Why do people shit on harry potter so much?

Why do people shit on harry potter so much?
What are actual arguments against it?

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Check the authors twitter

It's the only book we can remember reading

we hate him cause we aint him

atheist plebeian power fantasy

Basedus and redpillius

Its a children's book and it isn't treated as such, that's the problem, every person that has read and enjoyed harry potter while being older than 13 is an insufferable cunt

It's very popular and not very good. I think shitting on it is a waste of time. The only reason Bloom has done so is that journalists have asked him about it.

This, plus it tends to result in a lot of people refusing to read anything else. A relative of mine describes herself as an avid reader yet these are the only books I've ever known her to finish. She's read each of them well in to double digits and she's almost 30. She was recently given an audible.com subscription through work and she exclusively uses it to listen to Harry Potter. I've recommended stuff to her that she's started and barely got in to. She claimed that the language in The Hobbit was 'to old' for anybody to possibly understand it. She claims that the Potter books are the best books ever written.

The sad part is that she is not unique. The majority of people who I know who say that they love reading fit this description, albeit to a lesser extent. Potter books seldom encourage anybody to read anything more than another Potter book. That's why people hate them, because they aren't a gateway to other literature, they are a bolted door. Despite all the petty arguing here, most of us just love books, so therefore we hate something like Potter as perversely it prevents people from reading. Also, fans of it claim it is superior to any other literature despite having never read it, and that is just annoying.

>omg guys Trump is LITERALLY Voldemort

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Not an argument.

To be frank, that problem isn't HP itself but that vapid people scrap the bare minimum of anything of interest,i.e. literature, just to obtain their validation token from their peers and stay there for attention instead of actually furthering on the subject. If it wasn't HP, it would just be something else

Because it's for faggots

The seventh book in general is trash as well

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>epic screencap about a children's book crying about evil libruhls
Reddit really did a number on this board

You say as if people should put thought to respond these daily HP apologist threads. Just look at the replies in this thread. Are you new?


Lol, terrified are the ones that worship Harry Potter. Looks like that screencap struck a chord

>peter pettigrew wasn't discovered through the map
>james and lily could of been their own secret keepers instead of relying on another guy
>portkeys are objects that after transport people become unmagical, they also take a while to work
>in goblet of fire the portkey not only instantly transport hary and drigory but do it twice

Women are weird like that. Growing up my sister would watch the same movies over and over again til like 12. Didn’t have play dates, didn’t need any other entertainment. Then she randomly became a popular instathot who gets recognized on the other side of the country.

why didn't voldemort force every death eater to do the unbrakable vow to serve him

It's magic

The Lord of darkness believe in free will and that kind of pressure doesn't make for a healthy work environment. Also, he is pansexual

They're books for kids... and to that extent, they're good. Reviewing them through the same lense as you would grown up novels makes you a dumby head.

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It's too popular so its "cool" to dislike it

It's just contrarianism

It’s hype is not proportional to it’s actual quality. That alone is enough to get people to hate it.

That, and the fanbase is terrible, consisting of people who never moved on to other types of literature.

Mainly because it spawned one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Adults playing with dolls are cringeworthy at best, and unsettling at worst.
Same thing with Harry Potter - it's a book written for children. With a childish story and writing style.

See pic. How could anyone construe Harry Potter as anti-gun? In the 5th book Umbridge, who has already infiltrated government, is sent to Hogwarts to oversee the teaching. During this she disallows practical training in Defence against the Dark arts, in order to suppress any rebellion against Voldemort. Harry, having encountered the resurrected Voldemort previously, forms a secret militia call Dumbledore’s army to train students in combat.
Umbridge and Slytherins member form a police force to enforce more authoritarian rules and eventually capture Dumbledore’s army. Furthermore, these Slytherin members still be trained by Umbridge in private, so only those loyal to Voldemort are still “armed”.
In short, Harry forms a militia to fight a corrupted part of government, yet liberals will somehow use dumb fuck potter slogans at protests. Unless the film ended by refusing Voldemort to enter Hogwarts as it was an anti-gun zone, I don’t understand how they arrived at this conclusion.

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Hi darling creeper. Get off Yea Forums it sucks

Not to mention the constant slew of fanfics the internet provides and the annoying ass author which only discourages these people from moving forward

The fanbase makes people hate the books.

My uncle in Pakistan used a copy of the philosopher's stone to throw at a pro Taliban rally samosa salesperson
I guess that's an argument for it though

pretty insightful screencap desu

yeah that totally happened.
why are diaspora kids so retarded, i mean "pro Taliban rally samosa salesperson" seriously

>Potter books seldom encourage anybody to read anything more than another Potter book
This isn't true, at least in my experience. I loved these books as a kid, even read them twice. I kept expanding my horizons after I was done with them, although I had read many books before I got to Potter. I don't see where you're coming from with this assertion. What about these books specifically causes closed-mindedness toward other literature?
That being said: if I see a girl who is over the age of 20 with HP paraphernalia of any kind, I run in the other direction.

I don't shit on HP, I think about it as the Ed Sheeran of books, I just don't care, and it sounds boring, even if I don't even know how it sounds like and there's tons of people listening to him, because there many many music out there I prefer to discover.

