read it too and not precisely out of curiosity I'm afraid to say. The book boils down to giving a fuck about the few things that are worth giving a fuck (e.g., personal development, family, friends, etc.) which is stretched out to a book's length. Aside from this, the book is devoid of any substance and it's overpeppered with his personal stories. I liked reading about C. Bukowski's story though.
>it was my prerequisite to philosophy.
What kind of Gen X faggot philosophy professor do you have?
but they certainly didn't give the title a fuck because there's no fuck on the cover
>Money doesn't make you happy or fulfilled
No I got it. Never thought about that before, pretty funny.
>self help book
>All the "characters" are gigachads with billions of dollars
>They act relaxed as fuck
>Secondary characters (self inserts) meet them at random and get coached by them
>Lmao dude just git gud
>Just become excellent
>just relax
>I am a billionaire but money doesn't matter
Why are they always like this?
Blame boomers and gen x yuppies for this.
having a billionaire friend would be so cool
>Do you really think the author wanted to censor ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’?
Yes. I suspect even if publishing wasn't an issue, it would still sell less with uncensored swearing. "F*ck" appeals to a special kind of moron who thinks swearing without swearing is some sort of magical Taoist wisdom or shit.
My general rule is to not read books by anyone who is still breathing