It's the fandom that refuses to die, along with the author who will stoop to any low in order to remain relevant.


I thought the time turner was stupid too

it's a childrne's book but it's actually well written.

compare that to dan brown's books which are godaawful

>obviously designed to appeal to kids (wouldnt it be great if you got swept off to wizard school away from your mean parents?)
>really shallow villain motive; they all live in an ethnostate and have magical powers by blood and basically nothing can change that; dumbledore's army of "anti-racists" just want the right to go charm a dumb muggle girl who will never leave them
>quidditch is fucking dumb

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I always wondered how playing quidditch wouldnt destroy their balls

Lol never get tired of this

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poorly written, plenty of plot holes, nothing is really explained as to why anyone is doing anything, magic is inconsistent and doesnt have any consistent bounds, and it lays out this grand world and does nothing with it.
The movies where alright but everything to do with the books is utter garbage and is only seen by people actually are and are mentally 5th graders as some higher work.
Really the same kind of issues that Star Wars has.

That's great. I don't know specifically what stops people from reading beyond the Potter books, just in my experience everyone I know who loves them never seems to read anything else. I'm glad that's not the case with everybody

The books are good, better than most shit written this generation which is sad thing to say since they're not THAT good. It's a good read for when you want to relax, it appeals to the same need for a self-insert scape fantasy that isekai anime does.

However it was the first in what I like to call the "I am more fan than you" syndrome, it basically goes like this:

>Something exist
>It's good
>People like it because it's good
>It becomes a franchise and grows in popularity
>It somehow manages to more or less keep a consistent level of quality
>As more fans spawn the older fans feel like they're getting drowned and becoming irrelevant
>Now people start saying that something is their favorite something
>Hey, do you like X?
>Yeah, it's my favorite and I love it
>I love it too, I've seen it all twice
>Eventually people invest so much energy on that something that they become unable to accept criticism

And that's when you get to annoyance, it becomes impossible to discuss that which is too popular because fans will never accept that it's not as good as they pretend it is. Look at capeshit movies, a couple good ones came out and caused a burst in popularity and now everyone and they're mother is team ironman or team cap and the entire world pretended for an entire year that Black Panther was a good movie and it even got nominated for a fucking Oscar.

And there's also Naruto, The Walking Dead, etc. People is too eager to become a fan of something and they're waiting for the next big thing to come out of Disney, Nintendo or Shounen Jump and it all started with Harry Potter.

Also J.K. Rowling is an unlikeable cunt who is ruining her own series and everyone should pretend she's dead.


I honestly don't care if people want to just read Harry Potter, who are they hurting exactly. They'd probably just read nothing if they didnt have those books.

You know, I've never actually thought of it like that before. You might have a point

I would rather that they read nothing.

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The whole Harry Potter series is Jewish pedophile propaganda aimed at Christian children. All of the Harry Potter books should be burned in a great fire. The flames will dance up to the heavens and expell of the demons that live inside the books. Find them and burn them. Go to your local library and bookstore take the books and Clean them from the demons in a fire. Listen to the voices they know about it.

It´s kind of sad reading this,

it gives me the feeling that there was an kind of potential. There were all the parts there
not for an especially good ending but for an at least thematic conclusive ending.

Especially the wandlore technicallity part.

I mean how do even get to the point where you deny even the own themes you wrote about?

It doesn't explore morally complex themes.

It uses the names of real demons and demonic incantations. Don't read it.

Theres only one reasonable critique for harry potter that doesnt make you sound like a paeud.
Guess what that reason is

All of these?

See pic related

Absurdly based post.

The idea that reading trash is better than reading nothing is such Hufflepuff bullshit.

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Why? Not trying to argue, just can't make my mind up

Here's my argument: the book is bad.

No, it stunts people's tastes. It's contrarian to say that hating it is contrarian, but you already knew that.

It's a childrens book. Made for children. It's like giving intellectual critique against Peppa the Pig like it was meant for intellectual adults.

It has an extremely basic Good versus Evil story (which is not a bad thing, since its a children's book) but tumblrites and other retards take it so seriously as if it was a masterpiece and make fools out of themselves when they think they are smart by comparing [thing they dislike] to voldemort or some shit as if it was a burn of the century when all they are saying is "you are the bad guy"

Although it does have a cool Nationalistic argument that every r*dditor glosses over because it doesn't fit with their anti-white rhetoric

>Bloom thought Harry Potter would prime people to read Stephen King
>Harry Potter actually primes people to read Harry Potter

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>Rowling wrote agitprop guys, I swear!

Holy fuck, this is actually real.


To be fair if the series ended up like that it wouldn't be as famous as it is because the liberals that made it so wouldn't be able to relate to it


Books 1-3 are pretty good. After that....

>Voldemort's motive is week
>Nigga only hatches plans around the school year
>Muggle/Wizard dynamic goes from silly to serious to very silly to very serious
>Racial social commentary is flat (see elves)
>Magic system is silly now serious now silly again
>There's a potion for that
>Harry should have died

>Books 1-3 are pretty good.

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The Order of the Phoenix reminded me a lot more of some kind of communist revolutionary cell than anything to do with liberals.


She became an instathot at 12?

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